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2951 | The article considers the reception of Siberia in the group of essays of I.A. Kuschevsky, entitled «Not far away places of Siberia». The author manages to create the atmosphere of Tomsk of 60-ies of the 19th century. The author who is a Siberian himself speaks from the point of view of the habitants of Central Russia, which gives him an opportunity to find parallel lines, to com¬pare Siberian nature, traditions, customs, life on the whole with that of Russia. Practically all the studies of the writer are the apologia of Siberia, the holy place where the life is free and the people haven't lost their natural feelings and dignity. | 1064 | |||||
2952 | The article devoted to the organization design activities of the pupils by secondary school and first-second year students, that are studying on the physics and mathematics department of the TSPU. Also in this article introduced the questions about the vocational training of students | 1064 | |||||
2953 | This research work is devoted to the problems of the prophylactic of the antisocial teens’ deviation behavior. The foreign and native experience of the prophylactic of teens’ disruptive behavior is considered. The contemporary situation with teenagers is considered taking into consideration the essential changes of criminal arranging in the country and state-political conditions and social-economic reorganization in the last period. The matching of the resource and methods of pedagogical modification of antisocial teens’ disruptive behavior was realized on the basis of the given data of pedagogical investigations. Keywords: disruptive teenagers, teenagers’ criminality, usage of physical training lessons, correction of antisocial teens’ disruptive behavior, person’s directed upbringing, teenagers’ adaptation | 1064 | |||||
2954 | The article covers the problems of teaching physics to schoolchildren and students of technical universities associated with transformations in Russian society and educational system of Russia, and possible ways of their partial solution Keywords: fundamentalization education, systematic approach, training systems | 1064 | |||||
2955 | On the basic of the scientific literature analysis in the sphere of psychology of management the article describes the generalized model of principles of personnel management. This model may be an instrument in understanding administrative activity and in formation of leader’s professional administrative outlook. Keywords: management, administrative activity, principles of personnel management | 1064 | |||||
2956 | It has been found that occupancy of and ^-opioid receptors (ORs) by DPDPE and U-50488, respectively, prevents irreversible cardiac cell damage during global ischemia (45 min) and reperfusion (30 min) of the isolated perfused rat heart by the Langendorff technique. Activation of Kj-ORs decreased cAMP levels in the myocardium during reperfusion but stimulation of 8J-ORs had no effect on the cAMP levels. The occupancy of both types of receptors did not alter the cGMP levels before and after ischemia. Cardioprotective effect of DPDPE was completely abolished by pretreatment with cyclopiazonic acid, an inhibitor of Ca2+-ATPase of sarcoplasmic reticulum. Authors proposed that cardioprotective effect of U-50488 is mediated via a decrease in cAMP levels in the heart but cardioprotective effect of DPDPE is depended on the activity of Ca2+-ATPase of sarcoplasmic reticulum. Keywords: isolated perfused rat heart, ischemia, reperfusion, opioid receptors | 1064 | |||||
2957 | The article is devoted to the reform of Teacher’s Institutes of the Provisional government in 1917. The general characteristics of the reform, its main issues and the changes provided are reviewed and analyzed in the given article. The author assesses the role and the significance of the reform of 1917 during the transitional period from the prerevolutionary to the Soviet model of the Russian educational system. Keywords: the reform of the Provisional government, Teacher’s Institutes, history of pedagogical education | 1064 | |||||
2958 | The essence of frame technology is revealed in the given article, also its efficiency and productivity are considered. This system allows students to develop cognitive activity, independent way of thinking and creative abilities. In addition, the technology changes base of the educational pedagogical ambience itself by filling it with the spirit of cooperation and development of the individual. Keywords: frame technology, frame scheme, model of knowledge, slots | 1064 | |||||
2959 | The paper analyses characteristics of upbringing children left without parental care in a rural orphanage. The author demonstrates specific organization of the educational process of children groups of different ages. Keywords: mixed-age group, peculiarities of the upbringing of orphans, rural orphanage | 1064 | |||||
2960 | The article deals with history of research and provides information about the current composition of the fauna of freshwater molluscs of the upper Yenisei River and the Tuva of lakes. Keywords: freshwater molluscs, basin, fauna | 1064 | |||||
2961 | The article deals with the professional problem of formation competence pedagogical university students in extracurricular activities, variants of the complex organization of extracurricular work for the formation of future teachers ready for professional work at schools of different levels and profiles as well as children of different social status and education. Keywords: student extracurricular activity, field work, competence, olympiad movement, volunteer, professional future teachers training | 1064 | |||||
2962 | The article presents the results of Tomsk scientist and social counselor V. S. Pirussky’s research about medical and pedagogic approach to the problem of organizing the educational handicraft, aimed at rehabilitation and development of children and adolescents. After thorough studying of archival sources, the author inferred that the understanding of craft as a means of physical education of students allowed V. S. Pirussky to create the original education program, including age-classification of craft and characterization of the educational effects of craft. Keywords: Vladislav S. Pirussky, medical and pedagogic approach, craft, handicraft, physical education, health preservation, history of pedagogy | 1064 | |||||
2963 | The article analyses the current level of professional self–determination of the students studying at the humanitarian and technical institutes of the National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University. Pedagogical conditions that have positive influence on the formation of self–determination of future specialists are suggested. Keywords: professional self–determination, competitiveness, activity approach, level of professional self– determination, pedagogical conditions | 1064 | |||||
2964 | The potential of parceling as a method of the psychologism in fiction is considered and the main functions of this method are brought out. The features created by representatives of “lieutenants’ prose” due to the use of complex techniques of psychology. The main types used expressive syntax. Functioning of parceling constructions in the narrative of Grigory Baklanov “Pyad’ zemli” (Piece of land) is analysed. Are functions of parcelling. Parcelling helps to solve the main author’s goal which is to convey the soldier’s perception of the world and to express the war perception of the direct participants, convey the tense atmosphere of wartime. Keywords: expressive syntax, parcelling, psychologism in fiction, Grigory Baklanov, lieutenant prose (works about war by young authors), lyric front story | 1064 | |||||
2965 | In the composition of communities of testate amoebae (Amoebozoa, Rhizaria) from the sediments of the shores of lakes and river Tom of Tomsk territory found 27 species and subspecies. Characteristic elements of the fauna are eurytopic species with wide geographical distribution: Arcella discoides difficilis Deflandre, Centropyxis discoides (Penard) Deflandre, Difflugia bidens Penard, Difflugia corona Wallich., Difflugia schurmanni van Oye. The diversity of species in each habitat ranges from 6 (Sennaya Kuria) to 13 (Boyarskoe Lake, the Tom River) species per sample. The density of organisms did not exceed 2,000 speciments/m 2. Changes in the diversity of the amoebae community in Sennaja Kuria are considered as a result of mechanical cleaning of the bed of the lake produced in 2012–2013. Keywords: testate amoebae; fauna of littoral sediments; urban lakes, Tom River | 1064 | |||||
2966 | Cosmetology was born as a skill to look after one’s appearance, keep and underline one’s beauty with the help of various means and ways. In modern society where a special attention is paid to cosmetic beauty, the field of cosmetology producing and rending cosmetology services is flourishing. Cosmetology discourse is a type of professional communication connected with rending cosmetology services and creating (inventing), production (technology), advertising, protection, evaluation, marketing of cosmetology products. This discourse refers to hybrid, creolized discourse, using verbal, iconic and graphic codes. This article deals with French cosmetology discourse as one of the kinds of institutional discourse, which is a complexly organized and multi-component formation, the interaction of legislative (legal) discourse in the field of production, sale of cosmetics and rending cosmetology services, advertisement and cosmetology discourse, scientific and cosmetology discourse, academic cosmetology discourse, cosmetology media discourse, commercial discourse. The leading role belongs to the cosmetology discourse proper (esthetic medicine) in the sphere of professional communication. In its turn, each kind of the cosmetology discourse one can find polyphonic inclusions of the chemical (cosmetology), pharmaceutical, social, technical and other discourses. The complex discursive nature of the cosmetology discourse has generated a variety of genre forms. Keywords: cosmetology, discourse, beauty, care, health, speech genre | 1064 | |||||
2967 | Milevskiy O. A. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1997. Issue 1 (1). P. 70-74 . | 1063 | |||||
2968 | . | 1063 | |||||
2969 | The article reviews the main conceptual items of national education development doctrine. It supposed to supply consolidation of advanced forces around education - circles of politicians, governers, teachers and scientists. Education in this case will be means of regional social system development. The doctrine includes economical, political, ethnoidentificational, social and governmental aspects and mechanisms of educational system development. | 1063 | |||||
2970 | The optimization of advertising expenses of an in¬surance company described by classical model is in¬vestigated. | 1063 | |||||
2971 | The article is devoted to the problems of state sup¬port to small business under the modern conditions of its activation and the acceptance of a series of laws that activate the regulation of small business. | 1063 | |||||
2972 | The article is devoted to the problems of reception of A.P. Chekhov’s dramatic art in Germany in 70’s – 80’s of the XX century. This stage is inextricably related with P.Urban’s name – the German translator, publisher and the Slavic scholar contributed significantly to the point of comprehension and adoption of A.P. Chekhov’s drama heritage. His translations based on close perusal of the original and ability for delicate feeling of linguistic material, gave a new life to Chekhov’s plays, bringing them to the German reader, opening new opportunities for stage performance. The article gives a review on basic principles of P. Urban’s translation, which allowed him to keep in translation features of dramaturgic poetry style of Chekhov, simplicity and naturalness of the language of his plays, which translators of 60’s failed to succeed in many cases. | 1063 | |||||
2973 | The article represents a theoretical model of continuous pedagogical activity of students in the process of professional training. This model is essential for training future teachers to perform their professional work. The model contains interrelated elements (tasks and objectives, conditions, content, methods and results of work). The description of implementation results of the given model into the process of future professional training shows, that forming of professional skills to educate children is more successful when applying the above mentioned model. | 1063 | |||||
2974 | The given paper deals with an approach to preparation of would-be teachers of mathematics in the course “Theory and methods of teaching mathematics”, which creates conditions for increasing competence of mathematics teachers. We dwell on a special role of reflexive experience in development of professional competence of mathematics teachers. We also treat the problem of the necessity of special work directed at forming reflexive experience of would-be mathematic teachers. The formation of students reflexive experience is connected with realization of a project method of teaching in the course “Theory and methods of teaching mathematics” with the usage of integrative teaching tasks | 1063 | |||||
2975 | the results of physiological experiments on the laboratory animals with the modelling of transitive processes in the cardiovascular system are represented. The peculiarities of interaction of cardiac activity selfregulation mechanisms with the methods of regulation of the arterial chanel tone against changes of venous return are shone up. Keywords: cardiovascular system, transitive processes, regulatory mechanisms | 1063 | |||||
2976 | The article considers the problems of formation of conceptual experience of students by teaching mathematics. Revelation of typical mistakes and the causes of their origins allow to make conclusion that regularities of conceptual experience structure are not always taken into consideration during the process of teaching mathematics. Analysis of researches in the filed of psychology gives an opportunity to develop a model of structure and functioning of conceptual experience. This model is the basis of development of educational texts and mathematics tasks for the students of school Keywords: conceptual thinking, ways of information encoding, cognitive schemes, semantic structures, metacognitive experience | 1063 | |||||
2977 | The aim of this study is to investigate composition and dynamics of hydrohimichal flow with river-water from oligotrophic deposits in North-eastern part of Vasyugan Mire. Module of the ion sewer has formed 1.38 g/(s-km2). Keywords: concentration, macrocomponents, organic substances, a mineralization, the module of an ionic sewer, the background content, time dynamic, Vasyugan mire | 1063 | |||||
2978 | The paper introduces research on the cognitive conditions that form a functionally-asymmetric bilingualism (exemplified by a Buryat-Russian bicode). They are as follows: a separate location of phonological sequences and corresponding semantics, cognitive competition between the two codes and cell system genesis. The external indicator that signals for a would-be regress start of a first language is fossilization. Keywords: a bilingual, neuro- and psychophysiology of speech, activation, formal sign, interlanguage competition, cell system genesis, Lingua Franca, fossilization | 1063 | |||||
2979 | The metropolitan space in prose by M. Zhukova and related basic motifs (motif teaching and testing; motif temptations of secular life) are investigated in the article. This is where the country girl gets first lesson in life, experience (often negative) that does not pass without a trace. Keywords: St. Petersburg, dance, masquerade, gaming, education | 1063 | |||||
2980 | The article is the result of study of the system individual valuation sets in 112 teachers from educational institutions. The study brought out the structure of professional attitude towards children of the teachers from educational institutions. Keywords: system of individual evaluation sets, personal attitude towards children, attitude towards children of the teachers from educational institutions | 1063 | |||||
2981 | The article is devoted to the topical subject of training of masters with mixed learning. The emphasis is placed on the use of distance learning in combination with traditional full-time training. Keywords: mixed learning, distance learning, Learning Management System, network technologies | 1063 | |||||
2982 | Humanistic approaches to learning based on relationship of the teacher and the student. The problem for the development of such approaches may be difficult to establish the atmosphere of a dialogue. his article analyses the ten-year study conducted in the Linguistic University, which reflects some of the features of interpersonal relations among teachers and students. According to the author, the results indicate changes in relation to the main subjects of training due to the increasing role of humanistic trend in the outlook of teachers. Keywords: humanistic outlook, interpersonal relationships of teachers and students, the dynamics of evaluation relations, pedagogical conflicts | 1063 | |||||
2983 | The article describes distance learning as one of the forms of teaching handicapped children. The article deals with components of distance learning as a system; the requirements that informational technologies should meet. Keywords: distance learning, handicapped children, people with special needs, informational technology | 1063 | |||||
2984 | The article points to definition of genre singularity of “Replica” broadcast on radio station “Echo of Moscow”. Syncretism of this genre, which combines features of comment, note and essay is noticed in the article. Keywords: genre, syncretism of genre, comment, note, essay | 1063 | |||||
2985 | The article reveals the essence of the concept, the criteria and the results of sex-role socialization of children of primary school age. It proves the positive effect of educational influences on the formation of social roles and cultural relations between boys and girls in the experience of parallel separate education and training. Keywords: socialization, social roles, gender role socialization, gender mainstreaming, parallel separate education and training | 1063 | |||||
2986 | The complex model of management is presented in the article by national innovative system, the analysis of development of network forms of innovative activity and sources of their emergence is carried out, the role of a threefold spiral in achievement of synergetic effect of continuous updatings and accumulation of the knowledge base in economy of knowledge is studied. Keywords: innovative system, model of a threefold spiral, network forms, complementarity effect | 1063 | |||||
2987 | The article examines the methodology of teaching World Englishes. The author determines the concept of familiarization and analyses the developed practice-oriented methodology of introduction to World Englishes. The author points out that it is necessary for students of linguistic universities to be aware of different varieties of English in order to raise their professional language level. Keywords: World Englishes, Indian English, familiarization, practice-oriented cource, methodology of familiarization | 1063 | |||||
2988 | This article is devoted to the analysis of functions of metaphors in the structure of a narrative. Modern understanding of such concepts as discourse metaphor and metaphorical subtexts are being described. A hypotheses that the metaphorical fields play the integrating role being the bridge between referent and communical sides of the narrative is being suggested. The analysis of the ways of metaphorical indexation of a narrative strategy is based on B. Pasternak's novel Doctor Zhivago. Narrative strategy is regarded as a kind of interaction between the subject, object and adressee of discourse. B. Pasternak's novel implements the strategy of 'revelation' bearing such important characteristics as narrator being an impersonal one, the story being a 'quest for the sence', convergent position of a reader being programmed. This communication model is expressed not only at the levels of plot events and themes, but also by using specific metaphorical fields. This article deals with the particular subtext of 'cover and revelation' which is represented in the text of the novel by images of fabric, threads, sewing, knitting that can be found in descriptions of many different plot events and characters. Conclusion is drawn that the narration in the novel is a 'cover' for poetry and, contrawise, Zhivago's poems depend of the narrative events. Keywords: narratology, narrative, narrative strategy, metaphor, metaphorical index, Pasternak, Doctor Zhivago, subtext of | 1063 | |||||
2989 | Churikov V. A. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1998. Issue 5 (8). P. 56-57 . | 1062 | |||||
2990 | Three articles devoted to the role of universities in the development of modern society, their relationship to industry, are reviewed by the authors. They state that commercialization of higher school leads to loss of its specific features, its transformation into a very expensive business of industry of getting knowledge. It is supposed that cooperation of universities and industry will lead to synthesis of fundamental- and applied knowledge, and to more active use of the fundamental knowledge itself. For this purpose the term "technological transfer" is offered. | 1062 | |||||
2991 | The article «Ontologic and anthropological problems of game in the postmodernist discourse)) by L.S. Sysoyeva and T.N. Goloborodova examines the historic-philosophical transformation of the game problem from antiquity til! postcontemporarily period. The context of their philosophical discourses is caused the relevant world outlook picture of the world. | 1062 | |||||
2992 | It was investigated the effect of hypobaric hypoxia on the activity of enzyme of different metabolic pathways in wheat and rice seedlings, which differ in steadiness to studying factor. Hypoxic incubation was resulted in increased enzymatic activities of alcohol dehydrogenase and malate dehydrogenase (NADH) in roots and leaves of rice. The activity of malate dehydrogenase (NAD*) was decreased in roots and leaves of both plants under hypoxia. | 1062 | |||||
2993 | Modern innovative processes in education, pluralism In methodical created unprenadental possibilities for teaching foreign languages what at present results in formation of communicative competence. In her article K.S. Lelioushkina presents a new productive model of teaching foreign person-orientated communication of upper forms pupils, which motivates the growth of their creative abilities and in enriches and promotes their private experience. | 1062 | |||||
2994 | Article is devoted to the description of preliminary results of International space crew communication ‘ psychological analysis. Certain evidence confirming existence of “information filtration” was found, as in space simulations, crews preferred not to share certain problems of their life with MC. They also demonstrated preferences in contacts, being more prone to talk with their confidents in MC. At the same time, certain psychological problems in adaptation caused well-known transfer of negative feelings to MC. Astronauts preferred to contact their national MC. MCs, in their turn, mostly addressed with information and requests to their own national astronauts. | 1062 | |||||
2995 | In this article are shown the problems of instlation modern technologies in school education. Ways of formation at pupils of a research position are offered during their inclusion in project-research activity in the eighth–tenth classes on electiv rates on physics | 1062 | |||||
2996 | The article discusses the problems that are connected with the revision of epistemological principals in the contemporary philosophy. Trends that form new concept of cognition: antysubstantionalism, antyfoundamentalism, pluralism are analysed. The article shows that non-classical approaches do not deny traditional epistemology but supplement it. The foundation of such interaction is communicative ontology. Communication is presented as united principle in modern conditions when reality becomes pluralistic and heterogeneous. | 1062 | |||||
2997 | The article is devoted to the problem of time interpretation in drama, which is a crucial phenomenon in drama of the XIX-XX centuries. The peculiarities of A.P. ChekhoVs plays are pointed out In comparison with the works by G. Hauptman and B. Shaw, for time for A.P. Chekhov becomes not only a theme and prob¬lem but a structural basis as well, which makes his drama close to rnysic and myth. | 1062 | |||||
2998 | The key philosophical and methodological problem of the strategy of education is disclosed in the article. The transformation of social institutions having an innovative character makes critical the problem of connection of their functioning and development that is represented in relation to higher professional education. As one of the prior objectives of the comprehensive system of education the author distinguishes and presents elaboration of conceptual models of education and research activities, their scientific-methodical provision, construction of systematic model of education including elements and components of analyzed and modeled system on its various levels. | 1062 | |||||
2999 | In the article are examined questions of molding of long-term strategy of the intra-firm training of personnel of the enterprises with the nuclear-dangerous production, at basis of which lie some peculiarity associated wities the specific character of atomic energy industry. Is in detail examined also the system of preparation and increase in the qualification, which was established, at the Siberian chemical combine. | 1062 | |||||
3000 | The basic characteristic of school chief's professional practice is his communicative competence. However it is not realized as the basic component of professional competence in the school chiefs' practice. Taking into account the intensity and temporary limitation of extension and professional development courses of the employees, it is necessary to develop the school chiefs' value relation during realization of the model. The author carried out the appropriate experimental job, evaluated the dynamic of levels, parameters and components changes and proved mathematically the statistically significant difference in the results of control and experimental groups | 1062 |