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4501 | Gorbunova N. A. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1997. Issue 3 (3). P. 21-23 . | 1002 | |||||
4502 | Increasing efficacy of the educational process is one of the main problems for teachers. All educational methods are directed on its decision. Achievements of science and technology are used in most progressives of them. Com¬puter as an instrument of universal introduction and as an object of increased attention of youth can be used and must be broadly used in the pedagogical practice. Ability of computer to afford information to user in any of exist forms seems author as the most worthy attention. | 1002 | |||||
4503 | The article «The meaning building aspects of the religious mentality* is the first authors attempt to approach to the analysis of the main meaning building aspects of the religious mentality as the ground of the mentality in general and confirmation of the culture building role for religious knowledge on every existence levels. | 1002 | |||||
4504 | The distinctive features of the latitudinal-zonal distribution of fresh-water mollusks in the water basins of Western, Middle and North-Eastern Siberia are discussed. The species composition of mollusks occurring in the various types of basins of every region is reported, moreover, the Pulmanata-to-Branchiata ratio is considered. As based on the biotopic features and malacofauna composition, a series of present-day ecological - zoogeographical complexes is distinguished and the species composition of malacofauna is reported. By pooling data on the current composition and distribution of the ecological - zoogeographical complexes of mollusks, the ecological - zoogeographical regionalization of North-Siberia basins has been updated. | 1002 | |||||
4505 | The mathematical model of the membrane concentration process of multistage mounting of a continuous working on the basis of Markov chains is presented. The model allows defining the efficiency indexes of this process | 1002 | |||||
4506 | The article deals with the periphery of the functional-semantic field of infancy in the English language. The periphery of the analyzed field consists of the lexical means, verbalizing features, that specify the essential and basic characteristics of babies; dialectisms, archaisms, slang and stylistically coloured means as well as phraseological units. Keywords: categorization, semantic category, functional semantic field, periphery | 1002 | |||||
4507 | The paper deals with theoretical and methodological bases relevant to development and health preservation of a person in the system of lifelong education. The bases were introduced in the process of philosophical and psychological literature analysis. Theoretical and methodological bases are meant for the implementation of the following:anthropocentric, system-based, person-oriented and psychodidactic – system psychologic-pedagogical approaches; principles of mind and activity unity, unity of mind, person and activity; set of actions and communication is pedagogically proved which is supposed to provide an active interrelation of a developing personality with its social surroundings;three interrelated components of the human being development – socializing, individualization, personalization; self-actualization of learners individual peculiarities that is considered to be their self-education and self-development. Keywords: anthropocentric, system-based, person-oriented and psychodidactic – system psychologic-pedagogical approaches; principles of mind and activity unity, unity of mind, person and activity; health preservation. | 1002 | |||||
4508 | The analysis of the concept of ICT-competence of the rural schoolteacher, carried out in the article suggests the need for a new level of competence in the form of information and educational environment of the school. Taking into account this factor, there are basics of formation of information competence of the teacher at rural schools. Keywords: ICT competence of teachers of small schools, information and educational setting of educational institutions | 1002 | |||||
4509 | The article regards issues of building competences of a specialist with higher technical education majoring in physics (professional field 011200 “Physics”, specialisation “Condensed state physics”). Problems of forming competences and their solutions are considered for all stages of training for the bachelor’s and master’s degrees. The work presents examples of structuring lecture material and the scheme of models succession and links between separate units within the course of physics, as well as some ideas for assessing the university graduates’ competences. Keywords: syllabus, competence, competence building | 1002 | |||||
4510 | We consider models of massless p-ranks antisymmetric tensor fields (p-forms) in arbitrary D-dimensional curved space-time (p d D). Quantization of these models has been performed. We evaluate the effective actions of these models. The result is presented in terms of d`Alembertians acting on p-forms. Keywords: quantum fields in curved space-time, antisymmetric tensor fields, p-forms, gauge field theories, effective action | 1002 | |||||
4511 | For modern theoretical physics there is tendency to review methods of describing quantum-mechanical systems in terms of relationship with classical analogues. We attempted to calculate the anomalous magnetic moment from a semiclassical view (with consideration for Zitterbewegung) on the basis of electromagnetic elds generated by the electron in the immediate vicinity of the charge point. Derived value of anomalous magnetic moment is in full agreement with the Schwinger's calculations. Keywords: radiation, anomalous magnetic moment, Zitterbewegung, semi-classical theory | 1002 | |||||
4512 | The article deals with the procedure of complex comparative analysis of Russian and English term system “Tailing dams” with cognitive positions; this procedure allows to compare fragments of linguistic processing of scientific knowledge and trace the patterns of mental processes of different cultures’ representatives. Keywords: term system, the complex procedure, the comparison of term system, comparative science of terminology | 1002 | |||||
4513 | On the basis of the analysis of historical and pedagogical concepts of additional vocational teacher education and practices of additional vocational teacher education of the Siberian Federal District the methodological apparatus of the individualized and personalized training educators’ research is justified. Keywords: models of personalized and individualized training of educators, national and regional approach, continuing education, methodology, research | 1002 | |||||
4514 | The article contains an overview of a number of books and articles on the life and works of S. Kovalevskaya: memories of A. Sh. Leffler, research works of P. Ya. Kochina and others. The materials under consideration not only characterize Sofya Kovalevskaya as a research worker, but also reflect the personality traits and the spiritual quest of this extraordinary woman. The review of publications gives an idea about the level and focus of research interest to the life and work of S. Kovalevskaya. Keywords: Sofia Kovalevskaya, Maxim Kovalevsky, Anne-Charlotte Leffler, memories, review, gender studies | 1002 | |||||
4515 | As part of the creation of a fund of assessment tools for the discipline “Mathematical Analysis”, a test on “Indefinite Integral” is developed for monitoring of students’ knowledge. The test materials for full-time students of the profile faculty were placed and tested in the distance learning system “Open Educational Environment of TSPU”. The advantages of testing along with traditional forms of control are discussed. References to guideline documents regulating the content of the discipline, and consequently the content of the tests are listed. In addition, during the study of the discipline the formation of competence elements is proposed. The test discussed in the article is aimed at the development of one of them. Then the basic settings and characteristics of the test are described. It is noted that it is very important to determine correctly the total time for completing the test, judjing from the number of test questions and the estimated time allotted for each question in the test. The evaluation criteria were also defined. Particular attention is paid to various types of test questions, in addition to a brief description, examples of tasks from the test are given as an illustration. The conclusion about the effectiveness for the using of the test as a form of monitoring is made. Further plans for developing tests on other topics are described, with the prospect of including them in a general test for the final control on the discipline. Keywords: test tasks, indefinite integral, learning outcomes, professional competencies | 1002 | |||||
4516 | Pankin V. A. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1997. Issue 3 (3). P. 23-24 . | 1001 | |||||
4517 | Gamova L. G. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1998. Issue 1 (4). P. 49-50 . | 1001 | |||||
4518 | Kravets I. A. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1998. Issue 3 (6). P. 15-18 . | 1001 | |||||
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4520 | Klochkov V. P. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 3 (12). P. 47-48 . | 1001 | |||||
4521 | Antoshchuk L. K. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 6 (15). P. 27-31 . | 1001 | |||||
4522 | The paper deals with actual philosophic problems, connected with existence of ideal in modern cultural areal. Fantasy is appreciated and looked upon as basic phenomenon of human existence. The stages of studying fantasy in the history of philosophy are pointed out as well as tne perspectives of future investigations of fantasy. | 1001 | |||||
4523 | The peat formation is the permanent process of mire phytomass transformation to a peat. This transformation has some stages. In an initial stage new phytomass is produced, the next phase is the dying off of the living phytomass, the third stage is the dead phytomass transformation into a mire litter and the last one is a peat formation from a litter. The quantitative elemental composition of the organic matter at the different stages of this process is distinctive. We compared the elemental composition of living and dead phytomass, the litter and the peat for two mires and three Sphagnum species. It has been shown that the change pattern of chemical composition of organic matter seems to be identical | 1001 | |||||
4524 | In this article we apply BRST approach to Lagrangian construction for massive fermionic fields in d-dimensional anti de Sitter space. The obtained Lagrangian theory is a reducible gauge model containing, besides the basic field, a number of auxiliary (Stuckelberg) fields and the order of reducibility grows with the value of the rank of the antisymmetric field. We show that one can get rid of all the auxiliary fields and the final Lagrangian for fermionic antisymmetric field is formulated only in terms of basic field. Keywords: BRST-approach, higher spin field, massive fermionic fields, anti de Sitter space, BRST-operator, Lagrangian, gauge transformation | 1001 | |||||
4525 | The article is the result of summarising of teaching experience and content-analysis data connected with the problems of teaching English for specific purposes. The main tendencies of these problems are characterised. Keywords: English for specific purposes, competences, pedagogical technologies, support material, aspects of verbal communication. | 1001 | |||||
4526 | We consider the simplest non-Abelian tensor gauge theory, which is called Freedman-Townsend model. Using the method of quantization of reducible theories we construct total action of the model under consideration. Also, following more convenient method for simple models we reproduce result which coincide with obtained above one. Keywords: тензорная калибровочная теория, метод Баталина-Вилковыского, приводимые теории, модель Фридмана-Таунсенда | 1001 | |||||
4527 | This article examines some elements of methodology of object-subjects system of economic interconnections’ analysis in clusters. It shows social and economic advantages of clusters in regional economies. Defines aims objectives and principles of functioning cluster/ formations in regional enterprise. It shows structures of elements of forming clusters’ system. Keywords: object, subject, cluster, economic interconnection, cluster system, cluster advantages, structure of elements, multi functional system | 1001 | |||||
4528 | In this article we try to give a basis for structure originality of traditional Russian spiritual music in terms of music language understanding as meaning phenomenon for human spirit. This concept is given in contradiction with understanding of the music as language of feelings and emotions and orthodox music moves away from this prevailing assumption. Thereupon aesthetics of spiritual music is characterized by mystical Godhead energy via sensual acoustic phenomena. It also is shown by a variety of musical expressiveness ways which are limited for this kind of aesthetics. Keywords: sense, language of expression, spiritual music, tradition | 1001 | |||||
4529 | Forming an all-round well-educated, creatively thinking, having the lateral thinking expert in the sphere of design is the most important task for higher school. One of the most effective forms of educational process is practice “plein air”. Besides solving the general tasks the future designers are involved in the creative activity, based on the ability to analysis and synthesis, on the comparison of proportional, constructive, tonal and color relations in nature. During the “plein air”, such components of personal artistic culture as competence, cognitive development, creativity are formed. Keywords: personal artistic culture, historical and cultural area, objects of nature, historic landmark, “plein air”, creative activity, stylization, transformation | 1001 | |||||
4530 | The eld of a rotating inclined magnetic dipole is studied. One rst integral of motion and some particular solutions of equations of motion for a charged particle in this eld are found. The effective potential energy of a charge is studied. It is shown that the effective potential energy in the corotating reference system has six stationary points, which correspond to circular motion of a charge. Keywords: magnetic dipole, electromagnetic eld, inclined rotator, charge, equations of motion | 1001 | |||||
4531 | A review of grounds, determining the synthetic structure of understanding is presented in the paper. The problem of knowledge principles and their competence never lost their relevance. The syncretism of the studied reality model gives reasons to believe that exactly retential-protential factors and its constituent are the basic elements both for a world picture and for a world structured. The retential and protential conditionality of the world model is formed by the world phenomenon. Keywords: intersubjectivity, understanding, retentiality, protentiality, E. Gusserl, model, V. Solovyov | 1001 | |||||
4532 | The article proves that a teacher, able to organize and carry out investigation, comes to the fore in the conditions of federal state educational standards of common education. The author defines “teacher’s research potential”, “development of teacher’s research potential”. Special attention is paid to methods of development of teacher’s research potential at the system of an additional vocational education. Keywords: teacher’s research potential, development of teacher’s research potential, methodology, system of additional vocational education | 1001 | |||||
4533 | The article is devoted to the aspect of refraction of the author’s consciousness and linguistic identity, in particular poetic device. From a number of poetic images there were selected those which differ in the role of the construction of an individual world view of the poetess I. Lisnyanskiy, and clearly expressed the character of her poetic perception of the world, depicting the main features of her individual style. The article reveals the question about the functional role of the subject of comparison in developing individual concept field. Keywords: linguistic identity, individual style, the subject of comparison, subjective beginning, the author’s representation, linguistic view of the world | 1001 | |||||
4534 | The article explains the usefulness of pedagogical technology in the process of preparation of experts in psychology for professional activity in the field of civil aviation. The author has developed program of an experimental course “The features of the professional activity of a psychologist in the aviation industry,” which will help students to equip with a deep knowledge about the features of the professional activity of a practical psychologist in the aviation industry. Keywords: aviation industry, readiness, method, pedagogical conditions, professional work of a psychologist, technology, formation | 1001 | |||||
4535 | The article deals with the main reasons for the need to change the organization and content of teacher training. The authors show correspondence of the problems of such training and the stages of the universal cycle of cognitive activity. The article analyzes problems of teacher education and discusses effective steps for their solution. Keywords: concept, education, cognitive activity, teacher training | 1001 | |||||
4536 | The article discusses the historiography of the history of the development of cultural institutions of Russia as a whole and by selected region – Republic Buryatia. The time period 1985–2000-ies are characterized by changes in socio-economic and political spheres of life of Russian society. Similar changes underwent the socio-cultural activities of cultural and recreational institutions. Research in this area is relevant for scientists of different directions, as between 1985 and 2000-ies in the system of cultural and recreational institutions has changed the whole system of legislation, funding, personnel policy. Keywords: historiography, cultural and recreational institutions, regulatory legislation, the financing of culture, management of culture, personnel structure, material and technical base, “perestroika”. | 1001 | |||||
4537 | The article analyzes figurative words and expressions that show the metaphorical character of dishes. The analysis is based on the theory of figurative language and combines the semasiological and cognitive approaches to the description of figurative language units that implement conceptual metaphorical and metonymic models through the system of their meanings. The motivating names for figurative words and expressions are 52 units including diminutives and word-formation: bottle, fork, spoon, mixer, bowl, knife, pepper, glass, plate, cup, etc. These names motivate 225 figurative lexical and phraseological units: “bochka” (very fat person), “kuvshinka” (waterlily), “kak myska” (about round and convex shape of something), “proyti kak nozh skvoz’ maslo” (easily, without difficulty), etc. Described figurative words and expressions represent metaphorical projection from the source-sphere “Dishes” to the 9 target-spheres (“Person”, “Artifacts”, “Nature facts”, “Social phenomena”, “Space” and others) associated with the figurative characteristic of the physical and non-material world, each of which is described in the article in detail. The greatest number of figurative words and expressions denote the phenomenon of reference to the following areas: “Person” (80 units), “Artifacts” (62 units), “Social phenomena” (46 units), “Nature facts” (16 units). The final part of the article is devoted to the lexicographic description of figurative vocabulary that reflects metaphorization of dishes in the Russian language and includes examples of dictionary entries. Keywords: metaphorical picture of the world, figurative words and phraseology, food metaphor, metaphorical model, figurative representation, dictionary | 1001 | |||||
4538 | The article is devoted to the research of methods of creation of art space in S.K. Danilov’s story fairy tale. The real space representing a corner under the ladder of the old wooden house is transformed in the character’s imagination into the special fantastic world, in which the fragments of memoirs and unsystematized data on the world around are weaved. Adventures of the character are connected with movement in space, overcoming barriers, that is characteristic of the folklore fairy tale. The character seeks to order the surrounding chaos of the spatial objects which resist ordering: fantastic space is imitative, and its structurization is impossible by the principles of the real world. The space is directly connected with the character creating by means of her imagination of the whole world inhabited by magic beings and having recognizable fantastic topoi (kissel swamps, dairy rivers), realities of the modern world (an old shed, Tverskaya Street). In consciousness of the child they are allocated with fantastic functions. The space of the Country corresponds to archetypical models: the open space is opposed to the closed one. An important role in the spatial model carries out the opposition “top-bottom”. The plot of the magic fairy tale connected with an initiation ceremony receives reconsideration in S. K. Danilov’s fairy tale. Having found the sacral knowledge in a “dark-dark” corner under the ladder connecting different spatial levels, having in parallel experienced imaginary death – initiation in the Ragman’s shed, having received sacral knowledge in an underground cave of kigol, the character breaks a spatial impasse and cheerfully runs up, overcoming the hopelessness of the “lost” place. Keywords: S. K. Danilov, “Princess Agashka”, children’s literature, story-tale, literary regional studies | 1001 | |||||
4539 | In the article we cited a fragment of the analysis of the semantics of the derived dialect verbs to study pragmatic aspects of the linguistic meaning. For the material of the study served the substantive dialectal verbs, collected by continuous sampling from the “Dictionary of Russian dialects of Transbaikal” and “the Irkutsk regional dictionary”. To study the semantics of the verbs we used the technique of propositional analysis. It is determined that cognitive models in the formation of functional and characterizing naming units are of different kinds. Functional names are characterized by orderly and clear formulas of propositions. They result through the reference to an object, an instrument or a place of purposeful activities. We gave the examples of verb propositions of the thematic group “Interpersonal relations”. Characterizing verbs of this group are the result of motivation by the name of any reality and can have mono- and polipropositional structure. For nomination of the situations related with the human relationship both the subject and the object of a proposition are important. Propositional structure characterizing the items can include assessment and emotive modes. Described idiomaticity of derivatives and the factors causing it. Revealed that different degree of the studied frazeological units may depend on the semantics of motivator: its multi-dimensionality (the scene) or polysemy. Preproposition names have the highest degree by increasing individual transformation. Such verbs are usually formed on the basis of metaphorical and metonymical models. The presence of metaphorical names is explained anthropocentricity of the group and the specific discourse. Unconventional method of linguistic unit formation allows you influence not the mind, but the emotions of a person. Keywords: proposition, semantics of the derived word, dialectal vocabulary, metaphoric models, metonymic models, evaluative vocabulary, subjective modality, idiomaticity | 1001 | |||||
4540 | The article presents the overview of resources in practical phonetics published in Russia over the period of sixteen years. In this study far from the critical review we conclude the main problems typical for Russian pronunciation training. We found the traditional ways of teaching phonetics and defined their advantages and drawbacks. The article is an attempt at taking a comparative look at the treatment of English tones in a sample of ten teaching resources through the time of sixteen years. The selection of English tones for the analyses is for their notoriety in the context of learning by Russians. After analyzing the teaching resources we found the balanced treatment of segments and suprasegments which is definitely a great advantage of time. Also a positive moment is an equal treatment of pronunciation together with grammar and lexis. However till present days we can state the over-use of drill-like pronunciation activities, where the repetitive and mechanical practice is still the weakness of the analyzed pronunciation materials. Traditional drill-based activities are so far fruitful but the modern way of education demands inclusion of communicative pronunciation-oriented activities in the learning practice. The occasional use of consciousness-raising and self-monitoring activities is still a typical feature of phonetic classes all over Russian universities. It is a strong call for incorporation of confidence building and reflective activities in the pronunciation training. Keywords: teaching resources, methods of teaching, practical phonetics of the English language, suprasegments, intonation, tone | 1001 | |||||
4541 | Translators’ training in higher school is based on the competence approach. Sociolinguistic competence acquisition is of big importance among translators’ professional and personal requirements and skills in cross-cultural communication. Competence is considered to comprise a set of components and is regarded to be a personal skill in self-realization, self-regulation and self-esteem in the professional field. Thus, translators’ sociolinguistic competence is regarded to comprise five components: axiological, culture-linguistic, linguistic, situational-behavioral, assessment and motivational. The axiological component deals with tolerance to international cultures, traditions and value systems. The culture-linguistic component comprises sociocultural background of nations and cross-cultural communication skills. The linguistic component stands for speech clichés, dialects and fixed expressions vocabulary development. The situational-behavioral component deals with gesture, facial expression and speech peculiarities of interlocutors depending on their social status and communicative situation. The assessment and motivational component consists of self-regulation and self-esteem skills. The questionnaire poll of students showed the ways of sociolinguistic competence development and led to creating a technology of monitored independent students’ work in the translators’ sociolinguistic competence acquisition. The technology is regarded as an educational process containing principles and teaching methods which are necessary to achieve the highest results. The article highlights the three technologies of monitored independent students’ work such as multimedia book club, extracurricular activity, and discussion clubs. Each technology comprises three components: information resource (authentic and teaching authentic material), interactive (work algorithm) and diagnostic (principles of control). The thorough analysis of the students’ work results proved the fact that the regarded technology appeared to be fruitful in sociolinguistic competence acquisition and, moreover, in the development of all its components, which was also sustained by the feedback of the project participants. Keywords: sociolinguistic competence, technology, independent work, extracurricular activity, multimedia, cross-cultural communication, authentic material, authentic learning | 1001 | |||||
4542 | Introduction. The study of the literature for children is a topical direction of modern humanitarian thought, requiring an interdisciplinary approach, joint efforts of philologists, methodologists, librarians and teachers. Aim and objectives. The aim of the work is to analyse the methodical and methodological approaches, developed in different regions of Siberia and Ural, to the study the regional literature for children; to reveal problems and prospects in this area. Materials and research methods. Expert evaluation, expert analysis. Results and discussion. The analysis of the expert opinion on the developed practice literary study of local lore in different cities of Siberia and Ural has allowed us to select a number of pressing questions. These questions include: the criteria of regional (birthplace, temporary/constant residing place of the author, specific cultural code in the text specifying one or another region e.g. toponyms), quality evaluation of the artistic level and pedagogical potential of the works of the authors, the problem of the search and the assignment one or another region to the authors). A separate research problem is in the lack of printing editions of the texts of modern regional authors published on the Internet or on the contrary, in the lack of text-through versions of books on the Internet that complicates the research and educational literary regional study work. The consideration of the addressee (children) raises additional questions concerning not only regional but also the children’s literature as a whole (differentiation of the childhood and adolescence, a distinction of the children’s literature and the literature belonging to the children’s reading list). And it directly concerns techniques of studying of the Siberian and Ural literature (the criteria of selection of texts for studying at school, the choice of books for certain age, the development of methodological support and the assignments corresponding to the certain level of literary education of school children etc.). Conclusion. As an example of the positive experience of the solution of these issues, the methodological literature created on the basis of the scientific educational centres of pedagogical higher schools of Barnaul and Tomsk is given. Keywords: children’s and youth literature, literary history, literary study of local lore, teaching methods of the regional literature for children | 1001 | |||||
4543 | Abstract Introduction. The study is devoted to the historical and pedagogical analysis of the problem of gamification. The relevance of the study is due to the insufficient level of substantiation of both the concept itself and its content, the features of the application of the leading ideas of this theory in education. The purpose of the article is to identify and substantiate the features of the formation of the leading provisions of the theory of gamification in Russian pedagogical science (1992–2021). Material and methods. Methodological guidelines at various stages of the research were the main provisions of the dialectical approach, the systematic approach in historical and pedagogical research. The theoretical study was carried out on a set of publications of the scientific electronic library (www.elibrary.ru), published in 1992–2021. Research methods – theoretical: analysis of philosophical, psychological, pedagogical literature on the problem under study; logical-historical and systemic Results and discussion. In the course of the research, we came to the conclusion that gamification is a modern pedagogical category “describing the use of approaches in teaching, characteristic of computer games”, whose use provides motivation for participants in the educational process in the ecosystem of an educational organization, contributes to their optimal interaction, personal and professional development by means of special game methods. The formation of the theory of gamification in education in Russia was carried out within a number of stages. At the first stage of the development of the theory of gamification “Formation of ideas about gamification in Russian pedagogical science” (2010–2015), first of all, the scattered data on the origin of the phenomenon itself were generalized and formalized, the theoretical prerequisites for its occurrence were described, attempts were made to substantiate the concept and features of the phenomenon gamification, presents some materials on the process of gamification and its specific application in various areas of human life, including education. At the second stage, “Formation of the leading areas of study of the phenomenon of gamification in Russia” (2016–2019), certain leading methodological and theoretical foundations were identified, the foundation was laid for substantiating the concepts of organizing the educational process using elements of gamification in higher education, the tasks of gamification for organizations were formulated general and additional education of children. The third stage “Formation and systematization of the leading ideas of the theory of gamification” (2020 to date) is characterized by the quantitative accumulation of scientific knowledge about the phenomenon, the formation of its elements at the theoretical and methodological level, and the creation of elements of a modern technological product. Conclusion. At present, a new stage is entering in the formation of this phenomenon, which allows at a qualitatively new level to substantiate the content of gamification as a modern educational technology, which makes it possible to organize a networked educational process in online and offline modes at a fundamentally new level. Keywords: gamification, digitalization of Russian education, features, stages of formation | 1001 | |||||
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4548 | The article raises the question about the specificity of intellectual efficiency at various levels of intellectual development. The psychological ambiguity of high and super-high values of IQ with the selection of factors promoting and handicapping the intellectual efficiency of the personality with a high level of development of psychometric intellect is shown. The peculiarities of the frame of intellect and creativity are defined at average, high and super-threshold values of IQ. | 1000 | |||||
4549 | The article treats the process of professlcnalisation as a sequence of internal (subjective) crises. Passing these crises consequently leads a specialist to the need to reassess the role of personal particularities in the prospect of professionalization. The personal and social maturity of a doctor serves as a basis for his full fledged professional development, rather than «the humanitarian supplements that could be neglected. | 1000 | |||||
4550 | The authors of the article consider main problems of enterprises in Russia and also the reasons of their appearance. One of the main reasons is the lack of planning. The decision of this problem could be, in authors' opinion, building of imitating models of an en¬terprise for a definite period. | 1000 |