DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2022-4-85-95
Introduction. The scientific heritage of the Russian philosopher and culturologist M. M. Bakhtin is a significant and independent object of interpretation in modern humanities. It seems interesting to consider the meanings embedded in the works of the scientist in the aspect of identifying the specifics of their reception on the part of the carriers of a specific national picture of the world. In modern China, there is an expansion of interest in the study of the creative discourse of M. M. Bakhtin, which makes it necessary to try to systematize the accumulated research experience. Aim and objectives. The purpose of the article is to systematize the idea of the key provisions in the interpretation of meanings in the doctrine of symbols and the theory of dialogue by M.M. Bakhtin, contained in the works of Chinese philologists, taking into account the specifics of the national scientific picture of the world and the universal interpretation options that exist in the minds of representatives of the world community. Material and methods. The material of the study was the texts of M.M. Bakhtin as a primary source for the author’s interpretation, as well as scientific sources representing the understanding of the scientific heritage of M. M. Bakhtin in Chinese Humanities. The research methods are textual, comparative analysis, systematization, categorization and generalization of scientific information, introspection. Results and discussion. Generalization of the results of the interpretation of scientific texts by M. M. Bakhtin, available in Chinese humanities today, allows us to identify a certain model of interpretation. It is based on the core of universal meanings that are revealed in the context of the functioning of various and numerous interpretations of Bakhtin’s teachings in modern world science. The category of key universal meanings in the field of interpretation of Bakhtin’s doctrine of signs-symbols includes the interpretation of a sign in relation to the understanding of its meaning in the context of a specific communicative-speech situation. In the theory of dialogue, the majority of world scientists recognize the position of dialogue as a form of deployment of communication of any type, a means of intercultural interaction and the formation of a sense of self-identification. The specifics of understanding the concept of M. M. Bakhtin in Chinese philology consists, first of all, in the desire to combine interpretation options that exist in line with both Western and European science. The core and essence of Bakhtin’s academic thought, according to most researchers from China, is the theory of dialogue, the main goal of which is to emphasize a positive humanistic spirit that upholds individuality and is oriented towards equal participation. Conclusion. The core and essence of Bakhtin’s academic thought, according to most researchers from China, is the theory of dialogue, the main goal of which is to emphasize a positive humanistic spirit that upholds individuality and is oriented towards equal participation. Dialogical thought passes through his linguistic and semiotic thinking. The results of the generalization of the experience of studying the ideas of M. M. Bakhtin by Chinese scientists demonstrate the presence of deep reception in the audience of Chinese philologists in relation to the discourse of the great Russian thinker.
Keywords: scientific heritage of M. M. Bakhtin, the doctrine of signs-symbols, the theory of dialogue, Chinese Bakhtin studies, text
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Issue: 4, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 85 — 95
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