DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2021-3-164-173
Introduction. This information review presents papers presented on November 14, 2020 at Tomsk State Pedagogical University at the VI International Scientific Conference «Problems of Transformation and Functioning of Cultural Models in Russian Literature». It was dedicated to the 120th anniversary of N. R. Erdmann. John Friedman and Ekaterina Shevchenko, the authors of the first monographs on Erdmann, were among the speakers at the second conference held at TSPU. Drama researchers Valentina Golovchiner, Oksana Yurchenkova (Rusanova), Olga Strashkova, Elena Penskaya, Larisa Tyutelova, Irina Bagration-Mukhranneli, Oksana Kravchenko, Elena Kirichuk, and art historians and theater scholars Konstantin Uchitel, Martina Palusheva, Anna Kovalova, Vanhong Bao, Liang Weiqi, and others. Objective: to outline the directions of contemporary studies of the Erdmann’s work by; to see the scale of scientific contacts, to unite like-minded people from different countries, to acquaint specialists and everyone interested in researching Erdmann’s work with the contents of the conference participants’ reports. Material and methods. The article is based on a complex approach including biographical, cultural-historical, comparative-typological, historical-literary, historical-functional methods. Results and discussion. The main points of the reports were briefly presented, the topical aspects of Erdmann’s work were pointed out, the range of works of literature and theater discussed in the context of his work was outlined, and an idea of translations and productions of Erdmann’s plays in European countries was formed. Conclusion. The material from the review of the conference reports can be used in scientific research, educational and cultural-educational activities in order to broaden the idea of Erdman’s personality and creativity, the scope of his talent, his contribution to Russian and world playwrights.
Keywords: Erdmann, plays, Shakespeare’s and Gogol’s traditions, avant-garde, poetics, comic, context, reception
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Issue: 3, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 164 — 173
Downloads: 621