DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2022-1-43-53
Introduction. Professional identity formation of the future specialist is one of the most relevant topics of the whole range of humanitarian studies. However, to date, there is a limited number of works that directly provide theoretically sound practical recommendations on the features of shaping professional identity. We believe that this process should be accompanied by serious linguistic studies, especially when it comes to the formation of a foreign-language professional identity of a teacher of foreign languages and cultures. Aim and objectives. The purpose of the work is to build the axiological conceptual sphere of the modern pedagogical discursive space and, subsequently, to identify the correlation dependence of linguistic-axiological manipulation and the process of forming the foreign-language professional identity of the future teacher. The main tasks of the study are forming the texts corpus; carrying out of pragmatic and content analysis of selected texts; identifying discursive and axiological components of fragments of pedagogical discourse to adequately construct the axiological sphere of discourse; determining the level of manipulative impact on the addressee by updating the identified elements of the axiological sphere of the studied discursive space; synthesizing the obtained data and determining the features of selfidentification of the teacher’s personality when they perceive value-loaded texts through the corresponding suggestive effect. Material and methods. The study was based on 15 written texts of pedagogical discourse compiled by professionals for English teachers and belonging to a specific structural part of the book – “Introduction”. A comprehensive method of data analysis is used, combining the method of discourse analysis, the method of conceptual analysis, the method of pragmalinguistic analysis, as well as the method of quantitative processing of the obtained data. Results and discussion. In connection with the multidimensional nature of the study, a detailed literary review is given, including the analysis of the topics of the teacher’s professional identity, the linguistic-axiological factor of the identity formation and the linguistic content of productive speech manipulation. A comprehensive pragma-axiological study revealed 5 basic axiological concepts that form the axiological conceptual sphere of the educational discourse under study: DEVELOPMENT, ENJOYMENT, NOVELTY, EFFECTIVENESS, READINESS, verbalization of each of which is a way of productive manipulation of the potential addressee’s consciousness. Manipulation is carried out at the expense of a certain functional range of lexical units-verbalizers of these concepts. The obtained results make it possible to build the axiological conceptual sphere of the considered pedagogical discursive space, as well as to identify the correlation dependence of the functional range of pragma-axiologically charged lexical units-verbalizers with manipulative effect on a potential addressee. Conclusion. Also, for further study of the presented topics, the hypothesis of cultural manipulation is put forward, according to which the axiological pedagogical guidelines available in the Anglo-Saxon tradition determine the model of behavior of teachers belonging to other cultural and ethnic substrates, but studying according to their methodology.
Keywords: professional identity, discourse, axiology, axiological sphere, concept, manipulation, foreign language teaching
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Issue: 1, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 43 — 53
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