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# | Article | Downloads | |||||
4001 | . | 969 | |||||
4002 | Petrova V. N. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1998. Issue 4 (7). P. 72-75 . | 969 | |||||
4003 | . | 969 | |||||
4004 | The paper deals with one of the most poorly studied problems of history of the Altai attached village. According to the author's opinion about the problem of the peasants classification, application of the cluster method of k-averages seems to be the most effective one in combination with theoretical direc¬tives of studying tie life of a peasant. | 969 | |||||
4005 | In the paper comparative analysis of forms of the state interfering into economy under the position of the basic economic theories of the 20" Century is presented. A special attention is given to the theory of institutional state regulation. | 969 | |||||
4006 | A combined model where the vertical impurity dis¬persal was calculated by means of a set of differential equations, such as equations of motion, turbulent dif¬fusion and heat conduction, while the horizontal dis¬persal was computed by a Gaussian model was used. The proposed model is complemented with as¬signed semi-empirical dependences for altitude varia¬tions of wind velocity, turbulent exchange coefficient, atmospheric temperature and turbulence statistics. The calculations done allowed us to estimate the pollution level for different meteorological conditions and pollu¬tion sources and provide recommendations as to how to reduce its disastrous effect on the environment. | 969 | |||||
4007 | The article investigates small business development and perspectives in increasing consumer goods market capacity in Tomsk region. The author proposes the mechanism of financially credit and fiscal support of small business in the region. | 969 | |||||
4008 | In article it is described the question of increasing quality engineering education is Considered (Examinned) (item; clause) by means discovered model of the educational process. In (To; At) this model is included(switched on; listed) in addition external(outward; front-end) objective information, algorithm of the transformation to external(outward; front-end) information in(to; at) opened problems(tasks) and technology инновационного designing, which(who) is based on (upon; in; to; for; at; per; for) "Function-стоимостном analysis(test)" and "Theories of the decision of the invention problems(tasks)". Keywords: formation, technology, development, model, invention activity, opened задачные of the system | 969 | |||||
4009 | The article considers the peculiarities of working out of innovation subject esthetic music expressiveness for comprehensive schools. The subject was worked out on the foundation of competent approach. There are general characteristics of the main competences of music expressiveness. The peculiarities of the technology’s organization are described. Keywords: competent approach, esthetic education, emotional expressiveness, individual creative achievements, integration. | 969 | |||||
4010 | The structure of human activity in the logics of subject-object relations makes the unity of materially converting, spiritually cognitive, spiritually valuating, and communicative activities. The content and form of pedagogical process of art activity change owing to specific qualities: emotionality, figurativeness, subjectivity, infectiousness and dialogic character. The subject of pedagogical activity should possess a complex of art-pedagogical qualities inclusive of ability to organize and manage pedagogical process, expressed in making a creative plan of the lesson and in its artistic realization; in ability to improvise; in comprehending his or her own individuality, the subjective nature of creative activity; in dialogic forms of communication; in mastering the reflective mechanism. Keywords: human activity, individual’s socialization, universally creative process, interpenetration of art creativity into pedagogical activity. | 969 | |||||
4011 | Theory of strategic competence is the basis of the new look for the problem of getting over difficulties during mathematics’s training of students for technical university. Geometrical drawing strategy is a systematic appearance as a component of strategic competence and means of getting over difficulties in solution of mathematical problems. Keywords: perception, geometrical-drawing activity, plan, compensation, understanding, strategy | 969 | |||||
4012 | This article is devoted to the study of the period of establishment of ecclesiastical historical science. The general laws and differences of historical compositions (for examples, works by metropolitan Platon (Levshin), metropolitan Eugene (Bolkhovitinov), archimandrite Innokentii (Smirnov), communication with secular historical science and public ideology are revealed. Keywords: ecclesiastical historical science, historiography, the Age of the Enlightenment. | 969 | |||||
4013 | The article introduced the analysis of existing computer aided tools and resources that are used in teaching foreign languages; their didactic capacity is defi ned; advantages and disadvantages are pointed out. Particular features of integration these tools in teaching foreign languages to technical students are described. Keywords: information technologies, information technologies in teaching foreign languages, computer aided tools, foreign language teaching to technical students | 969 | |||||
4014 | The article analyses the experience of teaching workshops as a form of implementation of the master’s education program. Keywords: online community, graduate, teacher training workshops | 969 | |||||
4015 | In the article the authors analysed the axiological profile of the concept oil in language consciousness of inhabitants of Baku based on the material of the analysis of the linguistic experiment results. In comparison with “oil centrism”, inherent in mentality of inhabitants of Strezhevoy (Tomsk region), the Bakiners are not so categorical and perceive oil as a basis of progressive humanistic transformations. Keywords: axiological profile of a concept, regional picture of the world, media concept oil, linguistic experiment | 969 | |||||
4016 | 1. Цапенко И. П. Роль иммиграции в экономике развитых стран. URL: http://www.demoscope.ru/weekly/2005/0207/analit01.php 2. Малахов В. С. Зачем России мультикультурализм? URL: http://www.demoscope.ru/weekly/2004/0151/analit04.php 3. Мигранты: социальная адаптация и конфликты: мат-лы междунар. круглого стола (Ин-т Европы РАН, 27 апр. 2007 г.) / [отв. ред. М. В. Каргалова]. М.: Ин-т Европы РАН: Рус. Сувенир, 2007. 118 с. 4. Малахов В. С. Национальные государства перед лицом культурного плюрализма // Логос: философско-литературный журнал. 2006. № 2 (53). С. 84–93. 5. Иноземцев В. Л. Иммиграция: новая проблема нового столетия. URL: http://www.archipelag.ru/agenda/povestka/povestka-immigration/polemika-antropotok/inozemsev-novata-problema/?Version=forprint 6. Ким В. В. Социальные противоречия в «зеркале» миграции как фактор возникновения фанатизма // Вестн. Томского гос. пед. ун-та (Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin). 2013. Вып. 5 (133). С. 122–128. 7. Уткин А. И. Глобализация: процесс и осмысление. М.: Логос, 2002. 254 с. 8. Нарочницкая Е. А. Национальный фактор в эпоху глобализации. URL: http://www.perspectivy.info/srez/etnos/nacionalnyj_faktor_v_epohu_globalizacii_chast_1_diskussii_o_budushhem_nacij_i_globalizacii_nekotoryje_metodologicheskije_voprosy_2010-01-05.htm 9. Гринин Л. Е. Глобализация и национальный суверенитет // История и современность. 2005. № 13. С. 6–31. 10. Лопухина Т. В. Европейский дом: добро пожаловать – вход закрыт. URL: http://www.archipelag.ru/agenda/povestka/povestka-immigration/europa-dis/europa_dom/ 11. Молодикова И. Н. Без иммиграции Европе не обойтись. URL: http://www.polit.ru/article/2006/04/28/demoscope243/ 12. Молодикова И. Н. Основные этапы и методы управления трудовой миграцией в западноевропейских странах. URL: http://www.demoscope.ru/center/fmcenter/tr_mol.html 13. Захаров С. В., Сурков С. В. Миграция и рождаемость. URL: http://www.perspectivy.info/print.php?ID=43570 14. Понамарева А. М. Мусульмане Европы: прогрессирующий фактор страха // Индекс безопасности. 2007. № 3. С. 61–79. 15. Лебедева Н. М. Теоретические подходы к исследованию взаимных установок и стратегий межкультурного взаимодействия мигрантов и населения России. URL: http://www.hse.ru/data/2010/03/27/1217654121/Lebedeva_PerspAnalyzeAttit&InteractStrat.pdf 16. Щербакова Е. М. Международная миграция: тенденции и перспективы. URL: http://www.perspektivy.info/srez/val/mezhdunarodnaja_migracija_tendencii_i_perspektivy_2009-12-04.htm 17. Цапенко И. П. Движущие силы международной миграции населения. URL: http://demoscope.ru/weekly/2008/0315/analit02.php 18. Варюхина Н. Н. Управление иммиграционными процессами в Европейском союзе: опыт Германии. URL: http://www.mgimo.ru/fi leserver/books/rami4konvent/t9-varyukhina.pdf 19. Глухова А. В. Социокультурный конфликт как фактор современного политического процесса // Логос. 2005. № 4 (49). С. 201–215. 20. Наумкин В. В. Мусульманская диаспора на Западе: дифференциация, конвергенция, гибридизация? URL: http://www.perspectivy.info/print.php?ID=86098 21. Кондратьева Т. С. Диаспоры в современном мире: эволюция явления и понятия. URL: http://www.perspectivy.info/print.php?ID=48886 Keywords: the historiography of our country, Western Europe, modern immigration processes, globalization | 969 | |||||
4017 | In the article there are analysed two allied cultures of the II millennium B. C. The attention is paid to the qualities of “the action” and “the statics” in the ornamental design of these cultures. These qualities determined the measure of the similarity and of the distinction between researching archaeological cultures. The basic method in this research is the method of symmetrometria. Keywords: Alakul culture, Fyodorovo culture, ornamental design, “the action”, “the statics”, symmetrometria, chronology, territory | 969 | |||||
4018 | The article involves analysis of sky categorization based on the dialect material of the Selkup language. The paper considers the role of the sky in the worldview of the Selkup ethnic group, relevant sky, sun and rainbow characteristics. Keywords: the Selkup language, language worldview, categorization, conceptual feature, sky, sun, rainbow | 969 | |||||
4019 | The article deals with the formation of communicative competence of students in the course of teaching them to foreign written speech for professional purposes. The authors consider the communicative and active approach to be the most efficient one in teaching foreign written speech for special and professional purposes. Keywords: teaching, foreign language, communicative competence, written speech, communicative and active approach | 969 | |||||
4020 | Studying of the short story “The Lady with the Dog” demonstrates an indissoluble correspondence between its artistic structure and ontologic views of A. P. Checkov in his last years of writing when he treated a person’s life like an element of a global natural life. The article deals with artistic and conceptual transformation of the short story in a German translation by Aleksandr Eliasberg. Keywords: A. P. Checkov, short story, “The Lady with the Dog”, text structure, motive, translation, A. Eliasberg | 969 | |||||
4021 | The article examines the process of birth of Shakespeare's tradition in the Russian dramaturgy and its influence on the principles of plotcomposing and genreforming of the Russian tragedy. For the first time, A. P. Sumarokov, the founder of the Russian dramatic art system, appeals to Shakespear and lays the foundation of the tradition to orient the Russian historic drama art to the Shakesperian theatre. Historical substratum of his tragedy “The Pretender Dimitri”, the formation of artistic principles of historicism, structural interpenetration of the genre canons of tragedy and comedy turned out closer not to the traditions of the French classic theater and drama but to the English Shakespearian drama. Keywords: dramaturgy, tragedy, plot, “the epoch of the time of troubles”, Sumarokov, impostor | 969 | |||||
4022 | In conditions of modern civilization with its characteristic trends towards globalization and informatization the sufficient level of native, non-native and foreign languages is required for the implementation of the important tasks of life (educational, professional, etc.). It is obvious that the media should be ready for appropriate and effective use of the resources of natural language, taking into account its linguocultural specificity. The solution of this task is subject to language training – carried out in the education system set of measures aimed at the development and improvement of language competence as a component of communicative competence of students, representing the level of development of their cognitive abilities and cultural content of the thesaurus. Language training usually begins with studying the development of norms, rules, grammatical structure of the native language, the formation of the skill of expression by means of oral and written language code, the ability to work with the text. Along with the improvement of linguistic competence in the use of the native language, further language training can be focused on the development of one or more foreign languages. The latter need to explain the requirements of the time, including the expansion of the social, economic and cultural contacts between the two countries, the inclusion of carriers in the global Internet communications. The article deals with the modern teaching technologies used in the practice of language training in order to increase the efficiency of formation and improvement of linguistic competence of both the Russian native speakers, and the inofons. The article presents the systematization and generalization of experience of professional activity of specialists – teachers, trainers and teachers of secondary and higher education, engaged in the teaching of the Russian language as a native, non-native and foreign language, as well as foreign languages in the regional educational institutions. As the material for the analysis mainly served the articles of the specified number of persons, published in the journal “Pedagogical Review” in 2013–2016. Keywords: language training, language competence, pedagogical technology, the technological aspect of the methods of teaching, methods of teaching Russian as a native language, second language and foreign language, methods of teaching a foreign language | 969 | |||||
4023 | The article deals with the activities of the Imperial Mineralogical Society (IMO) since its inception in 1817 until the separation of the state structure – the Geological Committee in 1882; рeriodization of the stages of the company’s activity is given, experience of cooperation with the state is shown. The main sources of research are the materials of the St. Petersburg branch of the RAS archive, where the IMO foundation was postponed. The prerequisites for the interaction of the scientific society (IMO) and the state structure (Geological Committee) in the field of geological research are considered in the article. Mechanisms of interaction of the Imperial Mineralogical Society and the Geological Committee in the field of mineralogy and geology in the last quarter of the 19th century were prepared by the already established model of IMO’s relationship with the state; in the article channels, forms and results of this interaction are analyzed. Financial support by the state of the Imperial Mineralogical Society was based on the personal connections of its leaders, the article points out specific merits in this direction. The article presents quantitative results of various areas of joint research (members of the Imperial Mineralogical Society and the Geological Committee). The results of this study make it possible to identify the directions of the IMO and the Geological Committee, understand the prerequisites and mechanisms for productive cooperation, and make proposals for improving the interaction of the state and the scientific community. Keywords: Geology, Imperial Mineralogical Society, mineralogy, science, scientific societies, state, society, management, geological committee, civil society | 969 | |||||
4024 | The article discusses the current concept of the assessment of pedagogical staff in Russian Federation. According to this approach the significant component of the assessment system is to provide information about possible areas of professional development of teachers’ professional activity and their competence. The proposed approach is a model of teacher professional competency that include core competencies, that were allocated on the basis of a research about teacher’s professional activity in accordance with the professional standard of teacher. Key competencies of a teacher are a set of personal qualities that are demonstrated in the behavior and ensure the effective implementation of his professional activities. The article presents approbation results of the “360 degrees” method of survey in assessing the professional activities of teachers. Method of survey “360 degrees” allows to assess the level of teacher’s competences representation on the basis of the attitudes of all participants of educational activities (students, parents of students, colleagues, representatives of administration and teachers) to the manifestations of professional competence in practice. The application of the assessment approach presented in the article is possible not only by the external experts, but also by educational organizations for the purpose of assessment of teacher’s professional activity. Keywords: assessment of professional activity of a teacher, model of professional competences of a teacher, method of survey “360 degrees”, profile of professional development, quality of education | 969 | |||||
4025 | Afanasyeva A. S. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1997. Issue 1 (1). P. 40-44 . | 968 | |||||
4026 | . | 968 | |||||
4027 | Kolov A. Yu. // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 2000. Issue 1 (17). P. 23-25 | 968 | |||||
4028 | In the article the dynamics of design activity develop¬ment have been described, its influence on the anestheti¬zation of the surrounding world and an individuality, and also design-activity formed in a new socio-cultural situa¬tion. In the article there a conclusion is made which says that the process of creating a new subjectspatial environ¬ment by a designer provides a new style of human life. That is the new method of an individualitis anesthetization. | 968 | |||||
4029 | The article resumes the usage of ground rent in various payments using natural objects. One proposes to solve the problem of their division in the budget system by emphasizing in environment purely natural resources and assimilative potential of nature: the payment for natural resources must be given to regions, the payment for potential - into federal budget. | 968 | |||||
4030 | During the experiments with lucerne all the tested strains have been found to cause significant green mass yield increase. With clover Rhizotorfin also has turned out to be efficient, but with pea the majority of the tested strains did not show any advantages in comparison with the native nodule bacteria. Of the three tested doses of mineral N only the last one (30, 60kg/g\ha) increased the efficiency of inoculation and only of lucerne. | 968 | |||||
4031 | An "Indian" direction in works by Daniil Andreev is elaborated. As it is shown that the categories of oriental culture become the base of the metaphysical conception of a human. D. Andreev is guided by the Indian outlook, solving the problems of human's origin, the meaning of his existence and the nature of ego. | 968 | |||||
4032 | Photosynthesising surface extension tendency is characteristic for the most of plants that determinates high rate of growth and space expansion. Such plants can be called «occupants», and their life forms considered as «open». At extreme environment conditions (deserts, high-mountains, polar biomes), not space occupation but homeostasis maintenance by the surface area restriction due to spherical, compact life forms development, became the priority strategy (cushion plants, cactuses, etc.). These plants are «limiters», and their life forms are «closed» | 968 | |||||
4033 | In the experiences with the participation of 266 subjects it is shown that the expert estimations of eighty personal special features of subjects make it possible with the high accuracy to forecast expert report about professional aptitude of subject as the worker. In the experiences with the participation of 261 students of VUZ - Institute of Higher Education it is shown that the self-estimations by the subjects of their personal special features are sufficient for the forecast of the professional directivity of each concrete person with the indication of the probability of the realization of this forecast. In both experimental situations the apparatus for plural linear regressions was used. One half of subjects served for calculating the parameters of diagnostic equations, another half served for checking the accuracy of diagnostics blindly. The high validity of expert estimations and self-estimations in the tasks of professional diagnostics is proven | 968 | |||||
4034 | The article covers the problems of specialized education organization in the rural school as the main condition of availability and quality of education. Specialized education regards to be a means of differentiation and individuation of education that allows respecting the interests, tends and abilities of students Keywords: specialized education, education, rural ungraded school, quality of education, availability of education. Sannikova I. G. | 968 | |||||
4035 | Conceptual diagnostics version of socio-cultural systems in the spectrum of variations of the impacts of new technologies is presented. The models of information processes as methodological grounds of diagnosis are discussed. Keywords: the information-synergetic approach, models of information process, nonlinear dynamics, operator, occasion-in-actuality, occasion-in-reality | 968 | |||||
4036 | In article questions of the organization of independent work of the pupils receiving trades of a socially-humanitarian orientation are considered. Considering psycho-physiological features of the given pupils, are offered principles of selection of kinds and contents of independent work at their training to the physics. Keywords: trades of a socially-humanitarian orientation, independent work, kinds of independent work, motivation. | 968 | |||||
4037 | This article presents results of the author in research about elaboration and realization the program by forming competence to solution problems among schoolchildren in the organization process of joint activity of children, children and the teacher. Keywords: teacher’s program, competence to solve problems, forming competence, joint activity | 968 | |||||
4038 | . | 968 | |||||
4039 | The author of the article for the first time researches the wedding rituals of the Tomsk Tatars in the context of A. van Gennep’s theory of “transition rituals”. This research of the wedding rituals of the Tatars determines stages structure of rituals of traditional wedding. These stages we can correlate with the stages of “transition rituals”. The structure of transition rituals consists of the next stages: rituals of separation; rituals of connection; intermediate rituals. Keywords: Tatars of Tomsk region, wedding rituals, transition rituals | 968 | |||||
4040 | The article explains the organization of exercises designed to master communication skills in the process of studying “computers and banking”. Keywords: exercise sets, communicative competence, practical skills development | 968 | |||||
4041 | The paper deals with a compositional analysis of levels in adult education. The analysis is aimed at revealing key features, which determine models of adult education, peculiarities of English language courses for adult learners. The author suggests a classification for English language courses as an effective means for acquiring the maximum level in English language learning. Keywords: lifelong education, adult education, system of education, course structure | 968 | |||||
4042 | The article reveals the peculiarities of perception and interpretation of specialized texts by different recipients, engineering instruction taken as an example. The author represents the results of engineering instructions analysis on the basis of the psycholinguistic approach. Keywords: text perception, adequate interpretation, recipient, text composition, notional marks, visual support | 968 | |||||
4043 | The article deals with the national specifics of language space models and its significance in comparative Russian-Slovak aspect. Special attention is paid to the factor of geographical determinism and its role in the forming of national specific cognitive dominants of Russian and Slovak worldview. Above mentioned is illustrated with Russian and Slovak phraseology. Keywords: space models, linguistic worldview, cognitive dominant, conceptualization, categorization, Russian, Slovak | 968 | |||||
4044 | In the article pedagogical aspects of Olympic and Paralympic education at elementary school are considered. Systematic classes on the Olympic and Paralympic subject positively influence social orientation of younger schoolchildren in the course of physical training, if the occupations are consecutive and logical. Keywords: Olympic education, Paralympic education, younger schoolchildren, physical culture, social orientation, socialization | 968 | |||||
4045 | The article focuses on the possibility of implementing multisubject approach in pre-school education. The author draws attention to the fact that multisubject interaction can ensure the development of the personality of each child and development of his/her personality in the organized interaction in the educational process. Keywords: pre-school education, multisubject approach, subjectivity, dialogue subjects, interaction | 968 | |||||
4046 | Article is dedicated to the problem of development of music education in Tauride province in late XIX – early XX century. Based on the analysis of archival documents, programs of private institutions the development of the content and form of musical education in private schools in the Tauride province is analyzed. Keywords: music education, private schools, Taurian province | 968 | |||||
4047 | The article considers religious-cult topolexemes of the Selkup language. Cult lexemes as componential parts of toponyms are analyzed. The paper reveals possible reason for making a place sacred. The author researches mythological concepts of the Selkups. The fragment of the linguistic worldview is reconstructed. Keywords: endangered languages of Siberia, Selkup ethnos, the Selkup language, topolexemes, hydronyms, religious-cult lexis, mythology, worldview | 968 | |||||
4048 | The article presents the author's view of the goal as an important factor of the higher education quality, which reflects the tendencies of development of educational needs of the individual, society and state. The goal defines the development strategy of educational institutions in the future years, as well as it is directed on achievement of personal, meta-subject and object education results. Keywords: quality of education, goal, educational needs, professional activity, characteristics of the goal | 968 | |||||
4049 | The article is devoted to the description and opportunities of application of training technologies in the process of intercultural foreign-language education and mentoring of students – linguists. The article presents an analysis of the method of intercultural learning, describes the main components of training and specifics of their application in the field of intercultural foreign-language education and mentoring. The method of intercultural training is one of the most effective tools of development of the intercultural competence of students in the western countries, especially in Germany. In some Russian higher education institutes there is a discipline “The theory and practice of intercultural communication” in the plan of study of students-linguists. But in the most of these institutes a goal of this discipline is studying of the basic theoretical postulates of intercultural communication. In the West, particularly in Germany, studying of the intercultural communication’s theory is carried out on an equal basis with capture of practical components of intercultural education and mentoring, providing development of intercultural skills. The practical aspect of intercultural education and mentoring can also be widely adopted in Russia, mainly within educational process of future specialists in the field of linguistics and translation. The method of training is considered as the element of practical intercultural education and mentoring. It allows applying and fulfilling the studied theoretical bases of the discipline “Theory and practice of intercultural communication”. Thereby this method could provide an effective development of intercultural foreign-language skills of students of the linguistic fields of study. Keywords: intercultural training, intercultural education and mentoring, intercultural foreign-language skills, intercultural competence, students-linguists | 968 | |||||
4050 | Introduction. This paper investigates the features of intertextuality and intermediality in the artistic narrative for children. Material and research methods. The material of the study is the works of fiction intended for children, published in Russia from 2003 to 2018. Aim and objectives. The aim of the research is to reveal the peculiarities of realization of the most important cultural categories of intertextuality and intermediality in the texts of children’s artistic narrative. The leading method is the method of narrative analysis. Thematic, structural, definitional and discourse analysis methods were used as auxiliary ones. In the course of the study some conclusions of theoretical importance and practical significance were made. Results and discussion. Modern artistic narrative for children is an important element of artistic culture which is characterized by the phenomena of intertextuality and intermediality. The analysis of the works establishes close ties of the modern Russian narrative for children with Russian and foreign classical and modern fiction and culture in general. The enrichment of works with such relations allows their authors to achieve cultural and historical continuity, give a semantic dimension and educational meanings to the text, include modern linguocultural national and foreign knowledge in it. Intertextual and intermedia techniques allow authors of artistic narrative for children to most fully and accurately reveal the main ideas of their works, describe images of their characters, express the features of perception and understanding of modern children’s world, turn their works into a genuine artistic and pedagogical discourse. The categories of intertextuality and intermediality are expressed mainly through citations, allusions, reminiscences, proverbs and sayings. Conclusion. Thus, the narrative as the main strategy of creating a literary text for children allows to realize its most important linguistic and didactic potential, on the one hand, and its categories of intertextuality and intermediality permit to fully reveal the specifics of children’s consciousness, their perception of the world, value preferences and, ultimately, contribute to the implementation of the basic – educational – function, on the other. The results of the study can be used in the narrative analysis of literary texts. Keywords: modern children’s prose, artistic narrative, intertextuality, intermediality | 968 |