Olympiad movement in the domestic education system
DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2024-5-25-34
Subject Olympiads in domestic and world pedagogy are a time-tested means of finding and selecting talented and gifted youth. The request of modern society to educate and nurture creative specialists who are able to think nonlinearly in an uncertain context leads to an appeal to the means of creative competitions and olympiads. In the Russian scientific literature, the term “Olympiad movement” is used in various interpretations, which caused the problem of our research. The purpose of the article is to clarify the scientific and terminological apparatus in the modern context of the development of practices for the implementation of Olympiads. We rely on the principles of systemic, activity, axiological and cultural approaches, based on the author’s pedagogical concept of the implementation of subject olympiads. We mainly use theoretical methods – analysis of scientific literature on the topic, generalization, categorization, modeling. The empirical experience we gained while working with Olympiads also served as the basis of the study, the main methods are observation and conversation. As a result of the study, it was proved that the Olympiad movement is a pedagogical system for the implementation of subject Olympiads in various disciplines, which is implemented in schools and universities, its sociocultural functions and components are determined; we built a model of the Olympiad movement in Russia as well. Scientific novelty is manifested in the clarification of the term “Olympiad movement,” along with the construction of a model of this phenomenon in the domestic theory and practice of implementations of intellectual competitions. The theoretical significance lies in the increment of knowledge in pedagogical theory along with the clarification of the term that is used in the domestic tradition. At a practical level, the results of the study can be used by scientists for future research, as well as to clarify the regulatory framework of a legal nature.
Keywords: Olympiad movement, Olympiad, intellectual competitions, academic competitions
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Issue: 5, 2024
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 25 — 34
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