DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2019-8-71-76
Introduction. Quality management of education in universities is becoming increasingly important. This became particularly relevant in light of the growing competition between universities, including individual areas of training. The implementation of the quality education system is considered on the example of the Department of Television and Management of Tomsk State University of Management Systems and Radio Electronics. The purpose of the article is to conduct a comparative analysis of the results of assessing the quality of educational services among undergraduate students of the Department of Technical Studies, performed in different years. Material and methods. For the analysis, the method of questioning is used, which is the most accessible effective method of collecting information. The questionnaire was developed taking into account the requirements regulated by the regulatory acts of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. Results and discussion. The main advantages and disadvantages of the implementation of master programs in electromagnetic compatibility are presented. A set of measures has been developed to improve the quality of the implementation of master programs. Partial implementation is fullfilled. A re-evaluation of the quality of the implementation of master programs among students and teaching staff of the department was carried out. The results of evaluating the quality of the implementation of master’s programs are compared with the results of the previous assessment among students and teachers. An increase in indicators was revealed after the introduction of a set of measures to improve the quality of the implementation of master programs. Identified the need to increase the number of career guidance activities for applicants entering the magistracy. Presented new recommendations for career guidance activities at the department. Identified the need to improve the logistics of the department. The effectiveness of the organization of research work of undergraduates at the department, which is to attract students to research projects with further employment in a research laboratory. The main achievements of undergraduate students in research activities are presented. Practical significance. The presented system of monitoring the quality of the implementation of master programs allows you to track the level of satisfaction with the educational process in a timely manner. This system is also applicable to undergraduate and specialist programs.
Keywords: higher education, master programs, quality of education, electromagnetic compatibility
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Issue: 8, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 8
Pages: 71 — 76
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