Metaphors “solitude is death” and “solitude is desert” and methods of their translation into Russian in the translation of the novel by G. G. Marquez “One Hundred Years of Solitude”
DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2024-6-46-55
The ways of conveying metaphors of two directions are analyzed: loneliness – death and loneliness – desert. The conducted research made it possible to reveal the main part of the metaphorical layer of the concept of “loneliness” in the original novel and to identify the features of its formation. Consideration of the transformations used in the transfer of metaphorical content made it possible to reveal the features of this concept in the translation version. The purpose of the article is to analyze the ways of conveying the expression of the metaphorical content of the concept of “loneliness” in the Russian translation of the novel by G. G. Marquez “One Hundred Years of Solitude”, performed by M. I. Bylinkina. The novelty is determined by the fact that in the stated aspect the text of the novel was not considered and the results of the analysis will contribute to a comprehensive, complete study of the novel, including in the aspect of translation studies. The material for the analysis is the original text of the novel by G. G. Marquez in Spanish and the text of his translation by M. I. Bylinkina. Metaphors included in the concept of “loneliness” and methods of their translation into Russian are analyzed. The descriptive method and the method of comparative analysis, the method of metaphorical modeling are used. The statistics of the used translation transformations were revealed: contextual replacement – 15, generalization – 13, specification – 5, replacement of parts of speech – 8, replacement of sentence members – 6, replacement of word forms – 4, literal translation – 3 uses. The translator most often uses the technique of contextual substitution, transforming a metaphor or part of it into a lexeme with a different semantics. The technique of generalization contributes to changing the periphery of the concept, expanding its meaning, which leads to semantic blurriness. Frequent use of the technique of concretization (narrowing of meaning) leads to the conclusion that in translation the image of loneliness is expressed to a lesser extent, due to the choice of lexemes with a less negative connotation and others with a narrower meaning. The desert is characterized through a desert of disappointment and oblivion; deserted streets, deserted ruins, a desert of mirages, a desert of loneliness, love, glory. Death – through mourning, desolation, cessation of communication, unbearable loneliness, oblivion, lack of response, immersion in loneliness, abandonment, melancholy, cyclicality and inseparability of death and loneliness, an endless labyrinth of loneliness, widowhood without death, damnation, isolation.
Keywords: conceptual metaphor, literary concept, concept of loneliness, metaphorical means of concept modeling, concept translation
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Issue: 6, 2024
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 46 — 55
Downloads: 112