DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2022-1-23-32
Introduction. The article presents a concept of the ideographic dictionary of the Russian specialized vocabulary of construction. The relevance of the work is explained by the need for systematization of the construction vocabulary in modern Russian, and the lack of lexicographic sources of ideographic type on construction. The presence in the dictionary of the latest construction nominations that are not fixed in terminology dictionaries and standards determines the novelty of the designed dictionary. The article aims to present the concept of the ideographic dictionary of the specialized vocabulary of construction. Material and methods. The following sources serve as the database for the dictionary: terminological dictionaries, regulatory documents, scientific papers, educational sources, professional internet resources data, commercial catalogues of construction production. The methodology is based on general scientific and linguistic techniques of the descriptive method-aspect, including the technique of definitional analysis, as well as the lexicographic method of language learning. Results and discussion. The dictionary includes not only terms but also non-terminological units functioning in professional discourse, such as pre-terms, terminoids, professionalisms, professional jargon. The presented concept of the ideographic dictionary is structured according to the thematic principle and includes the vocabulary of the subject area “Building Technologies”. The main thematic groups are “Building Materials”, “Processes and Methods of Construction”, “Construction Equipment and Tools”. The dictionary entry contains a heading word, the grammatical characteristic of a specialized nomination, the qualification of a lexeme in the sublanguage of construction, the etymology zone for foreign language units, the definition zone, and the illustrative zone. The work presents examples of dictionary entries representing various types of definitions: generic definitions, generic definitions with elements of encyclopedic information, as well as reference definitions. A distinctive feature of the presented dictionary is the qualification of a specialized unit according to its place in the professional sublanguage (term, pre-term, terminoid, professionalism, professional jargon), as well as the presence in the dictionary of the latest terms of the construction industry. The illustrative area is represented by contexts that reveal the functioning of specialized nominations in modern professional discourse. Conclusion. Thus, the concept of the ideographic dictionary of construction vocabulary represents an educational ideographic dictionary, organized according to the logical-conceptual basis. The dictionary can be useful both for students and teachers of construction educational institutions, specialists in this subject area, and will also find application in the process of teaching linguistic disciplines and in terminographic practice.
Keywords: terminography, terminology, dictionary, construction vocabulary, specialized vocabulary
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Issue: 1, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 23 — 32
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