DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2022-5-67-75
Introduction. The high speed of technological progress requires changes in the traditional model of education towards a model that addresses the challenges of the prologue digital era of the university community transformation. Within the traditional model of education, graduates become labor recruitment outsiders when they enter the labor market due to the existing divide between the real economy and the innovation market. This is largely due to the fact that the existing paradigm of perceiving the educator as a “talking head”, whose main role is to transfer explicit knowledge to students, is becoming flawed in the 21st century. The main added value in the formation of a qualified professional falls on the real economy enterprises. An educator that does not produce new scientific knowledge and is out of touch with the ongoing technological revolution in the real economy becomes a natural barrier to the formation of a qualified professional. The innate digital literacy of Generation Z and their descendants will seamlessly change the educational architecture of the university of the future, transferring the teaching of general Bachelor and Master’s degree courses into the digital educational environment and replacing the traditional teacher with artificial intelligence. Results and discussion. Within the framework of this article, the authors propose a model of the University 4.0 Version 2, focused on shifting the emphasis of interaction between all participants of the educational process towards intra-university formation of a Unique Professional, who is trained by a Researcher – an innovator acting as a frontier of advanced technologies. Within the framework of the declared model, the university becomes the center of the space for introduction of innovations and regional development, a system of new business generation, new markets and high-tech jobs. Conclusion. The departure announced today from the “bachelor–master’s degree” level of education and the “2+2+2”, is of a debatable nature and will undoubtedly be stretched over time. At the same time, the model proposed by the authors can be shifted to a specialty, when a basic specialist is formed in the first three courses, and a unique one is formed in the senior ones.
Keywords: university, model of University 4.0 Version 2, outsider, unique professional, professional with basic education, qualified professional, highly qualified professional
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Issue: 5, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 67 — 75
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