Combinatorial semantic analysis of military collocations in military political discourse
DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2023-3-76-85
The article is devoted to the analysis of the functional features of military collocations in English multi-genre texts of military political discourse. The author substantiates the idea that the functions of military collocations are determined by the functions of military political discourse and the intension of the text. The research novelty of the paper is in defining the functions performed by military collocations in military political discourse. The aim is to define the semantics and functions of military collocations in english military political discourse. The main methods of the research are functional-semantic analysis, contextual interpretation and continuous sampling method. The material of the research was the military collocations extracted from the texts of the press conference, the opening speech and the short statement of the NATO Secretary General J. Stoltenberg published on the NATO website; collocation dictionaries and English descriptive dictionaries. The military collocations in the statements of NATO Secretary General perform manipulative and informative function. Military collocations are considered to be one of the means of representing the opposition «ours» – «others» in the military political discourse. Military collocations perform manipulative function within a particular micro- and macrocontext of the situation, and on the condition that one or both components of the collocation have a negative evaluation semantics. The manipulative effect of military collocations is in distortion of information and false informing of the addressee. Such an effect is aimed at creating circles of «theirs». Military collocations performing informative function are used to denote types of military equipment and weapons, the amount of financing in the development of defense industry of NATO member countries, the scale of military power possessed by European countries that are regarded by NATO as «ours». The informative function of collocations is based on the nominative value of the units forming the collocation. The analysis of the functions of military collocations by the syntagmatic way has been carried out for the first time. The results of the research can be of practical value in compiling dictionaries of military collocations, as well as systematization of collocations according to functional and thematic features.
Keywords: military collocation, military political discourse, informative function, manipulative function, addresser’s intention
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Issue: 3, 2023
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 76 — 85
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