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4051 | The article deals the problem of the Russian language influence on the minority languages of the Russian Federation. The results of the influence could be seen in the Finno-Ugric grammar description, which is often performed following Russian grammatical tradition. The influence is also revealed in the process of Finno-Ugric textbook creating and the methods of material presenting. Keywords: contact influence, Finno-Ugric, adjective, accusative, the future tense | 1118 | |||||
4052 | This article describes the background of spiritual and moral personal enhancement, the basic spiritual and moral preservation conditions are raised. Keywords: education, spirituality, the spiritual and moral health, moral consciousness | 1118 | |||||
4053 | Tourism in terms of communication theory is a special kind of communication, which can be called tourist communication. The positive and negative impacts of tourism on the development of rural territories discussed in this article depends on socio-cultural environment destinations and regions, their capabilities, tourist and recreational and natural ecological potential, as well as the overall development planning of the area. Other aspects of the socio-cultural impact of tourism are connected with the fact that in the process of tourist communication there is the formation of tourism development and socio- cultural space of the person as a tourist and a resident of rural areas, as the objects of tourist interest. The attitude of the participants of the tourist communication to the natural environment and cultural traditions, values, types of leisure lifestyle is changing. The reciprocal interconnections of the tourism and local population are considered on the example of tourist destinations of the Novosibirsk region. Keywords: Tourist communication, socio-cultural space of destinations, recreational potential of the area, territorial Planning, rural areas | 1118 | |||||
4054 | The article is focused on ekphrasis serving as a term to designate verbal representation of a work of fine arts in literature. Ekphrasis is analysed as presented in the poem “Portraits” written by the famous English poet Ted Hughes. Specific features of ekphrasis and various linguistic means of its manifestation are subjected to analysis. A dialogic form of ekphrasis is employed in the poem. The main features embedded in the archetypal scheme of an ekphrastic dialogue are revealed in the poem under analysis. The mysterious message sent by the portrait of the heroine with the doppelganger in the background is deciphered not by the artist as the connoisseur and the interpreter, but by the poet whose role is that of a naпve listener. Keywords: English poetry, Ted Hughes, “Portraits”, fine arts, ekphrasis, ekphrastic dialogue, the archetypal scheme, an image coming to life, mysterious message of the picture, the motif of a doppelganger | 1118 | |||||
4055 | Despite the lack of qualified designer specialists in the garment industry, many design department graduates can’t find employment in their specialty. The article attempts to identify the causes of these contradictions and assesses the quality of modern design education through the analysis of subjects and professional level of the final qualifying projects of costume design bachelors. The author describes the main projected clothes collections types and peculiarities of the work on such projects. The article presents statistics in percentage of various collection types and identified strengths and weaknesses of the costume designer’s final projects for the last four years. In the end, the author concludes: 1) graduates are incompetent in designing of demanded industrial products due to lack of communication between design education and pilot production with advanced technology and high production organization; 2) it is necessary to develop extended and balanced training hours and study the subject’s educational program; 3) it is important to overcome the constant backlog of the education system from the advanced knowledge and technology, stylistic concepts, new methods and design tools; 4) the system of advanced training and periodic retraining of designer cadres should be created. Keywords: fashion collection, costume design, project, perspective fashion trends | 1118 | |||||
4056 | This article deals with comparing the intervocalic consonants in two Samojedish languages: the Baj dialect of the Enets language and in the language of the Avam Nganasans; Accept these two languages there are more two Samojedish once – Selcup and Nenets. These four languages are widely used by the aborigines living in the north of Russia. But there is a danger of disappearing these languages (Enets, Nganasan, Selcup and Nenets), because the young generation speak these languages less and less. And that is why investigating these languages are necessary and urgent; peculiarities of the Enets and Nganasan languages are displayed in the system of phonetic and transcription. The studying issues of these languages and their forms (dialects, idioms) mentioned above as well as the degree of their genetic relevance are in the focus of the attention. The phonetic systems of the Avam Nganasans’ language and the Baj dialect of the Enets language are the subject to be analyzed, thereby giving us the proof of homogeneity of the focused Samoyedic languages. Keywords: Samojedish languages, the language of the Avam Nganasans, the Baj dialect of the Enets language, phonetic system, transcriptional scheme, consonant system, intervocalic consonants | 1118 | |||||
4057 | The article is devoted to the study of life and work of the Bulgarian Patriarch Cyril in the context of studying his Russophile views. The work was based on the correspondence of the Bulgarian First Hierarch with archpriest Vsevolod Spiller and Department for external church relations consultant A. L. Kazem-Bek. The Bulgarian First Hierarch, having received a worthy European education, began his administrative service under the Synod of the Bulgarian Church, first in the rank of hieromonk, then archimandrite and vicar bishop. After a while he became a Plovdiv Metropolitan, taking over one of the largest and oldest dioceses. As the ruling bishop, he actively advocated for the Bulgarian Jews, who, with the arrival of the Nazis, were expelled from Bulgaria and sent to hard labor in labor camps. In addition to the fact that Metropolitan Cyril personally participated in the rescue of Jewish families, he urged the bishops at meetings of the Synod to help them and save them from destruction, thanks to which many Jews were saved. In 1953 Metropolitan Kirill was elected Patriarch. During his episcopal and patriarchal ministry he had an active correspondence with friends from Russia. Thanks to the surviving letters in this paper we attempted to analyze the nature of this correspondence and draw a conclusion that determines the relevance of the topics covered for contemporary church historical science. Keywords: Russian Orthodox Church, Bulgarian Orthodox Church, Patriarch Alexy, Patriarch Kyril, archpriest Vsevolod Shpiller, Alexander Lvovich Kazem-Bek, correspondence | 1118 | |||||
4058 | The relevance of the current research is defined by the increasing role of business communication and fixation of the sphere of business and finance as the predominating links in the development of modern society. In view of the initial orientation on increase in its target audience and formation of the relation necessary for business to his activity, business discourse in modern information space shows the most democratic verbal character, undergoing processes of deconventionalisation and deregimentation and getting closer to colloquial functional style on a number of characteristics. The aim of the conducted research is the development of the authors’ own classification of notions of evaluation expressions presented by phraseological units on the basis of their correlation with evaluation expressions (according to N. D. Arutyunova), as well as their influence on pragma-axiological and deregimentational character of modern business discourse. Thus, the following tasks have been set: to give the characteristic to the language phenomenon of phraseology; to analyse phraseological units with an evaluation element and to compare them with evaluation expressions of N. D. Arutyunova; to define character and importance of each evaluation type; to reveal the deconventional character of business discourse which is formed in connection with the active appeal of communicants to phraseological units of modal character and expressional expression of the subjective relation to the phenomena and processes of reality. The presented classification of evaluation types in pragma-communicative aspect proceeding from the initial strategies, tactics, characteristics and intensions of business discourse comes forward as the main result of the research. Proceeding from the features of communicative interaction within business communication, evaluation by communicants of the phenomena of reality is based on the purposes of business institute and can be presented by the following subtypes: nominative-actional; nominative-personal; nominative-situational; nominative evaluation of situation; nominative evaluation of a phenomenon / subject. Keywords: phraseological unit, evaluation, business discourse, deconventionalisation, language expression, language behaviour | 1118 | |||||
4059 | Introduction. The issues of communication between the author, the character and the reader in the artistic world of this or that writer remain relevant. The scientific tradition of the study of narratives and the modern literary concepts that complement it (for example, the poetics of personalism) have established that the author is present in his work both narratively and structurally; The author is the creator of the artistic world and at the same time the narrator about it. The author’s subject is manifested through the subject organization of the work, as well as through a storytelling event. Aim and objectives. The aim of the research is to analyze the compositional speech structure of Svetlana Lavrova’s works addressed to a child reader, to consider the category of “author-hero-reader” categories, to establish the connection of the narrative structure with the author’s artistic world and axiology. Materials and research methods. It is revealed that in the artistic world of S. Lavrova various methods of narration and various forms of manifestation of the author’s subject are used: from a personality-neutral narrator to a personalized narrator. The complexity of the subject organization, the multiplicity of points of view in the artistic world of S. Lavrova are designed to create the most complete and accurate picture of reality. The saturation of the works of S. Lavrova with references, allusions, reminiscences to works included in the circle of children’s and youthful reading actualizes the mechanism of the language game and contributes to the formation of communication between the author and the reader. Results and discussion. As a result, it was found that the most important structural principle of the creation of the artistic world of S. Lavrova is the juxtaposition of outof-place things, the coexistence of the real and the fantastic, the rejection of credibility, but the desire for vitality. Emphasizing the conscious formation of the text by the author creates such a type of narration in which the boundaries between the world of the author and the world of characters, as well as between the world of characters and the world of the reader, are mobile and permeable. Metapathing creates the effect of complete creative freedom of the author, causes a feeling of inner unpredictability and contributes to the formation of game poetics. Conclusion. In the works of S. Lavrova, the world surrounding the child is depicted as internally coherent, harmonious, of absolute value, and the involvement of the child reader in it contributes to understanding oneself and one’s place in the world. Keywords: literature of the region, literature for children and adolescents, literary narratives, author, hero, reader, narrator, point of view, subject organization of a literary work | 1118 | |||||
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4061 | Vladimirov O. N. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 6 (15). P. 32-36 . | 1117 | |||||
4062 | The author analyses «Fantastic Travellings* by Senkovsky as a parody of the novel «The Wanderer* by Weltzman. Senkovsky is parodying the romantic principle of duality and doublicity in «The Wanderer* which is manifested firstly in poetical philosophy oftravelling of «Mindand Heart*. Accordingly, «Scientific travelling to the Bear Iceland* is looked upon as a parody oftravelling of mind, and «Travelling to Etno* as a parody of heart travelling. | 1117 | |||||
4063 | The paper is devoted to educational aspects of new and actual problem of intentional electromagnetic interference (IEMI) to equipment. The background history of the IEMI problem is highlighted briefly, and a number of facts showing the seriousness of the problem are presented. The reflection of the problem in enlightenment and education, particularly a contribution of the author in the work and his suggestions to improve it, are considered. Numerous references on the IEMI problem are given. | 1117 | |||||
4064 | The problems of the humanistic component's in¬tensification at the general and professional levels are investigated in the article. The author shows belonging of the deep roots and the problems of the modern so¬ciety to the humanistic sphere. | 1117 | |||||
4065 | One of the most significant factors of conservation and quality improvement in Banking System of the Russian Federation is an existence of statistics of financial and credit relationships, which corresponds to present economic terms and requirements in international practice. Current reporting needs to be totally changed due to the redundancy on the one hand and lack of several important evaluative indexes on the other hand. It must be organized with consideration of growth of supervision efficiency of Bank of Russia and efficiency of other commercial banks in general. It is recommended to build the new system of statistical indexes of credit institutions on the base of methods of International Standards Principles of Financial Reporting, which will lead to reduction of amount of statistical supervision forms, improvement of information types, their composition and period of their presentation. | 1117 | |||||
4066 | The article is devoted to the phenomenoiogical structure of the Russian prose of the second half of the 19,h century. After characterizing the essentials of the problem raised the article turns to defining the strategy of the systematic description of the phenomenology of the Russian prose concerning plot, genre and position of the author. | 1117 | |||||
4067 | Joint action of active groups of gibberellins (GA) and brassinolide (BL) on growth and development of plants Arabidopsis thaliana ecotype Landsberg erecta has been studied. It has been, that the presowing treatment of seeds the 10-9М BL reduced duration of phases of an ontogenesis of plants, accelerated growth vegetative and reproductive organs and increased seed production at plants of wild-type Ler and of mutant ga4-1. Exogenous BL in part compensated a lack endogenic GA1/4 at a mutant, enlarging the common length of shoots and restoring seed production of a mutant up to a level of wild-type. This effect might be connected with on account of augmentation of quantity of side shoots, quantities of pods, lengths of pods and quantities of seeds in pods | 1117 | |||||
4068 | The article investigates the questions of cluster contains and their usage as region industrial policy forming. The authors analyse cluster approach potentialities as effective decision of different branches and interregional investment and innovational projects | 1117 | |||||
4069 | In the article the realized research on the revealing of pedagogical and psychological conditions of formation of educational identity in professionalization and stabilization of mental health of teacher-graduates, existential dialogue as the psychological criterion of readiness for selfdevelopment and innovative activity in the morden conditions of education is discussed. Selfmonitoring in the context of the realized research is considered as the begining of reflection over existential sense of pedagogical profession. Formation of existential dialogue in the structure of educational identity can be organized in the conditions of engineering of educational environment by means of pedagogical training with elements of balintovskiy sessions and gestalt. Keywords: education, existential pedagogy, management of educational process, quality of education, selfmonitoring, reflection, pedagogical training | 1117 | |||||
4070 | The aim of the article is to clarify social and political standing of Daniel, the metropolitan of Moscow in the first half of 16th century. The author comes to conclusion that Daniel’s cooperation with state authorities was mainly induced and did not have a global character. Keywords: Russian state, the Russian Orthodox Church, history, 16th century | 1117 | |||||
4071 | The structure of human activity in the logics of subject-object relations makes the unity of materially converting, spiritually cognitive, spiritually valuating, and communicative activities. The content and form of pedagogical process of art activity change owing to specific qualities: emotionality, figurativeness, subjectivity, infectiousness and dialogic character. The subject of pedagogical activity should possess a complex of art-pedagogical qualities inclusive of ability to organize and manage pedagogical process, expressed in making a creative plan of the lesson and in its artistic realization; in ability to improvise; in comprehending his or her own individuality, the subjective nature of creative activity; in dialogic forms of communication; in mastering the reflective mechanism. Keywords: human activity, individual’s socialization, universally creative process, interpenetration of art creativity into pedagogical activity. | 1117 | |||||
4072 | In article the comparative aspect of development of the graphic and speech activity as sign-symbolical systems at children's age is considered. The comparative analysis of the generation of the sign-symbolical function at the senior preschool children with the general speech underdevelopment and the children with the normal speech development is carried out. The assumption of the use of symbolical possibilities of graphic activity in the correctional purposes for elimination of the general speech underdevelopment is stated. Keywords: graphic and speech activity, sign-symbolical system, isographic modeling, children with the general speech underdevelopment. | 1117 | |||||
4073 | In the article the connection of names of Selkup kins with names of mythical ancestors is presented. It is found out that a name of a mythical ancestor becomes a centre of a semantic group of words to the extent of which semantic derivations occur. The connection of a kin with its mythical ancestor is kept; by means of the name of a kin it is given to a representative of a flora or fauna and continues its existence as a totem. Keywords: the Selkup language, genonymum, mythical ancestor, semantic derivation, tatoo. | 1117 | |||||
4074 | The article is based on the archive material dated as back as 1920–1930s. The central point of attention is the mechanisms of the cultural change among Selkup people at the critical time for the Russian economy. It was found out that the fi shing traditions and customs of the Selkup population underwent material change because of the new social and economic relations that appeared at the time. As a result of the changes the Selkup economy integrated greatly in the economy of the Soviet society. | 1117 | |||||
4075 | The article deals with the problems of modelling the process of the formation methodical system of future teacher in the university. The author presented the corresponding structural dynamic model which consists of the target, content, process and criteria-effi cient units. The article gives their characteristics. It is shown the ways of implementation of the presented model. Keywords: structural and dynamic model, future teacher, methodical system | 1117 | |||||
4076 | The possibilities of applying an elitological approach to the study of historical and pedagogical phenomena are analyzed in the article. The essence of elite as a characteristic of family upbringing and home education is disclosed. On that basis the processes of formation of the merchant elite under conditions of the family upbringing and home education in Russia in the 19th century are investigated; the content, organization, traditions of the best (high class, elite) patterns of the home education and family upbringing in the families of merchants are revealed; the criteria of description of the characteristic features of these pedagogical processes are singled out; the genesis of the elite upbringing traditions in merchant families are traced. Keywords: family upbringing, home education, elite | 1117 | |||||
4077 | The paper presents characteristics of the network model of organization of additional vocational training, the network of community, whose main objective is to organize professional development of teachers to the educational activity. Keywords: educational activities, online community, organization of additional vocational education | 1117 | |||||
4078 | The article deals with the problem of generations, the “fathers and children”, based of the early novel by N. N. Berberova “The Lasts and Firsts”; the creation of the myth of immigrant authors “family”, moved from Paris to the country, to the French province. Keywords: N. N. Berberova, generation identity, generation strife, existential homelessness, nationalist trend, airy roots, the Last and the First, Paternal generation, Kids’ generation, national family, diaspora | 1117 | |||||
4079 | The article is devoted to the personality concept, which was developed in the personalistic discourse Christian culture, as a basis for the analysis of the moral aspect of modern bioethics. The initial background and categorical foundation of the personality concept is considered in the article. The ontological difference between the concepts “personality” and “person” in their anthropological representation is analysed. There were presented preconditions for the holistic person model formation, which defines the moral status of the person when doing ethical analysis of biotechnologies. Keywords: bioethics, person, individuality, essence, personalism, anthropology, christian culture, the existence of man | 1117 | |||||
4080 | The article highlights the experience of the program development and technological map designing for Bachelors of Social Work educational practice within the requirements of the FSES for Higher Professional Training and for major “social work in the system of social services” in particular. There defined goals and objectives of the practice, its content and projected results of modules mastering are revealed, the main students activities are characterized and the criteria for assessing their personal and professional achievements are provided in this paper. Keywords: educational practice, module-rating technology, content, projected training results | 1117 | |||||
4081 | The article reveals the peculiarities of perception and interpretation of specialized texts by different recipients, engineering instruction taken as an example. The author represents the results of engineering instructions analysis on the basis of the psycholinguistic approach. Keywords: text perception, adequate interpretation, recipient, text composition, notional marks, visual support | 1117 | |||||
4082 | In the article pedagogical aspects of Olympic and Paralympic education at elementary school are considered. Systematic classes on the Olympic and Paralympic subject positively influence social orientation of younger schoolchildren in the course of physical training, if the occupations are consecutive and logical. Keywords: Olympic education, Paralympic education, younger schoolchildren, physical culture, social orientation, socialization | 1117 | |||||
4083 | In the present article nature of perception of Russian phraseological units foreign in a literal translation into Chinese is investigated by means of the psycholinguistic experiment. The results of the experiment carried out by the author allowed to reveal the whole complex of structural and semantic signs of phraseological units influencing perception and identification of the meaning of phraseological unit. Keywords: phraseological unit, psycholinguistic experiment, perception, internal form, intralinguistic and interlingual figurativeness, national-cultural specificity | 1117 | |||||
4084 | Currently, due to the serious socio-economic changes in society the number of orphans, children whose parents, for various reasons are deprived of parental rights is growing. For a more successful socialization of these children it is necessary to develop and use a variety of ways and means to create the appropriate conditions. . To achieve this goal we used: lectures, conversations, visual and practical methods. The children’s sports project “Island of the Brave” became training of the vital skills of 12–14-year-old children, promoted involvement of children into physical culture and sport, introduction to the bases of a healthy lifestyle. Keywords: socialization, healthy lifestyle, physical culture and sport, integration, adaptation, children, formation | 1117 | |||||
4085 | The article deals with the question of communicative difficulties arising while a foreign language training of primary schoolers with special needs. One of the main objectives of foreign language learning is communicative skills training and development. In consequence of cognitive disorder children with disabilities encounter serious obstacles in communicative and play activities. The article describes communicative difficulties as barriers that destroy effective and comfortable socialization and interaction between interlocutors in foreign language. It indicates the groups of communicative problems and characterizes physiological and psychological reasons of communicative obstacles. The research shows, that children with disabilities are under constant stress. The article presents recommendations on how to overcome the given problems. Therefore, the authors emphasize the necessity of lessening the influence of psychophysical disorders, the significance of motivational aspect, and demonstrate possible activities, tasks that encourage pupils in studying a foreign language. The article defines a foreign language learning at the initial stage as a tool for children development, and offers to integrate natural inherent process of a pupil with the learning one. The described in the article results of the research can be used during the educational process by teachers of foreign languages, education psychologists, counselors, class teachers. Particularly the results may help teachers to develop individual educational course of foreign language learning. Keywords: foreign language learning, primary school age students, special needs, communicative difficulties, mainstreaming | 1117 | |||||
4086 | The article deals with the questions of the modern adaptation to changing conditions of teacher professional learning. Highlights some of the problems of teaching-learning processes, describes the requirements for the development of teaching methods and procedures. Orientation to the practical aspects of the process of teaching students require the use of more sophisticated technologies, methods, and techniques. In accordance with strictly outlined requirements of the modern national economy, the educational system must prepare a graduate capable of future continuous self-improvement. The market accepts only capble of self-education personalities. The greatest difficulties are encountered precisely when overcoming contradictions between technology (techniques) training at various levels of the current educational system. Modernity acknowledges some threshold contact of University and educational institutions, preparing future entrants. In these circumstances, there are special requirements for preparation of future teachers of technology. Identifying the market path to combat hidden content, they implement comprehensive learning objectives. The preparation of a competitive specialist in Russia includes the professional competence of teachers, which is associated with the changing priorities of the learning process of the components of knowledge and methods of reproductive education, characteristic of an authoritarian educational model, a personaloriented, developing, cognitive-focal focus based on the principles of humanization and democratization. Such approach allows to introduce the elements of individual training, successfully building the routes for student-centered learning. Further improvement of the educational process involves qualitative development of practice-oriented aspects of the pedagogical technologies. Keywords: technology, structure building, educational field, didactic tools, labor product | 1117 | |||||
4087 | The article dwells on the essence of the problem of the pedagogical activity formationin in the preparation of students in the pedagogical institution. The most essential factor of the pedagogical activity formation is educational events. The influence is defined as the process, and the mechanisms of influence as its device, structural characteristics and conditions of its realization. The following mechanisms of influence of educational events were singled out: spatio-temporal, informative, and procedural. Characteristics of the mechanisms of influence were also presented. A spatio-temporal mechanism of influence gives an “alive” spatio-temporal continuum in which an educational event takes place. An informative mechanism of influence of educational events consists in changing the idea of pedagogical institution students about the subjectivity of pedagogical activity, production of value-semantic relationship, discovery of a pedagogical activity personal sense. The procedural mechanism presupposes the ways to realize the influence of educational events. Educational designing and personal student’s operation in mutual activity are presented as means. The basic condition of educational events’ influence on the pedagogical activity formation – involving students of the pedagogical institution into educational events – is singled out. Qualitative changes in students’ preparation are considered as the basic results of the mechanisms of the influence of educational events on the formation of pedagogical activity: disclosing personal senses of pedagogical activity and personal experience of the student in joint activities. Keywords: pedagogical activity, pedagogical activity formation, educational event, influence, mechanisms of influence | 1117 | |||||
4088 | Today due to advances in science and technology communication of people around the world is expanding and becoming easier. Undoubtedly, the only means of global communication and understanding between speaking or writing people, is the language. Therefore, the study of foreign languages for all sectors of society, including pupils, students, scientists, businessmen, engineers and doctors, is very important. In recent years, in the Islamic Republic of Iran teaching of English and other languages for people with hearing impairments has improved considerably, but still there are a number of problems in this area in institutions, schools and universities in the country. Firstly, the hearing impaired are taught only the English language, and secondly, the imperfection of methods of teaching leads to a decrease in interest of this category of students in learning a foreign language. It is necessary to reform the methods of teaching deaf and hard of hearing people to a foreign language, which will result in increased interest in learning a foreign language and expanding the diversity of the languages studied. This work is the first study on the methods of teaching the Russian language for the deaf and hard of hearing at the elementary level in Iran. Keywords: methodology, methods of teaching foreign languages, Russian language, hard of hearing, hearing impaired, deaf, sign language, motivation | 1117 | |||||
4089 | Introduction. In this paper, topicality of information technology application in teaching “Colour Science and Coloristics” course at “Applied Informatics in Design” profile of “Applied Informatics” bachelor degree field of education is validated. The analysis of the history of color science and the history of teaching the discipline “Color Science and Coloristics” is given. Approaches to practice-oriented teaching in educational and design activity of future information specialists in the field of design are described. Material and methods. Lectures, practical studies and course design for “Colour Science and Coloristics” course were delivered (1) using conventional teaching procedures and (2) with application of information technology. In both implementations, Canvas LMS was used. Then pedagogical experiment was carried out in the form of questionnaire with the following analysis of innovative informational methods in educational process. Results and discussion. In this paper, example of successful application of information technology and educational learning resources at Department of Computer Aided Design of National University of Science and Technology “MISIS” in teaching “Colour Science and Coloristics” course for bachelor degree students of “Applied Informatics in Design” profile are given. Digital environment of “Colour Science and Coloristics” of “Applied Informatics in Design” profile was created using digital learning resource LMS Canvas and virtual interaction between teacher and students was implemented. Option of on-line training to the course (in addition to conventional training methods) was implemented using Canvas LMS. This option allows submitting of assignments in digital form for checking. There are options of online discussion of actual topics, remote checking of received student’s depicted or scanned assignments and return of assignments, which require improvement or editing for correction. Canvas LMS allows to arrange and systemize theoretical material in the form comprehensible for student, control dates of opening and closing for every following course module, set deadlines required by teacher, fix dates of module tests and automatically announce the students about these dates. There is the option of creation of database with digital students’ portfolios for demonstration to potential employers. Discussion of results of innovative informational methods was performed by digital questionnaire with application of Google Forms. The discussion indicates growth of interest to “Colour Science and Coloristics” course in the process of electronic learning resources application and increase of material acquisition rate. Conclusion. Application of information technology in teaching “Colour Science and Coloristics” course of “Applied Informatics in Design” profile at Department of Computer Aided Design of NUST MISiS contributes to increase of level of skills acquired by students: growth of interest to the course is observed; students of 09.03.03 profile better understand engineering and design. Implementation of innovative informational teaching forms and methods allows enhancing methodology of professional education in the field of design and facilitates enhancement of creative and professional practical parts of education of computational specialists in design. Keywords: competence, e-learning resources, higher education, information and communication technology, quality of education, applied informatics, coloristics, design, chromatics | 1117 | |||||
4090 | The problems of Siberian teachers in the in the difficult period of the development of the Russian revolution are considered and the attempts of their solving at the professional congresses in 1917 are analyzed. | 1116 | |||||
4091 | The article resumes the usage of ground rent in various payments using natural objects. One proposes to solve the problem of their division in the budget system by emphasizing in environment purely natural resources and assimilative potential of nature: the payment for natural resources must be given to regions, the payment for potential - into federal budget. | 1116 | |||||
4092 | General aspects of the special course «Political Extrem-ism»: the sources of extremism, main extremist organizations, sources of fascism and neo-fascism, the characteris¬tic of modern terrorism. | 1116 | |||||
4093 | The article researches a happiness phenomenon from Aristotel ideas. It consists of successful and kind sensible activity of human soul. Happiness matter understanding depends on interpreting of human life sense and purpose. Happiness sensation and its realizing are different parts of human mental activity. Spiritual culture helps man In his comprehension of happiness matter. | 1116 | |||||
4094 | The article represents an attempt to describe the ba¬sic problems arising at construction of the course «The Russian Literature of XXth century» and offers the cate¬gory of «art unity» as one of opportunities to overcome the gap between studied and taught material. | 1116 | |||||
4095 | The Linguistic Identity of Europe | 1116 | |||||
4096 | In the article the process of formation of the genre model of an aesthetic manifest – fragment in V.A. Zhukovsky’s works of the 1810s and A.S. Pushkin’s of the first half of the1820-s is investigated. The material for supervision was poetic-aesthetic Zhukovsky’s manifests and letters, and Pushkin’s letters of the period of the southern reference. The prospect of full realization of the genre form of the fragment opens in late Pushkin’s works of the 1830-s and Zhukovsky’s of the 1840-s, in the poetic and prosaic works with a genre subtitle «Fragment». | 1116 | |||||
4097 | The article deals with major fields of activities for ungraded school teachers aimed at developing their professional skills as well as conditions in order to modernize such an educational institution. Keywords: professional competence of ungraded school teachers, vocational education technologies. | 1116 | |||||
4098 | This article discusses the causes and factors of crises of identity, diagnostic criteria for student status acmeological identity crisis, the crisis, factors contributing to the favorable course and a positive out of acmeological identity crisis. Keywords: acmeological identity crisis, university students, pedagogical conditions for overcoming the crisis of identity. | 1116 | |||||
4099 | The lexico-semantic fi elds of anger, fear and grief in the Selkup language are studied within the semasiological approach and methods of fi eld, componental analysis and contextual analysis. Elements of the negative emotions' vocabulary are classifi ed according to the common semantic feature and root morphemes. The lexico-semantic fi elds under analysis express both the universal features of the negative emotions and the features specifi c for the Selkup ethnos. Keywords: semasiological approach, lexico-semantic fi elds, componental analysis, common semantic feature, negative emotions' vocabulary | 1116 | |||||
4100 | The article deals with one of the areas of pedagogical science of physical training, which will improve the adaptive capacity of the organism to the influence of environmental factors by means of physical training. There is new teaching technology and teaching methods in physical education to meet professional requirements of their chosen specialty. Keywords: technology, adaptation, students, exercise, professional and graphic approach, professionally-applied physical training | 1116 |