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4051 | Occasional psychoactive substance use among students is related to olfactory and immunological deviations. These features can be used for predictions of addictive disorders among educated young people. Keywords: substance use, educated young people, immune function, olfactory sensitivity, risk factors | 1108 | |||||
4052 | In the article pedagogical aspects of Olympic and Paralympic education at elementary school are considered. Systematic classes on the Olympic and Paralympic subject positively influence social orientation of younger schoolchildren in the course of physical training, if the occupations are consecutive and logical. Keywords: Olympic education, Paralympic education, younger schoolchildren, physical culture, social orientation, socialization | 1108 | |||||
4053 | The article focuses on the possibility of implementing multisubject approach in pre-school education. The author draws attention to the fact that multisubject interaction can ensure the development of the personality of each child and development of his/her personality in the organized interaction in the educational process. Keywords: pre-school education, multisubject approach, subjectivity, dialogue subjects, interaction | 1108 | |||||
4054 | The article substantiates the necessity of modernization of teaching foreign languages during a postgraduate course. It considers the theory of the competence-based approach which is a methodological basis of realization of modern educational standards.The authors determine key competences which future scientists have to obtain. The article deals with developing such competences as linguistic competence, communicative competence, intercultural competence and translation competence. It discusses the implementation of electronic and distance educational resources in teaching process and suggests new forms of formative and summative assessment. The authors define general characteristics of the educational program focused on a competence-based model of education during a postgraduate course. Keywords: postgraduate course, foreign language, competence-based approach, competence, an educational programme | 1108 | |||||
4055 | The problem of mortality and the experience of death is one of the most urgent for a person. Each culture offers its own solution. In the Ancient Greece of the era of the classics, mysteries were the means of the lifetime experience of death, among which the most widespread were the Eleusinian sacraments. The emergence of the mystery phenomenon is connected with the specificity of the ancient Greek religion, which was a kind of complement in the form of rituals to existing mythological subjects and never turned into an essential cultural dominant that would determine all spheres of life of ancient Greek society. The Eleusinian Mysteries, which arose on the basis of the agrarian myth of Demeter and Persephone, allowed people to survive death without dying, while still alive, and thus not only include it in the circle of being, but also get hope for a better posthumous fate. In this case, the mysteries are more connected with the myth than with the actual Greek religion. They acted as illustrations to the myth, ritualizing it. The problem of the lifetime experience of death with the help of the Eleusinian Mysteries will allow us to understand better the specifics of the ancient Greek culture of the classical epoch, and the findings can be used in the preparation of courses on the history and culture of ancient Greece. Keywords: Ancient Greece, Eleusinian Mysteries, sacraments, myth | 1108 | |||||
4056 | Detterer A. V. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1998. Issue 2 (5). P. 33-36 . | 1107 | |||||
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4058 | The role of popular educational societies of naturalists and doctors at the Tomsk Imperial University, Siberian engineers, the Tomsk Department of the Russian Technical Society, legal society, the society of studying Siberia is represented in the paper in development of cultural processes in the Tomsk prov-ince in the period of XIX-XX centuries. | 1107 | |||||
4059 | In article given the problem of readiness of the teacher for activity on development of mathematical abilities of pupils in a context of its formation in conditions of in qualification improvement system of professional skills is considered, the tasks of course preparation within the limits of which the teacher creatively realizes the potential and solves problems of professional development are defined. The basic directions and the factors influencing on the condition of readiness of the teacher for activity on development of pupils abilities are analyzed and the structurization of system of readiness elements is offered | 1107 | |||||
4060 | Modelling of pedagogical systems is the integral unit and the working tool of scientific researches. Calibration of various models of designing of an intelligence system of high school has led to the following tool implementation. Keywords: information technology, handle, modelling, system, indicators | 1107 | |||||
4061 | The article deals with major fields of activities for ungraded school teachers aimed at developing their professional skills as well as conditions in order to modernize such an educational institution. Keywords: professional competence of ungraded school teachers, vocational education technologies. | 1107 | |||||
4062 | The article contains a semantic description of the mental activity predicates group and analyses of their meaning in the aspect of the norm. Semantics of the norm in this group of words is studied in connection with prefixes недо- and пере-, expressing the meaning of un-achievement or exceeding the norm in verbs semantic. Keywords: norm, estimation, mental activity predicates | 1107 | |||||
4063 | The article represents the theoretical bases of the modular teaching, the structural elements of a module and the components of the modular teaching. The matter subject of the credit system is also introduced. Keywords: modular teaching, module, educational element, rating, credits, academic credits. | 1107 | |||||
4064 | In article the comparative aspect of development of the graphic and speech activity as sign-symbolical systems at children's age is considered. The comparative analysis of the generation of the sign-symbolical function at the senior preschool children with the general speech underdevelopment and the children with the normal speech development is carried out. The assumption of the use of symbolical possibilities of graphic activity in the correctional purposes for elimination of the general speech underdevelopment is stated. Keywords: graphic and speech activity, sign-symbolical system, isographic modeling, children with the general speech underdevelopment. | 1107 | |||||
4065 | In author’s opinion on the ancient history of the Northwestern and central Northern Caucasus was closely linked with Indo-European migrations from Central Europe in the second half of the 3rd – beginning of the 2nd centuries B.C. The first migrants to this region consisted of the mixed groups of Indo-Europeans and non-Indo-Europeans that can be corresponded to the Tocharians (Afanasievo culture) and formed pre-Maikop cultural horizon with the horse-head scepters. The second stream of the European population that reached the Caucasus included the “Ancient Europeans” (AE – ancestors of the Slavs, the Germans, the Balts, the Celts, the Italics), and the Anatolians as well. The dolmens under the barrows in the Northwestern Caucasus were left by them. The archaeological equivalents of AE groups settled in the central part of the Northern Caucasus are the kurgan burials of the Kuban-Terek culture that dated from 3rd -2nd centuries BC. Thus the history of the Ancient Caucasus in 3rd century B.C can be regarded as a part of the IndoEuropean history of Europe. Keywords: Northern Caucasus, Eneolithic, horse-head scepters, Bronze Age, Novosvobodnaya-Klady dolmens, kurgan burials, Kuban-Terek culture of 3-2nd centuries., Indo-European homelands and migrations | 1107 | |||||
4066 | In this article, results of investigation of prevalence of beer addiction among adolescents with account for age, gender and educative aspects are introduced; association of peculiarities of development of identity of the personality in adolescence with formation of early forms of addictive behaviour (beer addiction) has been shown. Keywords: beer addiction, early forms of drug addiction, adolescence, personal development, mental growth, identity, statuses of identity | 1107 | |||||
4067 | The article views the lexeme ‘proverbial’ in the aspect of the language symbolism. Some examples demonstrate how this lexeme correlates with the proverbs, sayings, phraseological units and separate words that convey culturally significant information. Keywords: culturally significant information, paroemia, proverb, saying, phraseological unit, symbol, leхeme ‘proverbial’ | 1107 | |||||
4068 | The article highlights the experience of the program development and technological map designing for Bachelors of Social Work educational practice within the requirements of the FSES for Higher Professional Training and for major “social work in the system of social services” in particular. There defined goals and objectives of the practice, its content and projected results of modules mastering are revealed, the main students activities are characterized and the criteria for assessing their personal and professional achievements are provided in this paper. Keywords: educational practice, module-rating technology, content, projected training results | 1107 | |||||
4069 | The authors demonstrates specificity influence of type of forest of Betula pendula Roth. on occurrence degree in plantations of pathological agent Inonotus obliquus (Pers.) Pil. Keywords: Inonotus obliquus (Pers.) Pil., Betula pendula Roth., type of forest, frequency of occurrence, yield class | 1107 | |||||
4070 | The analysis of the problems concerning the scientific approaches to the typology of educational systems is presented in the article. In accordance with the obtained results the most important approaches are singled out. Special attention is paid to the approaches related to the typology of educational systems. The differences and similarities in the definitions and application of these approaches in pedagogy, economics, management, general systems theory, and in other fields of science are determined. Keywords: educational systems, typology of educational systems, scientific approaches to the typology | 1107 | |||||
4071 | Tourism in terms of communication theory is a special kind of communication, which can be called tourist communication. The positive and negative impacts of tourism on the development of rural territories discussed in this article depends on socio-cultural environment destinations and regions, their capabilities, tourist and recreational and natural ecological potential, as well as the overall development planning of the area. Other aspects of the socio-cultural impact of tourism are connected with the fact that in the process of tourist communication there is the formation of tourism development and socio- cultural space of the person as a tourist and a resident of rural areas, as the objects of tourist interest. The attitude of the participants of the tourist communication to the natural environment and cultural traditions, values, types of leisure lifestyle is changing. The reciprocal interconnections of the tourism and local population are considered on the example of tourist destinations of the Novosibirsk region. Keywords: Tourist communication, socio-cultural space of destinations, recreational potential of the area, territorial Planning, rural areas | 1107 | |||||
4072 | Discusses the development of ideas about gender and sexual education of children of preschool age in our country during the beginning of the 80’s to late 90-ies of XX century. This period is characterized by the weakening of the state power and reduction of ideological and social control. This has led to active penetration of foreign scientists’ ideas in the domestic pedagogical theory. The interest of the Soviet researchers to gender issues has increased. The education reform contributed to the implementation of preschool educational institutions alternative programs that have created positive conditions for the development and implementation of systems of sexual education of children of preschool age. Keywords: moral-sexual education, children of preschool age, gender, sex-role socialization, parents, family | 1107 | |||||
4073 | The article presents the results of psychological research of staff of law-enforcement bodies of Ufa legal institute. In the course of research it is established that the professional experience of more than 4 years creates the conditions of professional growth of the identity of staff of law-enforcement bodies which determines the formation of steady personality traits, expressed in high subjective assessment of health, activity and mood, the reduced neyrotizm, personal and situational uneasiness, prevalence the extrovert properties of the personality. The obtained data expand and supplement knowledge and ideas of influence of professional official activity on the identity of staff of Department of Internal Affairs. Keywords: Police officers, psychological formation, personal and situational uneasiness, extraversion, neurotization | 1107 | |||||
4074 | The article considers the formation of “professional competence” term. Corresponding psychological and pedagogical literature was reviewed, correlative terms were analyzed. On the basis of information received the correlation between terms “professionalism”, “professional readiness” and “professional competency” was revealed and presented. Also, scheme presenting correlation of above mentioned terms was introduced. Specific features of professional competency of teachers working with disabled children were considered and analyzed. The structure of professional competency of such teachers was determined and presented in tabular form. Major components of professional competency revealing through three aspects: cognitive, practical and personal were identified and presented. Relation of these components formation ensures professional readiness of a teacher who works with disabled children. Keywords: professionalism, pedagogical excellence, professional readiness, professional competency, children with disabilities | 1107 | |||||
4075 | The article considers manipulation of mass audience with the help of discredit speech strategy, which is being used in headlines of British printed mass media by adversarial parties during the EU Referendum campaign. It gives a brief outline of the British mass media and their views on the forthcoming referendum. The article claims, that discredit strategy is implemented in the following speech tactics: accusation, offence, intimidation and derision. It also analyses communicative devices and linguistic means which are used in headlines by each of the adversarial parties in order to put into effect the mentioned above tactics and, as a result, to implement discredit speech strategy in the most effective way. Keywords: speech strategy, speech tactic, communicative device, discredit strategy, mass media, newspaper headline, Brexit | 1107 | |||||
4076 | The paper discusses the compositional semantics of adjective-noun combinations like fake gun. Compositionality appears to be one of the most cognitively basic principles guiding semantic research. This study argues the claim of formal semantics that the meaning of an expression is a function of the meanings of its parts and of the way they are syntactically combined. The article adduces support for the claim that the meaning of the whole cannot be predicted from the meanings of the parts and the way they are put together. The investigation makes an attempt to find the relations between formally integrated linguistic structure and conceptually integrated structures. The adjective fake is seen as privative for which an instance of the adjective + noun combination is never an instance of the noun alone. Complexes with fake entail the negation of the noun modified by fake. The paper accounts for the meaning of adjective-noun combinations in terms of conceptual integration. Within the framework of mental spaces theory the adjective fake prompts for a specific complex mapping scheme and emerges a novel conceptual blend. In terms of conceptual blending the adjective fake calls for two input spaces with a disanalogy connector such that an element in one place is real, but in the other is not. The article highlights combinatorial possibilities of fake. Of particular concern is the issue that the appropriate use of fake requires the activation of an appropriate frame. Keywords: compositionality, adjective meaning, lexical semantics, emergent structure, blend, mental spaces, cognitive domain, complex concept | 1107 | |||||
4077 | Introduction. The issues of communication between the author, the character and the reader in the artistic world of this or that writer remain relevant. The scientific tradition of the study of narratives and the modern literary concepts that complement it (for example, the poetics of personalism) have established that the author is present in his work both narratively and structurally; The author is the creator of the artistic world and at the same time the narrator about it. The author’s subject is manifested through the subject organization of the work, as well as through a storytelling event. Aim and objectives. The aim of the research is to analyze the compositional speech structure of Svetlana Lavrova’s works addressed to a child reader, to consider the category of “author-hero-reader” categories, to establish the connection of the narrative structure with the author’s artistic world and axiology. Materials and research methods. It is revealed that in the artistic world of S. Lavrova various methods of narration and various forms of manifestation of the author’s subject are used: from a personality-neutral narrator to a personalized narrator. The complexity of the subject organization, the multiplicity of points of view in the artistic world of S. Lavrova are designed to create the most complete and accurate picture of reality. The saturation of the works of S. Lavrova with references, allusions, reminiscences to works included in the circle of children’s and youthful reading actualizes the mechanism of the language game and contributes to the formation of communication between the author and the reader. Results and discussion. As a result, it was found that the most important structural principle of the creation of the artistic world of S. Lavrova is the juxtaposition of outof-place things, the coexistence of the real and the fantastic, the rejection of credibility, but the desire for vitality. Emphasizing the conscious formation of the text by the author creates such a type of narration in which the boundaries between the world of the author and the world of characters, as well as between the world of characters and the world of the reader, are mobile and permeable. Metapathing creates the effect of complete creative freedom of the author, causes a feeling of inner unpredictability and contributes to the formation of game poetics. Conclusion. In the works of S. Lavrova, the world surrounding the child is depicted as internally coherent, harmonious, of absolute value, and the involvement of the child reader in it contributes to understanding oneself and one’s place in the world. Keywords: literature of the region, literature for children and adolescents, literary narratives, author, hero, reader, narrator, point of view, subject organization of a literary work | 1107 | |||||
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4079 | Manankova R. P. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1997. Issue 3 (3). P. 4-5 . | 1106 | |||||
4080 | Gorbunova N. A. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1997. Issue 3 (3). P. 19-21 . | 1106 | |||||
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4083 | Vladimirov O. N. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 6 (15). P. 32-36 . | 1106 | |||||
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4085 | The article resumes the usage of ground rent in various payments using natural objects. One proposes to solve the problem of their division in the budget system by emphasizing in environment purely natural resources and assimilative potential of nature: the payment for natural resources must be given to regions, the payment for potential - into federal budget. | 1106 | |||||
4086 | The present-day state of social economic development of regions is characterized by a great variety of climatic, demographic, economic, social, cultural resources and unbalanced regional social economic policy of the previous years. The main tasks of the modern regional policy of the Russian are to solve old and current problems of social economic development of regions. The most important mechanism of state regulation in the sphere of regional development is to create special federal programs. | 1106 | |||||
4087 | The paper is devoted to educational aspects of new and actual problem of intentional electromagnetic interference (IEMI) to equipment. The background history of the IEMI problem is highlighted briefly, and a number of facts showing the seriousness of the problem are presented. The reflection of the problem in enlightenment and education, particularly a contribution of the author in the work and his suggestions to improve it, are considered. Numerous references on the IEMI problem are given. | 1106 | |||||
4088 | Searching arrangement that afford to solve on the regional problems are doomed. Another approach is necessary - rising competitiveness every region as a single condition of the creation the high level of profit and quality of the life for its settlement. | 1106 | |||||
4089 | Joint action of active groups of gibberellins (GA) and brassinolide (BL) on growth and development of plants Arabidopsis thaliana ecotype Landsberg erecta has been studied. It has been, that the presowing treatment of seeds the 10-9М BL reduced duration of phases of an ontogenesis of plants, accelerated growth vegetative and reproductive organs and increased seed production at plants of wild-type Ler and of mutant ga4-1. Exogenous BL in part compensated a lack endogenic GA1/4 at a mutant, enlarging the common length of shoots and restoring seed production of a mutant up to a level of wild-type. This effect might be connected with on account of augmentation of quantity of side shoots, quantities of pods, lengths of pods and quantities of seeds in pods | 1106 | |||||
4090 | Problems in developing a complex of technical means and technological approaches to creation of electronic educational and methodical provision for correspondence and distance education needs have been analyzed in the paper. Perspectives of using WebCD based technology for educational and methodical materials delivery have been considered. It has been noted that the WebCD technology offers fundamentally new possibilities for perfecting organization of educational activity. A new development of a set of CD disks for various specialties of correspondence courses has been presented. A comparative analysis of various solutions for designing electronic educational resources has been conducted | 1106 | |||||
4091 | The article covers the history of foundation and development of Russian vocal school in the sphere of cultural life of Tomsk from last quarter of 19th century till our days. It shows a valuable contribution to the formation of Russian national vocal school by some talented specialists and considers perspectives of its evolution in the city of Tomsk. The article touches the problems of artistic and pedagogical activity of some remarkable singers. The consideration are based upon archive documents, researches and materials of interviews with witnesses of that events. Keywords: Russian vocal school, cultural life, art, pedagogical activity, talented specialists | 1106 | |||||
4092 | The category of deviation is expressed by some broad-meaning words with the root devia-, their meanings being divided into two groups. The semantics of the above-mentioned words may be made more specific by analyzing their contextual correlations with lingual units representing the concepts which are included in the field of deviation. These concepts form the hierarchical structure of the category of deviation, hyper-hyponym relations underlying this structure. Keywords: deviation, category, norm, lexeme, semantics | 1106 | |||||
4093 | At this article there is analyses the potential of interaction profile schools and Tomsk universities for increase the quality physical education schoolchildren. Keywords: interaction, potential, physical education, increase the quality, the region of innovation | 1106 | |||||
4094 | The article deals with the problems of modelling the process of the formation methodical system of future teacher in the university. The author presented the corresponding structural dynamic model which consists of the target, content, process and criteria-effi cient units. The article gives their characteristics. It is shown the ways of implementation of the presented model. Keywords: structural and dynamic model, future teacher, methodical system | 1106 | |||||
4095 | Hesychasm emerged in the East and later moved to Kievan and then to Moscow Russia and spread there on the basis of Russian Cosmism. Hesychasm influenced not only Russian Church but culture as well and found its expression in the topics of fairy-tales with their heroes. Keywords: hesychasm, catharsis, synergism, cosmism, monarchism, reclusion, feeble-mindedness | 1106 | |||||
4096 | The article considers the role and place of the visual text in religious rituals, its interaction with other elements of the religious ritual and the role of the broadcast of religion in the cultural environment. On the example of Orthodoxy we deal with the visual text in the structure of religious ritual, aspects of its interaction with the verbal text, the role of visual text in spreading the religion. The conclusion is made about the indissoluble unity of the visual text with other elements in the religious ritual, dynamic interaction with them, as well as the priority role of the visual text in the translation of religion in culture. Keywords: religious ritual, visual text, verbal text, sacred space, religious culture, Orthodoxy | 1106 | |||||
4097 | We consider the methodology of designing competence-oriented training modules of the basic education programs in the context of competence-format training in higher school. The competence-oriented module is presented as a structural element of competency training model of the bachelor of professional training in design. The trajectory of professional development of the graduates is considered as a set of competence-oriented modules of basic educational programs, the hierarchical structure, which measures the level of development of specific competences. Keywords: competence-oriented module, private competence, professional task, learning task, the trajectory of the graduate professional development, design expertise | 1106 | |||||
4098 | The article deals with the problem of training of teachers for professional activity in situation of continuous innovations. The article describes the basic concepts for innovative practice of teachers: “innovation process”, “levels of innovation”, “efficiency of the innovation process”, “effectiveness of innovative activity of teachers”. Identified features for innovative practical of teachers. The peculiar features of the innovative activity and the activity of innovative direction are identified and proved. It is substantiated that training of teachers for innovative activity should be based on the development of methods, techniques of activities with innovative orientation. Keywords: innovation process, levels of innovations, innovative activity of teachers, effectiveness of innovative activity of teachers, practical activities with signs of innovation | 1106 | |||||
4099 | This article describes the background of spiritual and moral personal enhancement, the basic spiritual and moral preservation conditions are raised. Keywords: education, spirituality, the spiritual and moral health, moral consciousness | 1106 | |||||
4100 | The article presents the first experience of scientific interpretation of the poem “Monument” by Russian literary figure of the first half of the XX century Boris Aleksandrovich Sadovskoy (1881–1952). This work, being a part of the last created poetic book of B. A. Sadovskoy “Abode of Death” (1917), is analyzed in the context of the genre tradition of the poem “Monument”, which began with the world literature Horace’s ode “To Melpomene”. It is reported that the latest author reinterprets polemically thematic and stylistic elements typical of the mentioned tradition (ekphrasis, the motives of the immortality of poetry and fame of the poet in the memory of future generations, the “national geography” theme of distribution poetic glory), reflected in the translation and poetic setting of Horace’s odes by M. V. Lomonosov, G. R. Derzhavin, A. A. Fet, G. S. Baten'kov. Special attention is paid to polemic dialogue between Sadovskoy’s “Monument” and a poem by A. S. Pushkin “I have erected a monument for myself...”, which largely determines the structure and meaning of the work of the newest poet. The conclusion is that the B. A. Sadovskoy’s work preserving the main features of the genre traditions of the poem “Monument”: thematic and stylistic elements of epitaph (antapite), ekphrasis, poems-wills, “the last poem” has undoubted potential to rethink this tradition which appear in the poetic practice of later authors (V. Mayakovsky, V. Hodasevich, I. Brodsky, Vladimir Vysotsky, V. Shenderovich and others) in three modes of the attitude to it – polemical, ironic and gaming. Keywords: poem “Monument”, genre tradition, polemic dialogue, ekphrasis, motive, verbally-themed complex | 1106 |