Organizing assistance for students’ professional self-determination by means of realizing the program of additional education
DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2023-2-95-100
The article raises a problem concerning young people’s low employment caused by insufficient career guidance and professional self-determination for individual career building, it concerns in particular young people getting professional education. In connection with it, what seems necessary is implementing mechanisms of assisting professional selfdetermination, career building and employment that are currently important for modern young people. The aim of the article is designing, applying and analyzing the results of an additional general developmental program in career building and preparation for going to the employment market of students who have difficulties in professional self-determination and have an unclear idea of their career trajectory. Theoretical analysis of the terms “youth” and “young students”; questioning Tomsk State Pedagogical University senior students (years of 2020–2022), singling out the target group, i.e. those students who have difficulties, designing and applying the program. There presented the main content idea and specific peculiarities of the general enriching program for additional education “Basics of effective employment in education”. Implementing the comparative analysis of initial and final questionnaires of students with difficulties (participants of the program), we’ve traced positive dynamics in the parameters “plan employment in education” and “identify themselves with professional pedagogical activities”. The results of monitoring employment of the program participants show that on average 67 % of the participants have got employed due to the completed pedagogical education. It has revealed that applying the additional general enriching program “Basics of effective employment in education” causes students’ motivation towards building their professional pedagogical career, has a positive impact on the formation of professional pedagogical identity and can be used as a mechanism of assisting students’ professional self-determination and employment in the regional educational system.
Keywords: occupation, employment, contribution, young students, program of additional education
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Issue: 2, 2023
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 95 — 100
Downloads: 496