DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2022-5-95-106
Introduction. At present, competition between countries is in the field of technology, and one who has the ability to quickly acquire knowledge and translate it into technology will be able to provide leadership to his country. The share of Russian high technologies in the world market is very small, about one percent. Therefore, the training of next generation engineers needs to be transformed as a priority. Science is the foundation of engineering education. An engineer of the 21st century is an “innovative engineer”, a developer who must have research skills, the ability to obtain and apply scientific information in professional activities. Searching scientometric databases with the greatest efficiency and effectiveness is an important skill for a modern engineer. International databases allow you to get up-to-date scientific knowledge, keep abreast of trends in engineering activities, new ideas, contributing to the creation of unique technologies. Systematic work with Scopus and Web of Science is one of the opportunities for Lifelong learning, development of the general and professional potential of the individual. But numerous surveys show that there are gaps in training future engineers to work with Web of Science and Scopus databases. The aim is to substantiate the effectiveness of project-based learning for the formation of research skills in working with international Scopus and WoS databases among future engineers. Material and methods. Theoretical methods were used in the work – abstraction, analysis, concretization, generalization; empirical methods – participant observation, reflective interview, experiment, study of the products of educational activity. The analysis of scientific research devoted to the ideas of philosophical, pedagogical and psychological science, which determine the effectiveness of project-based learning for the formation of research skills for working with international databases in future engineers, has been carried out. The methodological basis of the study was an activity-based, person-oriented approach, a theoretical analysis of scientific literature, and a generalization of the results of the study. Results and discussion. The results of approbation of project training for future engineers of Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics for the formation of research skills in working with international databases within the framework of the discipline “Fundamentals of project activities” are presented. Conclusion. The project method for training future engineers contributes to the formation of research skills in working with international databases.
Keywords: Scopus, Web of Science, project-based learning, future engineers, research skills
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Issue: 5, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 95 — 106
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