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4151 | The article contains general concept and rationale for the importance of school linguistic-cultural Dictionary as an effective methodological tool for the development of language personality of a schoolchild, for the formation of his linguistic-cultural competence. Author proposes a set of guidelines to compose a glossary reflecting current understanding of cultural literacy in high school. Keywords: linguistic-cultural competence, concept, conceptocentrical approach, language world picture, linguistic personality, cultural literacy, words with cultural component of the meaning | 1094 | |||||
4152 | We consider two types of modifications of Born-Infeld gravity in the Palatini formulation and explore their dynamics in the early universe. One of these families considers f(R) corrections to the Born-Infeld Lagrangian, which can be seen as modifications of the dynamics produced by the quantum effects of matter, while the other consists on different powers of the elementary building block of the Born-Infeld Lagrangian, which we denote by |Ωˆ|. We find that the two types of nonsingular solutions that arise in the original Born-Infeld theory are also present in these extensions, being bouncing solutions a stable and robust branch. Singular solutions with a period of approximate de Sitter inflation are found even in universes dominated by radiation. Keywords: Cosmology, nonsingular universes, modified gravity, Palatini formalism | 1094 | |||||
4153 | The MSSM with right-handed neutrino supermultiplets, gauged B−L symmetry and a non-vanishing sneutrino expectation value is the minimal theory that spontaneously breaks R-parity and is consistent with the bounds on proton stability and lepton number violation. This minimal B − L MSSM can have a colored/charged LSP, of which a stop LSP is the most amenable to observation at the LHC. We study the R-parity violating decays of a stop LSP into a bottom quark and charged leptons – the dominant modes for a generic “admixture” stop. A numerical analysis of the relative branching ratios of these decay channels is given using a wide scan over the parameter space. The fact that R-parity is violated in this theory by a vacuum expectation value of a sneutrino links these branching ratios directly to the neutrino mass hierarchy. It is shown how a discovery of bottom-charged lepton events at the LHC can potentially determine whether the neutrino masses are in a normal or inverted hierarchy, as well as determining the θ23 neutrino mixing angle. Finally, present LHC bounds on these leptoquark signatures are used to put lower bounds on the stop mass. Keywords: neutrino mass, supermultiplets, vacuum expectation | 1094 | |||||
4154 | Social integration of visually impaired people in the community is a complex and time-consuming task, especially with regard to children and adolescents. Resolving of this issue involves complex innovative research, bringing together medical, social, educational workers, specialists in adaptive physical culture and sport, recreation and so on. The importance of adaptive physical culture and adaptive sports for adolescents with different degrees of visual pathology and visual impairment can not be overstated. As it is known, in recent years the Paralympic Movement, in which people with different visual impairments can take part in sports competitions, has been actively developing. Goalball, as Paralympic sport is as accessible as possible for persons with severe pathology of eyesight, regardless of age and gender. Goalball Sport can be included in comprehensive rehabilitation of children and adolescents with visual deprivation. Keywords: Adaptive sports, adaptive physical education, comprehensive rehabilitation, visual deprivation, goalball, General physical training, social adaptation and integration | 1094 | |||||
4155 | The article considers manipulation of mass audience with the help of discredit speech strategy, which is being used in headlines of British printed mass media by adversarial parties during the EU Referendum campaign. It gives a brief outline of the British mass media and their views on the forthcoming referendum. The article claims, that discredit strategy is implemented in the following speech tactics: accusation, offence, intimidation and derision. It also analyses communicative devices and linguistic means which are used in headlines by each of the adversarial parties in order to put into effect the mentioned above tactics and, as a result, to implement discredit speech strategy in the most effective way. Keywords: speech strategy, speech tactic, communicative device, discredit strategy, mass media, newspaper headline, Brexit | 1094 | |||||
4156 | In conditions of modern civilization with its characteristic trends towards globalization and informatization the sufficient level of native, non-native and foreign languages is required for the implementation of the important tasks of life (educational, professional, etc.). It is obvious that the media should be ready for appropriate and effective use of the resources of natural language, taking into account its linguocultural specificity. The solution of this task is subject to language training – carried out in the education system set of measures aimed at the development and improvement of language competence as a component of communicative competence of students, representing the level of development of their cognitive abilities and cultural content of the thesaurus. Language training usually begins with studying the development of norms, rules, grammatical structure of the native language, the formation of the skill of expression by means of oral and written language code, the ability to work with the text. Along with the improvement of linguistic competence in the use of the native language, further language training can be focused on the development of one or more foreign languages. The latter need to explain the requirements of the time, including the expansion of the social, economic and cultural contacts between the two countries, the inclusion of carriers in the global Internet communications. The article deals with the modern teaching technologies used in the practice of language training in order to increase the efficiency of formation and improvement of linguistic competence of both the Russian native speakers, and the inofons. The article presents the systematization and generalization of experience of professional activity of specialists – teachers, trainers and teachers of secondary and higher education, engaged in the teaching of the Russian language as a native, non-native and foreign language, as well as foreign languages in the regional educational institutions. As the material for the analysis mainly served the articles of the specified number of persons, published in the journal “Pedagogical Review” in 2013–2016. Keywords: language training, language competence, pedagogical technology, the technological aspect of the methods of teaching, methods of teaching Russian as a native language, second language and foreign language, methods of teaching a foreign language | 1094 | |||||
4157 | Nowadays language education is undergoing serious anthropocentric transformations. Teachers, who creatively process foreign experience, conduct a deep search for activity-oriented methodologies, including a maximum of interactive forms of instruction in the lesson. One of the most effective among them is theatricality. We view theatricality as a highly effective pedagogical resource that generates the communicative and discursive multicompetences, motivating students, fomenting their socialization and increasing the attractiveness for them of a foreign language lesson. Dramatizing practice implements pedagogical activity approach. Theatrical episode is a kind of public speaking, which develops various subspecies of human intellect. In theatre plays, everything is important: words, voice, speech tempo, timbre, pause, glance, gesture, movement, body language. It is very important working with gestures, obligatory in theatre situation, because traditional lesson blocks gestures’ aspect. The student learns to impress play-partners and feel this impact as some kind of a psychological victory over oneself. A specific contact with others on professional subjects occurs. Students see themselves forced to develop certain proper tactics contacting and influencing the others. It is very necessary in life and profession. Students learn to control mood and attitude among classmates, overcoming their fears; train spontaneity and ease in speech; acquire skill of public speaking and critical skills verbal interaction. Keywords: competence approach, theatricality, dramatization, personal formation, pedagogical interaction, socialization, professional communication | 1094 | |||||
4158 | . | 1093 | |||||
4159 | Gorbunova N. A. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1997. Issue 3 (3). P. 19-21 . | 1093 | |||||
4160 | Vladimirov O. N. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 6 (15). P. 32-36 . | 1093 | |||||
4161 | In the article the issues of constructing a professional career of students as well as the questions of students' motivation development in the process of learning and production activities are examined. | 1093 | |||||
4162 | This article shows the system of scientific attestation in classic Universities of Russia in the end of the XIX - the beginning of the XX centuries. So-called institute of «professors' grant-holders» played a great role in the preparation of future teachers. This research work explains an importance of this institute. The author of the article circumstantially dwells upon the questions of preparation and sitting Master's examination, defence of thesis in Imperial Tomsk University and comes to a conclusion that in spite of some deficiency, the preparation system the professor's and teacher's personnel in Universities of the pre-revolutionary Rus¬sia, so as in Imperial Tomsk University, was quite effective. | 1093 | |||||
4163 | Today the necessity of changes in the field education is recognized. They include, first of all. changes in the value system and objectives of education, the content of which is being oriented from the sphere of subject knowledge towards the sphere of ways, forms, methods, values and goals of its formation. This paper presents the analysis of valuable changes which occur in public conscience. The theoretical material is supplemented with the analysis of sociological inquiries of the students studying at Tomsk Polytechnic University. The problem of contemporary situation in higher education is pointed out which is characterized by internal conflict. Orientation on educational services leads to more professionalzed education. Higher education faces difficult choice of finding out optimal ways of its further development: to teach students to learn or to provide them with full information on knowledge, facts or theories. Theoretically, this problem is decided, the practical decision is being still awaited, and teacher will play here the most important part. | 1093 | |||||
4164 | During the experiments with lucerne all the tested strains have been found to cause significant green mass yield increase. With clover Rhizotorfin also has turned out to be efficient, but with pea the majority of the tested strains did not show any advantages in comparison with the native nodule bacteria. Of the three tested doses of mineral N only the last one (30, 60kg/g\ha) increased the efficiency of inoculation and only of lucerne. | 1093 | |||||
4165 | In the article the effective way of solving the problem of teaching school students solving physical tasks. The suggested activity-centred approach to the process of solving tasks suggests organization of the activity of school children at various stages of the process of solving (preparatory stage, trial stage, diagnostic stage, evaluating-reflective). Elaborated methodical recommendations permit the teachers to organize independent activity of students at every stage. Application of the activity-centred approach to solving of the tasks contributes to deepening the knowledge of school students in physics, improvement of understanding of physical material | 1093 | |||||
4166 | The article is devoted to the reforming of branch of culture, in particular to the restructuring of the network of cultural establishments, the theoretical basis of which is the definition of the cultural establishments service. The authors realize typology of culture branch products which shows the variety of these products. The meaning of the term “the cultural establishments service” has been given, the peculiarity of educational services in the field of culture has been shown. On the basis of the definition of the term “services” the classification of cultural establishments was presented and the characteristics of these services produced was given | 1093 | |||||
4167 | The possibility of usage of psychological means for preservation of somatic and psychological health of pupils is studied. The problem of implementation of the innovative pedagogical technologies in the context of health decline of the young generation is described. The conception of psychological adaptation on the prenosological level as a methodological basis for creation of the resource-saving stratagy of study is offered. The risk factors for psychological health of the sentralized educational technology are investigated. The results of the experimental research on implementation of developed strategy of technology use are presented Keywords: pedagogical technology, sentralized education, resource-saving technology, psychical adaptation / disadaptation, structured and level conception of psychics | 1093 | |||||
4168 | The features of teachers training in the institution of skills development are described. The approaches to the design of the educational process according to the psychological characteristic of adult learners are justified. Keywords: skills, adult learners, life and professional experience of adult learners, selection of skills’ content, organizational forms of teachers training, self-education | 1093 | |||||
4169 | The article presents an analysis of the major theoretical positions on command methods of management of education, which can be used as a mechanism for upgrading small schools. Keywords: methodology, additional vocational training, command methods of management. | 1093 | |||||
4170 | In the article a comparative analysis of three types of lectures is given: traditional lectures, lectures with Power Point Presentations, lectures with gaps and computer presentations. It is shown that the use of lectures with gaps allows optimization of delivering lectures. Keywords: methods of teaching mathematics, lectures, computer presentations, lectures with gaps. | 1093 | |||||
4171 | The author analyses the criteria of assesment of interactive competence skills which show how the students specializing in economics can act as «the author», «the listener» and «the expert». Keywords: interactive competence, integral subjective personal quality, reflexion and self-reflexion. | 1093 | |||||
4172 | The article raises problems of young man planning a future family life. The theoretical approach to the study of family perspectives of personality in terms of values and meaning, emotional and cognitive components. The authors present the results of research of specifics of family prospects of young men. | 1093 | |||||
4173 | The article is devoted to the problem of searching of effective ways in training students for foreign-language intercourse activity. In the article it has been proved that usage of active methods considerably increases level of foreignlanguage business intercourse; the specifi c institute’s process features which realize an imitation-playing approach to study of foreign language have been disclosed, the infl uence of training game upon the motivation of study of foreign language, the situation of success in study have been shown. Keywords: active methods of training, meaningful-procedural teaching, imitation simulation, problematic teaching | 1093 | |||||
4174 | The article describes the problem of the development of student cognitive activity defining professional formation of future specialists. The methods of activization of cognitive activities on the base of lessons “Public relations in the field of physical culture and sport” are presented. Keywords: cognitive activity, communicative practices, public relations, advertising, professional formation, means, methods | 1093 | |||||
4175 | The article deals with the issue of named entity disambiguation (geographical objects in English news). The research is based on the method of ontology data interpretation. The method uses features, extracted from Freebase ontology, as the input for a neural network (multi-layer perceptron). This strategy makes possible to achieve precision value of 95.5 % and recall 92.9 %. Keywords: named entity recognition, named entity disambiguation, neural networks, ontology | 1093 | |||||
4176 | In the article on the basis of concrete actual and theoretical material are systematized and analysed stylisticsemantic peculiarities of the numeral “bir” one that forms synonymous and antonymous rows of nouns, adjectives, verbs and adverbs. The components of these rows are words formed from the numeral bir “one”. Keywords: bir “one”, numeral, synonymous, antonymous, nouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs | 1093 | |||||
4177 | The structural components of different interaction models of additional, general and higher education is considered. The author focuses on indicators which evaluate changes in the quality of education for each type of interaction models of informal and formal education. Keywords: interaction model, education, intellectual property, formal education, informal education, quality of education | 1093 | |||||
4178 | Question of the reception of the ideas of enlightened absolutism A. N. Radisheva is one of the most discussed among domestic researchers. Opinions on the issue can be divided into two groups. The first is that Radishchev was negatively disposed to the theory, the second believe that the writer was kind of hoping for the possibility of the existence of an enlightened monarch. The work is the study of attitudes of the Soviet researchers on the question of the relationship of the writer to the idea of enlightened monarch, as reflected in the notes to the word “samoderzhaviye” in the translated book by the French philosopher G. Mably “Reflections on Greek history or the reasons of the prosperity and misfortunes of the Greeks” and his major work “Journey from Petersburg to Moscow”. As a result of the study with the involvement of writer’s texts it was concluded that the greatest validity has the opinion on the commitment of Radishchev to the theory of enlightened absolutism. Keywords: A. N. Radishchev, G. Mable, the theory of enlightened absolutism, the Soviet historiography, perception | 1093 | |||||
4179 | Discusses the process of teaching computer science using interactive learning tools, defines the competences (information, communication, as a consequence of ICT – competence), which students acquire as a result. Analyzes the didactic potential of electronic educational resources, and the author summarizes that the interactive tools combine the properties and functions of several types of electronic educational resources that will contribute to the achievement of educational outcomes at a qualitatively new level. Summarizes the feasibility of using interactive learning tools in teaching computer science, contributing to the creation of the possibility of the presence in a “state of mind” at the lessons of Informatics. Keywords: teaching computer science, the culture of thinking, electronic educational resources, interactive learning tools, educational outcomes | 1093 | |||||
4180 | The article raises the problem of organization of educational environment with the use of information technologies that improve the level of formation of professional competencies for working profession of the future trainers to meet the requirements of professional standard for the teacher of vacatioanal training, professional education and professional education as well professional standards for trades. It is proposed to use e-learning courses aimed at the formation of knowledge of modern industrial equipment and the specifics of its operation, which is a training program installed on any computer running under MS Windows family, and every (mobile app) installed on any mobile electronic device running the Android operating system (tablet PC, smartphone). The main feature of e-learning course is presentation of educational material in the new format, which becomes interactive, visualized and practice-oriented to a particular workplace and specific equipment. Keywords: educational environment, information technology, master of vocational training, training in working profession, e-learning, e-learning course | 1093 | |||||
4181 | The article dwells on the essence of the problem of the pedagogical activity formationin in the preparation of students in the pedagogical institution. The most essential factor of the pedagogical activity formation is educational events. The influence is defined as the process, and the mechanisms of influence as its device, structural characteristics and conditions of its realization. The following mechanisms of influence of educational events were singled out: spatio-temporal, informative, and procedural. Characteristics of the mechanisms of influence were also presented. A spatio-temporal mechanism of influence gives an “alive” spatio-temporal continuum in which an educational event takes place. An informative mechanism of influence of educational events consists in changing the idea of pedagogical institution students about the subjectivity of pedagogical activity, production of value-semantic relationship, discovery of a pedagogical activity personal sense. The procedural mechanism presupposes the ways to realize the influence of educational events. Educational designing and personal student’s operation in mutual activity are presented as means. The basic condition of educational events’ influence on the pedagogical activity formation – involving students of the pedagogical institution into educational events – is singled out. Qualitative changes in students’ preparation are considered as the basic results of the mechanisms of the influence of educational events on the formation of pedagogical activity: disclosing personal senses of pedagogical activity and personal experience of the student in joint activities. Keywords: pedagogical activity, pedagogical activity formation, educational event, influence, mechanisms of influence | 1093 | |||||
4182 | Abstract Introduction. The study is devoted to the historical and pedagogical analysis of the problem of gamification. The relevance of the study is due to the insufficient level of substantiation of both the concept itself and its content, the features of the application of the leading ideas of this theory in education. The purpose of the article is to identify and substantiate the features of the formation of the leading provisions of the theory of gamification in Russian pedagogical science (1992–2021). Material and methods. Methodological guidelines at various stages of the research were the main provisions of the dialectical approach, the systematic approach in historical and pedagogical research. The theoretical study was carried out on a set of publications of the scientific electronic library (www.elibrary.ru), published in 1992–2021. Research methods – theoretical: analysis of philosophical, psychological, pedagogical literature on the problem under study; logical-historical and systemic Results and discussion. In the course of the research, we came to the conclusion that gamification is a modern pedagogical category “describing the use of approaches in teaching, characteristic of computer games”, whose use provides motivation for participants in the educational process in the ecosystem of an educational organization, contributes to their optimal interaction, personal and professional development by means of special game methods. The formation of the theory of gamification in education in Russia was carried out within a number of stages. At the first stage of the development of the theory of gamification “Formation of ideas about gamification in Russian pedagogical science” (2010–2015), first of all, the scattered data on the origin of the phenomenon itself were generalized and formalized, the theoretical prerequisites for its occurrence were described, attempts were made to substantiate the concept and features of the phenomenon gamification, presents some materials on the process of gamification and its specific application in various areas of human life, including education. At the second stage, “Formation of the leading areas of study of the phenomenon of gamification in Russia” (2016–2019), certain leading methodological and theoretical foundations were identified, the foundation was laid for substantiating the concepts of organizing the educational process using elements of gamification in higher education, the tasks of gamification for organizations were formulated general and additional education of children. The third stage “Formation and systematization of the leading ideas of the theory of gamification” (2020 to date) is characterized by the quantitative accumulation of scientific knowledge about the phenomenon, the formation of its elements at the theoretical and methodological level, and the creation of elements of a modern technological product. Conclusion. At present, a new stage is entering in the formation of this phenomenon, which allows at a qualitatively new level to substantiate the content of gamification as a modern educational technology, which makes it possible to organize a networked educational process in online and offline modes at a fundamentally new level. Keywords: gamification, digitalization of Russian education, features, stages of formation | 1093 | |||||
4183 | Gorshteyn A. B. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 4 (13). P. 25-25 . | 1092 | |||||
4184 | In connection with the subject under study, method and tasks of philosophy of education, the paper treats the stages of development of a new branch of humanities -«pedagogic anthropology» definition of the subject and special qualities within the frames of complex human study, the author pays special attention to cultural philoso¬phical aspect of pedagogical anthropology. In particular an ideal model of a personality of a school-graduate is recon structed, which may serve as a mirror of a teacher's model, as well as of the whole of educational process; the principrel characteristic of a key principle in pedagogic anthropology and culturoaethetic principle is presented. | 1092 | |||||
4185 | The importance and actuality of the problem is connected with the 70-th anniversary of the Tomsk State Teacher University, which is due to take place in 2002. Taking into consideration a limited volume of a magazine article, the author focuses his attention on the circumstances under which the History Department was founded and describes its structure, the chairs, the teaching staff, the body of the present students, as well as the teachers who the Department has trained during the decade of its development. | 1092 | |||||
4186 | The structural type of three-actant model is considered. The sentences with this model usually consist of reflective verbs with the meaning of inner state. | 1092 | |||||
4187 | In this work the author analyses the problems of education in the market economy society and the role of the state in developing educational politics. The authour pays spesial attention to the purposes and tasks of the education in modern society and their normative base of their realization. | 1092 | |||||
4188 | In the article characteristic of reflexive competence in teacher’s professional activity is given. The author emphasizes on forming this competence among students. The contents of the main structural component of reflexive competence of the future teachers’ preschool education are: cognitive, operational and personal. The conditions of their development during professional training are suggested. Keywords: professional competence, reflexive competence of the preschool teacher, reflection, self-development | 1092 | |||||
4189 | The article discusses the idea of divine predestination in education of the individual in national pedagogy of the second half of the 19th and the first half of the 20th centuries. A special attention is paid to in the article to providentialist research ideas to educate a person in the works of Russian philosophers and educators of the second half of the19th and the first half of the 20th centuries: P. D. Yurkevich, V. A. Volklvich, V. S. Solovyev, V. V. Rozanov, I. A. Ilyina, V. V. Zenkovsky and others Keywords: providential idea of education of the person, divine educational ideal of the person, spiritual and moral education | 1092 | |||||
4190 | The article considers the problem of relation between language and culture on the basis of Turkic (Kazakh) oykonims. The study of oykonims structure and semantics indicates specifi city of national mentality refl ected in ethnocultural information content. Keywords: oykonim, antroponym, social structure, national and cultural component | 1092 | |||||
4191 | The article examines the reader’s reception in the literary communication (“author – a literary work – the reader”) and educational communication (“a literary work – a teacher – a reader-student”). Accounting of the specifics of the perception of artistic information and realization of the principle of dialogism are considered as the moments that combine these levels and determine their effectiveness. Keywords: art information, addressee, fictional world of art, imaginary reader, the naive realist perception, the subject – subject teaching | 1092 | |||||
4192 | The clinical analysis of influence of a chronic emotional pressure in the conditions of professional activity on development of post-traumatic stressful frustration is given. Adequacy of application of personological approach lies in consultation of persons of the stressor professions. Keywords: stress, mental adaptation, post-traumatic stressful frustration, psychological conflict, personological consultation | 1092 | |||||
4193 | The article examines the process of birth of Shakespeare's tradition in the Russian dramaturgy and its influence on the principles of plotcomposing and genreforming of the Russian tragedy. For the first time, A. P. Sumarokov, the founder of the Russian dramatic art system, appeals to Shakespear and lays the foundation of the tradition to orient the Russian historic drama art to the Shakesperian theatre. Historical substratum of his tragedy “The Pretender Dimitri”, the formation of artistic principles of historicism, structural interpenetration of the genre canons of tragedy and comedy turned out closer not to the traditions of the French classic theater and drama but to the English Shakespearian drama. Keywords: dramaturgy, tragedy, plot, “the epoch of the time of troubles”, Sumarokov, impostor | 1092 | |||||
4194 | The article is devoted to the actual problem of modern ethno-cultural education. It gives an attempt to reveal the specifics of ethnic culture: the presence of cultural and historical traditions of the ethnic group: features of religion, values of family life and daily life through rituals and traditions, aesthetic values of language, manifested in folklore. The features of the inclusion of ethnic culture in educational institutions of ethnic society and to its implementation are shown. This paper is the result of the analysis of ethnological and educational literature. Results of the study contribute to a deeper understanding of the role of ethnic culture in the life of the surrounding society and the formation of ethnic self-consciousness. Keywords: ethnic culture, ethno-cultural component, society | 1092 | |||||
4195 | Currently, due to the serious socio-economic changes in society the number of orphans, children whose parents, for various reasons are deprived of parental rights is growing. For a more successful socialization of these children it is necessary to develop and use a variety of ways and means to create the appropriate conditions. . To achieve this goal we used: lectures, conversations, visual and practical methods. The children’s sports project “Island of the Brave” became training of the vital skills of 12–14-year-old children, promoted involvement of children into physical culture and sport, introduction to the bases of a healthy lifestyle. Keywords: socialization, healthy lifestyle, physical culture and sport, integration, adaptation, children, formation | 1092 | |||||
4196 | The existing foreign recommendations and international principles of educational programs design and management do not have adaptations for Russia. As a result, there is a need to create uniform principles of educational programs and learning outcomes for the international cooperation, the roadmaps implementation of the leading universities and achievement indicators in the world rankings. In addition, the sphere of information technology is the most rapidly evolving and has a number of features that do not allow students to study all existing technologies, development environments, etc. In this connection, the author identified promising areas of education (such as the development of domestic hardware platforms and equipment; Information Security; the development of mobile applications; design, development, implementation and support of information systems; parallel and distributed computing; design, creation and implementation of converged systems; software engineering; the development of decision support and data management systems; the creation of artificial intelligence, intelligent systems) and their content; offered the principles of formation of actual educational programs (that includes consistency, continuity, flexibility, etc.); as well as formulated specifications and additional competences of IT-graduates, necessary for educational programs design. Integrated use of the proposed solutions allowed: to strengthen existing relations with foreign partners and to expand the scope of international cooperation in the implementation of joint educational programs, research projects and grants; to change the conditions of learning, making them more flexible and adaptable to the constant changes in the professional environment; to make cooperation with employers stronger. Keywords: information technology industry, competences, unified educational space | 1092 | |||||
4197 | The article presents a historical review of conceptual works on Cognitive Translation Theory worked out by Russian scientists. It differs from western tradition and has its own specific way of development. The first prerequisites for the formation of a cognitive paradigm in Russian translation studies were observed in 1970–1980, and by the beginning of the 2000s. the cognitive theory of translation is formed with its own purpose, objectives, and subjects. The main trends of cognitive translation study in Russia are identified through the critical analysis. Firstly, some Russian scientists still prefer using the text-centric approach to compare a source text with a target text by methods of cognitive linguistics (concept, frame, scenario etc.). Secondly, others use a translation act as a study subject in the field of translation process. Meanwhile, western scientists are more focused on studying a translation event, which is only future-oriented in Russia. Thirdly, available Russian studies demonstrate polarized logic of formalized and arbitrary approaches to the translation process. The first is aimed at developing patterns in translation activity; the second declares the impossibility of bringing the translator’s cognitive structures into the system. Fourthly, there are 3 specific interactions between the subjects of translation activity (translator as a cognition subject, translator vs author, translator vs reader). The results of translation cognitive scholars are of high theoretical significance and are actively used in the development of artificial intelligence, improving automated translation, understanding the phenomenon of linguistic creativity and introducing innovative approaches into methodology of teaching translation. Keywords: cognitive linguistics, cognitive translation theory, psycholinguistics, scientific discourse | 1092 | |||||
4198 | . | 1091 | |||||
4199 | Rytova T. A. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 6 (15). P. 58-63 . | 1091 | |||||
4200 | The article presents the history of financing of Tomsk Teachers' Training Institute and the problem solving experience of the director of the Institute, I.A. Uspensky. | 1091 |