Formation of schoolchildren’s ethnocultural identity on the material of the south Russian folk costume
DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2023-2-60-69
On the basis of the works of domestic philosophers, sociologists, teachers, culturologists, the concept of «ethnocultural identity» is considered and the relevance of the study is substantiated. Experimental work on the formation of the ethno-cultural identity of students was carried out on the material of the South Russian folk costume. Due to its brightness, symbolism, constructive simplicity, the South Russian folk costume is accessible and understandable for younger schoolchildren and can be used in the practice of a modern school, since the skill of creating and decorating a costume was transferred from older younger members of the family in the process of direct contact in the form of joint activity. The conducted ascertaining experiment showed that if students have a certain civic position and moral feelings, their ethno-cultural identity, as a quality of personality, is at an insufficiently high level of formation. At the formative stage of the study, the experimental group conducted classes that were aimed at the formation of ethno-cultural identity among students of primary school age under the program of extracurricular activities “I live in Russia”. In the control group, educational and extracurricular activities were carried out in accordance with the curriculum and the plan of educational work. The implementation of the program of extracurricular activities “I live in Russia” is based on a system-activity approach, which involves social and pedagogical support for the process of formation and development of a highly moral, responsible, creative, initiative, competent citizen of Russia; transition to a strategy of social design and construction based on the development of the content and technologies of education that determine the ways and means of achieving the socially desired level of personal and cognitive development of students, taking into account their age, psychological and physiological characteristics. An important function of traditional art is that it is a unique way of conveying the universal and individual human experience. The South Russian folk costume gives students a unique opportunity to join the experience of previous generations, analyze, participate in the creation of a material result, come to an understanding of the beauty and originality of the costumes of different peoples living in Russia. As a result of the successful use of the material of the South Russian folk costume, interest is developing in the study of the history of the country, region, native city; the amount of work in the classroom gradually increases as a result of increased attention and good performance; the desire to learn new things increases, children are waiting for creative tasks, they themselves take the initiative in their search, help each other by creating collective projects in the classroom. As a result of the study, the indicators of the formation of ethnocultural identity in the experimental group increased in comparison with the results of the ascertaining stage of the study. This was facilitated by conducting classes with students on the extracurricular activity course “I live in Russia” introduced into the educational process of elementary school, built on the material of the South Russian folk costume.
Keywords: additional education, personality, primary school age, student, basic general education, traditional culture, ethno-cultural identity, South Russian folk costume
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Issue: 2, 2023
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 60 — 69
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