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4151 | In the article the experience of the learning process organization in the International Higher Business school (IHBS) at SibSAU is presented. For the training of competitive specialists for the global labor market the IHBS aims, keeping traditions of the Russian education, to adapt and introduce modern elements of the foreign practice of management of the learning process. Keywords: innovative business, quality control, rating system, command-and-project training | 1106 | |||||
4152 | The article first describes the precedents of intermediate representation of the foreign-language author reception of translation on the example of the analysis of two German audio editions of S. Yesenin’s poetry of 2002 and 2003, in which selected poems are presented in the author’s reading, while their German equivalents are performed by translators and poets such as P. Celan (1920–1970) and A. Nitzberg (born in 1969). The first collection acquaints the listener with the image of S. Yesenin in direct adjunction to the individual style of P. Celan. In the second edition Yesenin acts as one of the representatives of Russian poetry, expressing the general literary tradition of the XX century. The authentic sound reproduction and the perception of originals and translations in audio collections allow us to speak about their high importance in a universal context of the reception of Yesenin’s heritage. Keywords: Intermediality, translation, reception, S. A. Yesenin, P. Celan, A. Nitzberg, audio collection | 1106 | |||||
4153 | The articl contains theoretical analysis of the problems of physical education of net-generation students The existing system of physical education meets with some important setbacks of net-generation students. The issues of design and implementation of educational technology with the use of complex of recreational aerobics. The paper shows hierarchy of the content components of training; the most widely-spread types of aerobics, practiced in Russian colleges and universities and their place in the system of physical education; the teaching model for planning, organization and effecting the training process at higher education institutions. Keywords: physical education, generation Y, aerobics, teaching approach, planning | 1106 | |||||
4154 | The article deals with the problem of training of teachers for professional activity in situation of continuous innovations. The article describes the basic concepts for innovative practice of teachers: “innovation process”, “levels of innovation”, “efficiency of the innovation process”, “effectiveness of innovative activity of teachers”. Identified features for innovative practical of teachers. The peculiar features of the innovative activity and the activity of innovative direction are identified and proved. It is substantiated that training of teachers for innovative activity should be based on the development of methods, techniques of activities with innovative orientation. Keywords: innovation process, levels of innovations, innovative activity of teachers, effectiveness of innovative activity of teachers, practical activities with signs of innovation | 1106 | |||||
4155 | The article is devoted to the research of perception of existential potential of the personality and Dostoyevsky's creativity by the Russian religious philosophers of the turn of the XIX–XX centuries. Religious philosophers revealed the mechanism of realization of philosophical potential of existential anthropology of Dostoyevsky in his works of art and an ego-documents. Religious philosophers are concentrated not on detection of compliance of views of Dostoyevsky to a moral and philosophical paradigm of existentialism, and on the search of existential meanings of creativity of the writer and corresponding to them existential in the fundamental principle of ways of a text creation. Representatives of the Russian kosmizm for the first time approached to existential interpretation of the worldview of the writer, both artistic and personal, created under the influence of empirical impressions and esthetic experiences. Ideological fullness of works was understood by them in indissoluble unity with Dostoyevsky's life experience. Keywords: F.M. Dostoyevsky, author, existential consciousness, personality, existential anthropology, ideal, dialogue, religious experience, religious philosophy, N. A. Berdyaev, Vl. Solovyov, G. V. Florovsky, S. L. Frank, N. O. Lossky, K. Leontyev, L. Shestov | 1106 | |||||
4156 | The relevance of the current research is defined by the increasing role of business communication and fixation of the sphere of business and finance as the predominating links in the development of modern society. In view of the initial orientation on increase in its target audience and formation of the relation necessary for business to his activity, business discourse in modern information space shows the most democratic verbal character, undergoing processes of deconventionalisation and deregimentation and getting closer to colloquial functional style on a number of characteristics. The aim of the conducted research is the development of the authors’ own classification of notions of evaluation expressions presented by phraseological units on the basis of their correlation with evaluation expressions (according to N. D. Arutyunova), as well as their influence on pragma-axiological and deregimentational character of modern business discourse. Thus, the following tasks have been set: to give the characteristic to the language phenomenon of phraseology; to analyse phraseological units with an evaluation element and to compare them with evaluation expressions of N. D. Arutyunova; to define character and importance of each evaluation type; to reveal the deconventional character of business discourse which is formed in connection with the active appeal of communicants to phraseological units of modal character and expressional expression of the subjective relation to the phenomena and processes of reality. The presented classification of evaluation types in pragma-communicative aspect proceeding from the initial strategies, tactics, characteristics and intensions of business discourse comes forward as the main result of the research. Proceeding from the features of communicative interaction within business communication, evaluation by communicants of the phenomena of reality is based on the purposes of business institute and can be presented by the following subtypes: nominative-actional; nominative-personal; nominative-situational; nominative evaluation of situation; nominative evaluation of a phenomenon / subject. Keywords: phraseological unit, evaluation, business discourse, deconventionalisation, language expression, language behaviour | 1106 | |||||
4157 | Sagalaev A. M. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1997. Issue 3 (3). P. 26-27 . | 1105 | |||||
4158 | Semenova T. Yu. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1998. Issue 6 (9). P. 11-14 . | 1105 | |||||
4159 | Sysoyeva L. S. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 1 (10). P. 3-5 . | 1105 | |||||
4160 | The article analyses volume, country, branch and regional structures of direct foreign investments into the economy of Russia. It suggests working out the strategy of attracting the investments into the produc¬tion sector of economy, which excludes discrimination of foreign companies. | 1105 | |||||
4161 | Red-Ox Fe2+, Fe3+condition soil degradation was investi¬gated off cutting (in a forest) of power transmission line. | 1105 | |||||
4162 | . Keywords: . | 1105 | |||||
4163 | The article presents multidimensional psychological research of the patients with the neurotic disorders, treated in neurosis and psychotherapy department of the institute named after V. M. Bekhterev during the thirty-year period (in comparison of the modern data with the previous years). The analysis of the dynamics of the separate individual typological characteristics of the patients with neurotic disorders, significant for understanding of their psychogenesis, and adaptation to stressful situation is presented. Keywords: neurotic disorders pathomorphology, psychological symptomatic profile of the patients with neurotic disorders, intrapersonal conflict, social psychological features of the patients with neurotic disorders, internal/ external focus, locus-control | 1105 | |||||
4164 | The article describes the methodological approaches used in the theoretical justifi cation for networking of educational institutions. Keywords: methodology, systems, dialectical, historical, comprehensive, competency approaches | 1105 | |||||
4165 | This article discusses and compares the names of months composing calendar systems in eastern dialects of the Khanty language and southern dialects of the Selkup language. The representatives of these peoples are not genetically related but they inhabit the same geographical area on the territory of western Siberia. The examples of months names were given and discussed as well as comparative morphosyntactic and semantic analysis were provided. Keywords: Siberian languages, calendar names, morphosyntax, semantics | 1105 | |||||
4166 | The author of the article tries to determine the place of the so-called verbal synlexes (morphologically composite, stable nominative units of language; functional-semantic analogues of the separate verbs) in the nominative structure of the Russian language. There are four types of correlations between the verbal synlexes and the verbs. The author is especially interested in the case when the verbal synlexes correlate with the verbs that have the same root and enumerates the ways permitting to avoid doubling of the synlex and the verb. Keywords: the verbs, the verbal synlexes, nominative structure, attribute of substantive element, stylistic marking, semantics | 1105 | |||||
4167 | The article considers the principle of reverse perspective and its impact on the features of visual presentation of Orthodoxy. It concludes that the main way to transmit religious values in Orthodoxy is the creation of sacred spaces. It shows the role of reverse perspective in the transmission of religious values in the history of Orthodoxy in modern conditions. Keywords: Orthodoxy, visual presentation of religious confession, intercultural communication, reverse perspective, performativity, religious values | 1105 | |||||
4168 | Fitopopulacja optimum Bupleurum scorzonerifolium Wiild. is in motley-grass meadow steppes. The maximum abundance was recorded in the communities with the projective covering of grass 40–59 %, while increasing and decreasing of this factor is the weight of the collected raw materials decreases (r = 0,39, Rxy = 0,20). The highest yield was recorded in the interval of hydrothermic coefficient for steppe areas of 1,5–1,6, forest-steppe – 2,2–2,3, forest – 2,5–2,6, where the ratio of heat and precipitation was close to a multiyear average. The absolute value of the maximum productivity changes by years slightly. Possible annual for the Eastern Transbaikal region harvesting volume is estimsated in 781,2 tons. Keywords: Bupleurum scorzonerifolium Wiild., environmental factors, cenopopulation, crop production, resources | 1105 | |||||
4169 | The article deals with the issue of named entity disambiguation (geographical objects in English news). The research is based on the method of ontology data interpretation. The method uses features, extracted from Freebase ontology, as the input for a neural network (multi-layer perceptron). This strategy makes possible to achieve precision value of 95.5 % and recall 92.9 %. Keywords: named entity recognition, named entity disambiguation, neural networks, ontology | 1105 | |||||
4170 | In the article it is investigated the little-studied side of church and social activity of Lev Tikhomirov, namely, his views on reforms of Russian parish in the beginning of XX century. The results of the research provide deeper understanding of church and social opinion of this thinker and give necessary material for comprehensive study of his works. Keywords: Russian Orthodox Church, parish reform, Pre-Council Committee | 1105 | |||||
4171 | The article examines the process of birth of Shakespeare's tradition in the Russian dramaturgy and its influence on the principles of plotcomposing and genreforming of the Russian tragedy. For the first time, A. P. Sumarokov, the founder of the Russian dramatic art system, appeals to Shakespear and lays the foundation of the tradition to orient the Russian historic drama art to the Shakesperian theatre. Historical substratum of his tragedy “The Pretender Dimitri”, the formation of artistic principles of historicism, structural interpenetration of the genre canons of tragedy and comedy turned out closer not to the traditions of the French classic theater and drama but to the English Shakespearian drama. Keywords: dramaturgy, tragedy, plot, “the epoch of the time of troubles”, Sumarokov, impostor | 1105 | |||||
4172 | Discusses the process of teaching computer science using interactive learning tools, defines the competences (information, communication, as a consequence of ICT – competence), which students acquire as a result. Analyzes the didactic potential of electronic educational resources, and the author summarizes that the interactive tools combine the properties and functions of several types of electronic educational resources that will contribute to the achievement of educational outcomes at a qualitatively new level. Summarizes the feasibility of using interactive learning tools in teaching computer science, contributing to the creation of the possibility of the presence in a “state of mind” at the lessons of Informatics. Keywords: teaching computer science, the culture of thinking, electronic educational resources, interactive learning tools, educational outcomes | 1105 | |||||
4173 | In this article specific methods of emotion expressions of men’s and women’s speech by use of the language lexical means are considered. It is proved, that the peculiarities of the author’s emotional status reflection in the text depend on his gender affiliation and have their specific markers. In this work groups of emotionally loaded vocabulary are described, gender differences of using this lexicon in a text are revealed on the base of comparative analysis. The reasons of gender affiliation reflection of the subject in his speech are explained. The manifestation of gender in the speech behaviour of native speakers of a particular language can be verified by analyzing the structures of language. Keywords: means of emotional expression, lexicon, gender, connotation | 1105 | |||||
4174 | The article deals with the topical problem of influence of media texts of public informational and media language personality on mass addressee subject to pragmatically significant factors of text organization: the author, the topic, the title, the emotional tone, the usage of linguistic and non-linguistic means. The study was carried out on the basis of experiments using a scaling technique with the involvement of a focus group of informants-humanitarians aged from 20 to 50 years. The research material is the posts of different subjects in L. Ulitskaya’s blog and the texts of newspaper article and fragments of M. Veller’s program “Just think!” on the radio “Echo of Moscow”. The initial idea was that the text and its structure reflect the peculiarities of the author’s language personality, and informants’ reception and detection of invariant of data, which we obtained on the basis of the survey, allow to reveal regularities in mechanism of influence of the texts and their elements on the reader’s cognitive activity. It was determined that estimation by collective addressee of variety of speech behavior of public language personality in different genres of media discourse depends on clarity, intelligibility, perspicuity, logicality of information, topical character of subject, emotion and usage of language means of different styles. Substandard vocabulary, which is used in media texts of topical subjects, doesn’t rise to rejection if addressee feels the same emotion, but on the contrary enlarges the pragmatics of speech messages. Excessive subjective modality of public language personality in covering different social themes does not always correspond to a collective addressee, who is focused on stereotypes and restraint in relation to the utterance. The influence of media text depends to a large degree on the informational field of the author’s language personality and his emotion, though the subject of speech messages and the choice of certain genres by the public language personality are of great importance too. Keywords: public language personality, media discourse, pragmatics of media text, receptive experiment | 1105 | |||||
4175 | The article reveals the picture of the word as a musical image, that contains imaginative and aesthetic categories of musical perception of the audience, as well as the complicated training of the musician. Such components deal with understanding, perception and reproduction of artistic intention in vocal. Performing art of a singer is one of the most exciting directions in music, since it allows to unite instrumental and vocal sounding simultaneously, creating an original artistic vision of a piece. Therefore, there is a number of factors considerably affecting the perception of a vocal-instrumental piece by a listener including the level of one’s singing and the harmony of a piece which are most tightly connected with psychological approaches to creation of an artistic image of a performer who is acting as mediator between listeners and a musical work. At the same time, during the primary stages of training at children’s art schools, the formal approaches to creation of an artistic image are prevailing, thus creating a stereotypical manner not contributing to unique features of an artist, making creation of high quality artistic image an impossible task. Hence, based on focused research, a new set of methods for creation of an artist image in vocal-instrumental piece for students of children’s art schools was suggested. The efficiency of approved pedagogical methods is proved and is related to understanding of the word picture core by young generation musicians and the ability to reproduce this. Keywords: artistic image, vocal piece, variety performance, children’s art school | 1105 | |||||
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4177 | In this work the author analyses the problems of education in the market economy society and the role of the state in developing educational politics. The authour pays spesial attention to the purposes and tasks of the education in modern society and their normative base of their realization. | 1104 | |||||
4178 | In Skripko Z.A., Filatovoj N.O.'s article value of structurization of the educational information is considered during training to physics in conditions of profile training. It is shown, that the information of a natural-science material should be structured in view of the purposes and tasks of a subject, and also psychological features of pupils. Examples of the various approach to led structurization of the same teaching material in classes humanitarian and natural-science structures | 1104 | |||||
4179 | The article presents an analysis of the major theoretical positions on command methods of management of education, which can be used as a mechanism for upgrading small schools. Keywords: methodology, additional vocational training, command methods of management. | 1104 | |||||
4180 | In article questions of the organization of independent work of the pupils receiving trades of a socially-humanitarian orientation are considered. Considering psycho-physiological features of the given pupils, are offered principles of selection of kinds and contents of independent work at their training to the physics. Keywords: trades of a socially-humanitarian orientation, independent work, kinds of independent work, motivation. | 1104 | |||||
4181 | Biomorphological spectra in pseudo tundra phytocoenoses are analysed at the article. It is shown that the ecotopic differentiation of phytocoenoses in extreme conditions is reflected in the composition of life forms, which have a significant functional loading in extreme conditions. Keywords: vegetation, life forms, synmorfology, pseudotundra, high mountains | 1104 | |||||
4182 | The article is aimed at studying the essence of Brecht’s conception about the comic and the tragic categories. Being included into the system of artistic and aesthetic values of Brecht’s epic drama theory, the aforementioned categories gave a stimulus to develop a new one – the tragic and comic, as the one that is viewed by us as having another content, different from a traditional the tragic-comic one. Keywords: tragico-comic, epic drama, estrangement effect, tragic-comic. | 1104 | |||||
4183 | The article presents the main components of professional competence of teachers working with children with disabilities. There are examples of diagnostic tasks for students to test the level of professional development of teachers’ competence. Keywords: competence approach, professional competence, cognitive, practical and personality components of professional competence, reproductive, adaptive, creative levels of development of competence | 1104 | |||||
4184 | In this article we represent the results of the investigation, aimed at the development of “self-estimation” of the 9-th grade students in the process of reviewing the paragraph “Function”. The authors worked out a special system of tasks teaching students to plan, anticipate and control their activity at the stage of reviewing. Keywords: universal studying activity, self-regulation, metacognitive experience, self-estimation, reviewing. | 1104 | |||||
4185 | The article is devoted to the actual problem of developing of social and cultural competence in the process of foreign language teaching. The main goal of the research is to state the structure and the essence of social and cultural competence as the component of communicative competence. Keywords: social and cultural competence, communicative competence, intercultural communication, subcompetence, linguistic culture, interteaching of language and culture | 1104 | |||||
4186 | We show that superconformal N = 2 transformation could be applied to the construction of the supersymmetric analogon of the reciprocal transformation. Due to it we present the connections between three different N = 2 supersymmetric extensions of the Korteweg de Vries equations with the three different N = 2 supersymmetric extension of the Harry Dym equation. Keywords: суперконформные преобразования, представление Лакса, суперсимметричные уравнения Кортевега-де Фриза и Гарри - Дыма | 1104 | |||||
4187 | The article describes the process of teaching students aimed at the foreign communicative competence development by means of the problem-solving tasks system. The stages and the results of the experiment research are presented in detail. The effectiveness of the tested system of problem-solving tasks in the process of the students’ foreign communicative competence development is experimentally proved. Keywords: foreign communicative competence, problem-solving task, experiment, results, effectiveness | 1104 | |||||
4188 | The MSSM with right-handed neutrino supermultiplets, gauged B−L symmetry and a non-vanishing sneutrino expectation value is the minimal theory that spontaneously breaks R-parity and is consistent with the bounds on proton stability and lepton number violation. This minimal B − L MSSM can have a colored/charged LSP, of which a stop LSP is the most amenable to observation at the LHC. We study the R-parity violating decays of a stop LSP into a bottom quark and charged leptons – the dominant modes for a generic “admixture” stop. A numerical analysis of the relative branching ratios of these decay channels is given using a wide scan over the parameter space. The fact that R-parity is violated in this theory by a vacuum expectation value of a sneutrino links these branching ratios directly to the neutrino mass hierarchy. It is shown how a discovery of bottom-charged lepton events at the LHC can potentially determine whether the neutrino masses are in a normal or inverted hierarchy, as well as determining the θ23 neutrino mixing angle. Finally, present LHC bounds on these leptoquark signatures are used to put lower bounds on the stop mass. Keywords: neutrino mass, supermultiplets, vacuum expectation | 1104 | |||||
4189 | Question of the reception of the ideas of enlightened absolutism A. N. Radisheva is one of the most discussed among domestic researchers. Opinions on the issue can be divided into two groups. The first is that Radishchev was negatively disposed to the theory, the second believe that the writer was kind of hoping for the possibility of the existence of an enlightened monarch. The work is the study of attitudes of the Soviet researchers on the question of the relationship of the writer to the idea of enlightened monarch, as reflected in the notes to the word “samoderzhaviye” in the translated book by the French philosopher G. Mably “Reflections on Greek history or the reasons of the prosperity and misfortunes of the Greeks” and his major work “Journey from Petersburg to Moscow”. As a result of the study with the involvement of writer’s texts it was concluded that the greatest validity has the opinion on the commitment of Radishchev to the theory of enlightened absolutism. Keywords: A. N. Radishchev, G. Mable, the theory of enlightened absolutism, the Soviet historiography, perception | 1104 | |||||
4190 | Today due to advances in science and technology communication of people around the world is expanding and becoming easier. Undoubtedly, the only means of global communication and understanding between speaking or writing people, is the language. Therefore, the study of foreign languages for all sectors of society, including pupils, students, scientists, businessmen, engineers and doctors, is very important. In recent years, in the Islamic Republic of Iran teaching of English and other languages for people with hearing impairments has improved considerably, but still there are a number of problems in this area in institutions, schools and universities in the country. Firstly, the hearing impaired are taught only the English language, and secondly, the imperfection of methods of teaching leads to a decrease in interest of this category of students in learning a foreign language. It is necessary to reform the methods of teaching deaf and hard of hearing people to a foreign language, which will result in increased interest in learning a foreign language and expanding the diversity of the languages studied. This work is the first study on the methods of teaching the Russian language for the deaf and hard of hearing at the elementary level in Iran. Keywords: methodology, methods of teaching foreign languages, Russian language, hard of hearing, hearing impaired, deaf, sign language, motivation | 1104 | |||||
4191 | Introduction. The article deals with the communicative strategies and tactics of linguistic manipulation used in the six Christmas messages issued by the Spanish King Felipe VI from 2014 to 2019. Material and methods. The analysis of Felipe VI’s Christmas messages, published on the official website of the Royal House, was based on general scientific methods (description, observation, generalization, and systematization) as well as linguistic analysis methods (linguistic interpretation, content analysis, discursive analysis). Results and discussion. This article describes some features of Felipe VI’s Christmas messages (from 2014 to 2019), taking into account the current political situation of Spain. These texts are considered a ritual genre of institutional discourse and are analyzed in the context of political rhetoric. The paper is aimed to highlight how the messages are used with an ideological purpose to strengthen the image of the monarchy and to convince people of the necessity for peaceful coexistence, respect for the law, and national pride. The article also focuses on the images of the past, the present, the addressee (Spanish society) and the country. The scientific value of this paper is in describing the most popular communicative strategies and tactics of linguistic manipulation used by the Spanish King. Conclusion. The monarch’s Christmas messages can be considered a typical example of ceremonial eloquence in which the Head of State acts as a significant public figure, not only interpreting facts and events in order to preserve the unity of the nation and stability of the country, but also discussing moral issues based on universal values. It was revealed that Felipe VI tends to use a set of communicative strategies and tactics in order to underline the importance of peaceful coexistence in Spain and to emphasize his role as the only guarantor of stability, unity, prosperity and social justice. Keywords: Christmas message, Spanish monarch, Felipe VI, ritual genre, political discourse | 1104 | |||||
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4194 | Lastovka V. A. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 3 (12). P. 10-11 . | 1103 | |||||
4195 | The article «The anthropological model of culture and its searches on the boundary of the millenium» tells that the culture is the way of human existence, which changes historically. The culture of the modern time with its princi-pels of anthropocentrism, scientism, technicism has dis¬pelled the human ideal created in the Age of the Enlight¬enment. Nowadays the man tries to find the humane an¬thropological model on the ways of coevolutional culture and social technologies of «the open society». | 1103 | |||||
4196 | The cultural - and educational direction seems to be one of the main trends in activities of museums. The forms of interactions of the Tomsk Museum of Regional Studies with higher educational institutions are given in the paper, namely: joint research, programs of lectures and excursions for students, or-ganization of museum practice, etc. | 1103 | |||||
4197 | In the article the issues of constructing a professional career of students as well as the questions of students' motivation development in the process of learning and production activities are examined. | 1103 | |||||
4198 | The article presents the history of financing of Tomsk Teachers' Training Institute and the problem solving experience of the director of the Institute, I.A. Uspensky. | 1103 | |||||
4199 | This article shows the system of scientific attestation in classic Universities of Russia in the end of the XIX - the beginning of the XX centuries. So-called institute of «professors' grant-holders» played a great role in the preparation of future teachers. This research work explains an importance of this institute. The author of the article circumstantially dwells upon the questions of preparation and sitting Master's examination, defence of thesis in Imperial Tomsk University and comes to a conclusion that in spite of some deficiency, the preparation system the professor's and teacher's personnel in Universities of the pre-revolutionary Rus¬sia, so as in Imperial Tomsk University, was quite effective. | 1103 | |||||
4200 | In the article the effective way of solving the problem of teaching school students solving physical tasks. The suggested activity-centred approach to the process of solving tasks suggests organization of the activity of school children at various stages of the process of solving (preparatory stage, trial stage, diagnostic stage, evaluating-reflective). Elaborated methodical recommendations permit the teachers to organize independent activity of students at every stage. Application of the activity-centred approach to solving of the tasks contributes to deepening the knowledge of school students in physics, improvement of understanding of physical material | 1103 |