Actual problems of stylistics in modern and historical coverage
DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2024-3-56-64
The relevance of the study is determined by the importance of analyzing the main stages in the development of stylistics as one of the dominant areas of modern speech science. This area reflects a change in the scientific linguistic paradigm and a shift in emphasis from the study of language to the study of speech and speech activity. Although some stages of the development of stylistics have already been covered to one degree or another, it is important to summarize the existing observations and the dynamics of the formation of this field of knowledge as a whole. The purpose of the article is to analyze the problems and brief history of Russian stylistics in modern scientific interpretation, review various stylistic trends developing at different stages of its formation, and identify the prospects of stylistics. The material for the study is the works of famous linguists written in different years, including recent publications. Based on observation, analysis and generalization, the main features of individual stages and trends in stylistics development in Russia were identified, and the prospects for modern stylistic research in line with the new scientific cognitive-discursive paradigm in linguistics were outlined. The article points out stylistics as an important part of speech science and communicative theory of text, which is important for the formation of human speech culture. The dynamics of the development of Russian stylistics in the XX–XXI centuries are presented, the contribution of individual scientists to the formation of its various directions at different stages of stylistic development is characterized. The article notes the connection between stylistics and the theory of discourse and the prospects for the development of this field of knowledge, taking into account the change in scientific paradigms. The future of stylistics is connected with the communicative theory of text and related areas of knowledge in communicative, cognitive, anthropocentric, psycholinguistic, discursive and other scientific areas of modern Russian studies. The tendency towards integration with other fields of knowledge is decisive for modern stylistics, which has a strong theoretical basis, formed on the anthropocentrism and textocentrism of the humanities, and is strong in its scientific schools. The diversity of spheres of communication and speech practices of linguistic personalities of different types, the emergence of new information technologies and communication channels determine new horizons for stylistic research in the 21st century.
Keywords: stylistics of the Russian language, stages of development of stylistics, scientific directions, style, text, discourse
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Issue: 3, 2024
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 56 — 64
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