# | Article | Downloads | |||||
3701 | The conception of competition ability is of great interest to modern science. This article deals with interaction and in-terconnection of competition abilities of firms and national economics. The idea is that every country can have competition ability on the national and foreign market if its firms and economy stands the competition. The factors of competition abilities of firms and national economics are different but interdependent. | 1123 | |||||
3702 | The article is devoted to the problems of the development of arts and crafts of the region. Here have been described different kinds of artistic handicraft in their temporary development and the correlation of artistic-subject world with aesthetic education. In the article there are conclusions that teaching of the arts and crafts basis at school and higher educational establishments will allow to unite broken links of cultural experience of generations, to create the world picture of the world in the world outlook of the rising generation, thus giving possibility to their spiritual development, the ability to make, to create according to the laws of beauty. | 1123 | |||||
3703 | Tolstoy's interest in the problem of national selfconsciousness as well as the publication of the essay «English tourists* by Thackeray in the magazine «Otechestvennije zapiski* make it reasonable to speak of Tolstoy's dialogue with the English writer. | 1123 | |||||
3704 | In the article «About new possibilities for the methodological synthesis by the studying of the powerful structures of the early Middle Ages» the author sets the methodology for searching cf social structures (among them - powerful structure). This methodology is used by the medievists of the french «School «Annais» and is connected with reorientation to the subjective analysis factors - personality and mentality. The author brings it out as transition from the macrolevei to the microlevel of searches. This search direction becomes priority in the modern native historiography too. | 1123 | |||||
3705 | The paper presents four formalization levels for logical structure of mathematical material of secondary school. Didactic conditions of transition to each level are considered. The author proceeds from the criteria of methodical expediency and disengagement. The work is aimed at arrangement of conditions for more deliberate and in-depth study of the subject content. Besides, general logical skills of students are formed by means of educational area «Mathematics», and, thus, general- cultural potential of this educational area is realized more completely and effectively. | 1123 | |||||
3706 | Research of a phenomenon and diagnostics of existential crisis conditions is carried out; psychosocial and existential roots of crisis are revealed; psychological and psychotherapeutic aspects experience of existential crisis; principles and methods of the psychological help to the persons experiencing crisis are certain; the interrelation of existential crisis and suicide tendencies is established at a depressive background of mood; the role in overcoming crisis of personal resources and psychological is certain | 1123 | |||||
3707 | In article it is shown that dynamics of solar activity makes more essential impact on psychophysiological functions of girls, than boys. Keywords: environment, solar activity, organism reaction, intellectual working capacity | 1123 | |||||
3708 | The article considers an actual problem of formation among students of pedagogical specialities and tolerance as personality quality which stipulate efficiency not only socializations but also success of further professional activity of graduating students. The analysis of modern educational process in high school allows to speak about sufficiency of a substantial component and necessity of modernisation of a technological component, application of interactive innovative forms of preparation of students to pedagogical activity. Keywords: students, socializations, professional, school, tolerance, educational process in high school, component, technological component, innovative forms of preparation of students | 1123 | |||||
3709 | The article is devoted to release the expressive potential of adjectives in attributive regulative structures epithets type, which used in poetry of M.I. Tsvetaeva. Are revealed regulative features of the given structures of function of adjectives depending on type of epithets and their place within the limits of attributive regulative structures. Keywords: an adjective, an epithet, attributive regulative structure | 1123 | |||||
3710 | . | 1123 | |||||
3711 | The article contains analysis of the concepts of scientifi c-technical creativity to identify them in the metaphors of biological birth. The author argues that in the concepts of scientifi c-technical creativity elements are borrowed from an archaic understanding of how new biological birth. He attributes these elements as heritability, properties responsible for the creation of the creator, the impact of sociality and the periodicity of the creative process. Keywords: scientifi c-technical creativity, metaphors, the birth process | 1123 | |||||
3712 | The article offers a model of social support of gifted children in physics, ensuring academic mobility of students. We consider the structure, the elements of the model, the classification of forms of mobility, testing in the framework of the activities of the Center of additional education at the pedagogical university in Tomsk. Keywords: gifted children, social-pedagogical support, academic mobility, physical and mathematical education, pedagogical university, model | 1123 | |||||
3713 | This article reveals the structure and content of mathematical talent and describes pedagogical conditions of its effective progress among school students, based on specially created developmental educational surrounding. Keywords: mathematical talent, students, developmental educational surrounding | 1123 | |||||
3714 | In this article we can see the application of Marxian and Weberian conceptions of estrangement for the description of the conditions of work and education in the USA in the 19th century. If in the Marxian conception the estrangement in capitalistic society increases permanently, then in Weberian conception the estrangement weakens by the increase of qualification and by the reformation labour ethics of “beruf”. However in case of the USA we can see what the estrangement was not weakened owing to reformation labour ethics of “beruf”, but owing to diversification of possibilities. The problem of estrangement is a problem of development of capitalism but it needs its own methodology. Keywords: estrangement, education, diversification of possibilities, colonization of new lands, USA, K. Marx, M. Weber | 1123 | |||||
3715 | The article contains a research of common features and differences in content and esthetic actualization of fiction concepts “spring” and “life” on the material of the Russian poets’ verses. Means of their usage and individual figurative representation with glance to associative connections are examined in the article. Some regularities in variety of content and structure of concepts, which are connected with their different sides reasonably and are conditioned subjectively by peculiarities of the author interpretation and creative conception of poets, theme and situation were determined in the article. Different variative potential of researched fiction concepts connected with their specificity, semantics of concept’s nominative, their collective associative field and different types of verbalized in poetic texts associations were established. The research is done in cognitive trend of communicative stylistics of text and regulative theory. Keywords: fiction concept, variative potential of concept, poetic text, regulativity, textual associates, textual associative field of concept | 1123 | |||||
3716 | Computer algebra systems are now ubiquitous in all areas of science and engineering. Mathcad is one of the most successeful and widely used mathematical package. The capabilities of the mathematical package Mathcad are used to compute approximate solutions of different kinds of equations from statistical physics and thermodynamics. Solved numerically the equations in which the unknown enters under the integral sign. The presented examples are of independent interest to the students and teachers that use numerical methods. The equation of heat balance is difficult to solve when the specific heat depends on temperature and this dependence is given in the form of a table. Spline interpolation is applied to solve the heat balance equation in such a case. Debay’s theory of heat capacity of crystals well describes the temperature dependence of specific heat capacities of some substances. The Debay’s theory is used to numerically solve the heat balance equation for aluminium and copper. Distribution Fermi–Dirac can be used for calculations if the chemical potential is known. The chemical potential implicitly depends on the concentration and temperature. It is shown how to numerically calculate the chemical potential. Shows how to solve numerically and graphically an equation arising in the derivation of the Wien’s shift law. With the help of Planck’s formula determines the temperature of the stars having a maximum proportion of radiation in the visible range. Provides the problems associated with the Maxwell distribution. Without the Boltzmann distribution the pressure of the isothermal atmosphere at a specified altitude is calculated. Keywords: computer mathematics systems, spline interpolation, numerical solution of equations, statistical distribution | 1123 | |||||
3717 | The Sakha language is one of the state languages of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). For development and support of the native language in our Republic extensive work is being done in the field of bilingual education. The concept of bilingual education involves interrelated activities of teachers and students, aimed at the study of the subject means of native and non-native languages, which is achieved by mastering subject content, the development of speech and thinking, and the formation of balanced bilingualism in which students acquire languages in the same degree. The article addresses the issues of language education in terms of functioning of the two state languages (on the example of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)). Against the background of introduction of Federal state educational standard, the educational environment of the Republic is developing dynamically, based on the scientific research modern teaching materials, manuals, reference materials are being developed. It is known that the native language plays a special role, since it is the basis for the formation and development of thinking, intellectual and creative abilities, as well as socialization of personality and introducing it to culture. Therefore, this article describes features of formation of students’ linguistic concepts in teaching to the native language. Describes the monitoring study in 5–9th forms of the Yakut schools, a brief analysis of textbooks in the native language in the primary school. For more successful development and formation of linguistic competencies, reference materials developed by the Research Institute of National Schools of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) are offered. Keywords: bilingual education, linguistic competence, linguistic dictionaries, linguistic skills, techniques (methods) of training, the principle of consideration of native language, native language, the Russian language, balanced bilingualism, the system of langua | 1123 | |||||
3718 | The article deals with approaches to the definition of the essence of foreign communicative competence and its structural components. The author pays special attention to the study of language competence in the structure of the foreign communicative competence. The paper presents two components of the language competence: readiness and ability to apply linguistic knowledge (orthographic, phonetic, grammatical and lexical ones) and skills of operating this knowledge in accordance with the spheres, situations and themes of communication intended for learning at the secondary school. The author of the article developed and implemented the «Sound-letter train» evaluative method in order to determine the level formation of above-mentioned knowledge and skills. The article presents the method passport: a detailed description of an application procedure, the necessary tools for implementation, and also the introduction (instruction) for students. It demonstrates one full-text version of the method, which had been implemented in the group of students. While describing the technique, the author points out the variability of time and contingent of people on whom the method may be implemented. The author proposes the topics and ways of modifying the method for students depending on the contingent and the training level. The author comes to the conclusion that the method is a way of assessing the formation of orthographic and phonetic knowledge and skills of operating them in the context of the system-activity approach. This method takes into account the requirements of the federal state educational standard for the growing role of the students’ independence while detecting themselves knowledge gaps, expression by them of self-regulation and self-esteem. Keywords: foreign communicative competence, language competence, orthographic and phonetic knowledge and skills of operating them, the «Sound-letter train» evaluative method | 1123 | |||||
3719 | . | 1122 | |||||
3720 | . | 1122 | |||||
3721 | Anyanova N. A. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 5 (14). P. 73-74 . | 1122 | |||||
3722 | Rezun M. A. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 6 (15). P. 36-40 . | 1122 | |||||
3723 | A complex and actual problem of social adaptation of invalids is considered in the paper. In historical science the problem of adaptation of invalids of the Great Patriotic War is not fully studied till present. By the initiative of the party and the state, the efforts of solving problems were made but they could not be solved either during the war or the postwar period. After discharge from the hospital invalids remained alone by themselves. | 1122 | |||||
3724 | This article is about the area of using in education the concept of public safety. The author opens and analyzes the characteristic of a condition of a society (state) ability, to protect the vital interests in social sphere from a various sort of internal and external threats. | 1122 | |||||
3725 | The article is devoted to the generalization of the main contradictions of the russian system of education/ These contradictions are viewed as discrepancy between the desire of the educational system to be static and the dynamic nature of the set goals/ This discrepancy is planned to be overcome within the framework of the synergetic paradigm which views self-organized systems as being able to change their goals and inner means of self-regulation. the prospects and difficulties of the realization of such an approach are stated. | 1122 | |||||
3726 | The questions of the universal computer aided simula¬tion system MAPC application for the digital devices simulation in time domain are considered. The exam¬ples of physical and physical-information simulation are given. | 1122 | |||||
3727 | It is essential nowadays to search new and more effective means and methods of physical education which help to influence the state of children with tuberculous intoxication and their ability to work physically. The article represents the results of the experiment which prove the efficiency of usage of the optimum dosed physical activity by tuberculous children of 14. The optimization of the physical activity during negative climatic-meteorological period helps to make the teaching process more effective and to attain recovery under improvement of functional state of the internal system of a child’s organism | 1122 | |||||
3728 | The article deals with the problem of teenager personality formation in the children’s society. The development of teenager personality is connected with the transformation of activity object into activity subject. This process occurs like the process of formation and the transformation of personality according to its ability of reflexion. The children’s society «Children Science Foundation» is the example for the formation of reflexive abilities on different levels of teenager personality development. Keywords: personality, subject of activity, reflexion, children’s society, educational space, educational and social level of personality formation | 1122 | |||||
3729 | The article considers the peculiarities of the use of pedagogical definitions and terms in Russian Decrees of the first quarter of the 18th century. The quantitative and qualitative characteristics of definitions are stated according to the content analysis. The systematization of the selective aggregate of definitions is done on thematic classification. As a result the author determines such important specific aspects of educational definitions and terms in this particular field as polysemy, synonymy, their insignificant dependence on the context and the author’s interpretation and presents the development of Russian educational practice in the given period. Keywords: definition, term, legislative acts and documents in the field of education, thematic classification, polysemy, synonymy | 1122 | |||||
3730 | The article considers interpersonal interaction as the basis of voice communication and its condition. The author proposes parameters and mechanisms of interpersonal interaction, which make it possible to determine optimal strategy and tactics of establishment and encouragement of personal interrelations with the communication partner, to select adequate vocal and non-vocal means for the realization of communicative intention; to show action on the collocutor; to consider its national cultural specific character. Keywords: social relations, social interaction, communicative-cognitive activity, identification, reflection, adaptation, empathy. | 1122 | |||||
3731 | The category of deviation is expressed by some broad-meaning words with the root devia-. The semantics of the above-mentioned words may be made more specific by analyzing their contextual correlations with lingual units representing the concepts which are included in the field of deviation. These concepts form the hierarchical structure of the category of deviation, hyper-hyponym relations underlying this structure. Keywords: deviation, category, semantics, concept, lexeme, word-combination, phrase | 1122 | |||||
3732 | The demographic situation in Russia and Tomsk region, and also factors formations influencing processes and developments of a mental potential of the population is analyzed. The contribution of human potential to creation of public riches is considered. Keywords: demographic processes, a intellectual potential, human potential, dynamics of population of region, migration | 1122 | |||||
3733 | The article discusses the state of human capital in Russia at the present stage, revealed the basic concepts and definitions, we investigate the influence of human factors on the Russian economy, and comparative analysis with other developed countries. Keywords: human capital, intellectual potential, investment, economic growth | 1122 | |||||
3734 | Under current conditions of Russian multiparty great importance is to study the historical experience of partogenez at the turn of the 19th – 20th centuries and also its understanding by policy makers and practitioners at the time. The article compared the views of liberals considered the problem of the formation and development of political parties in Russia in the revolutionary process. Keywords: the revolutionary process, partogenez, political party, the classification of parties, party struggle | 1122 | |||||
3735 | The article deals with the question of the involvement of children and teenagers in children’s public associations, which offer conditions for social activities. One of the conditions is a social projecting in children’s public organizations. Keywords: children’s social organization, social planning | 1122 | |||||
3736 | The paper presents the analysis of correlation between such pedagogical categories as “competence” and “knowledge and skills”. The author shows the necessity of decomposing competences into knowledge and skills in a competence model of a specialist. It is defined that this decomposition reveals a clear logical link between the competences and the subjects of the curriculum. Keywords: the State Higher Educational Standards, competence, competence model of a specialist, decomposition of competences | 1122 | |||||
3737 | In the article, on basis of the archive sources, the author studies different parts of the Tomsk Engineering and Building Institute (TEBI)’s Komsomol Organization within 1985–87 Anti-alcohol Campaign. A typical personal feature of Komsomol breakers is established by him. Social control measures by Komsomol in its youth work, and the external conditions that helped or disturb this is analyzed also. He justifies a social and scientific topicality of this problem study in the modern Russian terms. Keywords: students, Komsomol, Prohibition, punishment | 1122 | |||||
3738 | The work is devoted to the study of the concept “Leisure” which has an important value in the culture of any linguistic community. One of the leisure aspects which has become widely spread in many countries of the world in recent times including America and Russia is considered. Keywords: concept, leisure, free time, shop, shopping | 1122 | |||||
3739 | Environmental pollution, depletion of natural resources and violations of ecological linkages in ecosystems have become global problems. That is why the problem of the formation of ecological culture is particularly relevant now. Society should reconsider its attitude to nature, to abandon the principle meet all their needs, try to harmonize their relationship with nature. We believe that the approach to the solution of environmental problems is the basis of education. This article discusses methods of environmental education organization, shows the experimental data for different components of formation of ecological culture among schoolchildren in the framework of the environmental project “Ecology. First Steps”. Keywords: ecological culture, environmental knowledge, environmental values, environmental action, activitybased approach | 1122 | |||||
3740 | The article reveals the specifics of the genesis of money and monetary relations in primitive culture from the perspective of facts stated in anthropology, which sufficiently suggested that money existed in primitive culture. Directly to economic exchange (barter), they were not required, but the money worked in non-functioning forms of exchange and initiated rational disposal of surplus. Money in the ritual exchange of “Kula” united the different parts of the primitive society, after that the economic exchange was possible. In the ritual of “potlatch” the money were fixed amount consumed for sacrificial benefits that had to return to the owners with increasing in future. Keywords: money, culture, money`s genesis, primitive culture, money relations | 1122 | |||||
3741 | The article based on the material of the German language deals with the meaning of the lexeme “Arbeit”. Material for the study was provided by various monolingual dictionaries of German. The problem of studying of the basic lexemes of the concept “Arbeit” was studied by the author during the dissertation research on the material of proverbs of unrelated languages. In this research a comprehensive study of the basic lexeme “Arbeit” was carried out within the framework of the description of the linguocultural concept “work”. The study was conducted in accordance with the meanings of the word “Arbeit” which are represented in the dictionary entries in the form of synonymic series for each component of the words under analysis. Certain symbols verbalize the meaning “work as a profession, position” are grouped thematically and marked by territorial identity. The derivational structure of these lexemes was determined as well as frequency of their manufacturing bases of the derivatives. The semantics of the components of compound words was analyzed. The author identifies the usage labels reflecting the connotative coloring of the lexemes verbalizing the meaning of the word “Arbeit”. For more results the analysis involves data from synonymous and etymological dictionaries. The results of the study can be used in practical classes, in the seminars in lexicology of the German language. Keywords: lexeme, meaning, concept, synonymic row, component, nomination, lexical-semantic group | 1122 | |||||
3742 | The article presents the experience of implementing a level-by-level linguistic analysis of the publicistic text - a polemical article by Z. N. Gippius “On the Women’s Field” – for the purpose of considering textual language tools and ways of expressing evaluation. The choice of the text is determined by a complex of factors: its belonging to the publicistic style, and therefore, the presence in the language structure of a pronounced evaluation, both subjective and social; the implementation in this text of the principles and trends in the selection and features of the functioning of evaluation language tools that are characteristic of the entire creative discourse of Z. Gippius, including those relating to the idiomolexicon and the idiostyle of the author in general. As a theoretical basis for the study, the thesis is advanced that appraisal as a linguisticistic category mediating the logical category of evaluation in the text largely determines the features of the linguistic picture of the author’s world, his idiomolexicon and idiostyle. It is noted that the evaluation in the works of Z. N. Gippius is realized by means of lexical, word-formation, morphological, syntactic levels of language and in their interaction. In the analyzed text, the evaluation is implemented at all language levels. The basis for the linguistic expression of evaluation is lexical units with evaluation semantics. For the text of Z. Gippius as an artistic and journalistic work, the following artistic techniques are used: metaphors, epithets, comparisons, etc. Syntactic means of expressing evaluation are represented by exclamation and interrogative sentences, plug-in constructions. At all language levels, the negative evaluation of objects predominates, which is a characteristic feature of idiostyle of Z. N. Gippius, due to the nature of the author’s worldview. Keywords: evaluation, estimated language tools, comprehensive linguistic analysis, Z. Gippius, idiolexicon, idiostyle | 1122 | |||||
3743 | The main idea of the article is a statement that mastering the basics of conceptual analysis by high-school students enables them to acquire textual competence. Nowadays, there is no standard definition of the term ‘concept’; there are several methods of conceptual analysis. A concept is something versatile. In various fields of studies, researchers draw special attention to one or another aspect of the concept. The article presents a review of some methods of carrying-out a conceptual analysis of a text and of a word generally accepted both in cognitive linguistics and cognitive poetics and in the Russian language teaching methods. The author proposes an improved version of conceptual analysis worked out in accordance with communicative stylistics of the text. This version is adapted to the practical issues of shaping text competences of students at school. This method is illustrated by the example of the concept ‘death’ verbalized in the poem of O. E. Mandelstam. Such kind of work should be given as part of an elective course taking into account that this kind of activity is not included in the curriculum. The course of work is controlled by the teacher because the students need a teacher to explain scientific terms to them, as well as to help them with step-by-step performance of the exercise. It is important to use diverse dictionaries (definition dictionaries, etymological dictionaries, dictionaries of synonyms, of antonyms and others). The goal at this stage is to find necessary dictionary entries and to analyze them to discover coincidences / distinctions in semantics and actual meaning of the key units that actualize the principal attributes of the concept and are reflected in the vocabulary and in the poem of the poet. Equally important is the final stage of the work which is to generalize and to formulate the author’s own opinion on the content of the concept. The article may be interesting for the students of pedagogical universities and the Russian language teachers. Keywords: concept, method of conceptual analysis, textual competence | 1122 | |||||
3744 | The article presents the results of historical archival research. It characterizes the scientific and pedagogical activity conditions for the students and staff of Tomsk State Pedagogical Institute during 1945-1953, the period of the «personality cult» of i.V. Stalin (Jougashvili) in the USSR. The publication is devoted to the 100th anniversary of Tomsk State Pedagogical University of the Ministry of Education of Russia, the successor to Tomsk Teachers' Institute and the first pedagogical higher education institution in the Asian part of the country. | 1121 | |||||
3745 | The article considers the practice of modern testing, re¬veals positive and negative aspects of this form of evaluat¬ing. The authors suggest ways of making computer tests for the use under the conditions of distance learning to increase sfficiency of knowledge quality control. Keywords: - | 1121 | |||||
3746 | In the frames of the article there is an attempt to clarify certain provisions of the concept of a viable identity, developed by M. P. Gurjanova, in relation to rural ungraded schools. Keywords: organization of educational process in rural ungraded schools, different-age children teams, teamwork, interpersonal communication | 1121 | |||||
3747 | This article presents the process of development of four variants of the problematic method of teaching in the structure of the method of professional recreative and preventive training of the students of the faculty of physical training. Keywords: problematic method of teaching, professional recreative and preventive training, characteristics of variants of problematic method | 1121 | |||||
3748 | This article reveals the essence of the development dimension of spatial imagination in higher technical education, presented to the revealed way of resolving this pedagogical issue for the implementation of the integrative function of modern pedagogy for the systematization of its theoretical foundations. Keywords: spatial, technical college students, perceptions, teacher modelling | 1121 | |||||
3749 | The paper considers the analysis of the territory names that carry special status for performing the function of the world connection for Selkups. Sacred places are classifi ed in the article and a fragment of the worldview is consi dered on the basis of linguistic data. Keywords: the Selkup language, worldview, ethnolinguistics, sacred places | 1121 | |||||
3750 | The article deals with the analysis of the computer-based tests presented in on-line educational English for special purposes complex for senior non-linguistic students who study professional English. Based on the analysis carried out the following conclusion was made: computer based testing enables a systematic and objective monitoring of students’ results, the diagnostics of difficulties while mastering the specified discipline and is a measure of learning efficiency, as well as tremendous motivating stimulus. Keywords: computer-based tests, professional English, systematic and objective monitoring, diagnostics of difficulties, learning efficiency, motivating stimulus | 1121 |