DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2020-1-7-15
Introduction. The problem of improving the quality of education actualizes the issues of assessment and development of the educational conditions in educational organizations in order to ensure the equal educational opportunities for all students. Material and methods. We used the SACERS international scales for studying the educational environment in Moscow schools. Located in eight areas of Moscow 58 structural units of educational complexes (sample) took part in the survey. Results and discussion. Such items as interaction between the parents, the teachers and the administration of the school, the variability of the education programs and extracurricular activities, good conditions for the professional teachers’ development showed the great result. At the same time, there are some confines in providing the necessary conditions for training and development for the students with special educational needs. It was established that schools differ in providing equal educational conditions. The greatest differences are in such components of the educational environment as the organization of extracurricular activities, additional education and the subject environment for various types of activities, the creation of conditions for training and development of the students with special educational needs. Schools with a higher quality index of the educational environment have homogeneous educational conditions that provide relatively equal access to the quality education in comparison with the group of schools with a lower quality index of the educational environment. Conclusion. The quality of the educational environment in Moscow schools achieved in the participants’ interaction in the educational process, the organization of the educational process and the creation of the conditions for the professional development for teachers.
Keywords: quality of education, educational environment, educational conditions, educational environment quality index
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Issue: 1, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 7 — 15
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