Academic military-educational discourse: towards a description model
DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2023-6-49-57
Тhe article is devoted to the description of the academic military-educational discourse as a speech activity aimed at training officers of the highest command. The academic military-educational discourse, due to the cognitive and communicative focus of the research, is analyzed by the authors based on the model of describing institutional discourse developed by V. I. Karasik. The materials of the study were methodological developments, summaries of classes of the Military Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (VAGSH of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation) from the personal archives of the authors. In the main part of the article, considerable attention is paid to identifying specific features of the academic military-educational discourse, the purpose of which is to acquire new knowledge by officers in the field of operational and strategic levels, as well as training officers of the armed forces of the highest military qualification, specialists in the field of defense and security of the country in the aspect of management practices. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the fact that for the first time the academic military-educational discourse is analyzed, its main discourse-forming characteristics are described. The basis of the allocation of academic military educational discourse within the framework of military educational discourse is the classification of military education adopted in Russia: primary, secondary, higher. It is the specificity of the learning process taking place at different levels of education that has caused the need to separate the academic military-educational discourse into a separate version of the military-educational discourse. As a result of the analysis, the authors of the article identified the purpose, strategies, participants of the discourse, described the chronotope, values and genre organization of the academic military educational discourse. Since academic military-educational discourse, like other types of military-educational discourse, is a polysemiotic education, the authors introduce the parameter “communication code” into the model of describing academic military-educational discourse, which emphasizes the essential role of nonverbal communication code for establishing successful communicative clarity between its participants. In the work, according to the presented model, the features of the academic military-educational discourse, the communicative behavior of its participants, as well as key communicative strategies and its genre organization are characterized. The results of the study will be of interest to specialists working in the field of discourse analysis.
Keywords: military discourse, military educational discourse, V. I. Karasik model, institutional discourse, communication, military education
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Issue: 6, 2023
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 49 — 57
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