DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2022-4-155-167
Introduction. The purpose of the article is the analysis of training translators and interpreters, as well as entrance tests of the master’s interpreting programs in China. As the result of the comprehensive cooperation between China and the whole world, within the Belt and Road Initiative, the demand for multilingual communication specialists, who can provide translation between Chinese and other languages of the world has become obvious. In this regard, the urgency of training translators as well as interpreters has increased with a new force. Aim and objectives. The article is giving description as well as comparative analysis of entrance tests, training programs and the main language combinations, finding the ways of optimizing the training of translators, interpreters, at the same time improving the relevant educational programs in China. Material and methods. The research material was the scientific works of Russian and Chinese researchers on translation studies and simultaneous interpreting, as well as electronic resources, official documents of the official websites of Chinese universities. The study uses the method of comparative analysis to clearly show the situation of the development of training translators and interpreters in China at the present stage. Results and discussion. In recent years, specialized programs have been developed at master’s level for training translators and interpreters – MTI. Here we are going to talk about the interpreting training programs in Chinese schools, which play an important role in the process of rigorous selection of candidates on the basis of competition. This selection has led to the need for more detailed study of master’s interpreting programs in Chinese universities. This article provides a cross-section of the current situation about training interpreters, overviewing training interpreters in some Chinese leading universities and institutes, giving the description and comparative analysis of entrance tests, training programs and the main language combinations, in which training is implemented. In other words, training translators and interpreters in China at the present stage is characterized by rapid development, not so rich teaching experience, official support and centralized planning of the nation. In this case, the entrance tests of the MTI (Master of Translation and Interpreting) program in Chinese universities are generally divided into two stages: a written exam (ideological and political theory and specialized disciplines), and an oral exam. In this case, Chinese universities check the competencies as well as skills of applicants and decide their specific directions in the specialty after admission to the master’s degree. Conclusion. MTI and BTI programs are rapidly developing at the national level in China. Currently, many universities are training interpreters. In the leading educational institutions of the country, such as Beijing University of Foreign Languages, Shanghai International Studies University, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, etc., perfect training programs have already been formed: undergraduate and graduate students receive professional education in the theory and practice of interpreting. Based on extensive data on the frequency of combinations in master’s programs in interpreting and translation, it can be confirmed that English is a universal language, and the status of the Russian language still needs to be improved.
Keywords: interpreting, education in China, schools of translation and interpreting, master of interpreting, entrance tests, educational programs of interpreting
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Issue: 4, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 155 — 167
Downloads: 628