Comparative study of actual division of the sentence in Russian and Persian languages
DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2024-1-59-67
This article is devoted to the study of word order rules at the level of actual division of the sentence in Russian and Persian languages. The study and comparison of the communicative structure of Russian and Persian sentences, as well as word order rules at this level of the sentence, is relevant not only in the theoretical aspect, but also in the practical one, including to increase the efficiency of the formation of foreign communicative competence of students studying these languages as foreign ones, and also to improve the quality of translation from Russian into Persian and vice versa. The objectives of our research are to analyze and compare the actual division of a sentence, methods of its expression, as well as to identify the features and word order rules at the level of the communicative structure of a sentence in the languages under study in a comparative aspect. This study shows that there are correspondences and differences in the features and word order rules in the communicative structure of sentences between the languages under study. Both languages in neutral speech have the same patterns in the order of the components of the actual division of a sentence: the theme is always expressed at the beginning or towards the beginning of the sentence, and the rheme follows the theme and stands at the end or towards the end of the sentence. However, in expressively colored speech, each of these languages has its own specific features. This problem is associated with typological differences in the morphological structure of the Persian and Russian languages. Components of a sentence in the Russian language as one inflected language can, depending on the style, speech situation and purpose of the author, move in the sentence. Thus, in expressively colored speech when the author’s purpose changes, the word order in the communicative structure of the sentence also changes, since the movement of thought from the actual information to the initial information is reflected, the rheme is at the beginning of the sentence and the theme is expressed after it, in fact, actual information precedes initial information. In addition, based on the analysis of word order in the Russian language, we can say that the direct and inversion word order is associated with the function that these components of the sentence perform in the theme-rheme relationship. In other words, studying the rules of word order at the level of the actual division of the sentence in the Russian language allows us to identify the features of the syntactic (formal-grammatical) and stylistic structure of the sentence. However, Persian is considered a language with constant word order in a sentence, and there is no inversion word order at the level of the actual division of the sentence. In this language, contrary to the Russian language, initial information (theme) always in both neutral and expressively colored speech is expressed at the beginning of the sentence and the actual information (rheme) always follows it and comes at the end of the sentence.
Keywords: Persian language, Russian language, sentence, actual division, word order, inversion, theme, rheme
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Issue: 1, 2024
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 59 — 67
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