# | Article | Downloads | |||||
2751 | In the article the author research the history of correction works’ evolution in the Russian penal law. | 1155 | |||||
2752 | It is my great honor and pleasure to congratulate the international forum on peace, which is jointly organized by Tomsk and Hiroshima, and to have an opportunity of keynote speech, addressing about the internationalization strategies at Hiroshima University. In the globalized and competitive environments, HU is not an exceptional organization which must develop the strategic approaches and to prepare for the future challenges, in order to survive. HU faces with quite hard competition among note only Japanese universities, but also with those of foreign countries. | 1155 | |||||
2753 | This article is devoted to Buryat and English composites, which became very productive due to their compressive forms and wide semantics with the development of the society, its social-technical, scientific and economical progress in recent years. Especially they are widely used in terminology in both languages. Also composites in these languages have their own national peculiarities which can be found out by comparing the systems of composition of both languages. | 1155 | |||||
2754 | The tendency of decrease(reduction) was outlined in the maximum(supreme) pedagogical formation(education) аудиторной loadings on disciplines of a physical and mathematical structure. It demands development of new approaches to practice of training of students of pedagogical high school to carrying out of physical experiment. By application of traditional techniques of training this problem to solve it is impossible, therefore there was a necessity of development of new techniques of training to physical experiment which would allow to carry out within the framework of available fund of time educational activity of students in conditions of an optimum parity(ratio) of virtual and natural didactic means of training and to receive planned educational result. By the example of statement of physical experiment on research of discharge plasma it is shown, that the purpose of performance of a laboratory practical work will consist not only in purchase by students of skills of experimental studying, for example, properties of plasma and methods of its(her) diagnostics, but also in development of skills of the analysis of the received results on the basis of modern theoretical representations. The student should receive a subject lesson of application of the theory not only for an explanation, but also forecasting new (for trained) the phenomena, including plasma technologies specifying functionalities. The theory and experiment by a part physical and mathematical modelling, composite consideration of a problem is binding | 1155 | |||||
2755 | Semiotic and cultural functions of the sword are examined in the article. An attempt for an opportunity of representation of functioning of the sword’s symbolic in the model of system dynamics of culture is made. A project of sociological research of the modern forms of perception of symbolic of the sword is discussed | 1155 | |||||
2756 | This paper deals with the results of scientific conference devoted to the well known philosophy and pedagogy S.I.Gessen’s memory. Some modern forms of the postgraduates research training in Tomsk government pedagogical university are presented. Keywords: scientific conference, education philosophy, pedagogy, school of young scientist, modern education | 1155 | |||||
2757 | In the article the model of a native speaker, requirement to a language conscious personality and stages of its development are discussed. Three stages model of language conscious personality of graduate-linguist is represented. Keywords: stages of a language conscious personality development, forming of a second language conscious personality, communicative personality, model of a native speaker, three stages model of language conscious personality, anthropocentrism method. | 1155 | |||||
2758 | The article reveals functions of social institutions to establish innovative and responsible behaviour among young people. Keywords: young people, innovative behaviour, work system with young people | 1155 | |||||
2759 | Cosmetology was born as a skill to look after one’s appearance, keep and underline one’s beauty with the help of various means and ways. In modern society where a special attention is paid to cosmetic beauty, the field of cosmetology producing and rending cosmetology services is flourishing. Cosmetology discourse is a type of professional communication connected with rending cosmetology services and creating (inventing), production (technology), advertising, protection, evaluation, marketing of cosmetology products. This discourse refers to hybrid, creolized discourse, using verbal, iconic and graphic codes. This article deals with French cosmetology discourse as one of the kinds of institutional discourse, which is a complexly organized and multi-component formation, the interaction of legislative (legal) discourse in the field of production, sale of cosmetics and rending cosmetology services, advertisement and cosmetology discourse, scientific and cosmetology discourse, academic cosmetology discourse, cosmetology media discourse, commercial discourse. The leading role belongs to the cosmetology discourse proper (esthetic medicine) in the sphere of professional communication. In its turn, each kind of the cosmetology discourse one can find polyphonic inclusions of the chemical (cosmetology), pharmaceutical, social, technical and other discourses. The complex discursive nature of the cosmetology discourse has generated a variety of genre forms. Keywords: cosmetology, discourse, beauty, care, health, speech genre | 1155 | |||||
2760 | The article discusses pragmalinguistic peculiarities of interrogatives. These characteristics are analyzed at comparing interrogatives to other speech acts. Interrogatives as speech acts have an illocutionary force and a perlocutionary effect similar to those of directive speech acts. The illocutionary force of interrogatives is connected with communicative manipulation when asking for or checking information by referring to another person. The perlocutionary effect of interrogatives is either this person agrees or does not agree to share information. Directive speech acts are also connected with communicative manipulation and the perlocutionary effect of directive speech acts is either the other person agrees or does not agree to fulfill the action. However, interrogatives differ from other speech acts (directive speech acts including) by their locutionary and propositional characteristics. Interrogatives are constructed in a special way and do not contain reference to the answer. At least these locutionary and propositional characteristics of interrogatives makes it possible to consider interrogatives as a separate group of speech acts. Analysis of interrogative speech acts in contemporary American films show that 70 % of interrogatives are used as direct speech acts, i.e. to ask for information or to check information. One fourth of interrogatives contains second illocutions, in most cases these are reproach, indignation and pleading. Interrogatives as indirect speech acts are used in 20 % of utterances mainly to express suggestions. Rhetorical (false) questions are used only in 10 % of interrogative utterances. Keywords: pragmalinguistics, speech acts, interrogatives, American English | 1155 | |||||
2761 | . | 1154 | |||||
2762 | The structure and possibilities of a program complex are submitted. The mathematical model and a calculation technique of parameters of spatial currents on parallel computing systems in areas with irregular geometry are offered. The physical pictures of currents about the closed curvilinear surfaces, burning granules of fuel are submitted. The questions of modeling of air movement in territory of city building and admixture distribution from sources of pollution in a ground layer of an atmosphere are considered. | 1154 | |||||
2763 | The experiment on rats shows that daily inhalation of UDP piezoceramics in dose 150 mg/m3 bring not only to the increase of separate element contents that are part of blood and liver whey of experimental animals, but also to histopathology change of liver parenchyma. Noted in 4 months from the beginning of experiment reduction of lead and chromium in liver concentration among the rats, getting inhalation of UDP, on the background of remaining high corresponding indicators of the blood whey, can be connected with the development of the habitation phase in reaction of adaptation. | 1154 | |||||
2764 | Calendars of peoples of the world as important elements of their cultures are represented in the paper. The typical features of calendar systems of ancient peoples are described; main principles of forming of calendars of preliterate peoples are studied in the paper. | 1154 | |||||
2765 | The article deals with the problem of understanding a lingual sign as a symbol and the semantic analysis of words representing symbols of iconic type, i.e. objects of particular admiration that are readily recognized by most people, the English iconic word ‘tea’ taken as an example. | 1154 | |||||
2766 | In industrial countries the special knowledge of the competitors confidently turns to a lawful source of the competitive advantage. The contents of this competitive advantage is, that the company offers a special purchasing value to the consumers. The consumers determine consumer value in comparison with the offers of the competitors. Therefore competitive information turns to an original component of the corporate strategy. It gives the bases to consider the competitive analysis as an independent kind of the economic analysis serving the current needs of firm. Besides the competitive analysis is necessary for service of needs of strategic management of firm | 1154 | |||||
2767 | It is designed original methods of the study of surfaces bogs. The dynamics of surfaces is connected with spottiness of upper layer of mires. The fluctuation to surfaces depends on amount of water, growing мха and his motion. This fluctuation can be not simultaneous, with the other value of the amplitude in the other area of the mire Keywords: Oligotriphic marsh, aerobic layer, mechanical displacement, stereofotogrammetic method, moisture | 1154 | |||||
2768 | The use of experience of physical training of Russian people and its integration with the procedure of sport training make it possible to increase the effectiveness of the lessons of physical training in VUZ (Institute of Higher Education). Keywords: people traditions of physical training, sport holiday | 1154 | |||||
2769 | The science-methodical competence of a foreign language teacher is characterized. The basics of formation of the competence during the period of professional development are described. Keywords: a foreign language teacher, science-methodical competence, methodical competence. | 1154 | |||||
2770 | The paper deals with a model of tolerant interaction which is considered as a vital point in the work of adult educators. The author studies a concept of tolerance as one of the key elements in subject-to-subject (adult to adult) relationship, opposite to subject-to-object (adult to child), specifies structural characteristics of an object quality, and analyzes professional and personal traits of adult educators which are of paramount importance for a successful educational process. Keywords: model, quality, subject-to-subject relationship, tolerance, professional and personal traits of an adult educator. | 1154 | |||||
2771 | The paper presents the analysis of motivational provision of remote support of school education and organizational forms of networking in the school (data: educational institutions of Altay Territory). Keywords: motivational provision, distant education, organizational forms of networking | 1154 | |||||
2772 | The article is devoted to the problem of subject-spatial environment creation, which aims at forming various types of a child’s activity. Special attention is paid to pedagogical modelling of the subject environment. Keywords: activity, subject-spatial environment, terms of stimulating child’s activity | 1154 | |||||
2773 | The questions, which have been raised with the linguistic relativity hypothesis, continue discussions. Opponents and supporters of the hypothesis defend the positions depending on the chosen aspect of vision. Without considering specially positive and negative sides of the hypothesis, Eko nevertheless stops on some provisions, proceeding from the principles of the translation’s practice. Keywords: theory and translation’s practice, language system, text, possible world, semiotics system, sense, interpretation, negotiations | 1154 | |||||
2774 | This article discusses the value-sense sphere of mother. Motherhood is one of the urgent problems of contemporary Russian society. Evolutionary purpose of women is the birth and upbringing of children. This article reflects the problem of inner peace mother, her value-semantic framework. It represents the theoretical literature review of research on the issues under study. Showes the results of the study of value and sense sphere of mothers. Determines the core values of mothers and childless women. Analyzes the differences of value-semantic sphere of mother and childless women. Mothers revealed significantly greater percentage of respondents experiencing fear and loneliness of losing loved ones, compared to childless women. Mother is a cultural and moral model for your child. For mothers sense-forming factor is the value of family life. Childless women have a wider range of values, that is more diverse and multidirectional than that of mothers’. Keywords: motherhood, maternal position, values, family, woman, mother, childless woman | 1154 | |||||
2775 | The research urgency is caused by the necessity of revealing the environmental factors that stimulate the formation of play competencies of children of preschool age. The purpose of the article is to identify meaningful saturation and potential of the home play environment and preschool education institution in terms of formation of senior preschoolers’ play skills. The methods of the problem research are participant observation and a survey, allowing a comprehensive analysis of the environmental factors of formation of play competence in preschool years. The authors present structural organization of play competence in senior preschool age, when the need for play is most significant. This need leads to the development of the ability to take on the role, to formulate a game goal, to put the game problem and a number of indicators of behavioral, cognitive and emotional-evaluative components. The article analyzes the specifics of the home play environment and the environment of the preschool educational organization and their role in the formation of play competencies in senior preschoolers. The materials of the article can be used in the practice of preschool organizations, in the activity of training and improving the professional qualifications of teachers of preschool organizations, in the practice of family education. Keywords: children of senior preschool age, play, play environment, play competencies, need for play | 1154 | |||||
2776 | The article discloses the content and methods of economic education in a pedagogical university as a very important educational direction under modern conditions in Russia. | 1153 | |||||
2777 | Basic properties of even (odd) supermanifoids endowed with a connection respecting a given symplectic structure are studied. Such supermanifoids can be considered as generalization of Fedosov manifolds to the supersymmetric case. | 1153 | |||||
2778 | The school risk factors and the analysis of their influence on growth, development and a state of health of schoolboys revealed during researches carried out within the Institute of Age Physiology of the Russian Open Society are considered in the article. According to it the author suggests the system of teachers’ training to health-developing activity within professional development. | 1153 | |||||
2779 | The article examines some propositions of the conception of the Revolution of I.A. Ilyin (1882–1954). It shows the complexity and significance of Ilyin’s conception connected mainly with his enmity towards the Soviet Russia | 1153 | |||||
2780 | The article is devoted to the concept of intelligence in the linguistic space of the Selkup language within the linguistic theory of field. The structure of the field includes the nuclear, the close periphery, the periphery and the far periphery. The criterion of elements’ selection into the field is the general differentiating semantic indication. The position of this one in the structure of word’s meaning defines the place of the element in the field. The fields have no clear lines and cross each other in different flats. | 1153 | |||||
2781 | The article devoted to the organization design activities of the pupils by secondary school and first-second year students, that are studying on the physics and mathematics department of the TSPU. Also in this article introduced the questions about the vocational training of students | 1153 | |||||
2782 | The article is devoted to the consideration of dynamics of semantic meaning of the «soul» concept by the analysis of various anthropology problems in the West European philosophy. Keywords: soul, spirit, knowledge, thinking, speech, the driving beginning | 1153 | |||||
2783 | The article contains a short survey of modern notions about semantic category of norm. In the article is motivated the idea of this category as studing in linguistic in the directions, that are in accordance with three main elements of norm estimation (the base, the subject and the object of estimation). Keywords: estimation, norm, semantic category | 1153 | |||||
2784 | In the article the regularity of semantic derivations and origin of such category of words as adjectives, negative particles, pronouns, and postpositions in Selkup are given. The research is based on the names of mythic ancestors worshiped by the members of the Selkup nation. Morphemic division of the lexemes let define their possible initial meaning. The fact that the names of mythic ancestors are tabooed led to the process of euphemisation. Keywords: the Selkup language, genonymum, euphemism, taboo, semantics, symbolism | 1153 | |||||
2785 | The article is devoted to the question of studying the contact and typological connections, which are brightly shown in the Orphic discurse in the poetry of Austrian poet R. M. Rilke and russian symbolists. The comparative analysis of the main categories of philosophic and aesthetic concepts of the poets is presented in this work. The analysis of thematic and narrative analogies in the lyric poetry of R and Vyach. Ivanov is also described. Keywords: symbolism, discurse, Rilke, Vyach. Ivanov, Orpheus, Apollo, Dionis, sonnet, myth, contact and typological connections | 1153 | |||||
2786 | In the article necessary change of the paradigm in methodology of teaching foreign language from traditional approaches to development of foreign language communication skills on professional topics, conducting oral scientific discussions and making up in writing professional kinds of text, such as abstracts, reviews, scientific papers is considered. Keywords: social services commissioning, communicative principle, suggestive and demonstrative principles, communicative models. | 1153 | |||||
2787 | In two regions of Siberia (Buryat Republic and Tomsk Region) 268 schoolchildren in special schools – children with disabilities have been examined. Mental disorders (disturbance of psychological development, speech disturbance, mental deficiency and others) were detected in 90.7 % of children in special schools. The authors show characteristics of parental attitudes to a child with disabilities (denial of defect, guilt feeling, hyper- or hypo-care, and rented installations). Reference directions of programs of psycho educational and medical-social support are presented. Keywords: children with disabilities, mental health, medical and psycho educational support, parental interaction with a child with disabilities | 1153 | |||||
2788 | In the article the author analyzes code-switching and code-mixing in the Ket and the Evenk texts. Several structural types of bilingual code-switching are distinguished. The researcher hypothesizes about communicative and psycholinguistic nature of the phenomena. Keywords: Ket, Evenk, bilingualism, code-switching, code-mixing, morphosintax | 1153 | |||||
2789 | In this article the problem of interrelations among the representatives of different generations within the same family is considered as the problem reflected in the specific character of spatial drama images, the central image of them is the image of home. The peculiarity of the plot elaboration of the spatial image reveals the specific character of the author2s solving the “fathers and children” problem by Naidyonov and Gorky. Keywords: a drama author, a hero, spatial stage and out-of-stage images, a drama plot | 1153 | |||||
2790 | The paper deals with a compositional analysis of adult educator and adult learner activities intended for acquisition of the English language, principles of education for adult learners have been revealed, goals of adult education have been determined. Keywords: learning process, planning, implementation, adult educator, adult learner, principles of adult education | 1153 | |||||
2791 | Cultural changes lead to the change “Knowledge” to an integral education, incorporates the activity-practical skills-competence. It is important not only to model professional environment but also address the definition of objectives in education policy in the country and the region, to ensure the formation of a student competence of the various activities. In the field of educational activities undergraduates must be able to identify and exploit the opportunities of regional cultural educational environment for the organization of cultural and educational activities. Keywords: education, culture, competence, music, integration, regional policy, cultural and educational activities | 1153 | |||||
2792 | This article deals with the analysis of the discourse in the light of philosophy, sociology, sociolinguistics, culturology, semiotics, text linguistics. The discourse analysis has been depicted from the point of text and context aspects. The levels of analysis of language material for discourse characterization have been distinguished. Frames (concept systems) have been considered as the mental units; their contents are being seen as the discourse. The brief review of linguistic processors MathLab, Gate and WordNet data-base has been done; they are defined as the most effective and automated means of discourse analysis of natural languages. The environment Gate includes the elements of corpus and concept analyses and machine learning. These programmes help to define the slot position of markers in their cognitive model. MathLab automates the algorithm in the analysis of the core concepts. Keywords: discourse, discourse analysis, linguistic processor, frame, discourse marker, GATE | 1153 | |||||
2793 | The modern stage of historical development is very intensive now. In the first place of human activity there appeares a creative process of comprehending the world of culture. New terms and conceptions are appearing for analysing culture, «Reminicence» is one term among them. | 1152 | |||||
2794 | In the chronic experiment on rats was showed a toxic effect of ultradispersive powder (UDP) for piezoceramics on pulmonary tissue. The complex of structural changes of pulmonary tissue that include appearances of productive inflammation with outlet to sclerosis and collection of compensatory-adaptive reactions has been found. On the whole it is confirm a presence protracted toxic exogenerative nature effect. The toxic effect is consequent of significant increase levels of Pb, Cr and in a less degree Ti (in 19, 3,7 and 3,3 once appropriately) in pulmonary tissue of rats after 4 month experiment | 1152 | |||||
2795 | Nonequilibrium dissociated air flow problem at stagnation region for the aerodynamic reentry trajectory. The hypersonic viscous shock layer theory (TVSL) including nonequilibrium chemical reactions, multicomponent diffusion is used as initial mathematical model. On the body surface the nonstationary conjugate heat transfer is taken into the account. High order numerical approach is suggested. Some numerical results are presented | 1152 | |||||
2796 | In this article we describe the issues of students’ activity in computer-assisted self studying of English as a foreign language (CASSOEFL) on the basis of computer technologies. We define the major skills that lead to the students’ activity during the CASSOEFL. We describe the main features of computer technology as a key to activity of a student. In this article we present the main criteria of a computer based educational software assessment. | 1152 | |||||
2797 | In this paper, we first explore the process of history writing and teaching in Soviet autonomies using the concept of ethnic enclosure as a framework to examine the way the distant past is presented in history textbooks published locally in the Soviet Union. We then show the conflicting character of ethnic historical narratives in the textbooks of rival ethnic groups and, next, discuss the legacy of the Soviet policy of ethnic enclosure as reflected in school textbooks published after the demise of the Soviet Union. | 1152 | |||||
2798 | The article is dedicated to the development of international collaboration of higher schools in Siberia with the capitalist countries at the end of the 50s – the beginning of the 90s of the XXth century. The problems of the formation and expansion of inter-school scientific relations, exchange of experience in the process of organization of joints research, taking part in the international scientific congresses, conferences, and seminars are being investigated | 1152 | |||||
2799 | Professional-orientated teaching oral communication of adult students has got its peculiarity that is defined by a number of methodological and psychological approaches. Consideration of these approaches simultaneously with multimedia technologies will let to create such a teaching-methodological medium where we can faster and more efficiently form and develop the necessary qualities of the future specialist taking into account his or her personality. Keywords: professional-orientated communication, multimedia technologies, adults, psychological | 1152 | |||||
2800 | In article the possible course of employment on which the future teachers-language and literature teachers can get the communicatively-methodical abilities necessary for preparation and use of an accompanying monologue - a genre version of polycode speech of the teacher which contains inter-pretatsiju the basic source of the information (an evident tutorial) is characterised, creates conditions for the most effective perception of semiotics differently-native phenomena, and also promotes informative activity and samostoja-telnosti pupils in development of the polycode information of a lesson. Keywords: Russian, training, a speech genre, presentation, on-likodovyj the text, a lesson, background knowledge | 1152 |