# | Article | Downloads | |||||
4151 | Semenova T. Yu. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1998. Issue 6 (9). P. 11-14 . | 1111 | |||||
4152 | This is a problem of the values the determination of the main values to this integration in our crisis-ridden world. These values must correspond at allevents to the values of the modern postnoclassical science and the new tendency in the education. | 1111 | |||||
4153 | The article suggests the analysis of the basic directions of realization of modernization programs of pedagogical gen¬eral education, in particular rural educational system. On the basis of modern historical-pedagogical analysis the article describes practice-oriented technology of education as mech¬anism of staff-providing of modernization of rural school. Keywords: - | 1111 | |||||
4154 | During the experiments with lucerne all the tested strains have been found to cause significant green mass yield increase. With clover Rhizotorfin also has turned out to be efficient, but with pea the majority of the tested strains did not show any advantages in comparison with the native nodule bacteria. Of the three tested doses of mineral N only the last one (30, 60kg/g\ha) increased the efficiency of inoculation and only of lucerne. | 1111 | |||||
4155 | The article analyses volume, country, branch and regional structures of direct foreign investments into the economy of Russia. It suggests working out the strategy of attracting the investments into the produc¬tion sector of economy, which excludes discrimination of foreign companies. | 1111 | |||||
4156 | In this work the author analyses the problems of education in the market economy society and the role of the state in developing educational politics. The authour pays spesial attention to the purposes and tasks of the education in modern society and their normative base of their realization. | 1111 | |||||
4157 | The article is devoted to the analysis of views of D. Hume, W. Robertson, E. Gibbon on the problems of war and peace. The author pays primary attention to the fundamental works of «historical triumvirate of Britain». The beginning and futher development of Peace Studies can not be understood adequately without considering the historiographical tradition. | 1111 | |||||
4158 | The article points to the system of toponyms (words of toponymy place-name study) in individual vocabulary of an ordinary speaker, who represents a traditional Siberian village dialect. Structure and sources of forming toponymy vocabulary of an individual dialect speaker are examined. | 1111 | |||||
4159 | Problems in developing a complex of technical means and technological approaches to creation of electronic educational and methodical provision for correspondence and distance education needs have been analyzed in the paper. Perspectives of using WebCD based technology for educational and methodical materials delivery have been considered. It has been noted that the WebCD technology offers fundamentally new possibilities for perfecting organization of educational activity. A new development of a set of CD disks for various specialties of correspondence courses has been presented. A comparative analysis of various solutions for designing electronic educational resources has been conducted | 1111 | |||||
4160 | In Skripko Z.A., Filatovoj N.O.'s article value of structurization of the educational information is considered during training to physics in conditions of profile training. It is shown, that the information of a natural-science material should be structured in view of the purposes and tasks of a subject, and also psychological features of pupils. Examples of the various approach to led structurization of the same teaching material in classes humanitarian and natural-science structures | 1111 | |||||
4161 | The article analyzes different kinds of mineral rent, which are the economic basis for the essential payments for man-caused deposits development. It also analyzes differentiation of rents depending on the kind of product obtained. The differential rent which occurs due to different conditions of man-cause. deposit development should be correlated with the classification of these deposits | 1111 | |||||
4162 | . Keywords: . | 1111 | |||||
4163 | The possibility of usage of psychological means for preservation of somatic and psychological health of pupils is studied. The problem of implementation of the innovative pedagogical technologies in the context of health decline of the young generation is described. The conception of psychological adaptation on the prenosological level as a methodological basis for creation of the resource-saving stratagy of study is offered. The risk factors for psychological health of the sentralized educational technology are investigated. The results of the experimental research on implementation of developed strategy of technology use are presented Keywords: pedagogical technology, sentralized education, resource-saving technology, psychical adaptation / disadaptation, structured and level conception of psychics | 1111 | |||||
4164 | In the article a comparative analysis of three types of lectures is given: traditional lectures, lectures with Power Point Presentations, lectures with gaps and computer presentations. It is shown that the use of lectures with gaps allows optimization of delivering lectures. Keywords: methods of teaching mathematics, lectures, computer presentations, lectures with gaps. | 1111 | |||||
4165 | The article presents multidimensional psychological research of the patients with the neurotic disorders, treated in neurosis and psychotherapy department of the institute named after V. M. Bekhterev during the thirty-year period (in comparison of the modern data with the previous years). The analysis of the dynamics of the separate individual typological characteristics of the patients with neurotic disorders, significant for understanding of their psychogenesis, and adaptation to stressful situation is presented. Keywords: neurotic disorders pathomorphology, psychological symptomatic profile of the patients with neurotic disorders, intrapersonal conflict, social psychological features of the patients with neurotic disorders, internal/ external focus, locus-control | 1111 | |||||
4166 | The article considers the organizational forms, content, conditions and principles of pupil’s professional orientation to education activity of pedagogical profile classes, developing in Russian secondary schools in 1990–2000. Keywords: specialized education and professional self-determination, comparative characteristics of general admission and graduates of the teacher training classes | 1111 | |||||
4167 | The article provides research data revealing students’ attitudes to popular songs in English and reviews some aspects of developing a methodology for enhancing cognitive and communication skills based on this teaching means. Keywords: cognitive skills, communication skills, popular song | 1111 | |||||
4168 | The article is dedicated to the actual problem of formation of the awareness of the social utility of the future professional activities by the students studying tourism. There is described the experience of creation the conditions in the educational process for students’ participation in learning events of the vocational-humanistic orientation. Keywords: Tourism, professional activities, ethical professional position | 1111 | |||||
4169 | The article considers the principle of reverse perspective and its impact on the features of visual presentation of Orthodoxy. It concludes that the main way to transmit religious values in Orthodoxy is the creation of sacred spaces. It shows the role of reverse perspective in the transmission of religious values in the history of Orthodoxy in modern conditions. Keywords: Orthodoxy, visual presentation of religious confession, intercultural communication, reverse perspective, performativity, religious values | 1111 | |||||
4170 | In the article it is investigated the little-studied side of church and social activity of Lev Tikhomirov, namely, his views on reforms of Russian parish in the beginning of XX century. The results of the research provide deeper understanding of church and social opinion of this thinker and give necessary material for comprehensive study of his works. Keywords: Russian Orthodox Church, parish reform, Pre-Council Committee | 1111 | |||||
4171 | The article first describes the precedents of intermediate representation of the foreign-language author reception of translation on the example of the analysis of two German audio editions of S. Yesenin’s poetry of 2002 and 2003, in which selected poems are presented in the author’s reading, while their German equivalents are performed by translators and poets such as P. Celan (1920–1970) and A. Nitzberg (born in 1969). The first collection acquaints the listener with the image of S. Yesenin in direct adjunction to the individual style of P. Celan. In the second edition Yesenin acts as one of the representatives of Russian poetry, expressing the general literary tradition of the XX century. The authentic sound reproduction and the perception of originals and translations in audio collections allow us to speak about their high importance in a universal context of the reception of Yesenin’s heritage. Keywords: Intermediality, translation, reception, S. A. Yesenin, P. Celan, A. Nitzberg, audio collection | 1111 | |||||
4172 | The article deals with the problem of training of teachers for professional activity in situation of continuous innovations. The article describes the basic concepts for innovative practice of teachers: “innovation process”, “levels of innovation”, “efficiency of the innovation process”, “effectiveness of innovative activity of teachers”. Identified features for innovative practical of teachers. The peculiar features of the innovative activity and the activity of innovative direction are identified and proved. It is substantiated that training of teachers for innovative activity should be based on the development of methods, techniques of activities with innovative orientation. Keywords: innovation process, levels of innovations, innovative activity of teachers, effectiveness of innovative activity of teachers, practical activities with signs of innovation | 1111 | |||||
4173 | The article examines the examples of interaction between pictorial arts and literature in Virginia Woolf’s writing. The British writer often used painting language as a source of renewal of fictional inventory. The paper analyzes different cases of intermedial interactions on the level of form (borrowing particular qualities of a genre in combination with peculiarities of composition characteristic of this genre, painting technique and tools) and content (allusions to certain paintings or popular topos, used by artists of different epochs, movements and schools). Keywords: Virginia Woolf, intermediality, visual poetics of the prose, allusions, impressionism in the literature, effect of the picture frame | 1111 | |||||
4174 | The article gives an analysis of the poetic structure of space in Nabokov’s novel “Despair”. Close attention is paid to the motif of homelessness, not related to the external circumstances of life (the main character in the novel, Herman has an apartment), but to his inner sense about the meaning of existence. This key feature of the character determines his position – in motion. The temporary destinations of the character (the semantics of temporality, non-permanence: hotels, taverns, post offices), and the direction of Herman’s travel (closer to Russia or South-West Europe) are also important in understanding the concept of the novel. The spatial choice reflects also the inner turmoil of the character, his national belonging to two cultures (Russian and German). The character’s choices fluctuate, and this is reflected in his movements: he approaches Russia, then moves away. It is important to note that the specificity of the novel’s poetics of space is revealed in the comparison of forced and desired, real and imaginary moves of the character. Key scenes of the story are correlated with different countries: Herman discovers his twin in the Czech Republic, he commits murder in Germany, writes the text about the idea of murder and substitution (designed to prove his genius) in France, but he plans to transfer the manuscript to writer-emigrant from Russia and dreams that his novel will be known to carriers of Russian culture, including those in Soviet Russia. In addition to these countries, the field of the character’s consciousness the novel includes countries such as Italy and France. Accordingly, the article explores the ways of constructing the image of different countries, cities, some places and reveal how the space perception of the characters contributes to their disclosure. The space-related motif of movement allows us to distinguish the author’s position and the position of the unreliable narrator and specify the artistic methods of disclosure of the selfdetermination and self-identification problem created in the novel. Keywords: russian emigration literature, V. Nabokov, motif of movement, artistic space | 1111 | |||||
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4176 | Sagalaev A. M. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1997. Issue 3 (3). P. 26-27 . | 1110 | |||||
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4179 | Sysoyeva L. S. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 1 (10). P. 3-5 . | 1110 | |||||
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4181 | In the article the authour informs about the experience of the XX–th century literature faculty and world art culture of Tomsk State University. The authour draws conclusions and makes suggestions. | 1110 | |||||
4182 | The method of rank of correlation for modeling the priority of the tasks in economy is considered. | 1110 | |||||
4183 | The sequels of the reforming education in Russia were discussed in the article. Perspectives of the formation and development unstated education. Also the problems commercialization of the higher education in Russia were discussed. | 1110 | |||||
4184 | The paper covers various aspects of onomapoefics of the writers name, including first of all the motive generating function of the poetic autoetymology. The poetic etymology of the patri¬monial name of the poet Nikolay Gumilyov is analyzed in terms of aemeism, occultism, motive and axiologlcal systems of his poetic world. | 1110 | |||||
4185 | The category of deviation is expressed by some broad-meaning words with the root devia-, their meanings being divided into two groups. The semantics of the above-mentioned words may be made more specific by analyzing their contextual correlations with lingual units representing the concepts which are included in the field of deviation. These concepts form the hierarchical structure of the category of deviation, hyper-hyponym relations underlying this structure. Keywords: deviation, category, norm, lexeme, semantics | 1110 | |||||
4186 | The article represents the theoretical bases of the modular teaching, the structural elements of a module and the components of the modular teaching. The matter subject of the credit system is also introduced. Keywords: modular teaching, module, educational element, rating, credits, academic credits. | 1110 | |||||
4187 | In the article characteristic of reflexive competence in teacher’s professional activity is given. The author emphasizes on forming this competence among students. The contents of the main structural component of reflexive competence of the future teachers’ preschool education are: cognitive, operational and personal. The conditions of their development during professional training are suggested. Keywords: professional competence, reflexive competence of the preschool teacher, reflection, self-development | 1110 | |||||
4188 | In the course of chaos concept analysis in the Silver Age poetry of M. A. Voloshin, M. I. Tsvetaeva and O. E. Mandelshtam, the author considers the relation of the poet’s individual features in the content, structure, and representation means of the key literature concepts at the turn of the century. Keywords: chaos concept, poetic discourse, stylistic usage, idiostyle, textual associates, association directions | 1110 | |||||
4189 | The article describes the methodological approaches used in the theoretical justifi cation for networking of educational institutions. Keywords: methodology, systems, dialectical, historical, comprehensive, competency approaches | 1110 | |||||
4190 | We show that superconformal N = 2 transformation could be applied to the construction of the supersymmetric analogon of the reciprocal transformation. Due to it we present the connections between three different N = 2 supersymmetric extensions of the Korteweg de Vries equations with the three different N = 2 supersymmetric extension of the Harry Dym equation. Keywords: суперконформные преобразования, представление Лакса, суперсимметричные уравнения Кортевега-де Фриза и Гарри - Дыма | 1110 | |||||
4191 | The article examines the reader’s reception in the literary communication (“author – a literary work – the reader”) and educational communication (“a literary work – a teacher – a reader-student”). Accounting of the specifics of the perception of artistic information and realization of the principle of dialogism are considered as the moments that combine these levels and determine their effectiveness. Keywords: art information, addressee, fictional world of art, imaginary reader, the naive realist perception, the subject – subject teaching | 1110 | |||||
4192 | In the article on the basis of concrete actual and theoretical material are systematized and analysed stylisticsemantic peculiarities of the numeral “bir” one that forms synonymous and antonymous rows of nouns, adjectives, verbs and adverbs. The components of these rows are words formed from the numeral bir “one”. Keywords: bir “one”, numeral, synonymous, antonymous, nouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs | 1110 | |||||
4193 | The main kind of activity deals with the prevention of professional burning out of the teachers who work in orphanage are presented in the article. They are the ability to project own further pedagogical development; using of ways of personal self-expression and self-development and means of opposition of professional deformation of the personality; the increase of professional competence. Keywords: professional competence, personal self-development, professional burning out, prevention | 1110 | |||||
4194 | The clinical analysis of influence of a chronic emotional pressure in the conditions of professional activity on development of post-traumatic stressful frustration is given. Adequacy of application of personological approach lies in consultation of persons of the stressor professions. Keywords: stress, mental adaptation, post-traumatic stressful frustration, psychological conflict, personological consultation | 1110 | |||||
4195 | The structural components of different interaction models of additional, general and higher education is considered. The author focuses on indicators which evaluate changes in the quality of education for each type of interaction models of informal and formal education. Keywords: interaction model, education, intellectual property, formal education, informal education, quality of education | 1110 | |||||
4196 | The article is devoted to the research of perception of existential potential of the personality and Dostoyevsky's creativity by the Russian religious philosophers of the turn of the XIX–XX centuries. Religious philosophers revealed the mechanism of realization of philosophical potential of existential anthropology of Dostoyevsky in his works of art and an ego-documents. Religious philosophers are concentrated not on detection of compliance of views of Dostoyevsky to a moral and philosophical paradigm of existentialism, and on the search of existential meanings of creativity of the writer and corresponding to them existential in the fundamental principle of ways of a text creation. Representatives of the Russian kosmizm for the first time approached to existential interpretation of the worldview of the writer, both artistic and personal, created under the influence of empirical impressions and esthetic experiences. Ideological fullness of works was understood by them in indissoluble unity with Dostoyevsky's life experience. Keywords: F.M. Dostoyevsky, author, existential consciousness, personality, existential anthropology, ideal, dialogue, religious experience, religious philosophy, N. A. Berdyaev, Vl. Solovyov, G. V. Florovsky, S. L. Frank, N. O. Lossky, K. Leontyev, L. Shestov | 1110 | |||||
4197 | The MSSM with right-handed neutrino supermultiplets, gauged B−L symmetry and a non-vanishing sneutrino expectation value is the minimal theory that spontaneously breaks R-parity and is consistent with the bounds on proton stability and lepton number violation. This minimal B − L MSSM can have a colored/charged LSP, of which a stop LSP is the most amenable to observation at the LHC. We study the R-parity violating decays of a stop LSP into a bottom quark and charged leptons – the dominant modes for a generic “admixture” stop. A numerical analysis of the relative branching ratios of these decay channels is given using a wide scan over the parameter space. The fact that R-parity is violated in this theory by a vacuum expectation value of a sneutrino links these branching ratios directly to the neutrino mass hierarchy. It is shown how a discovery of bottom-charged lepton events at the LHC can potentially determine whether the neutrino masses are in a normal or inverted hierarchy, as well as determining the θ23 neutrino mixing angle. Finally, present LHC bounds on these leptoquark signatures are used to put lower bounds on the stop mass. Keywords: neutrino mass, supermultiplets, vacuum expectation | 1110 | |||||
4198 | Question of the reception of the ideas of enlightened absolutism A. N. Radisheva is one of the most discussed among domestic researchers. Opinions on the issue can be divided into two groups. The first is that Radishchev was negatively disposed to the theory, the second believe that the writer was kind of hoping for the possibility of the existence of an enlightened monarch. The work is the study of attitudes of the Soviet researchers on the question of the relationship of the writer to the idea of enlightened monarch, as reflected in the notes to the word “samoderzhaviye” in the translated book by the French philosopher G. Mably “Reflections on Greek history or the reasons of the prosperity and misfortunes of the Greeks” and his major work “Journey from Petersburg to Moscow”. As a result of the study with the involvement of writer’s texts it was concluded that the greatest validity has the opinion on the commitment of Radishchev to the theory of enlightened absolutism. Keywords: A. N. Radishchev, G. Mable, the theory of enlightened absolutism, the Soviet historiography, perception | 1110 | |||||
4199 | Discusses the process of teaching computer science using interactive learning tools, defines the competences (information, communication, as a consequence of ICT – competence), which students acquire as a result. Analyzes the didactic potential of electronic educational resources, and the author summarizes that the interactive tools combine the properties and functions of several types of electronic educational resources that will contribute to the achievement of educational outcomes at a qualitatively new level. Summarizes the feasibility of using interactive learning tools in teaching computer science, contributing to the creation of the possibility of the presence in a “state of mind” at the lessons of Informatics. Keywords: teaching computer science, the culture of thinking, electronic educational resources, interactive learning tools, educational outcomes | 1110 | |||||
4200 | The article shows the transformation application in translation of scientific medical texts from English to Russian as the achieving equivalence method. The materials of research were 20 scientific medical Ophthalmology’s articles. The size in pages was 205. The research articles translations were made by professional translators and were published on the http://miroft.org.ua (special site for ophthalmology’s experts). The statistical analysis was made with using of special program for statistical analysis and graphics OriginPro 8.6. The article’s results have showed that the main translation transformation in ophthalmology’s article translations is lexical transformation. The least used transformation is mixed transformation (lexical and grammatical transformation). The characteristic feature of ophthalmology demands using the grammatical replacement, concretization, generalization and method tracing transformations more often than other transformations. Keywords: translation, scientific text, equivalence, translation transformations, English, Russian | 1110 |