DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2021-1-57-64
Introduction. The article presents the study of the semantics of perception, which is observed in the process of describing unreality as an object of sensory experience in the works of V. Pelevin. Language units with perceptual semantics having a functional and aesthetic meaning play an important role in the implementation of formal and semantic aspects of the organization of a literary text. The purpose of the article is to study the linguistic features of the representation of the semantics of unreality in the work of V. Pelevin on the basis of the identified structural and semantic models of the statement and linguistic means of expressing the semantics of perception. Material and methods. The research is carried out using the method of linguistic modeling aimed at identifying the main components of the utterance structure and linguistic and stylistic analysis. The material chosen is a postmodern text that reflects the active processes taking place in the language sys-tem in particular V. Pelevin’s novels «Chapaev and the Void» and «Generation “P”» which relate to the mature period of the writer’s work (the 1990s). Results and discussion. In the course of the research, it was revealed that the semantics of perception is implemented at various levels of the organization of a literary text. In addition to the basic model of the situation of perception at the structural-semantic level of the utterance, there are models that make it possible to actualize unreal objects. In such circumstances, these objects become accessible to the sensory perception of characters. Abstract and concrete nouns and pronouns are more often used to replace the position of an object. Adjectives and participles that act as qualifiers describe various char-acteristics of the perceived. At the level of the formal text organization, the representation of the se-mantics of the unreal caused the complexity of the syntactic structure of the work (the use of various types of comparative sentences, complex sentences, adverbial clauses of place and adverbial clauses of time, etc.). At the stylistic level of the text, the semantics of unreality are implemented by stylistic devices and expressive means which include language units with perception meaning. Conclusion. The study allows us to conclude that the representation of unreality semantics in the work of V. Pelevin is closely related to the image of perceptual processes. A special role is assigned to perception objects with unusual qualitative characteristics which become the subject of language actualization at different levels of the literary text.
Keywords: unreality, perceptual semantics, linguistic modeling, object of perception
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Issue: 1, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 57 — 64
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