# | Article | Downloads | |||||
2901 | The article covers special features of functioning of continuous education in Russia, the influence of institutional environment on the development of human resources in health care. Based on the analysis of the research data, the significance of the Institute of continuous education in the development of the socio-economic system is detemined. Keywords: human resources, system of continuous education, institutional conditions, transaction costs | 1180 | |||||
2902 | The article deals with the Russian customers’ types with the specific features, peculiar to each type. General peculiarities, which represent modern Russian mentality and can be used to distinguish Russian customers from those of Europe and the USA, are considered too. These are, first of all, the large income-contrast between wealthy minority and poor majority of Russian population (there is a distinct stratification of Russian society), priority of material wellbeing and the lack of trust to advertising. These peculiarities are considered in the context of the marketing communication barriers, which occur in process of marketing message recognition by customers. There are five consequentially occurring barriers: attention; understanding; trusting; remembering and first actions. We analyze them in three aspects: 1) the influence of four factors, which characterize the marketing message, showing its quality and efficiency (these are form, contents, technical facilities and organization of the massage); 2) the influence of Russian customers’ peculiarities, which determine the smooth or hard coming of marketing message over this or that barrier of marketing communications; 3) making the set of marketing communication instruments, which could be most effective to overcome each barrier. As the result, we conclude that the stratification of Russian society into wealthy minority and poor majority is now the most actual peculiarity, which influence passing the four (of five) existing barriers and determines the set of marketing communication instruments for overcoming each of them. Keywords: marketing communication complex, customer peculiarities, marketing communication barriers, attention, understanding, trusting, remembering, first actions | 1180 | |||||
2903 | The study characterizes modern methods of reflexive training in higher school education. The results of the conducted empirical study on using cinquain in training in higher school education are presented here. The list of competences which depend on development of reflective abilities of students was selected from the federal state educational standard of higher education in the direction of preparation “Special (defectological) education”. The work identifies the deficits of the reflexive development of students on the basis of cinquain as control-evaluative tool for implementation of assessment and self-assessment of mastered professional knowledge, skills and competencies at different stages of the studying of section of the academic discipline. The paper reveals possibilities of organization of reflexive activity of future defectology bachelors at speech therapy class. The study shows the features of using of cinquain as the main teaching method allowing you to activate the mechanism of reflexion in the context of professional pedagogical studying. Keywords: competency approach, reflexive methods, reflexive abilities of students, cinquain, professional pedagogical thinking, professional activity of bachelors-defectologists | 1180 | |||||
2904 | Study of blended learning usage in modern research works wins increasing popularity and becomes highly topical in conditions of innovational trend of education system. Because of the innovative process taking place in the higher education one has to apply modern pedagogical ways and new technologies. The interconnection between students and teachers via information and communication technologies is the part of this process. But at the moment, some components which are actually forming blended learning of students are not always incorporated in integral system and are considered as a list of independent constituents. As a result electronic learning resources for many members of faculty and higher school administration are only auxiliary tools but not fully functional part of students’ learning process. Beyond the doubt influencing the structure of learning process the digital technologies are not able to change it. They only can significantly enhance and optimize conditions of higher education obtaining, and also promote effective students’ individual work, improve procedure of teacher-student interaction, provide positive trends for formation mutual competency capabilities of teachers and students. The goal of this paper is to define the place and role of electronic learning resources in students’ blended learning system, and also clarification of terminology issues and problem of traditional and electronic interaction methods of teacher and student in higher education. The paper considers distinguishing features of online electronic and blended education in the higher school. Analysis is carried out for numerous sociological studies held in Russia and abroad on issues of electronic technologies introduction in modern education. Keywords: higher education, university, blended learning system, hybrid learning, mixed-mode instruction, elearning resources, statistics, information and communication technology in education, information educational system | 1180 | |||||
2905 | The article clarifies the concepts of communicative strategy, communicative tactics, communicative and speech course and discusses the speech moves that are used by the speaker to implement communicative tactics of response evasion. Evasion is an insincere speech reaction of the respondent, who deliberately hides the fact that he cannot or does not want to answer the question. Communicative tactics of evading response is a complex of speech actions, which are directed on implicit expression of unwillingness of the addressee of a question to provide the requested information. Evasion of the answer can be carried out in different ways, with different speech moves. When clarifying the question, the addressee answers the question with a question. When providing a demonstrative uninformative response, representative speech act (for example, a message) serves as a speech course for implementing the tactics of evading response. The answer can be forwarded to the inquirer by means of a counter-question or by means of a direct or indirect speech act of council. For switching the interrogator’s attention to another subject, the addressee of the question can use a message, a question, a sentence, etc. When demonstratively pointing to the impossibility of answering the question, the addressee may use expressive, representative, directive speech act (a statement reflecting the addressee’s dissatisfaction with the question, objection, message, proposal, etc.). Keywords: communicative strategy, communicative tactics, communicative course, speech course, evasion of the answer | 1180 | |||||
2906 | Genike E. A. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1998. Issue 4 (7). P. 38-43 . | 1179 | |||||
2907 | Gravova O. A. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1998. Issue 4 (7). P. 47-51 . | 1179 | |||||
2908 | It is established that under pressureless filtering throughthe fiberous polypropilen the purification process is the more effective the less is the initial concentration of pollution this material is prevailing other materials in its mechenical, chemical resistance and sorbtional capasity. The maximal degree of purification is acheived 85.7% for Cu, 88.5% for Fe, 68% for suspension, 86.3% for oil products, 46.3% for Zn, 71.4% for phosphates. | 1179 | |||||
2909 | On the basis of the mathematical model of internal gun’s ballistics with two phases and two velocities of phases the numerical simulation of non traditional scheme of throwing was carried out. The possibility of increasing of initial velocities of missiles with Cq=4,55 kilogram - force per cubic decimeter at about 7 % comparison with classical scheme of throwing on conditions that maximum pressures are invariable | 1179 | |||||
2910 | The content of the article points to explicite and implicite connection of a headline with a text on the material of B. Ahmadulina lyric poetry. There was given a description of means of connection’s realization, they are repetitions and notional lexical paradigms. Also the types of logical interrelationship which are recurring, parallel, inductive and deductive were revealed. We considered means of every type of a headline and text’s logical interrelationship according to organization of associative development of lyric poetry. | 1179 | |||||
2911 | Forming post-industrial society is characterized by emerging and wide spreading of high technologies (hitech) that leads to changing of the whole structure of the management, which is based on high socio-humanitarian technologies (hi-hume). This raises demands to training of competitive specialists in the sphere of education, science and industry. | 1179 | |||||
2912 | We study a generic chiral-antichiral superfiled model on N=1/2 deformed superspace. The model is formulated in terms of arbitrary Kahler potential and arbitrary chiral and antichiral superpotentials. A component structure of the model is found. One-loop effective action in low-energy approximation is considered at constant background fields. The divergent and finite contributions to effective action are calculated | 1179 | |||||
2913 | The author deals with the problem of homelessness and criminality. In the given article the specifity of using of the criminological methods in studying the problems of interrelationship between homelessness and criminality is being described. | 1179 | |||||
2914 | In work the conceptual device of the complex program of preservation of health of participants of the pedagogical process, consisting of three parts is defined: 1) a substantiation of a choice of priority directions in the field of the prevention of a mental pathology, definition of the purposes and problems; 2) a complex of the actions directed on forecasting of psychiatric and narcological situations, protection and strengthening of mental health of the certain contingents of the population, revealing of factors at separate (нозологических) forms of a pathology; 3) a scientific substantiation of ways of formation, maintenance and strengthening of mental health | 1179 | |||||
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2916 | In the article the author analyzes features of civil-law responsibility, administrative responsibility, a disciplinary responsibility and a liability for their use for counteraction to neglect of the duties of the persons who perform administrative functions in the organizations. Keywords: Legal responsibility, efficiency of sanctions, administrative negligence | 1179 | |||||
2917 | The article is the result of extensive research and compilation of data on the history of the childcare facilities organization in Western Siberia during the Great Patriotic war. The statistical analysis of the number of institutions on areas and, in general, in Western Siberian region, considered the difficulties faced by society in dealing with the organization of the evacuated and local childcare centres during the war was carried out in the article. Keywords: children, child care, the Great Patriotic War | 1179 | |||||
2918 | The article deals with the problem of vitality of Tuvinian language as a language of minority, which is functi oning, in close contact with Russian. The analysis of subjective and objective assessment of Tuvinean language vitality is given with the help of psycholinguistic experiment which has been taken in the Usinsk Valley settlements placed on the south of Krasnoyarsk region. Keywords: language of minority, language of majority, vitality, language situation, language policy, language shift, psycholinguistic experiment | 1179 | |||||
2919 | The article examines the principles of construction of methodical system in geometry using problem solving approach, which acts simultaneously as a technology of solving geometric problems and as a way of design the system of challenging problems, focused on students mastering the mathematical activity. We consider and resolve two contradictions: between modern approaches to teaching mathematics as a process of learning mathematical activity and their lack of implementation of the methods of teaching geometry at profile level; between the objective necessity of designing educational process to teach geometry creatively and the lack of appropriate methodological training system. We discuss some features of problems, create in the student environment for positive motivation and ensure the formation of students’ independent thinking. We also consider the examples of challenging problems with solutions. Keywords: methodical system of training, problem solving approach, mathematical thinking, mathematical activity, specialized education, challenging problems | 1179 | |||||
2920 | The article discusses the creation of e-learning courses. Using data based on personal, national and international experience, the author shows that the creation of digital resources is an important stage of e-learning formats promotion in educational practice of educational institutions. Proposed algorithm for creating e-learning course includes five stages: the selection or creation of educational content for its presentation in electronic form; definition of e-learning course model and its central figure according to didactic and methodological principles of e-learning; choice of tools used to create the digital content; choice of course management system or any other platform for remote placement of content and development of a new type of interaction. It is noted that taking into account the specifics of creating electronic training courses significantly reduces the effort required to develop them, allowing you to achieve uniformity of training courses alongside with maintaining the individuality of the teacher and the specifics of the subject. Keywords: E-learning, electronic educational resources, information and communication technology, education, e-learning didactics | 1179 | |||||
2921 | Children’s creative potential realized most fully if the educational process is carried beyond the scope of traditional training. Content and presentation of teaching material promotes the formation of students’ positive motivation forearning. Positive students’ motivation is created by the variety in the objective educational process through the use of different types of games from business role-plays to simulation. The article presents the results of introduction and adaptation of interactive associative board games into educational process when studying ecological disciplines on the example of the Federal State Educational Institutions of Higher Education “Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University”. With the help of associations it is possible not only to remember the information with the first attempt, but also to keep it in the long-term memory. The proposed variant of the game is built on the basis of the most successful ideas of the famous computer and board games with the addition of some new, original teaching materials. Application of this approach to training significantly stimulated assimilation of a training material, especially the glossary on the set subject. The proven effectiveness of the use of associateive games expressed in the increase of educational motivation of students and consequently in the quality of education. It is revealed through the diagnosis of learning motivation of 125 students of Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University that the communicative motives took the first place 66.9%, the second place 62.7 % - educational and informative ones. Adaptation of the proposed method in the training contributed to the formation of such qualities in students as independence and communication in making and justifying the decisions. The method is suitable for studying all disciplines and ability levels of students. Keywords: training, method, interactivity, game, associations, ecology | 1179 | |||||
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2924 | Sannikova L. V. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1998. Issue 3 (6). P. 41-43 . | 1178 | |||||
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2926 | The author of the paper enters into polemics with the opinion which has become basic in studying Piatonov's creative work that A. Platonov in his novel «Chevengur» as well as in other works is critisizing socialism and collective farming. As a result of scrupulous analysis of the writer's texts, the author comes to the conclusion, that his artistic thought of the mature period is correlated with the idea of the noosphere according to academician Vernnadsky. | 1178 | |||||
2927 | As it is stated in the article the common logic base is absent in the modern theory of knowledge. The author analyzes the reasons of such situation in the theory of knowledge. As a logic beginning of the development of the theory of knowledge is suggested to use a category «authority» by the author. | 1178 | |||||
2928 | The structure and possibilities of a program complex are submitted. The mathematical model and a calculation technique of parameters of spatial currents on parallel computing systems in areas with irregular geometry are offered. The physical pictures of currents about the closed curvilinear surfaces, burning granules of fuel are submitted. The questions of modeling of air movement in territory of city building and admixture distribution from sources of pollution in a ground layer of an atmosphere are considered. | 1178 | |||||
2929 | The article analyses a possibility to use the stem-building suffix -ein- in the function of the definite article in the gothic language. This suffix is based on the Indo-European pronominal root that used to have a demonstrative meaning (Jener-Deixis). Further use of the suffix -n- as a marker of relation to something resulted in its development into a marker of a constant, typical feature of a thing or a being that made them definite. The meaning of definiteness expressed by the suffix is revealed if one compares the use of abstract nouns derived from the same root and belonging to different declension types in the gothic language. | 1178 | |||||
2930 | The article is devoted to the interesting phenomenon of Russian cultural life prevalent in the middle of the XIX century, received the name «georgesandism». This term means penetration of the ideas, characters, plots of George Sand’s novels into Russian culture, public consciousness and a love life. The French writer was perceived first of all as a destroyer of Christian and church ideas of «sanctity» and indestructibility of the marriage. The most debatable novels from the point of view of their plot and characters are considered. The early mythological image of George Sand as a «seducer», and «morally depraved person», which was created first of all by «masculine» reception in Russia of 1830’s, is investigated. | 1178 | |||||
2931 | The basic directions of development and the concept of relativistic mechanics are considered. The material of paper can be used at studying theoretical physics at pedagogical universities. | 1178 | |||||
2932 | The present paper is dedicated to the problem of psychological and educational preparation of Teacher Training Higher Schools students based on the analysis of various approaches to studying disadaptation of children and teen-agers. Disadaptation is understood as the whole complex of signs, giving evidence concerning the discrepancy between the mutual activities of man and the surrounding world. While dividing disadaptation into several types, it is taken into account that this phenomenon may appear in different degrees of intensivity, in different variants and can be caused by various things. The training of students depends on the purposeful choice of knowledge and skills, as well as the use of necessary information with the aim of correction of the personality of disadapted children and teen-agers. | 1178 | |||||
2933 | The article deals with the problem of formation of the system of secondary pedagogical education. The peculiarities of work of teacher’s seminaries of West Siberia in the training of pedagogical personnel for people’s professional schools are mentioned. The analysis of educational process in the seminaries at the close of 19th up to the beginning of 20th Century is submitted for consideration. | 1178 | |||||
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2935 | The article deals with the social-culture conditions women's activity as a teacher in town village, national schools of Siberia. The main features of the professional and social activity, conditions of life, wages, achievement and problems state about the great difficulties, which women are to get over to have the active social position and to master in their profession. Keywords: social activity, pedagogical activity, education, teacher, Siberia. | 1178 | |||||
2936 | The article presents comparative analysis of semantics of the verbs of movement on the materials of two Germanic languages: English and German in comparison with the Russian and Polish languages. The author also attempts to compose semantic chart for this field. Keywords: lexical typology, verbs of , verbs of, semantic parameter, semantic chart | 1178 | |||||
2937 | The article deals with the first novel of the contemporary Russian writer Vladimir Sharov’s “Walk in the Tracks” (1991). Creating a fictional chronicle of four generations of Kreutzwald and entering his fate for the Russian history of the twentieth century, the author investigates the mechanisms of movement and repetition of history. In this article the author’s strategy is to detect and analyse the texts of the genus Kreutzwald. The author realizes the only way to gain immortality of the individual and the species by restoring the memory of the descendants of the ancestors. Keywords: V. Sharov, chronical, Russian history, pseudo-history, texts, memory | 1178 | |||||
2938 | By example of Russian translations of the novels “The Red and the Black” by Stendhal and “Journey to the End of the Night” by Cйline the article studies the level of reliability of translated texts in teaching foreign literature. Keywords: foreign literature, teaching literature, fiction translation, transformations, novel “The Red and the Black” by Stendhal, “Journey to the End of the Night” by L. F. Cйline | 1178 | |||||
2939 | The genesis of person and the profession interaction is considered, where there are three systems: professional selection, professional self-determination and professional orientation. The article suggests he understanding of professional orientology as the discipline that integrates the given systems and provides scientific understanding of person and profession interaction. Keywords: the person and profession, the systems of interaction, scientific understanding of interaction in the frames of professional orientology | 1178 | |||||
2940 | The article deals with the present situation, problems and way-outs of educational system of special children in Tomsk region in the variety of its components: special, integrative and inclusive types of education are explored. Special attention is paid to distance learning as an important form of education being realized in different types of educational institutes. Keywords: children with special needs, handicapped children, special education, integrative education, inclusive education, distance learning, Tomsk region | 1178 | |||||
2941 | Redaktsiya . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1998. Issue 1 (4). P. 75-76 . | 1177 | |||||
2942 | Churikov V. A. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1998. Issue 5 (8). P. 55-55 . | 1177 | |||||
2943 | Shirokova M. P. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 7 (16). P. 85-88 . | 1177 | |||||
2944 | In the article is considered specifics of ecological com¬ponent of high pedagogical formation, so in particular, is motivated position on that that knowledges, tinned in the general school, are a central to further improvements of ecological component on main discipline in high scholastic institution. Thereby, is emphasized unceasing process an ecology high pedagogical formation. Future specialist must rationally combine knowledges, skills and skills on the new technician and technology of production with warning and analysis of negative influence on the nature, connected with its professional. | 1177 | |||||
2945 | In this article the problem of the professional selfdetermination of the personality of a practical psychologist in the process of education is raised, its solution, in the authors' opinion, is a basis for the formation of acertain model of a specialist. The description of modern approaches to the investigation of a personality s professional self-determination problem is presented here. The authors come to the conclusion that transferring this traditional problem into the sphere of professional education of a practical psychologist reveals the new determinations in the well-known scheme «person - profession*. It exceed the bounds of the philosophical problem of personal choice. The process of professional education for a practical psychologist becomes the process of his professional formation and his personality formation in general. As a result, changes in a personality entail changes in the whole structure of the professional activity of a practical psychologist. | 1177 | |||||
2946 | The article considers the problem of sources of philo¬sophical and aesthetic idea of M.M. Bakhtin. From the point of view of the author, Bakhtin cannot be implanted in one of the philosophical paradigms developing in the beginning of the XXth century. For this reason the consid¬eration of the ideas of the Russian thinker in the context of the history of Russian literature is represented with much more perspective. Based on this postulate, the author tries to show that preconditions of Bakhtin's philo¬sophical aesthetics were developed in works of Russian writers of the XIXth - the beginning of the XXth6 centuries. | 1177 | |||||
2947 | Eltsov Yu. T. - // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 2003. Issue 1 (33). P. 97-103 - | 1177 | |||||
2948 | The topic under consideration is important for describing the peculiarities of finite verb form derivation in Ket. The paper offers extensive data on pairs of iterative verb and their non-iterative correspondents in Ket. The analysis of the morphological structure of these pairs allows to unify and present a limited list of regular derivational patterns employed in the language for iterative verb formation. The author singles out three basic derivational operations on the one hand, and three basic meanings for the derivational category, named iterativity, on the other hand. A descriptive scheme in the form of equation is devised for coding groups of formal markers used for iterative verb formation in Ket. The outcome of this research is categorizing of all known to the author strategies applied to iterative formation according to the three basic derivational operations. | 1177 | |||||
2949 | Considered of conception Problem Vision end Visualization in didactic of Physic for application in content Teaching of different degree detail for computer method in learning training. The Elaboration Vision model end formulate gйnйrale Topology for model visual. Demonstrated of grand effect in Teaching possible realize of application composite combination visual end natural models relies for modeling | 1177 | |||||
2950 | The article is about country stewards – a middle class of the local administration of Kolyvano-Voskresenskiy (Altai) mountain district. Their participation in organization of factory work of pripisnoi (bonded) peasants is investigated.. It is shown how country stewards watched by volostnoi government in time of composing preliminary appointment for peasants with factory duties and how they provided peasants’ dispatch for working according to this appointment. It is established that during peasants’ dispatch stewards took into account time and climatic factors as well as they took charge of the progress of peasants’ factory work. The cases of country stewards’ personal participation in mobilization of pripisnoi (bonded) peasantry class for factory work as well as a degree of their responsibility in this business are considered. | 1177 |