DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2021-5-98-104
Introduction. The problem of professional choice in a situation of uncertainty raises the importance of scientific understanding and finding practical solutions to support school graduates in the process of professional self-determination. This is particularly an issue for rural school graduates. The problem was addressed in domestic and foreign Pedagogy and Psychology at different times in history. The attitude towards the problem of professional choice is changing. Whereas it was more often considered in the context of professional self-determination, it is now the subject of independent research. The purpose of the article is to reveal the features of the professional choice by rural school students in the changing ideas about the essence of professional choice as a psychological and pedagogical problem. Material and methods. The empirical base of the study is represented by 15–18 years old school students and the middle-aged population of rural settlements in the north and south of the Tyumen region. The survey was attended by 200 people. The content of the questions is aimed at evaluation of the confidence and validity of the professional choice and general awareness in various aspects of the attractiveness of traditional and modern occupations. Basic methods: analysis, synthesis, generalization, questioning. Results and discussion. The authors examine professional choices in different contexts. The first context reflects the needs of society and the state in the professional development of an individual in a knowledge economy. The second context shows the need for a theoretical and methodological justification of the development of the content and scope of the concept of “professional choice”, its factors and mechanisms. The third context characterizes the peculiarities and problems of choosing a profession by rural school students. Conclusion. The results showed that, in general, there is a lack of maturity among school students in choosing a profession and understanding its importance in life values realization. The position of the parents is aimed at supporting children in their independent choice. The professional choice depends on the regional specificities, demand for occupations in a given territory, personal preferences, and the occupational prestige. This work is supported by the Science Leadership School of the Competence development center of the worldclass West Siberian Scientific and educational Center. The research was funded by RFBR and Tyumen Region, project number 413-720011 “Development of a model of professional orientation, self-determination and self-realization of the population of the Tyumen region in the context of the transformation of the socio-economic space”, contract No. 20-413-720011.
Keywords: professional choice, professional self-determination, rural students
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Issue: 5, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 98 — 104
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