DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2021-2-7-16
Introduction. The need for the search of the new strategies of the foreign language teaching in non-linguistic universities defines the researchers’ attention to the use of the Internet-memes as an effective means stimulating the students` interest to language learning. The aim of the article is to present theoretical and practical justification of the possibilities of Internet-memes use for development of non-linguistic university students` motivation to learning the foreign language. Material and methods. The research is based on the analysis of literature on creolized texts use in teaching, organizing the students’ language work with memes, defining the constituents of non-linguistic university students` motivation to English learning. In the result the set of classes facilitating the development of the students` motivation to language learning was designed and the methodical experiment aimed at implementation of the solutions under the consideration was carried out. Internet-memes selected in accordance with teaching content on the discipline are used as the material. Results and discussion. The algorithm of organizing students’ work with memes that includes motivational and perceptional, reproductive and practical, creative and transformational stages is outlined; versatile methodical apparatus of the process implementation is presented. The author notes the aspects of organization of the students’ work with memes as well as its motivational opportunities. The set of English classes oriented on using memes in the developing students’ motivation to language learning is presented. The examples of the exercises organizing the students’ work with a certain meme are given. The article presents criterial and diagnostic apparatus to evaluate students’ motivational level to English learning and the results proving the suggested solutions efficiency. Conclusion. The memes’ variety, free access, relevance to modern tendencies make them a powerful tool motivating students to deep language learning. Systematically organized students’ activity with memes contributes to the development of their foreign language skills.
Keywords: foreign language, non-linguistic university students, Internet-memes, creolized texts, motivation to English learning
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Issue: 2, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 7 — 16
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