# | Article | Downloads | |||||
4301 | The problem of improvement of forms of diagnostics and control of knowledge, abilities, skills, practical experience of the students of specialised secondary educational institutions under the introduction of federal state educational standards in educational practice is considered. The propaedeutic flow chart developed by authors allows to carry out stage-by-stage tracking of the concrete achievements which are trained and to determine the level of formation of common cultural and professional competences of students on all the way of development of the maintenance of a subject. Schematically this technology represents a set of four stages of didactic process from initial perception of theoretical knowledge and before their practical application. Each stage is estimated on a mark scale. The maximum number of points which the student can get on the sum of all stages makes hundred. The peculiarity of the offered development work is that it contains the level and criteria monitoring system: in a projection to the component structure of professional competences revealed by authors (cognitive, activity, motivational and valuable, communicative) to each level (from the 1st to the 3rd) achievements of results of training there corresponds the developed parameter of estimation of structure and quality of the carried-out operations, their sensibleness, completeness and curtness. Thus, the process of step formation of professional competences of students from simple to the difficult – assumes improvement of quality of educational experience. Keywords: professional education, technological card, results of training, diagnostic tools | 1007 | |||||
4302 | The article presents the analysis of data of thunderstorms, heavy rains, hails for 12 weather stations in Eurasia during the summer period of 2000–2012. There were analyzed 4420 events of heavy rains, 1833 events of thunderstorms, 18 events of hail and 2 events of tornado. Investigates thermodynamic and kinematic parameters calculated from the radiosounding at 12:00 UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) at 12 stations during 2000–2012. Identifies the limits of variability and features of the thermodynamic and kinematic parameters of the atmosphere in Western Siberia during thunderstorms and heavy rains. Thermodynamic parameters of the atmosphere at the weather stations near the site, where two tornadoes were analyzed. Keywords: thunderstorm, heavy rain, hail, tornado, the thermodynamic parameters of the atmosphere, radiosonde stations of the atmosphere, cumulonimbus clouds | 1007 | |||||
4303 | Describes the methods of using student-oriented technology development of critical thinking through reading and writing as means of development of reflective activity of pupils’ health. Substantiates the importance and role of reflection in the personal development of pupils, confirmed by the federal state educational standard of the second generation. Based on the functions disclosed various types of reflection, coupled with the main stages of the learning process in the classroom. Proves the urgency of the technology as a reflective technology and proposes the technique of its formation in the elective course of preprofile learning “Ecology of Plants”. Establishes respectively technological stages of the basic techniques and methods of forming a reflective activity of pupils in the study of the elective course “Ecology of Plants”, respectively, with a specific function for each stage, reflective activities and techniques. Keywords: technology development of critical thinking through reading and writing, reflection, reflective activities, techniques and methods of technology, preprofile elective course “Ecology of Plants” | 1007 | |||||
4304 | The article raises the problem of organization of educational environment with the use of information technologies that improve the level of formation of professional competencies for working profession of the future trainers to meet the requirements of professional standard for the teacher of vacatioanal training, professional education and professional education as well professional standards for trades. It is proposed to use e-learning courses aimed at the formation of knowledge of modern industrial equipment and the specifics of its operation, which is a training program installed on any computer running under MS Windows family, and every (mobile app) installed on any mobile electronic device running the Android operating system (tablet PC, smartphone). The main feature of e-learning course is presentation of educational material in the new format, which becomes interactive, visualized and practice-oriented to a particular workplace and specific equipment. Keywords: educational environment, information technology, master of vocational training, training in working profession, e-learning, e-learning course | 1007 | |||||
4305 | Every nation in everyday speech besides words and combinations of words use the sustained phrases, a variety of which is paroemia (eg, proverbs, signs). Proverbs are special units and signs of language, the essential elements of human communication. These signs convey specific information, refer to the typical life and mental situations or relationships between these or other objects. The correct and appropriate use of proverbs gives the speech a unique identity and special expressiveness, it gives the opportunity to enhance the learning process. This article explores the role of proverbs in the formation of the communicative competence of students in the classroom as part of the discipline “Language and culture of Mordovian people”. One aspect of the formation of communicative-speech competence is familiarity with the language of one of the Mordovian people – Moksha. With Moksha students learn in the classroom for discipline “Language and culture of Mordovian people”. Therefore, we modulated the different situations of communication, different communication tasks. Proverbs help create a real atmosphere in the class, introduce elements of the game in the learning process. The authors developed the tasks conducive to the formation of a common culture of students, increase the level of linguistic competence and activity of students in the classroom, promoting education of tolerance and love for the native land. Keywords: proverbs, intercultural approach, principle of communicative orientation, verbal and cognitive activity | 1007 | |||||
4306 | The article deals with the semantic features of onomatopoeic words in German and Tatar languages in comparative terms. The aim of the research was to identify the similarities, differences and features in the words under analysis. In each language there are certain features in the perception of sounds. In both languages there are not only onomatopoeia but also the onomatopoeic nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs, which are an onomatopoetic vocabulary of each language. It is a universal vocabulary that has much in common even in unrelated languages. Separately is analyzed a group of onomatopoeic nouns, which represent the names of insects, birds and animals in both languages and the principles of their nomination in the Tatar language. In German, these words are non-productive while in Tatar it is the result of word-formation processes. The classification of verbs of sound according to their denotative content takes into account the peculiarities of both languages. Many onomatopoeic verbs are multivalued and can be assigned to several groups at once. Functional possibilities of onomatopoetic lexicon of both languages are considered as well – children’s language, proverbs and set phrases – characteristic of all languages and most vividly reflecting the national identity of the language. Knowledge of these functions is necessary to exclude communicative failures. Keywords: onomatopoeia, an imitative origin of the word, lexical expressive means, semantics, verbs of sound | 1007 | |||||
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4309 | Werner Н. K. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 4 (13). P. 29-35 . | 1006 | |||||
4310 | Kolov A. Yu. // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 2000. Issue 1 (17). P. 23-25 | 1006 | |||||
4311 | The paper deals with the problem of teaching the foreign languages in Tomsk in XIX-XX centuries with cultural develop¬ment of Siberia and formation of social consciousness of the local population. Intensive teaching of the foreign languages in the Tomsk province dates back to foundation of the Tomsk University and an increase of secondary general and special edu¬cational institutions. | 1006 | |||||
4312 | The article deals with the conception of mass and individual consciousness correlation in L.Andreyev's creative work and analyzes the image of the crowd in short stones «it was so» and «The Curse of the Beast*. In his creative work L. Andreyev anticipated the latest discoveries of Western phsychoiogists and sociologists in mutual conditionality of mass and power. The author of the article concludes that the writer's interest in the phenomenon of the crowd indicates actualization of the problem of the normal life arrangement in Russian cultural consciousness at the beginning of the XX-th century. | 1006 | |||||
4313 | A.P. Chekhov’s last play is analyzed in comparison to his previous dramas and in a context of his late creativity. The comedy essence of «the Cherry garden» is connected with the refusal from the human principle of the outlook. The play is treated as a model of optimistic alternative of the tragical concept of the history. | 1006 | |||||
4314 | Psychological and pedagogical influence of study of local lore on process of socialization of the person is presented on the basis of the developed characteristic of functions of study of local lore work which organized in educational establishment in educational objectives. Obtaining by pupils of the information on features of local society, progress of criticality of their judgments, skill to be guided in the environment, desire to participate in its transformation – these and other educational values are laid in study of local lore. Keywords: socialization, educational, a function of «remove mask» , rough and stimulating functions of study of local lore, «strong» and «weak» sides of object. | 1006 | |||||
4315 | The paper reviews the questions of the students’ ESP skills quality monitoring from the perspective of living in the information society. It describes the potential of language skills quality monitoring on the basis of the multimedia course «English» and stresses the advantages of the mentioned type of monitoring in comparison with the traditional means of language skills control. Keywords: ESP, monitoring, language skills quality, multimedia course. | 1006 | |||||
4316 | The article contains a semantic description of the mental activity predicates group and analyses of their meaning in the aspect of the norm. Semantics of the norm in this group of words is studied in connection with prefixes недо- and пере-, expressing the meaning of un-achievement or exceeding the norm in verbs semantic. Keywords: norm, estimation, mental activity predicates | 1006 | |||||
4317 | In the article questions of formation of moral reference points of the person of the students receiving initial vocational education are discussed. Unlike traditional use for this purpose of out-of-class work, opportunities of development of moral positions of the person at lessons of physics are considered in the article. Keywords: social competence, moral positions | 1006 | |||||
4318 | In the course of chaos concept analysis in the Silver Age poetry of M. A. Voloshin, M. I. Tsvetaeva and O. E. Mandelshtam, the author considers the relation of the poet’s individual features in the content, structure, and representation means of the key literature concepts at the turn of the century. Keywords: chaos concept, poetic discourse, stylistic usage, idiostyle, textual associates, association directions | 1006 | |||||
4319 | This article deals with the problem of the development of the organized forms of education of specialists in study of mental defects and physical handicaps in Russia that is studied from the point of view of the demonstration of variety of the forms of education of a specialist on mental defects and physical handicaps. The chronology of origin of different educational forms and their description are touched on in this article. The origin of these forms is grounded according to the social and economic conditions in our country. Keywords: education of specialists, specialists on mental defects and physical handicaps, the ways of education of specialists, a speech therapist, a specialist on teaching children with mental defects, a specialist on teaching the blind, a specialist on teaching c | 1006 | |||||
4320 | This article discusses the causes and factors of crises of identity, diagnostic criteria for student status acmeological identity crisis, the crisis, factors contributing to the favorable course and a positive out of acmeological identity crisis. Keywords: acmeological identity crisis, university students, pedagogical conditions for overcoming the crisis of identity. | 1006 | |||||
4321 | It is considered the photon scattering by channeled positron. The process cross-section in reference frame moving with longitudinal positron velocity has been found. The angular distribution of scattered photon has been investigated. It is shown that there are three possible ways of photon scattering with positron transverse energy increasing, decreasing and without of changing positron transverse energy. Keywords: positron channeling, continuous potential, photon scattering, Compton effect | 1006 | |||||
4322 | The article presents theoretical-methodological and methodical bases of the author’s elective course “Ecological responsibility of the citizen of Russia” which is an important condition of realization of methodical system on students’ formation of ecological responsibility in geography education. Keywords: geography, ecological responsibility, elective course, approaches, individuality focused problems, responsible affairs. | 1006 | |||||
4323 | In this article the urgency of the problem related to the study of subjective wellbeing of collectors in the professional sphere is proved. The main results of ascertaining research are presented here. During this research the real conditions of collectors’ work, their subjective perception of these conditions, and also the satisfaction with the professional activity were studied. It was revealed that the better labour conditions were, more often the collectors were not satisfied with them, and their experience of subjective wellbeing in the professional sphere was less expressed. Keywords: satisfaction with the work, subjective wellbeing of collectors in professional sphere, the features of perception of labour conditions by collectors | 1006 | |||||
4324 | The results of the investigation of biological activity of eutrophic peat deposits Turochak bog are presented in the article. Microbial biomass and enzymes activity (catalase, invertase), which characterize the basic biochemical properties, are estimated. Concentration of microbial biomass was recorded to decrease as the degree of decomposition and reduce light-hydrolyzing substances. Peat deposit Turochak bog full-depth biological activity. Keywords: bog, peat deposit, biological activity, microbial biomass, enzymes, catalase, invertase | 1006 | |||||
4325 | The article presents the results of theoretical and empirical research of the phenomenon of «professional perspective». The approaches to the study of professional perspectives are analysed; its structure is characterized; its structural components are marked. The authors give the analysis of the results of empirical research, which qualitatively and quantitatively describe the severity of the components of professional perspectives of students in traditional schooling. Keywords: modernization of HPE, practice-oriented focus of the educational process, temporal perspective, professional perspective, the structure of the professional perspective, value-semantic field, professional identity | 1006 | |||||
4326 | Research of the notion “alter-globalization” in various fields of its use shows that alter-globalization is a phenomenon of social reality. Alter-globalization is the result of interaction between individuals. This interaction is based on the generally accepted principles, laws, and social representations, that dominant in society at a particular stage. It is a topical subject of researches in social philosophy. One of the possible analysis methods in the philosophy of alter-globalization is investigation of “superorganism”, or social units consisting of a set of collectively manageable agents acting in concert to achieve its goals. The study of alter-globalization as social reality can determine the degree of its interaction with different philosophical currents and ideas. Keywords: alter-globalization, globalization, social reality, protest movements, neoliberalism | 1006 | |||||
4327 | The article contains a research of common features and differences in content and esthetic actualization of fiction concepts “spring” and “life” on the material of the Russian poets’ verses. Means of their usage and individual figurative representation with glance to associative connections are examined in the article. Some regularities in variety of content and structure of concepts, which are connected with their different sides reasonably and are conditioned subjectively by peculiarities of the author interpretation and creative conception of poets, theme and situation were determined in the article. Different variative potential of researched fiction concepts connected with their specificity, semantics of concept’s nominative, their collective associative field and different types of verbalized in poetic texts associations were established. The research is done in cognitive trend of communicative stylistics of text and regulative theory. Keywords: fiction concept, variative potential of concept, poetic text, regulativity, textual associates, textual associative field of concept | 1006 | |||||
4328 | The article deals with the topical problem of influence of media texts of public informational and media language personality on mass addressee subject to pragmatically significant factors of text organization: the author, the topic, the title, the emotional tone, the usage of linguistic and non-linguistic means. The study was carried out on the basis of experiments using a scaling technique with the involvement of a focus group of informants-humanitarians aged from 20 to 50 years. The research material is the posts of different subjects in L. Ulitskaya’s blog and the texts of newspaper article and fragments of M. Veller’s program “Just think!” on the radio “Echo of Moscow”. The initial idea was that the text and its structure reflect the peculiarities of the author’s language personality, and informants’ reception and detection of invariant of data, which we obtained on the basis of the survey, allow to reveal regularities in mechanism of influence of the texts and their elements on the reader’s cognitive activity. It was determined that estimation by collective addressee of variety of speech behavior of public language personality in different genres of media discourse depends on clarity, intelligibility, perspicuity, logicality of information, topical character of subject, emotion and usage of language means of different styles. Substandard vocabulary, which is used in media texts of topical subjects, doesn’t rise to rejection if addressee feels the same emotion, but on the contrary enlarges the pragmatics of speech messages. Excessive subjective modality of public language personality in covering different social themes does not always correspond to a collective addressee, who is focused on stereotypes and restraint in relation to the utterance. The influence of media text depends to a large degree on the informational field of the author’s language personality and his emotion, though the subject of speech messages and the choice of certain genres by the public language personality are of great importance too. Keywords: public language personality, media discourse, pragmatics of media text, receptive experiment | 1006 | |||||
4329 | Tolstykh V. L. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1998. Issue 3 (6). P. 19-21 . | 1005 | |||||
4330 | Vorobyev N. V. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 1 (10). P. 58-60 . | 1005 | |||||
4331 | The article is devoted to the most complex period in the history of the development of the national school during the first years of the Soviet power and problems of creation of the system of training of teachers for these schools. | 1005 | |||||
4332 | This paper presents a comparative research of analytic philosophy and phenomenology. The problem may be formulated such; is there a presuppositions for a productive dialogue of the traditions? Sameness of themes and plurality of methods of the traditions give a possibility to answer to this question: «Yes». A some points of the dialogue are: using of semantic analysis for phenomenology; using of intentional analysis for analytic philosophy. | 1005 | |||||
4333 | In the article questions of improvement of quality of school and high school training in physics are considered. The analysis of pedagogical experiments at school and high school has shown, that the method of projects positively influences quality of training to physics of students and schoolboys. In experimental groups positive tendencies on quality of progress that is connected, on the one hand, to development of creative abilities in schoolboys and students, and, on the other hand, with the big time spent by them on studying of physics at performance of projects at the expense of hours, selected on independent job are marked | 1005 | |||||
4334 | In the present paper some algebraic sums including the binomial coefficients and leading to some new representation of the Stirling numbers of the second kind are investigated | 1005 | |||||
4335 | Conceptual diagnostics version of socio-cultural systems in the spectrum of variations of the impacts of new technologies is presented. The models of information processes as methodological grounds of diagnosis are discussed. Keywords: the information-synergetic approach, models of information process, nonlinear dynamics, operator, occasion-in-actuality, occasion-in-reality | 1005 | |||||
4336 | In the article a comparative analysis of three types of lectures is given: traditional lectures, lectures with Power Point Presentations, lectures with gaps and computer presentations. It is shown that the use of lectures with gaps allows optimization of delivering lectures. Keywords: methods of teaching mathematics, lectures, computer presentations, lectures with gaps. | 1005 | |||||
4337 | The article is about tolerance study as a multidimensional phenomenon, which plays an important role in the formation of university students` skills for effective social behavior, successful social-psychological adaptation to new conditions. The result of the research on the relationship of tolerance to such components as the personal ability to decentration, empathy, ways of behavior in the situations of social frustration and others are presented in this work on the example of university students. There are data of factorial analysis confirming that in the structure of relation of tolerance with different personal characteristics one of the leading place take the ability to decentration, which plays an important role in the formation of tolerant attitudes in consciousness. Keywords: tolerance, decentration, tolerant dispositions, tolerant models of behavior, social-psychological adaptation. | 1005 | |||||
4338 | We consider massive p-forms in arbitrary D-dimensional curved space-time. Quantization of these models has been performed. The massive theories of p-forms do not possess gauge invariance, in contrary of massless theories. We restore the gauge invariance in massive p-forms models with help of the multi-step Stuckelberg procedure and we evaluate the effective actions. The result is presented in terms of d`Alembertians acting on p-forms. Keywords: quantum fields in curved space-time, antisymmetric tensor fields, p-forms, gauge field theories, effective action | 1005 | |||||
4339 | Due to technological progress and information technology our quality of life is improving, but at the same time the energy of person is significantly reducing. As a result, the health of younger generation is under the threat. The university system of physical activity sets the goal to prepare specialists, who are able to develop independently, based on a continual education. Creating stable motives is a necessary part for any education. Motivation for sport participation is a motor, which influences the level of activity in this area of interest, its direction and regularity. The questionnaire was used to determine the students’ motives for sport participation in the Tomsk Polytechnic University (TPU). The analysis of motives for sport participation provided some results. This analysis provided that an unstable motive for sports participation is manifested in students’ priority to find fun during the lesson; underestimation of health; the large attention to the weight; small quantity of motors, unformed cognitive motives; the deficiency of an optimal level of knowledge. The study revealed that the favorable psychological atmosphere in the classroom; the understanding of the thirdyear respondents that they need to be enroll in physical activity; striving for improving life performance through physical activity and enjoyment by the classes are main advantages of the system of physical activity in TPU. This data collection indicates the need to rank among the top eight motives by underlying two main motives from each group to determine the motivational complex, which characterizes the efficiency of students’ physical education and its focus on the future. Keywords: motives for sports participation, students, questionnaire, university system of physical activity | 1005 | |||||
4340 | The article is focused on the methods of compounds’ distinguishing in the English language. The notions of grammatical continuity and semantic integrity of a lexical combination are analysed. Various criteria of differentiating compounds from phrases are observed: phonetic, orthographic, morphologic, syntactic and semantic. Special emphasis in laid on the practical application of each criterion. It is shown that none of them can be used alone for making precise differentiation between compounds and phrases. Each of them should be supported by approximately two other criteria. Therefore, the author gives examples of the most effective ways of using the methods described in the article. Keywords: compound, phrase, grammatical continuity, semantic integrity, lexical unit, word-building | 1005 | |||||
4341 | This paper analyses the problem of improving the methods of teaching and learning programming in university and school. The authors justify the need for new methods and forms of education related to the teamwork of students, multimedia content, and other virtual spaces. The article analyzes the programming of teaching practice in leading foreign universities and proposes the main ways of improving the teaching of programming in Russian schools. The article provides an overview of the educational content of the Internet, which allows us to state that the most wide spread spectrum of creative approaches to teaching programming, as well as high efficiency of teaching are the United States and European universities. Many of the leading Western universities successfully collect and develop methods from other regions of the world: Russia, USA, China, India, Asia and Africa. The authors analyze their own experience in teaching programming and suggest starting the transformation of traditional approaches to teaching programming and methods of teaching computer science in pedagogical universities, hoping that progressive teaching practices from teachers’ universities will spread to the school. Keywords: programming, teaching methods, project activity, teamwork, interactive technologies, Internet platform, teacher training, robotics, mobile applications, algorithm, program, electronic educational resource | 1005 | |||||
4342 | The article deals with basic periods of formation and development of communicative stylistics of text, which has been growing at the Tomsk State Pedagogical University since 1992 at the department of modern Russian and stylistics (from the end of 2017 the department of the Russian language). Peculiarities of this scientific school and factors that defined its dynamics in scientific context of linguistics at the end of XX – beginning of XXI century are described in the article. In the light of the ideas of the communicative paradigm of linguistic knowledge, in the nineties and early 2000s, the achievements of related sciences are formed that fall under the traditional and functional stylistics, functional lexicology and the theory of the communicative text: the main directions of the communicative stylistics of the text: on the verge of linguistic pragmatics – the regulative theory, on the verge of psycholinguistics – theory of text associations, on the verge of philological hermeneutics – the theory of semantic expansion of the text. Each of these areas of communicative stylistics is aimed at researching the effectiveness of dialogue between the author and the reader with the use of text. The main is the systemic and active approach to the text as a form of communication and the phenomenon of idiostyle of the language personality, which is “left” outside the text. Ideas of communicative and active approach to the text, which are realized in works of this trend, were called for the methods of teaching the Russian language. The basic periods of communicative stylistics of text development are due to new tendencies in language and speech research, connected to extension of units of analysis and to intensification of cognitive and discursive aspects of textual activity, expansion of empirical base of researches, that includes at the beginning of XXI century poetic, advertising, epistolary, media discourses. Cognitive and media vector of development is typical for modern communicative stylistics of text. It is obvious that there is the necessity of further expansion of empirical material associated with genre and style variety of up-to-date media communication, elaboration of typology of informational and media language personalities, research of cognitive aspects of their idiostyle as well as perfection of methods of different types of texts’ analysis in perspective. Keywords: communicative stylistics, regulative theory, theory of textual associations, theory of semantic expansion of text, tendencies and periods of scientific school development, text, language personality, idiostyle | 1005 | |||||
4343 | The paper looks at the “Campus courses of TSU” project and describes it as one of the methods for organizing selective courses for students. The project was developed by the project group of the Center of education quality development, including O. N. Kalachikova, P. Kiseleva , A. Morozova, A. Balabanova. It is implemented in the National Research Tomsk State University from the 2015 academic year. Unlike traditional elective courses, Campus courses mean having a general catalog of courses in different subjects, regardless of the student’s faculty and specialization. The paper presents the results of this survey-based analysis and show that most of the students lack the opportunity to develop their general cultural competences and communicative skills as well as artistic creativity, and all that serves as motivation to attend selective courses. It was established that most of the students make careful choice of courses. The variety of courses and activities allows students to fulfill their educational ambitions. It was revealed that the majority of students are satisfied with the quality of the courses, the form of conducting classes, the interaction with the teacher. Keywords: selective courses, Campus courses, personal educational ambitions, interaction | 1005 | |||||
4344 | Lyakhovich E. S. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1998. Issue 1 (4). P. 28-34 . | 1004 | |||||
4345 | Karmanov A. V. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1998. Issue 3 (6). P. 53-55 . | 1004 | |||||
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4347 | Kabanova T. A. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 4 (13). P. 27-28 . | 1004 | |||||
4348 | Kuzmina A. I. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 4 (13). P. 29-29 . | 1004 | |||||
4349 | The article analyses the notion of different-age groups, methods of forming foreign education contents in different-age complement class Keywords: : different-age groups, complement classes,, methods of forming foreign education contents | 1004 | |||||
4350 | The article considers following steps which improve the level of fluency of doctoral students in foreign languages organization of electronic archives of translations of foreign scholarly publications (made by the students) and compulsory publication of the scientific results obtained by the students in foreign journals. Keywords: teaching foreign languages, publication in foreign scholarly journals, electronic archive | 1004 |