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# | Article | Downloads | |||||
2301 | The group of the authors proves the historical continuity of two Pedagogical educational institutions of Tomsk, reflects common features and tendencies in their development, marks the main stages in the formation of the TSPU. | 1044 | |||||
2302 | In the article the economic conditions of modernization of scientific-research cooperation as a form of organization of productive forces are investigated. The concepts of a final product of scientific-research cooperation and effectiveness of its functioning are explored. | 1044 | |||||
2303 | Coaching in any kind of sport can be successful if training systems are built according to natural evolu¬tion of organism of young athletes. It is known, that many physical abilities have to be developed already at first stages of long-term training, otherwise the most productive age periods of physical condition improve¬ment can be lost. This article concerns the problem of searching effective methods and training exercises in coaching of 10-11 years old finswimmers. | 1044 | |||||
2304 | The aim of this article is to analyze the meaning of the metaphorical epithet «fresh» in various utterances. | 1044 | |||||
2305 | In the article V.A. Zhukovsky’s mostly unpublished and uninvestigated notebooks of the 1840-s are considered. The material is analyzed in comparison to aesthetic and religious – philosophical searches of the writer and accordingly from this point of view Zhukovsky’s evolutions as a prosaic. The special attention is paid to the tendency of synthesis of the philosophical, aesthetic, religious principles and hence to that of cyclization, clearly shown in late Zhukovsky’s notebooks and reflecting feature of an aesthetics and poetics of his prose of 1830-s – 1840-s as a whole. | 1044 | |||||
2306 | The approaches in forming of the value "human resources" were investigated in the article. The fundamental factors were exposed, defining the value of the "human resources". | 1044 | |||||
2307 | One of the most important factors defining reliability of radio engineering devices, the temperature is, thus, is the most frequent for calculations of thermal modes mathematical models with the concentrated parameters, possessing low accuracy are used. Now multivariate mathematical models, with a greater degree of ade¬quacy describing processes теплопереноса in radio engineering devices are known. The purpose of the given work is the analysis of reliability of elements of radio engineering devices with application of the modern device of the theory of reliability and methods of multi¬variate mathematical modelling of temperature fields. In the given work comparison of parameters of reliability of the typical electroradioproducts received on the basis of spatial temperature fields and averages on volume of temperatures of electroradioproducts is made. | 1044 | |||||
2308 | The author’s approach to definition of the notion «a model» is considered, in which we refuse from the requirement of analogy between a prototype and its image. Only structure of a model as a pair «interface component – prototyping object» is fixed. The level of likeness between a prototype and its image is estimated by a special notion «adequacy of a model». The notion «adequacy» is discussed in this paper. | 1044 | |||||
2309 | The comparative analysis of the imperative in three Ugric languages (Vogul, Ostyak and Hungarian) allows to conclude: the Hungarian imperative marker –j is archaic as nowadays all three languages tend to use a zero-morpheme to label the imperative. | 1044 | |||||
2310 | Stem-building markers became the formal factors of the declensions only in the course of time. Originally, they were not indifferent to the semantics of the nouns and joined to certain names only. The comparative analysis of nouns with consonantal elements -j-, -w-, -n- in Gothic convinces us of the ancient origin of the markers -j-, -w- as the morphological structure of the word allows to reveal earlier elements. Every stem-building marker with a consonantal element possesses its specific feature and expresses more concrete lexical meaning. The original meaning of the consonantal markers -j-, -w- was connected with an earlier category – category of animateness/inanimateness, i.e. they were markers of animateness but they lost this meaning. Only the marker -n- has kept the meaning of animateness, and vowel markers show the grammatical gender. | 1044 | |||||
2311 | The article is devoted to very important problem of ethical knowledge – methodical explanation of phenomenon of ethics as a universal regulator of relationships in social, natural and spirit world. | 1044 | |||||
2312 | In its article analysed the tale "Dragon" E. Shvarts's and "Iron mystery" D. Andreev's as a variants of a conditional drama which is based on mythological plots and which examines the phenomenon of the totalitarian state. Its views the philosophy and psychology of power in respect to character system (the dragon - the philistine - the hero), from a perspective of collision features and a similarity of transparent motives. Keywords: tail, mystery, mythological plot, conditional forms of the drama, satire, philosophy of power | 1044 | |||||
2313 | The authors of the article offer ways to improve quality of education and make specialized education in ungraded schools readily available by means of providing of online forms of education and implementation of innovative educational programs Keywords: education, ungraded school, state educational policy, teachers extended training, online education tutor, specialized education, innovative educational programs | 1044 | |||||
2314 | The dynamics of abundance of the Alauda arvensis on the agricultural landscapes of Lipetsk region is considered. The comparative analysis of bio topical qualities of the most widespread agricultural crops and fallow lands of different stages of succession, based on changes of density of the Alauda arvensis’s rested population is brought. The conclusion about dependence of nested appeal of agricultural landscapes on their internal characteristics and on their external bio topical surroundings is proved. Keywords: Skylarks, Alauda arvensis (Aves), density of population, nested population, abundance, fallow lands, succession, agricultural landscapes | 1044 | |||||
2315 | Based on modifications of the cluster model and the information process model semiotic components of modern management are established. A comparison of specific technologies of modern management with the stages of the nonlinear dynamics of complex systems is carried out. Philosophical-anthropological perspective of the analysis actualized the concepts of “symbolic economics” by A. Toffler, “revolution in the symbolism” by A. N. Whitehead, the theory of semiosis by C. S. Peirce and the theory of conflict by R. Dahrendorf. Potentials of manipulating people’s dream and memory used in modern management, which requires adequate humanitarian expertise, are established. Keywords: cluster model, a model of information processing, nonlinear dynamics, goal, purpose, attractors, modern management, the direction of semiotic processes | 1044 | |||||
2316 | In the article the sound (inclusive musical) content of the A. P. Chekhov’s drama “The Three Sisters” is considered. The sound and musical constituent of the drama is researched in the aspect of its ontological problems range: as representing the own world image of the play. The work is studied in the cultural context of the time of its creation that allows exposing the originality of Chekhov’s art ontology. Keywords: Chekhov, world image, sound, music, rhythm | 1044 | |||||
2317 | The paper focuses on analyzing Nabokov’s translation principles aimed at recreating esthetic unity of the literary work in connection with the reception of the original text in the English speaking culture. Keywords: poetic translation, functional principle, lyrics, stylistic devices | 1044 | |||||
2318 | This article is devote to analyze results of science project “Paradigms of artistic consciousness in the narrative culture” (the state contract № 14.740.11.1394 from October 20, 2011). Keywords: artistic consciousness, narrative culture, critical reception, drama, poetic, prose, pathographo text, translation, strategies of adaptation, translator’s myth, romanticism, legal consciousness, authors consciousness, historicism, historical fiction, reli | 1044 | |||||
2319 | We investigate a specic model for a dark energy which lead to the Quasi-Rip cosmology. In the Quasi-Rip model the equation of state parameter w is less than -1 in the rst stage, but then in the second stage is larger than -1. The conditions for the appearance the Quasi-Rip in the terms of the parameters equation of state are received. Keywords: dark energy, cosmological constant, equation of state, bound structures | 1044 | |||||
2320 | We consider our world as a brane embedded in the 5D space-time which is a solution of the 5D Einstein equations with Л-term. We do not solve the modied Einstein equations on the brane, instead of this we use exact solution of 5D Einstein equations. The energy-momentum tensor appears as the Israel jump condition on the brane. This tensor at the innity gives positive tension in one side of the wormhole and negative tension in the second part of the wormhole space-time. In the case of the AdS5 model without Randall-Sundrum asymptotic we found the wormhole metric which satises the energy conditions. Keywords: wormhole, Randall-Sundrum model, multidimensional theory, energy conditions | 1044 | |||||
2321 | The article considers morphemically related words used in syntactically parallel structures observed in English works of fiction. The interrelation of morphemic repetition and syntactical parallelism manifests itself in different ways predetermined by the variety of morphemes and the diversity of parallel structures. The most important issue is the aesthetic aspect of the interrelation of the phenomena. It is realized in the interplay of the two mutually opposed basic principles, those of Apollonic order and Dionysian disorder, accordance and discordance, regulation and its violation. Keywords: morphemic repetition, syntactical parallelism, interrelation of morphemic and syntactical repetition, aesthetic aspect, Apollonic principle, Dionysian principle | 1044 | |||||
2322 | The article deals with the “Mode” concept as a model of linguistic structured knowledge projection of German ethnicity and as a component of its linguistic view of the world. With the help of language-based methods the structure of this conceptual model is described and the originality of its content that reflects cultural and historical stereotypes of German ethnicity is demonstrated. Keywords: concept, fashion, linguistic view of the world, cognitive view of the world, kernel, interpretation field, key lexeme | 1044 | |||||
2323 | The skills necessary for participation in a scientific dialogue grow out of a specially designed training activity. Formation of the dialogue culture as a means of cross-cultural communication in the science domain in the process of language learning is characterized by simultaneous solution of communicative and cognitive tasks. These exercises are both problem-centred and semantically oriented. Keywords: scientific dialogue, culture-oriented language learning, communicative and cognitive tasks as a type of exercise | 1044 | |||||
2324 | The article deals with studying and treating the notion “word” by modern linguists, psychologists and literary scholars. The analysis performed along with the conclusions supplied demonstrates that despite the current diversity of opinions this linguistic unit is highly essential for the humanities on the whole. Keywords: word, word analysis aspects, lexical meaning, signification, denotation, onomatic word, syntagmatic word, word associative field, pragmeme, informeme, concept, lexical-semantic variant, expresseme | 1044 | |||||
2325 | The article is devoted to the methods of teaching students the basic often applied algorithms of solving computer problems. The main feature of this methodology is the consistent study of the basic algorithms (sorting and search, information theory and cryptography, recursive algorithms and graph algorithms) implying the use of any programming language and further implementation of the studied algorithms in practice. This course includes laboratory practical tasks. These tasks have the increasing difficulty. At the beginning of the course a simple task demands from the student filling of admissions. More difficult tasks assume independent development and debugging of computer programs. Keywords: methods of teaching, algorithmic thinking, algorithms and data structures, sort and search, recursive algorithms and graph algorithms | 1044 | |||||
2326 | Sannikova L. V. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1998. Issue 3 (6). P. 41-43 . | 1043 | |||||
2327 | Studying of kinetics of elementary processes in reagent molecular plasma is a new scientific trend which appeals to accelerate the development of new scientific branches and tech¬nologies, esp. radiolocation, cosmic communication, plasmo-chemical and gas lasers, etc. One of the most important problems of kinetics of elementery process is the usage of approximate analytic theories which describe the behaviour of parameters of the plasma, and the usage of power distribution of its components in time and space. As the exact solution of kinetic equations in most cases is im¬possible the usage of approximate theories which give analytic solutions is becoming very important. | 1043 | |||||
2328 | The various types of water basins, i. e. river, accessory, marsh and continental ones, are considered as biotopes for fresh-water mollusks of North-Siberia. For each of the above basin types the qualitative and qualitative composition of mollusks is reported and the most widely spread species are indicated. Regarding the biotopes and environmental factors involved, rheo-, stagno- and eurybionts are found to predominate among the fresh-water mollusks of Northern Siberia. The adaptation of mollusks to certain environmental factors of the water basins and their distribution in the biotopes because of these factors are considered. | 1043 | |||||
2329 | Calendars of peoples of the world as important elements of their cultures are represented in the paper. The typical features of calendar systems of ancient peoples are described; main principles of forming of calendars of preliterate peoples are studied in the paper. | 1043 | |||||
2330 | The specific psychological abilities and qualities In the structure of personality of Chuvash ethnic group on the basis of comparing them with similar character features of other ethnic group (Russian, mixed families ethnic marginalia) have been studied experimentally The obtained data are interpreted from the point of view of their conditionally by natural-geographical, historical-cultural, ethnic living conditions of the ethnic group. | 1043 | |||||
2331 | On the basis of the mathematical model of internal gun’s ballistics with two phases and two velocities of phases the numerical simulation of non traditional scheme of throwing was carried out. The possibility of increasing of initial velocities of missiles with Cq=4,55 kilogram - force per cubic decimeter at about 7 % comparison with classical scheme of throwing on conditions that maximum pressures are invariable | 1043 | |||||
2332 | 1043 | ||||||
2333 | The core of the article is a problem of integration of knowledge about social communication. The author discusses his own theoretical view based on original conception of transgression. The transgression considers a person not as an industrious creator of new symbols or a closed system of consciousness. It considers a person as an individual who takes transgress actions in the risky and dynamic world. These actions cause adventures and tragedies | 1043 | |||||
2334 | Scientific and pedagogic activity, providing development of resources of scientific potential, actively influences on the process of reforming of the education system. Results of generalization of research are submitted in the field of the education, executed in scientific schools of the Russian Federation for the period of 2001-2007. Results of generalization can form the basis of specification of actual directions of research and coordination of scientific and pedagogical activity. Keywords: education system, reforming, scientific and pedagogic activity, scientific - information and personnel resources, scientific potential, branches of sciences, specialties of pedagogies, dynamics (changes) and structure of research, tendencies, dissertation | 1043 | |||||
2335 | The article contains the first investigation of the work of the Ministry public enlightenment of the Temporary Government and of the Russian national government of Siberia in Omsk and Tomsk in the most severe time of the Civil War; the light is thrown upon the personnel of the Ministry; the measures of preparation of the school reform; renovation of pedagogical educational institutions and of improvement of the material standing of teachers; the article also shows the prominent actions of the Ministry of the science development and higher education in Siberia. Keywords: The Civil War, the Temporary Siberian government, the Ministry of Public Enlightenment, the minister and the professor V. V. Sapozhnikov, an educational reform | 1043 | |||||
2336 | In the article the stress in the central and southern dialects of the Selkup language is described. The research is based on the material collected during field work with last speakers of these dialects, processings of the material of the A. P. Dulzon archive and the analysis of the language of the first Selkup books. In the course of research it is revealed that in all southern and central dialects of the Selkup language there were systems paradigmatic accents, which can be described in terms “dominant” and “recessive” morphemes. The basic differences in various dialects consist in stress position, basically in marks of suffixes. Keywords: stress, morphology, Selkup language | 1043 | |||||
2337 | The article is devoted to consideration of functional features and means of expression of a graphic image epistolary of the text how by the integral component it art features in view of a complex extralinguistic of the factors and specificity of realization of a communicative-pragmatical axis “the author – the addressee”. As a material the letters of the artist М. V. Nesterov, opera singer F. I. Chaliapin, academician V. I. Vernadsky, poet M. I. Tsvetaeva. Keywords: graphic image of text, epistolary text, epistolary communication universals, graphic identity, graphic symbols, paragrafemnye facilities, cognitive function of graphical tools, the regulatory function of graphic tools | 1043 | |||||
2338 | The article deals with the notion “tolerance” from the point of view of different authors. It focuses on the physiological tolerance and tolerance toward disabled students. The pedagogical experiment proved the required conditions of development of tolerant attitude to disabled students. The author has come to the conclusion that organization of special psychological and pedagogical teachers’ training to teach disabled students in the conditions of integrated education is essential. Keywords: tolerance, disabled students, pedagogical conditions, integrated education, faculty, psychological and pedagogical training, higher school | 1043 | |||||
2339 | In the article results of research of different kinds of patient's autonomy in regard of definite cultures are reflected. Research have been conducted under support of RFH (project № 12-03-00198 “Bioethics as a Phenomenon of Selfconsciousness of Modern Culture”). Keywords: bioethics, autonomy of the patient, Confucian ethics, paternalism | 1043 | |||||
2340 | The paper describes a theoretical study on the introduction of electronic educational resources in the learning process. The article deals with long-term tendencies in the development of world education. A key focus of development prospects is the implementation of new technologies emerging in global educational community. Productive use of interactive technologies is defined by the research model “Cone of learning” on the effectiveness of obtaining knowledge methods by Edgar Dale. The studied aspects of teaching get reflected in the real activity on the basis of the electron-didactic support, in particular, students being in the role of a teacher through the creation of thematic tasks. By way of illustration an open educational resource is demonstrated in order to define the significance of the content created for peer-correction. The teacher acts as the administrator of online groups and provides information support for working with the site. As a result, a step by step guide to the open educational resource application in the educational process is developed. Detailed steps of teachers and students activities on the creation of electron content within the selected Internet resource are given. The results of the study imply the need to expand blended learning knowledge paradigm in the pedagogical practice of higher educational institutions. Keywords: blended learning, Internet resources, foreign language learning, interactive technologies | 1043 | |||||
2341 | The article deals with the questions how to develop students’ motivation to learn foreign languages. Its main purpose is to find the most appropriate and effective ways out. The paper presents the analytical review of research on the problems concerning building and development of educational motivation, describes its types and highlights varieties that are specific to foreign language learning. Particular attention is paid to the close relationship between “feedback” and the level of students’ subject motivation development. The article presents the results of the survey conducted among students and graduates from Novosibirsk universities. The survey participants were asked to point out the most encouraging and disappointing moments they experienced while getting feedback related to results of their work, and describe their emotions. Respondents’ replies were based on their own experience of communication with the teaching staff of the educational institution, and proved the idea, that the feedback given in the foreign language classroom environment greatly affected students’ level of motivation. Moreover, the article defines the functions of “feedback”, characterizes its subtypes, that are commonly used in foreign language teaching and include implicit feedback, explicit and metalinguistic correction. The paper offers examples how to use them effectively while teaching foreign languages. Finally, it determines the level of feedback influence produced on the subject motivation development. Keywords: feedback, educational motivation, foreign language learning, learner, teacher of foreign languages | 1043 | |||||
2342 | . | 1042 | |||||
2343 | Surovtsova M. N. // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 2000. Issue 1 (17). P. 19-23 | 1042 | |||||
2344 | Projective, technological, communicative properties are determinative in man's mental and practical acti¬vity. Science, art, pedagogics possess a communica¬tive feature. However, this problem has been consi¬dered not enough in traditional didactics. | 1042 | |||||
2345 | The present article focuses on cultural context of institutional economy and its' changes in terms of eco¬nomic theory. | 1042 | |||||
2346 | The technique of definition of influencing of features of photophysical characteristics of correction light films on growth and development in conditions of closed soil of a summer horse radish of a kind “Ladushka” – biological testing of correction light films is designed. The technique is encompass bayed definition of a number of a number morphometry, biochemical parameters, economic productivity of plants at their cultivation in the summer period in conditions of a closed soil under correction light films. Considerable, up to double and more, the changes of economic productivity of culture under correction light films as contrasted to not by modified polyethylene films of the same technological parameters, indicate high response of plants to changes of a spectral components of electromagnetic radiation created by correction light films. The technique allows getting the information about features of influencing of different photophysical characteristics of correction light films on growth and development of plants in the summer period and it is addition to design earlier to technique of biological testing of correction light films in the spring period at cultivation of sprout of a cabbage | 1042 | |||||
2347 | In research the analysis of psychology-pedagogical features of development by the teacher innovation technologies will be carried spent. The author’s system of the account of difficulties is offered during improvement of professional skill of the teachers and courses of specialization. In the process of training on courses (course period) diagnostics of difficulties of the teachers is recommended to be carried out immediately during by. Thus the difficulties act by indicators for conducting of courses and teachers showing critical points of passage of a technique innovation of training. The author offers a system of organizing developing studies based on methodical devices and recommendations how to use them while overcoming didactic difficulties (DD) which was worked out by the author. This technology is based on the methodical receptions, developed by the author, and references of their application at overcoming (DD). | 1042 | |||||
2348 | This paper is aimed to outline the semantic principles of classification of abstract nouns and point out the major groups of nouns within this class. In linguistic literature the problem of taxonomy of nouns is still under discussion. The criteria of assigning nouns to either abstract or concrete are not well-defined and theoretically grounded. Most classifications of nouns are not satisfactory in the case of Khanty. Those concepts that are not represented in language by means of nouns have specific objectifications which are contrasted in this article with those ones in Navajo. | 1042 | |||||
2349 | Conception 3-D pedosystem construct on principle of similarity and take into account hydrodynamic's effects of transfer from local to global spatial grid. It is possible, if detailed survey soil's surface and structure was pre¬pared for 3-D soil. Hydrodynamic analysis finite-element method base on vertical and radial flow forming unit eluvial layer. | 1042 | |||||
2350 | The paper deals with the problem of the variant as a component of the phraseological model in the three genetically related Germanic languages. The analysis of the phraseological units leads to singling out a number of isomorphic and allomorphic variants within the frames of English, German and Swedish phraseology. | 1042 |