DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2021-2-78-87
Introduction. The purpose of the article is proving the expediency of necessity of a qualitative change in the management system of educational organizations, in particular, the possibility of applying the matrix approach, in order to organize effective interaction in the teaching staff. Material and methods. The research materials were the results of the psychological and pedagogical findings of national and foreign scientists (A. V. Afonina, A. A. Bodalev, Ya. L. Kolominsky, V. A. Malikova, A. Kh. Maslow, A. B. Orlova), and the experimental work, which was carried out by employees and students of Master’s program of the Northern (Arctic) Federal University from 2017 to 2019. These data allowed studying the peculiarities and dynamics of the secondary school teachers’ interaction, due to qualitative changes in the management system. Results and discussion. The main goal of the state educational policy is to improve the quality of education, and the organization of effective interaction in the teaching staff is a progressive means for achieving it. However, the phenomenon of synergetic interaction, possessing the potential for qualitative growth of teams, has not been fully studied in the field of education. Moreover, practice shows that modern teachers prefer the creation of personal educational spaces. There is an extremely low level of teachers’ group and teamwork at school, and the problem of building effective interaction between pedagogues is one of the key. Responsibility for the functioning and development of productive labor relations lies with the administrative stuff, and there is a lot of regulatory methods for organizing effective interaction. Professional educational activity is based on the main principles of harmonious management in any industry. There are four the most important management functions. They are planning, organization, motivation and control. The criteria for effective interaction, according to the research of A. V. Afonina, are mutual cognition, mutual understanding, relationships, mutually defined actions and mutual influence. Using the data of these equal organizational units in the managerial structure on a parity basis (a matrix approach) is an effective way for organizing of teachers’ effective interaction. This idea was proved by the results of the experiment, which had been conducted in one of the Arkhangelsk secondary schools. Conclusion. Matrix-structured management has a positive potential for building and implementing of teachers’ effective interaction. Moreover, in conformity with the educational environment, it is an innovatively oriented organizational management system.
Keywords: interaction, effective interaction, professional pedagogical interaction, effective interaction criteria, educational management, matrix management
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Issue: 2, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 78 — 87
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