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4051 | The article deals with the problems of modelling the process of the formation methodical system of future teacher in the university. The author presented the corresponding structural dynamic model which consists of the target, content, process and criteria-effi cient units. The article gives their characteristics. It is shown the ways of implementation of the presented model. Keywords: structural and dynamic model, future teacher, methodical system | 1119 | |||||
4052 | A new method for constructing stochastic models of off-lattice physical and chemical processes occurring at the active metal supported nanoparticles deposited on an inert carrier. The proposed algorithm has linear time complexity. The created on this base program permits the use, in general, anisotropic interatomic interaction potential. For changes in the potentials of interatomic interaction program does not require recompilation. The equilibrium shape of the Lennard-Jones nanoparticles was obtained. It is shown that there is a dependency of the equilibrium shape of the nanoparticles on the interaction parameters of the substrate and metal atoms. Keywords: relaxation of the nanoparticle, off-lattice model, Monte Carlo, linear time complexity | 1119 | |||||
4053 | The paper presents characteristics of the network model of organization of additional vocational training, the network of community, whose main objective is to organize professional development of teachers to the educational activity. Keywords: educational activities, online community, organization of additional vocational education | 1119 | |||||
4054 | The article is devoted to the personality concept, which was developed in the personalistic discourse Christian culture, as a basis for the analysis of the moral aspect of modern bioethics. The initial background and categorical foundation of the personality concept is considered in the article. The ontological difference between the concepts “personality” and “person” in their anthropological representation is analysed. There were presented preconditions for the holistic person model formation, which defines the moral status of the person when doing ethical analysis of biotechnologies. Keywords: bioethics, person, individuality, essence, personalism, anthropology, christian culture, the existence of man | 1119 | |||||
4055 | The results of first graders spatial and verbal reasoning components research and the interconnection between this and the mastering of school skills among elementary school children are presented in the artcle. The most sensitive to different learning disabilities turned out to be spatial reasoning tests. The verbal tests can provide additional information for the further prognosis of reading skills difficulties. Keywords: spatial reasoning, verbal reasoning, writing skills, calculation skills, reading skills, learning disability, tests prognostic capability | 1119 | |||||
4056 | The results of research of structural and substantial characteristics of the image of the professional future are presented in the article. There are defined specific features for each stage of higher school education (1 course, the 3rd course, the 6th course) dominating notion categories in the image of the professional future. It shows the transformation of the content of the image of the professional future of students in the higher school training. It disclosed the content of the activity and emotional components of the image of the professional future of students, taking into account the stages of professional development. It defines significant professional quality, resources and potentials in personal and professional development of students, specific to the respondents for each course. Keywords: image of the professional future, emotional and activity components of the image of the professional future, meaning forming motives, professional qualities, medicine students | 1119 | |||||
4057 | The article considers the role and place of the visual text in religious rituals, its interaction with other elements of the religious ritual and the role of the broadcast of religion in the cultural environment. On the example of Orthodoxy we deal with the visual text in the structure of religious ritual, aspects of its interaction with the verbal text, the role of visual text in spreading the religion. The conclusion is made about the indissoluble unity of the visual text with other elements in the religious ritual, dynamic interaction with them, as well as the priority role of the visual text in the translation of religion in culture. Keywords: religious ritual, visual text, verbal text, sacred space, religious culture, Orthodoxy | 1119 | |||||
4058 | The article deals the problem of the Russian language influence on the minority languages of the Russian Federation. The results of the influence could be seen in the Finno-Ugric grammar description, which is often performed following Russian grammatical tradition. The influence is also revealed in the process of Finno-Ugric textbook creating and the methods of material presenting. Keywords: contact influence, Finno-Ugric, adjective, accusative, the future tense | 1119 | |||||
4059 | This article describes the background of spiritual and moral personal enhancement, the basic spiritual and moral preservation conditions are raised. Keywords: education, spirituality, the spiritual and moral health, moral consciousness | 1119 | |||||
4060 | Tourism in terms of communication theory is a special kind of communication, which can be called tourist communication. The positive and negative impacts of tourism on the development of rural territories discussed in this article depends on socio-cultural environment destinations and regions, their capabilities, tourist and recreational and natural ecological potential, as well as the overall development planning of the area. Other aspects of the socio-cultural impact of tourism are connected with the fact that in the process of tourist communication there is the formation of tourism development and socio- cultural space of the person as a tourist and a resident of rural areas, as the objects of tourist interest. The attitude of the participants of the tourist communication to the natural environment and cultural traditions, values, types of leisure lifestyle is changing. The reciprocal interconnections of the tourism and local population are considered on the example of tourist destinations of the Novosibirsk region. Keywords: Tourist communication, socio-cultural space of destinations, recreational potential of the area, territorial Planning, rural areas | 1119 | |||||
4061 | Due to the fact that there is a decline in percentage of university students involved in physical activity and decrease in the physical education programmes’ guidelines, the role of students’ involvement in extra-school sport is highly significant. The study indicates the results of the survey conducted among the girls-students of Tomsk polytechnic university to assess levels of extra-school sport participation. The analysis of the survey data reveals that one of the factors affecting students’ participation in sport and physical activity is poor physical education competence and skills. The study highlights that the issue raised calls for a multi-level approach including developing and promoting encouraging projects that have significant benefit to health and increase physical activity, and it must be supported by a strong information and knowledge base. Keywords: physical activity of students, independent sport participation and exercises | 1119 | |||||
4062 | Despite the lack of qualified designer specialists in the garment industry, many design department graduates can’t find employment in their specialty. The article attempts to identify the causes of these contradictions and assesses the quality of modern design education through the analysis of subjects and professional level of the final qualifying projects of costume design bachelors. The author describes the main projected clothes collections types and peculiarities of the work on such projects. The article presents statistics in percentage of various collection types and identified strengths and weaknesses of the costume designer’s final projects for the last four years. In the end, the author concludes: 1) graduates are incompetent in designing of demanded industrial products due to lack of communication between design education and pilot production with advanced technology and high production organization; 2) it is necessary to develop extended and balanced training hours and study the subject’s educational program; 3) it is important to overcome the constant backlog of the education system from the advanced knowledge and technology, stylistic concepts, new methods and design tools; 4) the system of advanced training and periodic retraining of designer cadres should be created. Keywords: fashion collection, costume design, project, perspective fashion trends | 1119 | |||||
4063 | This article deals with comparing the intervocalic consonants in two Samojedish languages: the Baj dialect of the Enets language and in the language of the Avam Nganasans; Accept these two languages there are more two Samojedish once – Selcup and Nenets. These four languages are widely used by the aborigines living in the north of Russia. But there is a danger of disappearing these languages (Enets, Nganasan, Selcup and Nenets), because the young generation speak these languages less and less. And that is why investigating these languages are necessary and urgent; peculiarities of the Enets and Nganasan languages are displayed in the system of phonetic and transcription. The studying issues of these languages and their forms (dialects, idioms) mentioned above as well as the degree of their genetic relevance are in the focus of the attention. The phonetic systems of the Avam Nganasans’ language and the Baj dialect of the Enets language are the subject to be analyzed, thereby giving us the proof of homogeneity of the focused Samoyedic languages. Keywords: Samojedish languages, the language of the Avam Nganasans, the Baj dialect of the Enets language, phonetic system, transcriptional scheme, consonant system, intervocalic consonants | 1119 | |||||
4064 | The article considers manipulation of mass audience with the help of discredit speech strategy, which is being used in headlines of British printed mass media by adversarial parties during the EU Referendum campaign. It gives a brief outline of the British mass media and their views on the forthcoming referendum. The article claims, that discredit strategy is implemented in the following speech tactics: accusation, offence, intimidation and derision. It also analyses communicative devices and linguistic means which are used in headlines by each of the adversarial parties in order to put into effect the mentioned above tactics and, as a result, to implement discredit speech strategy in the most effective way. Keywords: speech strategy, speech tactic, communicative device, discredit strategy, mass media, newspaper headline, Brexit | 1119 | |||||
4065 | Introduction. The words rynok (market) and bazar (bazaar) have become a kind of indicators of social, economic and political changes, which had a great impact on language personality of the Russian native speaker. The aim of the article is to research into the dynamics of thesaurus fragment, which is verbalized with words rynok (market) and bazar (bazaar). The analysis is based on lexicographical and corpus data. Methods and material. The main material used for analysis is: data taken from explanatory dictionaries published from XVIII to XXI century, associative fields mined from associative dictionaries, and text fragments extracted with the help of The Russian National Corpus. These materials make juxtaposition analysis of lexical semantics dynamic processes possible. Results and discussion. Juxtaposition of explanatory dictionaries materials as well as “Russian Associative Dictionary” shows that ‘the mirror of associative dictionary’ is indispensable for studying particular fragments of reality. Interconnection between associative fields and systemic lexical semantics fields is obvious. The study directed from system to text shows the gradual changes in semantics structure of two synonyms. The research traces the establishment of their axiological specialization. The word rynok (market) develops a new meaning over time – “sphere of commodity exchange”, which is further reflected in the expansion of its lexical compatibility. Since the semantic component “noise” actualizes, the figurative meaning of word bazar (bazaar) emerges – “loud conversation”. Bazar (bazaar) in the native speaker’s mind is a space where one can be easily deceived. Rynok (market) on the value scale of everyday consciousness is also associated with theft, high cost and chaos, which is largely due to the influence of socio-economic factors on the language consciousness. Semantic differences between two synonyms and contamination of different meanings become the basis for creating language game. Conclusion. The meaning of words rynok (market) and bazar (bazaar) verbalize the crucial for person’s life fragment of reality. Throughout the long history of functioning, their semantics underwent significant transformation that can be revealed at various levels: structure of the meanings fixed by lexicography, associative and verbal level of language personality. The observations show that in the semantics structure of word rynok (market) the new meaning (‘system of exchange relations’) tends to prevail over the traditional one (‘place for trade’). Lexical unit bazar (bazaar) contains connotations in all meanings. Keywords: lexicography, lexical semantics, associative field, connotations, synonymy | 1119 | |||||
4066 | The study is carried out within the framework of functional grammar and is aimed at studying Russian comparative-assimilative adverbs of military themes. The aim of the work is to conduct a comprehensive study of the functioning of comparative-assimilative adverbs of military themes taking into account explicit and implicit semantic features, to determine the composition of this thematic group and to identify word-formation features and types of combinability. The research is based on the works of Russian linguists treating comparative adverbs from different points of view and applying different scientific approaches, as well as on the works of linguists studying lexical-semantic groups of words of the “war” thematic group. The illustrative material was taken from statements from the National Corpus of the Russian language and from a free selection from the Internet. The work was carried out within the framework of A.V. Bondarko’s theory of categorical situations of functional grammar, and elements of contextual and component analysis were also applied. During the research, the composition of this group of adverbs was distributed into semantic subgroups describing the behaviour of persons belonging to different types and divisions of troops, conditions of military service, military ranks and positions. In dividing into word-formation types, a special type with a qualitative-substantive connotation was distinguished, with the meaning of places of location and dislocation of military operations. The division of military adverbs into compatibility types was carried out taking into account the connective, adversative, qualifying and explanatory relations with the main word and as the result both general (according to appearance and speech, character and behaviour, situation and living conditions) and individual semes were identified. As a result of the study, it was found that to represent the behaviour of persons, objects and phenomena of military subjects, comparative-suggestive adverbs actualize in the minds of native speakers either a well-known image in the form of background knowledge, or one of the nuclear or peripheral features. Keywords: comparative and assimilative adverbs, military thematic group, compatibility, functional grammar | 1119 | |||||
4067 | Vladimirov O. N. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 6 (15). P. 32-36 . | 1118 | |||||
4068 | General aspects of the special course «Political Extrem-ism»: the sources of extremism, main extremist organizations, sources of fascism and neo-fascism, the characteris¬tic of modern terrorism. | 1118 | |||||
4069 | The article researches a happiness phenomenon from Aristotel ideas. It consists of successful and kind sensible activity of human soul. Happiness matter understanding depends on interpreting of human life sense and purpose. Happiness sensation and its realizing are different parts of human mental activity. Spiritual culture helps man In his comprehension of happiness matter. | 1118 | |||||
4070 | In the article the process of formation of the genre model of an aesthetic manifest – fragment in V.A. Zhukovsky’s works of the 1810s and A.S. Pushkin’s of the first half of the1820-s is investigated. The material for supervision was poetic-aesthetic Zhukovsky’s manifests and letters, and Pushkin’s letters of the period of the southern reference. The prospect of full realization of the genre form of the fragment opens in late Pushkin’s works of the 1830-s and Zhukovsky’s of the 1840-s, in the poetic and prosaic works with a genre subtitle «Fragment». | 1118 | |||||
4071 | One of the most significant factors of conservation and quality improvement in Banking System of the Russian Federation is an existence of statistics of financial and credit relationships, which corresponds to present economic terms and requirements in international practice. Current reporting needs to be totally changed due to the redundancy on the one hand and lack of several important evaluative indexes on the other hand. It must be organized with consideration of growth of supervision efficiency of Bank of Russia and efficiency of other commercial banks in general. It is recommended to build the new system of statistical indexes of credit institutions on the base of methods of International Standards Principles of Financial Reporting, which will lead to reduction of amount of statistical supervision forms, improvement of information types, their composition and period of their presentation. | 1118 | |||||
4072 | Searching arrangement that afford to solve on the regional problems are doomed. Another approach is necessary - rising competitiveness every region as a single condition of the creation the high level of profit and quality of the life for its settlement. | 1118 | |||||
4073 | The article is dedicated to textual study aspect of church reform of Patriarchy Nikon (1654–1666). It considerers the changes, contributed by the reformers into the text of one of the main orthodox church books Prayer-Book, peculiarities of Nikon’s edition in comparison with more early editions of the XVIIth century. | 1118 | |||||
4074 | Joint action of active groups of gibberellins (GA) and brassinolide (BL) on growth and development of plants Arabidopsis thaliana ecotype Landsberg erecta has been studied. It has been, that the presowing treatment of seeds the 10-9М BL reduced duration of phases of an ontogenesis of plants, accelerated growth vegetative and reproductive organs and increased seed production at plants of wild-type Ler and of mutant ga4-1. Exogenous BL in part compensated a lack endogenic GA1/4 at a mutant, enlarging the common length of shoots and restoring seed production of a mutant up to a level of wild-type. This effect might be connected with on account of augmentation of quantity of side shoots, quantities of pods, lengths of pods and quantities of seeds in pods | 1118 | |||||
4075 | In the article the realized research on the revealing of pedagogical and psychological conditions of formation of educational identity in professionalization and stabilization of mental health of teacher-graduates, existential dialogue as the psychological criterion of readiness for selfdevelopment and innovative activity in the morden conditions of education is discussed. Selfmonitoring in the context of the realized research is considered as the begining of reflection over existential sense of pedagogical profession. Formation of existential dialogue in the structure of educational identity can be organized in the conditions of engineering of educational environment by means of pedagogical training with elements of balintovskiy sessions and gestalt. Keywords: education, existential pedagogy, management of educational process, quality of education, selfmonitoring, reflection, pedagogical training | 1118 | |||||
4076 | The paper considers an integrative approach to organization of common activity of graduating psycho-pedagogical chair of the institute and Psychological Center. The approach provides with development of specific professional competence of educational psychologists. Peculiarities of professional communication of teachers on the integrative level are determined. The author outlines psychological aspects and development levels of united integrated professional space of the chair and Psychological Center. Keywords: : integrative approach, professional inter-chair space, psychological structure of chair and center, educational integrated content, psycho-pedagogical space | 1118 | |||||
4077 | This article discusses the causes and factors of crises of identity, diagnostic criteria for student status acmeological identity crisis, the crisis, factors contributing to the favorable course and a positive out of acmeological identity crisis. Keywords: acmeological identity crisis, university students, pedagogical conditions for overcoming the crisis of identity. | 1118 | |||||
4078 | The basic forms of presentation of chemical information were considered in this paper: the specification of educational elements, the count, frame, reference notes, structural and logic scheme. The characteristics of each form, examples and tips on using these forms in the learning process were given. Keywords: specification of educational elements, the count, frame, reference notes, structural and logic scheme | 1118 | |||||
4079 | The article deals with the problem of generations, the “fathers and children”, based of the early novel by N. N. Berberova “The Lasts and Firsts”; the creation of the myth of immigrant authors “family”, moved from Paris to the country, to the French province. Keywords: N. N. Berberova, generation identity, generation strife, existential homelessness, nationalist trend, airy roots, the Last and the First, Paternal generation, Kids’ generation, national family, diaspora | 1118 | |||||
4080 | This article discusses and compares the names of months composing calendar systems in eastern dialects of the Khanty language and southern dialects of the Selkup language. The representatives of these peoples are not genetically related but they inhabit the same geographical area on the territory of western Siberia. The examples of months names were given and discussed as well as comparative morphosyntactic and semantic analysis were provided. Keywords: Siberian languages, calendar names, morphosyntax, semantics | 1118 | |||||
4081 | The article analyzes the problem of formation of the conceptual foundations of modern teacher certification; the regional models of the teachers’ certification in the transition to general education are described. Keywords: certification, Federal State Educational Standard, historical and pedagogical analysis of the problems of the teachers’ certification in Russia | 1118 | |||||
4082 | The articl contains theoretical analysis of the problems of physical education of net-generation students The existing system of physical education meets with some important setbacks of net-generation students. The issues of design and implementation of educational technology with the use of complex of recreational aerobics. The paper shows hierarchy of the content components of training; the most widely-spread types of aerobics, practiced in Russian colleges and universities and their place in the system of physical education; the teaching model for planning, organization and effecting the training process at higher education institutions. Keywords: physical education, generation Y, aerobics, teaching approach, planning | 1118 | |||||
4083 | Currently, due to the serious socio-economic changes in society the number of orphans, children whose parents, for various reasons are deprived of parental rights is growing. For a more successful socialization of these children it is necessary to develop and use a variety of ways and means to create the appropriate conditions. . To achieve this goal we used: lectures, conversations, visual and practical methods. The children’s sports project “Island of the Brave” became training of the vital skills of 12–14-year-old children, promoted involvement of children into physical culture and sport, introduction to the bases of a healthy lifestyle. Keywords: socialization, healthy lifestyle, physical culture and sport, integration, adaptation, children, formation | 1118 | |||||
4084 | The article dwells on the essence of the problem of the pedagogical activity formationin in the preparation of students in the pedagogical institution. The most essential factor of the pedagogical activity formation is educational events. The influence is defined as the process, and the mechanisms of influence as its device, structural characteristics and conditions of its realization. The following mechanisms of influence of educational events were singled out: spatio-temporal, informative, and procedural. Characteristics of the mechanisms of influence were also presented. A spatio-temporal mechanism of influence gives an “alive” spatio-temporal continuum in which an educational event takes place. An informative mechanism of influence of educational events consists in changing the idea of pedagogical institution students about the subjectivity of pedagogical activity, production of value-semantic relationship, discovery of a pedagogical activity personal sense. The procedural mechanism presupposes the ways to realize the influence of educational events. Educational designing and personal student’s operation in mutual activity are presented as means. The basic condition of educational events’ influence on the pedagogical activity formation – involving students of the pedagogical institution into educational events – is singled out. Qualitative changes in students’ preparation are considered as the basic results of the mechanisms of the influence of educational events on the formation of pedagogical activity: disclosing personal senses of pedagogical activity and personal experience of the student in joint activities. Keywords: pedagogical activity, pedagogical activity formation, educational event, influence, mechanisms of influence | 1118 | |||||
4085 | Today due to advances in science and technology communication of people around the world is expanding and becoming easier. Undoubtedly, the only means of global communication and understanding between speaking or writing people, is the language. Therefore, the study of foreign languages for all sectors of society, including pupils, students, scientists, businessmen, engineers and doctors, is very important. In recent years, in the Islamic Republic of Iran teaching of English and other languages for people with hearing impairments has improved considerably, but still there are a number of problems in this area in institutions, schools and universities in the country. Firstly, the hearing impaired are taught only the English language, and secondly, the imperfection of methods of teaching leads to a decrease in interest of this category of students in learning a foreign language. It is necessary to reform the methods of teaching deaf and hard of hearing people to a foreign language, which will result in increased interest in learning a foreign language and expanding the diversity of the languages studied. This work is the first study on the methods of teaching the Russian language for the deaf and hard of hearing at the elementary level in Iran. Keywords: methodology, methods of teaching foreign languages, Russian language, hard of hearing, hearing impaired, deaf, sign language, motivation | 1118 | |||||
4086 | Introduction. In this paper, topicality of information technology application in teaching “Colour Science and Coloristics” course at “Applied Informatics in Design” profile of “Applied Informatics” bachelor degree field of education is validated. The analysis of the history of color science and the history of teaching the discipline “Color Science and Coloristics” is given. Approaches to practice-oriented teaching in educational and design activity of future information specialists in the field of design are described. Material and methods. Lectures, practical studies and course design for “Colour Science and Coloristics” course were delivered (1) using conventional teaching procedures and (2) with application of information technology. In both implementations, Canvas LMS was used. Then pedagogical experiment was carried out in the form of questionnaire with the following analysis of innovative informational methods in educational process. Results and discussion. In this paper, example of successful application of information technology and educational learning resources at Department of Computer Aided Design of National University of Science and Technology “MISIS” in teaching “Colour Science and Coloristics” course for bachelor degree students of “Applied Informatics in Design” profile are given. Digital environment of “Colour Science and Coloristics” of “Applied Informatics in Design” profile was created using digital learning resource LMS Canvas and virtual interaction between teacher and students was implemented. Option of on-line training to the course (in addition to conventional training methods) was implemented using Canvas LMS. This option allows submitting of assignments in digital form for checking. There are options of online discussion of actual topics, remote checking of received student’s depicted or scanned assignments and return of assignments, which require improvement or editing for correction. Canvas LMS allows to arrange and systemize theoretical material in the form comprehensible for student, control dates of opening and closing for every following course module, set deadlines required by teacher, fix dates of module tests and automatically announce the students about these dates. There is the option of creation of database with digital students’ portfolios for demonstration to potential employers. Discussion of results of innovative informational methods was performed by digital questionnaire with application of Google Forms. The discussion indicates growth of interest to “Colour Science and Coloristics” course in the process of electronic learning resources application and increase of material acquisition rate. Conclusion. Application of information technology in teaching “Colour Science and Coloristics” course of “Applied Informatics in Design” profile at Department of Computer Aided Design of NUST MISiS contributes to increase of level of skills acquired by students: growth of interest to the course is observed; students of 09.03.03 profile better understand engineering and design. Implementation of innovative informational teaching forms and methods allows enhancing methodology of professional education in the field of design and facilitates enhancement of creative and professional practical parts of education of computational specialists in design. Keywords: competence, e-learning resources, higher education, information and communication technology, quality of education, applied informatics, coloristics, design, chromatics | 1118 | |||||
4087 | Detterer A. V. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1998. Issue 2 (5). P. 33-36 . | 1117 | |||||
4088 | The article resumes the usage of ground rent in various payments using natural objects. One proposes to solve the problem of their division in the budget system by emphasizing in environment purely natural resources and assimilative potential of nature: the payment for natural resources must be given to regions, the payment for potential - into federal budget. | 1117 | |||||
4089 | The author analyses «Fantastic Travellings* by Senkovsky as a parody of the novel «The Wanderer* by Weltzman. Senkovsky is parodying the romantic principle of duality and doublicity in «The Wanderer* which is manifested firstly in poetical philosophy oftravelling of «Mindand Heart*. Accordingly, «Scientific travelling to the Bear Iceland* is looked upon as a parody oftravelling of mind, and «Travelling to Etno* as a parody of heart travelling. | 1117 | |||||
4090 | The article deals with the development of the education system of the Eastern Prussia and Koenigsberg University as well as the development of the education system in the region of Kaliningrad in the Soviet and post-Soviet periods. | 1117 | |||||
4091 | The problems of the humanistic component's in¬tensification at the general and professional levels are investigated in the article. The author shows belonging of the deep roots and the problems of the modern so¬ciety to the humanistic sphere. | 1117 | |||||
4092 | The Linguistic Identity of Europe | 1117 | |||||
4093 | This article contents the description of innovation aspect in Russian high education, the goals and ways of its realization. | 1117 | |||||
4094 | The article runs enterprise modern aspects of work motivation. The author investigates such innovational work factors as payment, material stimulation and discipline measures. | 1117 | |||||
4095 | The article is devoted to the phenomenoiogical structure of the Russian prose of the second half of the 19,h century. After characterizing the essentials of the problem raised the article turns to defining the strategy of the systematic description of the phenomenology of the Russian prose concerning plot, genre and position of the author. | 1117 | |||||
4096 | The article points to the system of toponyms (words of toponymy place-name study) in individual vocabulary of an ordinary speaker, who represents a traditional Siberian village dialect. Structure and sources of forming toponymy vocabulary of an individual dialect speaker are examined. | 1117 | |||||
4097 | The aim of the article is to clarify social and political standing of Daniel, the metropolitan of Moscow in the first half of 16th century. The author comes to conclusion that Daniel’s cooperation with state authorities was mainly induced and did not have a global character. Keywords: Russian state, the Russian Orthodox Church, history, 16th century | 1117 | |||||
4098 | The structure of human activity in the logics of subject-object relations makes the unity of materially converting, spiritually cognitive, spiritually valuating, and communicative activities. The content and form of pedagogical process of art activity change owing to specific qualities: emotionality, figurativeness, subjectivity, infectiousness and dialogic character. The subject of pedagogical activity should possess a complex of art-pedagogical qualities inclusive of ability to organize and manage pedagogical process, expressed in making a creative plan of the lesson and in its artistic realization; in ability to improvise; in comprehending his or her own individuality, the subjective nature of creative activity; in dialogic forms of communication; in mastering the reflective mechanism. Keywords: human activity, individual’s socialization, universally creative process, interpenetration of art creativity into pedagogical activity. | 1117 | |||||
4099 | In the article the connection of names of Selkup kins with names of mythical ancestors is presented. It is found out that a name of a mythical ancestor becomes a centre of a semantic group of words to the extent of which semantic derivations occur. The connection of a kin with its mythical ancestor is kept; by means of the name of a kin it is given to a representative of a flora or fauna and continues its existence as a totem. Keywords: the Selkup language, genonymum, mythical ancestor, semantic derivation, tatoo. | 1117 | |||||
4100 | The possibilities of applying an elitological approach to the study of historical and pedagogical phenomena are analyzed in the article. The essence of elite as a characteristic of family upbringing and home education is disclosed. On that basis the processes of formation of the merchant elite under conditions of the family upbringing and home education in Russia in the 19th century are investigated; the content, organization, traditions of the best (high class, elite) patterns of the home education and family upbringing in the families of merchants are revealed; the criteria of description of the characteristic features of these pedagogical processes are singled out; the genesis of the elite upbringing traditions in merchant families are traced. Keywords: family upbringing, home education, elite | 1117 |