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2901 | Preconditions of opening a national turk-tatar pedagogical technical school in Tomsk in the 20-s and its activity during the first years of the existence are analyzed in the article. | 1168 | |||||
2902 | The article presents some results of the research, particularly when and why the training of history teachers was stopped in Tomsk State Pedagogical Institute, when and why the historical education was restored in Tomsk State Pedagogical Institute. The author focuses on the process of student competitive seiecticn for a newiy opened history department, the description of the chairs teaching staff, the organization of the teaching process and scientific work. The narrative stops on the date when the History department was reorganized to the History Faculty. | 1168 | |||||
2903 | The article gives an analysis of peculiarities of art in Murmansk region at the end of the XIX-th and at the beginning of the XX-th centuries. Local and area connections have been recognized. Ethnical forms of cultures have been compared. The author thinks that the studied stage of development of the creative type of the cultures was characterized by their introduction in a different cultural environment. There was a whole pleiad of artists, writers and scientists who played an innovating role in the art development of the region. | 1168 | |||||
2904 | The article considers the problem of forming critical and system thought of students in teaching physics. The realization of research method of teaching is presented by the methods on the basis of experimental tasks of research character. The examples of its realization in educational process are given | 1168 | |||||
2905 | The information synergetic approach (Melik-Haiazyan I.V.) lets to state that education is a process. It gave possibilities to constitute consequent stages of educational systems’ development. So, now we can follow the way of appearing and developing of European educational paradigms, which go back to different ethical ideas. As soon as principle of complementarity doesn’t work within ethics, system differences of education mean the boundaries of pedagogic technologies. The research is supported by grant RFBR №08-06-00109 Keywords: information-synergetic approach, procedurality of education, stages of educational systems development, paradigms of European education, ethical systems, system differences of education, borders of pedagogical technologies | 1168 | |||||
2906 | The article represents a variant of interpretation of the meaning of ornamental motifs of Kulajsky cultural and historical community that had been living in Ob’s region in the Early Iron Age. Keywords: ornament, motif, sacral texts, equivalence, semantics, hunting and fishing implements | 1168 | |||||
2907 | The article analyses general historical and pedagogical tendencies of development of municipal educational systems in Russia, rural educational systems specific character, tendencies in realization of accessibility ideas, quality and efficiency in the process of structural complex changes in 2002–2009, tendencies in the process of forming of educational establishments’ nets inside the complex project of education modernization (Tomsk region). Keywords: general historical and pedagogical tendencies of municipal educational systems’ development in Russia, rural educational systems’ specific character, tendencies of realization of ideas of modernization. | 1168 | |||||
2908 | The article describes the proven divergent models for teachers’ training for small schools at Tomsk State Pedagogical University. These are “Methods of Teaching of Educational Areas and Systems”, “Teaching in Ungraded Schools”, “Specialized Education in Ungraded Schools”, “Management of Ungraded Schools”. Keywords: models for teachers’ training for ungraded schools, technologies of vocational education. | 1168 | |||||
2909 | In this article we some typical professional engineering tasks in the sphere of equipment and technology of welding production, taking of which is during the studying of a range of mathematical and natural sciences and professional disciplines cycle according to the curriculum of “Machine building” degree programme. We propose generalized methods for solving professional problems and ways of their specificity in the study of physics at the university. Keywords: typical professional engineering tasks, method, studying, professional activity, the formation method, development of technology. | 1168 | |||||
2910 | The article deals with the peculiarities of using the names of English and Russian money units for creating measuring valuation. Much attention is paid to the figurative meanings of the names of coins and banknotes in the English and Russian languages. Keywords: Division of the substance into fragments and information into bits, category, lexical-semantic field, metaphor, cognitive valuation | 1168 | |||||
2911 | This article analyzes the social and educational work in the penal system with negative-minded part of the convicts, practical measures of educational work to overcome the negative symptoms among prisoners, the typology of negativeminded leaders of the convicts. Keywords: social and educational work, educational work, the subculture of convicts, the leaders of the negative- minded convicts | 1168 | |||||
2912 | The article is devoted to the analysis of experience of constitutional construction in the Republic of Tyva in 1990–2000-ies. The author presents various approaches to the use of the term “constitutional construction by scholars. From the perspective of systems analysis the author evaluates the activities of the main actors of the constitutional reform in the Tyva Republic, highlights its stages and factors shaping the process of constitutional development. Keywords: constitutional construction, Republic of Tyva, the Constitution of the Republic of Tyva, constitutional reform, political and legal system | 1168 | |||||
2913 | The article examines the principles of construction of methodical system in geometry using problem solving approach, which acts simultaneously as a technology of solving geometric problems and as a way of design the system of challenging problems, focused on students mastering the mathematical activity. We consider and resolve two contradictions: between modern approaches to teaching mathematics as a process of learning mathematical activity and their lack of implementation of the methods of teaching geometry at profile level; between the objective necessity of designing educational process to teach geometry creatively and the lack of appropriate methodological training system. We discuss some features of problems, create in the student environment for positive motivation and ensure the formation of students’ independent thinking. We also consider the examples of challenging problems with solutions. Keywords: methodical system of training, problem solving approach, mathematical thinking, mathematical activity, specialized education, challenging problems | 1168 | |||||
2914 | The study of the transformation of the mythologeme of the Hero seems to be actual, since, having arisen in the space of a myth, it continues to exist in culture throughout the history of mankind, including modernity. At the same time, the image of the Hero undergoes changes due to the peculiarities of a particular historical epoch in other forms of culture different from myth. Such a transformation occurs with the Hero mythologeme in the ancient Greek tragedy of the classical era. In the transition from myth to tragedy, the Hero mythologeme undergoes significant changes: the hero of tragedy perceives fate as an external force that affects his life. He does not reconcile himself to Fate, and tries to change his destiny with all his might, and even realizing that this is impossible, he makes independent decisions demonstrating that he does not bow before circumstances and is capable of performing heroic deeds. Also, the hero of the tragedy refuses to take for granted the will of the gods and tries to force them to be guided in their actions by categories of morality. The problem of transformation of the Hero mythologeme in the ancient Greek tragedy, considered in this study, will allow us to better understand the changes taking place in the ancient Greek culture of the classical epoch. The conclusions obtained by the author can be used in preparing courses on the history and culture of ancient Greece. Keywords: Ancient Greece, Greek tragedy, mythologeme, Hero | 1168 | |||||
2915 | Prozumentov L. M. // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 2000. Issue 1 (17). P. 3-6 | 1167 | |||||
2916 | Using AdS/CFT correspondence we found the conformal anomaly from d3 and dS gauged supergravity with single scalar (dilaton) and the arbitrary scalar potential on AdS-like scalar-gravitational background. Such dilatonic gravity action describes the special RG flows in extended gauged SG when scalers lie in one-dimensional submanifold of complete scalars space. This dilaton-dependent conformal anomaly corresponds to dual non-conformal (gauge) QFT with account of radiative corrections and (or) masses. The attempt to define c-function away of conformity is presented. | 1167 | |||||
2917 | Gas flow through porous media is characterized by large vortex structures and large friction coefficients, resulting in an extensive momentum and interphase energy exchange between gas and the solid phase. The model used for flow in porous regions is at once both a generalization of the Navier-Stokes equations and of Darcy's law commonly used for flows in porous regions. The model retains both advection and diffusion terms and so can be used where such effects are important. In deriving the continium equations, it assumed that 'infinitecimal' control volumes and surfaces are large relative to the interstitutal spacing of the porous medium, through small relative to the scales that we wish to resolve. Thus, given control cells and control surfaces are assumed to contain both solid and gas regions. Based on this model, an efficient numerical technique has been developed and a numerical algorithm has been produced to study the processes in the porous medium channel. | 1167 | |||||
2918 | In small cities, to which Biysk (Altay Region) con¬cerns, for the last years the provision of employment problem of the Pedagogical University graduates es¬sentially has become aggravated. In this connection the numerous attempts are made to reduce a set of BPGU faculties and specialities. This article considers the concept of experts competitiveness, which are pre¬pared in pedagogical high schools, by opportunities of the state educational standard of new generation al¬lowing issuing of the competitive experts to work in system «the person - the person», and consequently, preservation of Biysk Pedagogical State University as the center of education, culture and science in city | 1167 | |||||
2919 | The article analyses a possibility to use the stem-building suffix -ein- in the function of the definite article in the gothic language. This suffix is based on the Indo-European pronominal root that used to have a demonstrative meaning (Jener-Deixis). Further use of the suffix -n- as a marker of relation to something resulted in its development into a marker of a constant, typical feature of a thing or a being that made them definite. The meaning of definiteness expressed by the suffix is revealed if one compares the use of abstract nouns derived from the same root and belonging to different declension types in the gothic language. | 1167 | |||||
2920 | This article is about the Institute of optics and atmos-phere-the first academic office of town Tomsk. The foundation, science staff, experiment and science activity of TOA SP RAS, difficulties and achievements are shown. | 1167 | |||||
2921 | The poem «A cool and mild breath is coming from the iake,,,» («C oзepa вeeт npoxлaда...» (1854)) by Ph.l. Tyutchev, a translation of an extract from F. Shilier's «William Tells, is compared with the original. The differences are viewed as an explication of two different pictures of the world, The author of the article formulates the regularities forming the system unity of Ph.l. Tyutchev's poetry. | 1167 | |||||
2922 | The tendency of decrease(reduction) was outlined in the maximum(supreme) pedagogical formation(education) аудиторной loadings on disciplines of a physical and mathematical structure. It demands development of new approaches to practice of training of students of pedagogical high school to carrying out of physical experiment. By application of traditional techniques of training this problem to solve it is impossible, therefore there was a necessity of development of new techniques of training to physical experiment which would allow to carry out within the framework of available fund of time educational activity of students in conditions of an optimum parity(ratio) of virtual and natural didactic means of training and to receive planned educational result. By the example of statement of physical experiment on research of discharge plasma it is shown, that the purpose of performance of a laboratory practical work will consist not only in purchase by students of skills of experimental studying, for example, properties of plasma and methods of its(her) diagnostics, but also in development of skills of the analysis of the received results on the basis of modern theoretical representations. The student should receive a subject lesson of application of the theory not only for an explanation, but also forecasting new (for trained) the phenomena, including plasma technologies specifying functionalities. The theory and experiment by a part physical and mathematical modelling, composite consideration of a problem is binding | 1167 | |||||
2923 | It is designed original methods of the study of surfaces bogs. The dynamics of surfaces is connected with spottiness of upper layer of mires. The fluctuation to surfaces depends on amount of water, growing мха and his motion. This fluctuation can be not simultaneous, with the other value of the amplitude in the other area of the mire Keywords: Oligotriphic marsh, aerobic layer, mechanical displacement, stereofotogrammetic method, moisture | 1167 | |||||
2924 | The article suggests the methodology that allows to graduate the intensity degree of creative and destructive principles in human mentality. The methodology is based on the ideas of distinction between libido, the life instinct, and the destructive death instinct of Thanatos (Sigmund Freud), biophilia and necrophilia (Erich Fromm). Keywords: self-evolution, self-destruction, the intensity degree, Sigmund Freud, Erich Fromm, the research methodology | 1167 | |||||
2925 | . | 1167 | |||||
2926 | The historical-geographical and system methods were used to identify and analyse the main stages of nature management in West Siberia. Periodization of the nature management process provides a means of studying quantitative and qualitative transformations of relations between a nature and the man in different areas of West Siberia. Keywords: history of nature management, natural resources, development, periodization | 1167 | |||||
2927 | The essence of frame technology is revealed in the given article, also its efficiency and productivity are considered. This system allows students to develop cognitive activity, independent way of thinking and creative abilities. In addition, the technology changes base of the educational pedagogical ambience itself by filling it with the spirit of cooperation and development of the individual. Keywords: frame technology, frame scheme, model of knowledge, slots | 1167 | |||||
2928 | The issues of modeling theory as applied to the field of didactics and teaching foreign language problem-oriented professional in the course of speaking a foreign language in high school non-linguistic. As an information framework for foreign-language job-speaking and listening using a series of didactic models of dialogue. Keywords: professional foreign language speaking, training interaction, didactic model of interaction | 1167 | |||||
2929 | The article considers the role of knowledge in the competence approach. A method of knowledge assessment, which is productive in the present period, when the transition to competence, methods of teaching. It is considered an example of the use of teaching tasks in the formation of methodological knowledge undergraduate students of physics education. Keywords: formation and evaluation of knowledge, methods of teaching, methodical tasks | 1167 | |||||
2930 | The author of this paper considers the questions of modern compound and number of Ukrainian diaspora in Western Europe. There revealed the role of Ukrainian immigration in the creation of the network of national cultural societies, which influenced the retention of language, traditions of the country of outcome. Keywords: Ukrainians, migration, West Europe | 1167 | |||||
2931 | The article deals with the professional problem of formation competence pedagogical university students in extracurricular activities, variants of the complex organization of extracurricular work for the formation of future teachers ready for professional work at schools of different levels and profiles as well as children of different social status and education. Keywords: student extracurricular activity, field work, competence, olympiad movement, volunteer, professional future teachers training | 1167 | |||||
2932 | This article deals with the analysis of the meaning of content-tolerance components. The article illustrates reasons for the content extracurricular activities as a top priority to build a model of tolerance formation among adolescents. Keywords: tolerance, adolescence, extracurricular activity | 1167 | |||||
2933 | The method of neutron activation analysis found 14 elements content in the plants that are recommended for use in traditional medicine in pulmonary tuberculosis. It was proved that all of the proposed sites contain macro and micronutrients in comparable amounts. Especially rich in Ca is Medicago satнva L. Especially rich in potassium is Trifolium pratense L. and shoots of Rubus idaeus L. The results show the possibility of using all the proposed medicinal plants in the herbal medicine of pulmonary tuberculosis. Keywords: Herbal medicine, pulmonary tuberculosis, the chemical elements | 1167 | |||||
2934 | The paper proposes a systematic analysis of the model of personalized and individualized training of educators; features of its design are revealed. Keywords: remote model of personalized and individualized training of educators; specifics of design and implementation of additional educational program | 1167 | |||||
2935 | The article discusses the creation of e-learning courses. Using data based on personal, national and international experience, the author shows that the creation of digital resources is an important stage of e-learning formats promotion in educational practice of educational institutions. Proposed algorithm for creating e-learning course includes five stages: the selection or creation of educational content for its presentation in electronic form; definition of e-learning course model and its central figure according to didactic and methodological principles of e-learning; choice of tools used to create the digital content; choice of course management system or any other platform for remote placement of content and development of a new type of interaction. It is noted that taking into account the specifics of creating electronic training courses significantly reduces the effort required to develop them, allowing you to achieve uniformity of training courses alongside with maintaining the individuality of the teacher and the specifics of the subject. Keywords: E-learning, electronic educational resources, information and communication technology, education, e-learning didactics | 1167 | |||||
2936 | The study characterizes modern methods of reflexive training in higher school education. The results of the conducted empirical study on using cinquain in training in higher school education are presented here. The list of competences which depend on development of reflective abilities of students was selected from the federal state educational standard of higher education in the direction of preparation “Special (defectological) education”. The work identifies the deficits of the reflexive development of students on the basis of cinquain as control-evaluative tool for implementation of assessment and self-assessment of mastered professional knowledge, skills and competencies at different stages of the studying of section of the academic discipline. The paper reveals possibilities of organization of reflexive activity of future defectology bachelors at speech therapy class. The study shows the features of using of cinquain as the main teaching method allowing you to activate the mechanism of reflexion in the context of professional pedagogical studying. Keywords: competency approach, reflexive methods, reflexive abilities of students, cinquain, professional pedagogical thinking, professional activity of bachelors-defectologists | 1167 | |||||
2937 | The article considers the material and technical support service of the Workers’ and Peasants’ Red Army during the fighting near Lake Khasan from July 29 to August 11, 1938, in particular, the chronology of the transport service activities and the problems in organizing the delivery of ammunition, food, engineering materials and other materials necessary for combat operations. The problem of material support of troops is closely examined in the key of the Soviet-Finnish war and the Great Patriotic War. At the same time, little attention is paid to previous conflicts: the conflict on the Chinese Eastern railway, fighting at Lake Khasan and the conflict on the Khalkhin-Gol river, although they had a significant impact on the structure of the material support service. In 1939 the final Field Charter of the Workers’ and Peasants’ Red Army was adopted, in which the main functions of combat and material support services were registered. The purpose of this article is to study the actions of the transport service from various points of view: from the organization of the delivery of ammunition to the organization of roads to the site of the fights. Before the start of the fighting, the only road reached Novo-Kievskoe village (since 1936, Kraskino), but it was also washed away by downpours going in the region at this time of the year. There was no land road from Novo-Kievskoye to Lake Khasan; it was built after the end of the fighting. The organization of material support in the area of Lake Khasan showed the resilience and readiness of Soviet people to resist foreign aggression, but at the same time it revealed significant shortcomings that existed in one form or another until the middle of the Great Patriotic War, which shows that despite the appearance of errors, nobody took proper measures to eliminate them. Keywords: fighting near Lake Khasan, Workers’ and Peasants’ Red Army, material support, transport service, Red Banner Far Eastern front | 1167 | |||||
2938 | The article deals with complex and compound terms of physics in the Tatar language formed by combining of bases with complete relations of their components. This type of word formation is very common in the terminology of physics in the Tatar language. Basically, linguists use this method to form terms with two or more components. The scientific novelty of the article is that for the first time it gives the information about the methods of formation of complex and compound physics terms in the Tatar language. The article gives an explanation of the concept “complete relation”, types and examples of the Tatar terms of physics formed this way. Both complex and compound terms are formed by combining the bases with complete relations of their components, but the bulk is composed of compound words that have their own word-formation models. The first components of such terms are different parts of speech, and the second component is often the noun, less often the verb. Also, most of the compound terms of physics are multicomponent words, which consist of three, four, and five components. The first components of complex or compound terms are often terminological elements or commonly used international words. The authors come to the conclusion that multicomponent terms of physics which can consist of both own words of the Tatar language and international featuring Tatar component are basically formed by combining the bases with complete relations of their components. Keywords: terms of physics, the Tatar language, combining of bases, complete relations of components, element | 1167 | |||||
2939 | Gravova O. A. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1998. Issue 4 (7). P. 47-51 . | 1166 | |||||
2940 | Shirokova M. P. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 7 (16). P. 85-88 . | 1166 | |||||
2941 | As it is stated in the article the common logic base is absent in the modern theory of knowledge. The author analyzes the reasons of such situation in the theory of knowledge. As a logic beginning of the development of the theory of knowledge is suggested to use a category «authority» by the author. | 1166 | |||||
2942 | It is noted, that discrete automaton as a typesetting ma¬chine is capable to set the only text - code sequence coded therein. Setting is made on elements of quick and slow memory by individual bites of abstract time codes. Analogy of discrete automaton system parts and of multi-channel typesetting machinery parts is shown. | 1166 | |||||
2943 | This article is dedicated to questions of the development of the system of continuous pedagogical formation in Russia and defines the role of the research activity of teachers as the subjects of its professional-personal formation | 1166 | |||||
2944 | In the article the author attempts to analyze the phenomenon of " deja vu " from phenomenological viewpoint. By means of analysis of relations of dream and vigil the author reveals the clarity of the cognitive composition of " deja vu ". Through explication of the phenomenon the author shows the internal structure of consciousness of time | 1166 | |||||
2945 | The article considers the problems of formation of conceptual experience of students by teaching mathematics. Revelation of typical mistakes and the causes of their origins allow to make conclusion that regularities of conceptual experience structure are not always taken into consideration during the process of teaching mathematics. Analysis of researches in the filed of psychology gives an opportunity to develop a model of structure and functioning of conceptual experience. This model is the basis of development of educational texts and mathematics tasks for the students of school Keywords: conceptual thinking, ways of information encoding, cognitive schemes, semantic structures, metacognitive experience | 1166 | |||||
2946 | More than 100 nicknames of famous Russian politicians and officials are analyzed in the aspect of language game theory. The motives of language play wide spread in the up-to-date Russian informal language are revealed. Keywords: сommunicative space, carnivalization of language, language play, nicknames | 1166 | |||||
2947 | The article is devoted to study an urgent problem of a easy dialogue. Definition of concept «the professional easy statement» is made. Basic attention is given to the consideration of leaders of functions of the easy communications. Keywords: professional easy dialogue, functions of easy dialogue. | 1166 | |||||
2948 | The article is the result of theoretical study of testing development. We consider testing stages suggested by Russian and international researchers, and various approaches to language testing. Keywords: testing, testing periodization, approaches to language testing, the essay-translation approach, the structuralist approach, the integrative approach, the communicative approach | 1166 | |||||
2949 | The article shows materials of research of the problem of self-realization and self-actualization of the future architects as bases of their preparation for active social activity. Keywords: social projects, social designing, motivation of social activity, individual architectural designing, individual social designing, self-realization, self-actualization | 1166 | |||||
2950 | The article deals with the development of the word family of the Indo-European root *mr- from Germanic to Modern German. We analyse the morphological and syntactical structure of the derivatives and set expressions, which belong to the word family. Much attention is given in the article to semantic development. The material is studied both synchronically and diachronically. Keywords: word family, derivative, semantics, semantic proportion, seme, Old High German, Middle High German | 1166 |