DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2021-2-71-77
Introduction. Response of the system of education to the requirements of a professional standard of a teacher is constrained by the difficulties of a transitional period, caused by the lack of fundamentally new organizationalmethodical mechanism of the educational system. The analysis of scientific publications, regulatory documents connected with that problem indicates that the requirements for professional training of teachers are formed in the logic of a lifelong learning. Material and methods. To solve research problems, the methods of theoretical analysis of scientific and didactic domestic and foreign literature on the problem under study, methods of psychological, pedagogical and sociological analysis of the state and the needs for teaching staff, systematization of the process of organizing continuous pedagogical education were used. Results and discussion. On the basis of the revealed regularities and principles of formation of the system of a lifelong learning the model of a lifelong pedagogical learning has been developed and substantiated taking into account modern requirements to professional teacher’s qualifications and organizational and pedagogical conditions of its realization have been defined. The presented system of continuous pedagogical education is developing, which is a synergistic integrity of subsystems of the level of general education, vocational education and post-vocational education. Conclusion. The result of the implementation of the developed system of lifelong pedagogical education is the readiness and ability of a graduate of a pedagogical university to meet modern requirements for the professional qualifications of a teacher. The systemic effect of the realization of that model is the teachers’ need for a lifelong pedagogical learning to solve various levels of professional problems.
Keywords: lifelong pedagogical learning, professional qualifications, professional education, postgraduate education, educational script
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Issue: 2, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 71 — 77
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