DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2019-6-63-70
Introduction. The article examines images, motives, allusions tied to Italy in the prose of N. F. Pavlov. Pavlov’s Italian text corresponds to the one of the Lubomudry to whom he was close and to the Italian text of Russian romanticism as a whole. The issue of Pavlov’s Italian text is relevant: his creativity was not studied in this aspect, although his images and motives of Italy is a significant part of the cultural dialogue between Russia and Italy in Russian romanticism. The aim of the research is to reveal the imagological phenomenon of the Italian text in Pavlov’s stories and determine its specificity. Methods of research are comprehensive analysis and intertextual comparisons. Results and discussion. The research shows that Italian text plays an important role in Pavlov’s prose. As well as in the writings of Lubomudry, it is significant at the implicit level of motives and allusions. According to the tradition of German and Russian romanticism, Italy is tied to the art, beauty, and spiritual life. It is a part of the mythologeme of the beautiful South opposite to the North. The image of Ancient Rome as a symbol of strength and power is important. However, these connotations exist in the prosaic reality of high society; thus, Italy embodies lost values and ideals. Texts realize this viewpoint through Italian musical terms, proper names, allusions to Italian art combined satirically with the unspiritual reality. The use of “Italian” allusions through a foreign “author-mediator” is interesting. Some plot features point to a possible typological connection with the poetics of the Renaissance Italian novella. Thus, Pavlov’s Italian text is a particular semantic phenomenon close to the Italian text of the Lubomudry; it is tied to the philosophical issues, psychological collisions of characters, romantic myth of Italy and its art. However, it has some specific features. Pavlov’s Italian text is a significant part of the cultural dialogue between Russia and Italy. Practical significance. The research material may be used in such university philological courses as “History of the 19th century Russian Literature”, “Imagology”, “Comparative Studies”.
Keywords: Italian text, Russian romanticism, cultural dialogue, allusion, imagology
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Issue: 6, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 63 — 70
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