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4501 | The article proves that a teacher, able to organize and carry out investigation, comes to the fore in the conditions of federal state educational standards of common education. The author defines “teacher’s research potential”, “development of teacher’s research potential”. Special attention is paid to methods of development of teacher’s research potential at the system of an additional vocational education. Keywords: teacher’s research potential, development of teacher’s research potential, methodology, system of additional vocational education | 998 | |||||
4502 | The article is devoted to the aspect of refraction of the author’s consciousness and linguistic identity, in particular poetic device. From a number of poetic images there were selected those which differ in the role of the construction of an individual world view of the poetess I. Lisnyanskiy, and clearly expressed the character of her poetic perception of the world, depicting the main features of her individual style. The article reveals the question about the functional role of the subject of comparison in developing individual concept field. Keywords: linguistic identity, individual style, the subject of comparison, subjective beginning, the author’s representation, linguistic view of the world | 998 | |||||
4503 | The article deals with the main reasons for the need to change the organization and content of teacher training. The authors show correspondence of the problems of such training and the stages of the universal cycle of cognitive activity. The article analyzes problems of teacher education and discusses effective steps for their solution. Keywords: concept, education, cognitive activity, teacher training | 998 | |||||
4504 | In this article we consider such notions as “speech strategy” and “speech tactic”. Based on the Cooperative Principle and the Politeness Principle speech strategies are divided into cooperative and non-cooperative ones. We analyze the tactic of explication of doubt as a means of realization of speech strategies. Speech strategy is defined as a set of speech actions directed at achieving speaker’s goal. We prove that gaining liking from others, friendship’s support, acquiring information, consolation and calming other people strategies, realized by the tactic of explication of doubt, are cooperative ones. Defamation and persuasion strategies, realized by this tactic, are non-cooperative ones, while speech tactic is one or some speech actions which help to implement a strategy. Keywords: speech strategy, speech tactic, the Cooperative Principle, the Politeness Principle, cooperative and non-cooperative strategies, tactic of explication of doubt | 998 | |||||
4505 | Mysterious figure of the Enlightenment famous adventurer Count Cagliostro (real name Giuseppe Balsamo) left mark in European culture, and became the basis for the “Cagliostro’s myth”. Reflections of this myth in Russian literature usually assigned to Count Cagliostro’s visit to Russia (1780). The article examines three works of Russian literature of the XX century, which connected the image of Cagliostro with a fable about a sorcerer and an enchanted beauty. In Russian tradition of this plot, which started by Pushkin's “Poltava” and N. V. Gogol’s “A Terrible Vengeance”, the heroine for the soul of whom are fighting the forces of good and evil, often becomes the personification of Russia. Comparison of stories of A.N. Tolstoy and I. S. Lukash (both are named after the famous adventurer and written in exile) with “comic fantasy” of G. I. Gorin “Formula of Love” reveals the originality of authors’ interpretations of the fable and their continuity. Keywords: Russian literature, mystical story, screenplay, international plots, national myths, intertextes relations | 998 | |||||
4506 | The contemporary approaches to the definition of “professional position of a teacher” concept are considered in the present article. The author reveals its essence according to the requirements of Federal governmental educational standards of higher pedagogical education for training sector 050100 “Pedagogical education”. The author describes the model of step-by-step development of the professional position during the period of studying at higher educational establishment by defining the cognitive, creative, action and reflexive components of “professional position”. The author characterizes potential opportunities of student’s contest of pedagogical skills in future teacher’s professional position development. In the present article the author examines the process of student’s step-by-step preparation to participation in this contest, the content of contest’s nominations in accordance with structural components of future teacher’s professional position. The contest of pedagogical skills is one of the components of educational system of Blagoveshchensk State Pedagogical University. This contest has been held at university for 15 years. Its results appear in stable professional position of young teachers – former contestants. The features of arrangement of education process in accordance with Russian education modernization are represented in this article. Keywords: position, personal position, pedagogical position, professional position of a teacher, components of professional position, contest of pedagogical skills | 998 | |||||
4507 | One of the main objectives of the higher education in the modern conditions, including significant competition on the labor market, is training of the professional, who possesses not only specific knowledge obtained from the degree, but who is also capable of creative activity and appliance of innovative thinking in the future profession. In this regard, formation of a new paradigm of education, with competence approach as its part, is taking place. This article discusses the definition of “competence”, “competence approach”, “innovation”, “innovative thinking”, “creativity”. After the analysis of creative activity characteristics and principles the author justifies the value of students’ creative activity formation in the studying process in university. This article describes the experience of non-traditional forms of education – theatrical performance as a way to improve students’ creative abilities. Keywords: competence approach, innovative thinking, creativity, creative activity, theatrical competition | 998 | |||||
4508 | The article contains an overview of a number of books and articles on the life and works of S. Kovalevskaya: memories of A. Sh. Leffler, research works of P. Ya. Kochina and others. The materials under consideration not only characterize Sofya Kovalevskaya as a research worker, but also reflect the personality traits and the spiritual quest of this extraordinary woman. The review of publications gives an idea about the level and focus of research interest to the life and work of S. Kovalevskaya. Keywords: Sofia Kovalevskaya, Maxim Kovalevsky, Anne-Charlotte Leffler, memories, review, gender studies | 998 | |||||
4509 | The paper presents the well-reasoned viewpoint on the modern strategy and resources for developing career guidance practice in Tomsk Region for pupils with pedagogical abilities and motivation for teaching activity. The authors specify the historical and pedagogical preconditions of the career guidance system development in commitment to teaching profession. The project initiative of Tomsk State Pedagogical University which reflects the organisational and methodical mechanisms of the suggested strategy realisation is described. The authors indicate the experience and prospects for the project implementation. Keywords: human resources of the regional education system, teaching profession, career guidance for pupils motivated for teaching activity | 998 | |||||
4510 | This article considers the criteria and indicators of the formation of moral culture of a student in the multicultural context and describes the model of the process of its formation. The data of the psychological and pedagogical experiment, the evaluation of the effectiveness of creating pedagogical conditions after the introduction of the developed model in the educational process of the university are given. The examples of the use of active methods, forms, techniques and tools aimed at developing the backbone elements of student’s culture and determining his proactive attitude in forming up constructive relations in a modern multi-ethnic society are presented. The author reveals the ways of organizing independent creative activity, reflexive experience as a mechanism for reinterpreting the content of consciousness, correlating one’s abilities, self-actuating and self-improvement. The purpose of the study was to identify and substantiate definite organizational and pedagogical conditions for the formation of moral culture of a future professional in a multicultural educational environment. The introduction of the model of formation of moral culture of a student in the multicultural educational environment made it possible to raise the level of knowledge system, motives, attitudes, values and moral orientations of students, the ability to interact with partners from other cultures. Positive dynamics in relation of student to the proposed study of the field of culture, its specific content, readiness for self-actuating and self-evolution was noted. Keywords: spiritual-moral culture, multicultural educational environment, student, model of formation of moral and spiritual culture, multicultural educational environment, psychological and pedagogical experiment, pedagogical conditions | 998 | |||||
4511 | . | 997 | |||||
4512 | Eltsov Yu. G. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 6 (15). P. 70-73 . | 997 | |||||
4513 | . | 997 | |||||
4514 | The article «The meaning building aspects of the religious mentality* is the first authors attempt to approach to the analysis of the main meaning building aspects of the religious mentality as the ground of the mentality in general and confirmation of the culture building role for religious knowledge on every existence levels. | 997 | |||||
4515 | The distinctive features of the latitudinal-zonal distribution of fresh-water mollusks in the water basins of Western, Middle and North-Eastern Siberia are discussed. The species composition of mollusks occurring in the various types of basins of every region is reported, moreover, the Pulmanata-to-Branchiata ratio is considered. As based on the biotopic features and malacofauna composition, a series of present-day ecological - zoogeographical complexes is distinguished and the species composition of malacofauna is reported. By pooling data on the current composition and distribution of the ecological - zoogeographical complexes of mollusks, the ecological - zoogeographical regionalization of North-Siberia basins has been updated. | 997 | |||||
4516 | The article raises the question about the specificity of intellectual efficiency at various levels of intellectual development. The psychological ambiguity of high and super-high values of IQ with the selection of factors promoting and handicapping the intellectual efficiency of the personality with a high level of development of psychometric intellect is shown. The peculiarities of the frame of intellect and creativity are defined at average, high and super-threshold values of IQ. | 997 | |||||
4517 | Research gasdynamics and thermoexchanges tasks in areas with varied geometry has the important scientific - practical value in connection with that similar tasks are widely distributed both in technological processes of the industry, and in sphere of operation of rocket engineering. In article as an example start of a rocket from shaft is considered. It is interesting and a bright example of a task in which questions of construction of an effective settlement grid are integrated, thermoexchanges processes, gasdynamics and aerodynamics | 997 | |||||
4518 | In the article texnocratic and humanistic educational concepts are compared, the value of the anthropological approach promoting interaction between all participants of pedagogical process, directed of person’s self-development, self-actualization is demonstarted. Keywords: humanistic education, revaluation of values, pedagogical anthropology, personal interaction. | 997 | |||||
4519 | The elution of soil organic matter from 4.5 km long consisting peat-moorsh soils transect in broad range of pH was investigated. This transect is located in the Agroecological Landscape Park in Turew, 40 km South-West of PoznaD, West Polish Lowland. There is this transect along Wysko ditch. pH and pseudo first-order reaction constants were measured. Peat-moorsh soils were described and classified according to Polish hydrogenic soil classification and World Reference Base Soil Notation. There are four investigated points along to Wyskoc ditch. Two times a month during entire vegetation season the following material was taken from this four chosen site – samples of peat, from the depth of 0–20 cm. The rates of the reaction were calculated from the kinetics of first order reaction model. All experiments were repeated at different pH 6.0, 6.5, 7.0, 8.0, 8.5 of 0.5 M ammonium acetate buffer solution. The rates of organic matter elution for all samples of peats were significant different at four used wavelengths » = 272 nm, » = 320 nm, » = 465 nm, and » = 665 nm. It was observed that the rates increased between » = 272 nm and » = 320 nm and decreased from » = 465 nm to » = 665 nm. Keywords: peat-moors soils, dissolved organic matter, kinetics of dissolved organic matter | 997 | |||||
4520 | We consider the simplest non-Abelian tensor gauge theory, which is called Freedman-Townsend model. Using the method of quantization of reducible theories we construct total action of the model under consideration. Also, following more convenient method for simple models we reproduce result which coincide with obtained above one. Keywords: тензорная калибровочная теория, метод Баталина-Вилковыского, приводимые теории, модель Фридмана-Таунсенда | 997 | |||||
4521 | This paper focuses on the role of the intermediate (conditional) space for the time and space organization of the modernist novel “Iokasta’s Dream” by S. Bogdanova. The existence of this space is shown to be very important not only for revealing the character, but for plot-building of the whole novel. Keywords: modern literature, modernism, myth, Oedipus, artistic space, plot | 997 | |||||
4522 | The article is dedicated to the regulative strategies of addressee image embodiment, applied in “Prayer beads” and “Plantain” collections. The types of regulative strategies peculiar for the author are revealed. Keywords: addressee image, aesthetic actualization, regulative strategy, types of regulative strategies | 997 | |||||
4523 | The article deals with typology of the English social-criminal novel, the reasons of its appearance in England and the interest shown in the given genre in Russia of the 19th century. The reconstruction picture of Newgate novel reception in the Russian literature will help to specify features of the given genre modification in the process of its functioning in English literature and its connection with other novel genres both in English and in Russian literature. Keywords: English social-criminal novel, typology, reception, subgenre, genre modification | 997 | |||||
4524 | The article provides research data revealing students’ attitudes to popular songs in English and reviews some aspects of developing a methodology for enhancing cognitive and communication skills based on this teaching means. Keywords: cognitive skills, communication skills, popular song | 997 | |||||
4525 | This article discusses and compares the names of months composing calendar systems in eastern dialects of the Khanty language and southern dialects of the Selkup language. The representatives of these peoples are not genetically related but they inhabit the same geographical area on the territory of western Siberia. The examples of months names were given and discussed as well as comparative morphosyntactic and semantic analysis were provided. Keywords: Siberian languages, calendar names, morphosyntax, semantics | 997 | |||||
4526 | A review of grounds, determining the synthetic structure of understanding is presented in the paper. The problem of knowledge principles and their competence never lost their relevance. The syncretism of the studied reality model gives reasons to believe that exactly retential-protential factors and its constituent are the basic elements both for a world picture and for a world structured. The retential and protential conditionality of the world model is formed by the world phenomenon. Keywords: intersubjectivity, understanding, retentiality, protentiality, E. Gusserl, model, V. Solovyov | 997 | |||||
4527 | The article presents the results of phenomenological and typological analysis of case-study technology influence on the quality of participants’ collaborative activity and their involvement in educational process. The relation between the involvement degree and the quality of communication of its participants has been revealed. The article is of interest to specialists in the field of psychology, pedagogy, methods of teaching professional foreign language. Keywords: case-study technology, personal, emotional, subject involvement, the quality of communication, collaborative activity | 997 | |||||
4528 | The goal of this article is to reveal language formulas in the Khanty folklore on the basis of text analysis, to investigate the theory of formulas’ classification and to apply it to the described Khanty language formulas. The formulas may be considered a speech unit which is repeated in the same text or several different texts. In comparison with the fabulous formulas, the language formulas don’t depend on the folklore genre and can be found in different folklore texts. The investigation of these formulas allows obtaining the view of the language picture of the world and the archaic features of the Khanty mythology and religion preserved to the present. Keywords: Khanty, folklore, fairytale, language formulas | 997 | |||||
4529 | The article is devoted to the analysis of Biographical essays, presented in the Book of memory of students, teachers and employees of Tomsk State Pedagogical University-participants of the great patriotic war (1941–1945). Containing the first volume of 450 historical biographies constitute a significant database to store personal information, and for the reconstruction of the social group of students of the Siberian Pedagogical University. Students TGPI in 1930–1950 (on the example of the great patriotic war) was a social group characterized by the following features: 1) proportion of natives of the European part of the USSR, with the predominance of the Siberian contingent; 2) great predominance of peasant component in the social structure of students; 3) in the national composition of the student body was dominated by the Russians; 4) average age of students for admission to the University was 24 years; 5) 40% of the students have teaching experience; 6) mixed structure of preliminary education; 7) proportion of invalids of the great patriotic war; 8) influence of psychological factors on learning motivation. Memory book as a database has a large research capacity for reconstruction of individual, group, institution of higher learning, the Russian system of education, the history of intellectuals. Keywords: Book of memory, biographical sketch, the great patriotic war (1941–1945), veteran students, reconstruction of the social group of students | 997 | |||||
4530 | The article gives a description and assessment of non-normative linguistic facts (misprints, typo errors, violations of the lexical rules) operating in the street space of Omsk and collected as part of a student project designed to improve the ecology of the city speech. On the basis of numerical calculations were obtained the data on three unstable sites of modern spelling rules. Revealed a wide range of blunders. It was concluded that the culture of street speech communication, which is media for the type of recipient, is being formed by native speakers with low literacy. Presented and commented on the results of the survey, the purpose of which was to study the perception of texts with a misprint, a typo error, a slang term by residents of Omsk and the Omsk region. Results of the survey show that norm violations were fixed by informants in proportion to the degree of how gross the mistakes are and give them the desire to correct the text. The latter point supports the position of the normative view of the language. Keywords: speech environment of the city, sign, advertising, language norm, misprint, typo error, perception of error | 997 | |||||
4531 | The article analyzes figurative words and expressions that show the metaphorical character of dishes. The analysis is based on the theory of figurative language and combines the semasiological and cognitive approaches to the description of figurative language units that implement conceptual metaphorical and metonymic models through the system of their meanings. The motivating names for figurative words and expressions are 52 units including diminutives and word-formation: bottle, fork, spoon, mixer, bowl, knife, pepper, glass, plate, cup, etc. These names motivate 225 figurative lexical and phraseological units: “bochka” (very fat person), “kuvshinka” (waterlily), “kak myska” (about round and convex shape of something), “proyti kak nozh skvoz’ maslo” (easily, without difficulty), etc. Described figurative words and expressions represent metaphorical projection from the source-sphere “Dishes” to the 9 target-spheres (“Person”, “Artifacts”, “Nature facts”, “Social phenomena”, “Space” and others) associated with the figurative characteristic of the physical and non-material world, each of which is described in the article in detail. The greatest number of figurative words and expressions denote the phenomenon of reference to the following areas: “Person” (80 units), “Artifacts” (62 units), “Social phenomena” (46 units), “Nature facts” (16 units). The final part of the article is devoted to the lexicographic description of figurative vocabulary that reflects metaphorization of dishes in the Russian language and includes examples of dictionary entries. Keywords: metaphorical picture of the world, figurative words and phraseology, food metaphor, metaphorical model, figurative representation, dictionary | 997 | |||||
4532 | The article is devoted to the research of methods of creation of art space in S.K. Danilov’s story fairy tale. The real space representing a corner under the ladder of the old wooden house is transformed in the character’s imagination into the special fantastic world, in which the fragments of memoirs and unsystematized data on the world around are weaved. Adventures of the character are connected with movement in space, overcoming barriers, that is characteristic of the folklore fairy tale. The character seeks to order the surrounding chaos of the spatial objects which resist ordering: fantastic space is imitative, and its structurization is impossible by the principles of the real world. The space is directly connected with the character creating by means of her imagination of the whole world inhabited by magic beings and having recognizable fantastic topoi (kissel swamps, dairy rivers), realities of the modern world (an old shed, Tverskaya Street). In consciousness of the child they are allocated with fantastic functions. The space of the Country corresponds to archetypical models: the open space is opposed to the closed one. An important role in the spatial model carries out the opposition “top-bottom”. The plot of the magic fairy tale connected with an initiation ceremony receives reconsideration in S. K. Danilov’s fairy tale. Having found the sacral knowledge in a “dark-dark” corner under the ladder connecting different spatial levels, having in parallel experienced imaginary death – initiation in the Ragman’s shed, having received sacral knowledge in an underground cave of kigol, the character breaks a spatial impasse and cheerfully runs up, overcoming the hopelessness of the “lost” place. Keywords: S. K. Danilov, “Princess Agashka”, children’s literature, story-tale, literary regional studies | 997 | |||||
4533 | As part of the creation of a fund of assessment tools for the discipline “Mathematical Analysis”, a test on “Indefinite Integral” is developed for monitoring of students’ knowledge. The test materials for full-time students of the profile faculty were placed and tested in the distance learning system “Open Educational Environment of TSPU”. The advantages of testing along with traditional forms of control are discussed. References to guideline documents regulating the content of the discipline, and consequently the content of the tests are listed. In addition, during the study of the discipline the formation of competence elements is proposed. The test discussed in the article is aimed at the development of one of them. Then the basic settings and characteristics of the test are described. It is noted that it is very important to determine correctly the total time for completing the test, judjing from the number of test questions and the estimated time allotted for each question in the test. The evaluation criteria were also defined. Particular attention is paid to various types of test questions, in addition to a brief description, examples of tasks from the test are given as an illustration. The conclusion about the effectiveness for the using of the test as a form of monitoring is made. Further plans for developing tests on other topics are described, with the prospect of including them in a general test for the final control on the discipline. Keywords: test tasks, indefinite integral, learning outcomes, professional competencies | 997 | |||||
4534 | The subject of the research is the evacuation of children’s institutions to West Siberian rear area, their receiving and housing, the industry organization and social problems and consequences caused by them. The purpose of the research is to study the problem by identifying the state of work, the mechanisms for implementing the main activities, their scope and results. The research was carried out in accordance with the basic principles of historical science. It shows that the evacuation of children’s institutions, their reception and housing were the focus of the authorities’ attention. The issues were handled personally, taking into account the evolving situation. The paper emphasizes the complexity of the work, its strengths and weaknesses, traces the ways of solving the arising problems. The paper highlights that the preparation for the receiving and housing of the arriving children’s institution was carried out in accordance with the basic legal documents on servicing the child population in their itinerary and at the new places, developed by the State Sanitary Inspectorate of the Russian Soviet Federated Socialistic Republic. The numerous archival documents show that a large work on the receiving and housing of the evacuated children was carried out in West Siberia. From the document we can see that in the extreme conditions of the severe war the country carried on the state policy of children protection and care, preservation of the gene pool. The considerable experience was accumulated in solving the issues under consideration, much of which can be used in our days. Keywords: the Great Patriotic War, evacuation, orphanage, boarding school, baby house | 997 | |||||
4535 | Improving the level of mathematical education of people is an actual task, which is set today by the state and is solved by the professional pedagogical community, including teachers of mathematics in higher school. An effective method to solve the main task of increasing mathematical competence and its accompanying tasks of development of general cultural competencies of students is the use of interactive forms of teaching, the essence of which is teaching in dialogue. The article deals with the nature, objectives and principles of interactive methods of teaching. The analysis of scientific works of teachers-researchers showed that teaching of higher mathematics does not use such interactive forms as collective teaching and their corresponding methods. It is collective teaching that allow the teaching process to be both active and interactive in cases, where the content of the teaching material does not even have a professional orientation. For collective teaching you can observe all those characteristics that are inherent to interactive teaching – dialogue, mental activity, ground, freedom of choice, creating a situation of success, reflection. The article deals with the nature, principles and methods of collective teaching. Organizational and methodological support of teaching on various topics using the methods of collective teaching has been developed. The efficiency of collective teaching in higher mathematics using the method of interchange of tasks, designed for the primary study of typical tasks due to the work of students in pairs of shift composition. Particular attention is paid to the description of the organizational and methodological support for conducting classes. A long-term pedagogical experiment aimed at identifying the effectiveness of interactive studies in higher mathematics at a technical college in comparison with traditional studies has been conducted. The article describes the stages of the experiment and its results. The results of the experiment were processed using statistical methods and qualitative indicators obtained during the monitoring of the teaching process. Keywords: interactive forms of teaching, collective teaching, interchange of tasks, higher mathematics, pedagogical experiment, statistical methods | 997 | |||||
4536 | Suprygina G. G. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1997. Issue 1 (1). P. 23-29 . | 996 | |||||
4537 | Pankin V. A. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1997. Issue 3 (3). P. 23-24 . | 996 | |||||
4538 | . | 996 | |||||
4539 | Kravets I. A. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1998. Issue 3 (6). P. 15-18 . | 996 | |||||
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4541 | Antoshchuk L. K. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 6 (15). P. 27-31 . | 996 | |||||
4542 | Increasing efficacy of the educational process is one of the main problems for teachers. All educational methods are directed on its decision. Achievements of science and technology are used in most progressives of them. Com¬puter as an instrument of universal introduction and as an object of increased attention of youth can be used and must be broadly used in the pedagogical practice. Ability of computer to afford information to user in any of exist forms seems author as the most worthy attention. | 996 | |||||
4543 | The present-day state of social economic development of regions is characterized by a great variety of climatic, demographic, economic, social, cultural resources and unbalanced regional social economic policy of the previous years. The main tasks of the modern regional policy of the Russian are to solve old and current problems of social economic development of regions. The most important mechanism of state regulation in the sphere of regional development is to create special federal programs. | 996 | |||||
4544 | The paper deals with actual philosophic problems, connected with existence of ideal in modern cultural areal. Fantasy is appreciated and looked upon as basic phenomenon of human existence. The stages of studying fantasy in the history of philosophy are pointed out as well as tne perspectives of future investigations of fantasy. | 996 | |||||
4545 | The problem of forming research competences of future teachers of Physics is considered in the article. The method of competences’ forming on basis of complex problems with concealed schemes is proposed. The variants of calculating and experimental tasks are regarded. The examples of method of exploratory problems’ solution in regime of demonstrative experiment and individual work are shown | 996 | |||||
4546 | The peat formation is the permanent process of mire phytomass transformation to a peat. This transformation has some stages. In an initial stage new phytomass is produced, the next phase is the dying off of the living phytomass, the third stage is the dead phytomass transformation into a mire litter and the last one is a peat formation from a litter. The quantitative elemental composition of the organic matter at the different stages of this process is distinctive. We compared the elemental composition of living and dead phytomass, the litter and the peat for two mires and three Sphagnum species. It has been shown that the change pattern of chemical composition of organic matter seems to be identical | 996 | |||||
4547 | The article discusses the content and methods of training students of pedagogical specializations in teaching the elements of the History of Science in the school course of Physics. The programmer of the educational module «Teaching the history of physic by means of information and communicative technologies» in the framework of the «Theory and methods of teaching Physics» course is proposed Keywords: the history of scientific experiment, educational module, theory and methods of teaching Physics, information and communicative technologies | 996 | |||||
4548 | The article deals with existing approaches to understanding and construction of pedagogical theories. The role of the subjective factor in their grounds is shown in the article. The author’s position in the projection of pedagogical theories is revealed, it is based on a system-synergetic methodology. Keywords: pedagogical theory, functions of pedagogical theory, the facts as the basis of construction of pedagogical theory, categorical apparatus and the logical structure of pedagogical theory, systematic and synergetic approach. | 996 | |||||
4549 | The article gives theoretical basis for the conception of methodological training of Bachelors and Masters of Education in Geosciences, which is based upon the philosophy of personal, educational and professional development of every student. The author develops the idea of professional competence of a student with major in natural sciences. Keywords: higher professional education, humanization of education processes, conception of methodological training, humanization of pedagogy, professional competence, humanitarian methods and techniques. | 996 | |||||
4550 | . | 996 |