DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2022-5-58-66
Introduction. The article indicates the relevance of the problem of changes in the process of teachers’ training for intercultural interaction in a region. The authors identified the key tasks, the solution of which will help in the further design of a predictive model for the development of the teacher training system. The aim of the research is to substantiate the stages of designing a predictive model for preparing teachers for intercultural interaction. Material and methods. The leading methods of the current research is the analysis of theoretical literature. The choice of such research approaches as structural and structural-functional make it possible to characterize the process of preparing teachers for intercultural interaction as multicomponent, multilevel and multistage in the context of interaction between the regional education system and the system of higher education in the Russian Federation. Results and discussion. The stages of designing a predictive model for preparing teachers for intercultural interaction are proposed, the essence of the concepts of “training teachers” and “changes in training” is substantiated, strategies for organizing the training of teachers for intercultural interaction are indicated (overcoming the existing linearity, practice orientation and continuity and strategies for advanced learning). Moreover, the authors of the current research analyze the role of the factors that affect the process of teachers’ training for intercultural interaction. Thus, socio-political factors determine a new understanding of the strategy for the development of higher pedagogical education in the context of strengthening ethno-cultural processes (legislation in the field of regional policy development, the position of the state in the field of regulating ethnic processes and the dissemination of ideas for the preservation of ethnic cultures; growth of ethnocultural processes). Regional factors determine the specificity of the region development (the demographic structure of the population, social mobility, dynamically changing requirements of the labor market). Personal factors explain the necessity of correction and the new aims development in higher pedagogical education within the specificity of ethno-cultural diversity (the readiness of teachers for intercultural interaction; pedagogical initiatives, a framework program for teachers’ training to intercultural interaction). Conclusion. Based on the study, it was suggested that the result of the next study should be the development of components of a predictive model for preparing teachers for intercultural interaction.
Keywords: regional education, intercultural interaction, changes in teachers’ training, the strategies of educational process development, comparative researches, predictive model
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Issue: 5, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 58 — 66
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