# | Article | Downloads | |||||
4301 | A row of useful functions of contamination distribution in soil has been described. The mathematical properties of these functions has been investigated. The practical importance of proposed functions has been shown. The model for fixation of contamination on the particle has been proposed. Different cases of heterogeneous, homogeneous and intermediate fixation of contamination on a particle has been considered and correspondent formulas of contamination distribution in a soil has been given. | 1096 | |||||
4302 | The two-dimensional finite difference method is applied to model the metal cutting process where the contact interaction between the cutter and work piece is defined. Lagrange description of motion is used which includes the generation of new surfaces as the work piece fractures and chip separates. A cutting path is thus developed and simulated by splitting the nodes of the finite element grid. Special attention is given to the loading process of the cutting tool during the cut-in stage. Chip formation at different times are calculated and presented | 1096 | |||||
4303 | In the article questions of improvement of quality of school and high school training in physics are considered. The analysis of pedagogical experiments at school and high school has shown, that the method of projects positively influences quality of training to physics of students and schoolboys. In experimental groups positive tendencies on quality of progress that is connected, on the one hand, to development of creative abilities in schoolboys and students, and, on the other hand, with the big time spent by them on studying of physics at performance of projects at the expense of hours, selected on independent job are marked | 1096 | |||||
4304 | The author sums up his experience and illustrates the research material, which enables to provide professional training in the organization, to evaluate the efficiency and results of education. The author suggests a set in in the form of block-scheme of sub process "Training and education of personnel", diagnostic methods and assessment of education effect and also practical recommendations for improving of economic output from education. | 1096 | |||||
4305 | The article covers the problems of specialized education organization in the rural school as the main condition of availability and quality of education. Specialized education regards to be a means of differentiation and individuation of education that allows respecting the interests, tends and abilities of students Keywords: specialized education, education, rural ungraded school, quality of education, availability of education. Sannikova I. G. | 1096 | |||||
4306 | The elution of soil organic matter from 4.5 km long consisting peat-moorsh soils transect in broad range of pH was investigated. This transect is located in the Agroecological Landscape Park in Turew, 40 km South-West of PoznaD, West Polish Lowland. There is this transect along Wysko ditch. pH and pseudo first-order reaction constants were measured. Peat-moorsh soils were described and classified according to Polish hydrogenic soil classification and World Reference Base Soil Notation. There are four investigated points along to Wyskoc ditch. Two times a month during entire vegetation season the following material was taken from this four chosen site – samples of peat, from the depth of 0–20 cm. The rates of the reaction were calculated from the kinetics of first order reaction model. All experiments were repeated at different pH 6.0, 6.5, 7.0, 8.0, 8.5 of 0.5 M ammonium acetate buffer solution. The rates of organic matter elution for all samples of peats were significant different at four used wavelengths » = 272 nm, » = 320 nm, » = 465 nm, and » = 665 nm. It was observed that the rates increased between » = 272 nm and » = 320 nm and decreased from » = 465 nm to » = 665 nm. Keywords: peat-moors soils, dissolved organic matter, kinetics of dissolved organic matter | 1096 | |||||
4307 | The article deals with main theses of the algorithm of organisation and realiza-tion of teacher’s autonomous individual work in the process of skill perfection. The article defines concrete notion and didactic conditions for teacher’s individual work in supplementary professional education institutions. Keywords: teacher’s professional self-perfection, teacher’s individual work in the system of skill perfection. | 1096 | |||||
4308 | We apply the BRST-BFV approach to Lagrangian formulation of bosonic totally antisymmetric tensor fields in arbitrary d-dimensional curved space. The obtained theories are reducible gauge models and the order of reducibility grows with the value of the rank of the antisymmetric field. Keywords: БРСТ-подход, массивные бозонные поля, искривленное пространство, БРСТ-оператор, лагранжиан, калибровочное преобразование | 1096 | |||||
4309 | The possibility of forecasting the need is considered in the article for specialist with higher professional education depending on the level of the economic development of the area. Determination demand for specialists was conducted on basis of economic and mathematical modeling with the use of multifactor regression models. Keywords: higher professional education, forecasting need for specialist, preparation specialist, regional market of the labor, perspective need, economic modeling, correlation analysis, regression equation | 1096 | |||||
4310 | The paper addresses morphosyntactic and semantic properties of a rather nontrivial construction used to encode holistic quantifi cation (“whole”) in Adyghe. We claim that the said construction has developed from adverbial clause with temporal meaning. Adyghe is notable for using morphosyntactic means to express the meaning that crosslinguistically strongly prefers lexical encoding, as well as for rather atypical and previously unattested diachronic path for development of universal quantifi ers. Keywords: Adyghe, syntax, semantics, grammaticalization, holistic quantifi cation, adverbial clauses, subordination | 1096 | |||||
4311 | This paper deals with innovative approaches to practical phonetics teaching. Articulatory phonetics: different structures of the vocal tract, called the articulators (tongue, lips, jaw, palate, teeth etc.) have been studied. Auditory phonetics: methods of sound production and reception – the ear to the brain and those processes have been analyzed. Acoustic phonetics: acoustic aspects of speech sounds like the mean squared amplitude of a waveform, its duration, its fundamental frequency, and other properties of its frequency spectrum, have been investigated. Neuro-linguistic programming has been described as one of the innovative approaches in the study of phonetics. Keywords: фонематический материал, имитация, постановка голоса, коммуникативный подход, ошибка. | 1096 | |||||
4312 | The article presents theoretical-methodological and methodical bases of the author’s elective course “Ecological responsibility of the citizen of Russia” which is an important condition of realization of methodical system on students’ formation of ecological responsibility in geography education. Keywords: geography, ecological responsibility, elective course, approaches, individuality focused problems, responsible affairs. | 1096 | |||||
4313 | This article has sumed up study of books in German from Zhukovsky’s private library with his marginalia. It’s the first research work to cover the question how Zhukovsky as a reader perceived the volumes of the Prussian general I. M. von Radovitz, who was not only his friend but also the romanticist’s last years’ prose hero. Keywords: Russian classic writers’ private libraries, V. A. Zhukovsky, J. M. von Radowitz, Christian emblems | 1096 | |||||
4314 | The methodology of parameters determination of оrietation of a human body inertia ellipsoid main central axis during posture changing on a non-supзort position has elaborated. This data can be used on astronautics, biomechanics and sports sciences. Keywords: non support position (weightlessness), human body mathematical model, inertia central ellipsoid, main central axis, plane of symmetry | 1096 | |||||
4315 | Teaching students translation is always a topical task. Before beginning to translate it is necessary to perform a preliminary text analysis to determine its functional style and speech genre. In this case, the speech genre is considered to be a translation unit. Keywords: translation teaching, speech genre, preliminary analysis, text, translation unit | 1096 | |||||
4316 | The article deals with the problem of conceptualization of the complicated extra linguistic phenomenon of mental processes and its reflection in the meaning of the lexical units of the contemporary English discourse. The main method of the research is based on the cognitive approach to the language because it allows forming a model of mental processes as the conceptual base of meaning formation and modification. Keywords: lexical units, phraseological units, mental structure, mental processes, profiling | 1096 | |||||
4317 | The article describes the process of teaching students aimed at the foreign communicative competence development by means of the problem-solving tasks system. The stages and the results of the experiment research are presented in detail. The effectiveness of the tested system of problem-solving tasks in the process of the students’ foreign communicative competence development is experimentally proved. Keywords: foreign communicative competence, problem-solving task, experiment, results, effectiveness | 1096 | |||||
4318 | This article examines the critical reception of women's literature, presented in correspondence of Goethe and Schiller 1798–1801 years. In European literature the becoming of canon of critical reception of women-authors’ works occurs at the end of the XVIII century and is associated with the names of Goethe and Schiller. Women's literary works in perception of classics intersects with the notion of “literary dilettantism” and different characteristics such as subjectivity, “fluidity”, “grace”, etc. The study of the corpusof the texts represented in the domestic criticism of the first half of the XIX century, reveals the criteria for evaluating women's literature which are identical to the German, European canon. Keywords: critical reception, women's literature, Goethe, Schiller, gender studies, literary dilettantism, female authorship, Russian-German literary interaction | 1096 | |||||
4319 | This article studies the representation of the author’s individual concept of “delicious dissolution” in Nabokov’s novel “The Original of Laura”. The concept is described as a step-by-step sequence of actions of the central character, and its basic semantic features are listed, which gives a possibility to compare this concept with its precedents in the works of classical literature. The cognitive linguistics approach is combined with elements of literary theory here. Keywords: author’s individual concept, scenario (script), semantic nucleus of the concept, Nabokov’s artistic world | 1096 | |||||
4320 | As a part of the interdisciplinary analysis the article suggests the description of native and foreign ethnological conceptions which allow deeper comprehension of the content of a number of concepts: “ethnos”, “ethnicselfconsience”, “ethnic identification”, “forms of expressions of ethnetic self-conscience”, “ethnetic individuality”. There were two opposing theories of ethnicity in Soviet and post-Soviet science – Yu. V. Bromley’s and L. N. Gumilev’s concepts. We examine the role of a theoretical framework to organize the process of ethno-cultural education of schoolchildren and their adequate formation (positive) ethnic identity, which is extremely important for the modern generation living in a multicultural environment. Keywords: ethnos, features of ethnos, ethnetic self-consience, ethnic identification, forms of expression of ethnetic self identification, ethnetic individuality | 1096 | |||||
4321 | The article gives a description and assessment of non-normative linguistic facts (misprints, typo errors, violations of the lexical rules) operating in the street space of Omsk and collected as part of a student project designed to improve the ecology of the city speech. On the basis of numerical calculations were obtained the data on three unstable sites of modern spelling rules. Revealed a wide range of blunders. It was concluded that the culture of street speech communication, which is media for the type of recipient, is being formed by native speakers with low literacy. Presented and commented on the results of the survey, the purpose of which was to study the perception of texts with a misprint, a typo error, a slang term by residents of Omsk and the Omsk region. Results of the survey show that norm violations were fixed by informants in proportion to the degree of how gross the mistakes are and give them the desire to correct the text. The latter point supports the position of the normative view of the language. Keywords: speech environment of the city, sign, advertising, language norm, misprint, typo error, perception of error | 1096 | |||||
4322 | An issue of activity of Krasnoyarsk school of law during the Great Patriotic War is considered on the basis mainly of archive materials. The theme of legal education during the war period did not receive adequate coverage in the scientific literature. The works are basically of review nature and many aspects of the problem remain unexplored. It is shown that the war directly affected the school’s life. The school building was transferred to the military department for flats of military men and classes had to be given in the premises of the hostel. Military and military medical business played a large role in the learning process. As a result the majority of alumni after graduation from the school became prepared military specialists. At the beginning of the war the people’s commissariat of justice of the RSFSR assigned the task for the school to prepare as many graduated lawyers as possible. As a result if in 1942 19 people graduated from the school, then in 1943 – 54 people. Mass enrolment of cadets caused discipline problems. In 1942-43 academic year students missed 4339 hours, 2048 of them are for good reasons. There were 82 tardies for classes. 20 people were subjected to administrative penalties for absenteeism and tardiness. The fight against misconduct was conducted by party and Komsomol organizations of students. Graduates of the school worked both in the territory of the Krasnoyarsk region and beyond, for example in the Primorye Territory, Urals, Ukraine. In 1944 with the revival of legal education in liberated territories capital funds were transferred exactly there. As a result Krasnoyarsk school of law among others was closed. Keywords: Krasnoyarsk Region, the Great Patriotic War, Krasnoyarsk Law School, legal education in the USSR, judicial authorities | 1096 | |||||
4323 | The article deals with the concept “Lexical structure of a text” as one of the major notions in functional lexicology and communicative stylistics. In connection with the fact that the basic element of any piece of art is a word, the fundamental element in research of creation of a specific author is identification of peculiarities of the lexical structure of his poetic texts. The analysis made by the author of the article makes it possible to compare the features of the lexical structure of the texts with different creative periods of the author and to identify a certain dynamics. In order to carry out the analysis of the lexical structures of O. E. Mandelstam’s poetic texts based on the periodization of the poet’s work offered by M. L. Gasparov, three most typical, written at different times poems were chosen: relating to the period of early creation “More tender than tender”/ ”Nezhneye nezhnogo” (1909), to the period “Tristia” “The light Moscow rain”/ ”Moskovskiy dozhdik” (1922), to the period of the thirties of the twentieth century “We live with no sense of the country”/” My zhivem, pod soboyu ne chuya strany” (1933). The research found that the lexical structure of poetic texts by O. E. Mandelstam is notable for its wealth and diversity. The poetic texts chosen for the research made it possible to identify various types of their lexical structuring (Depending on the central main point of associative-semantic macro network of the work; depending on the dominance of one of the three types of sense relationship in the framework of lexical microstructures: addition, intensification and contrast; depending on the degree of explicitness / implicitness of dominant lexical microstructure). It is established that the prevalence of defined type of lexical structure in poetic texts by the author correlates with different periods of work of the poet in accordance with evolution of his poetic and linguistic worldview. Keywords: lexical structure of the text, types of lexical structure, dominant lexical microstructure, poetic picture of the world, O. E. Mandelstam | 1096 | |||||
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4325 | Lyakhovich E. S. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1998. Issue 1 (4). P. 28-34 . | 1095 | |||||
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4329 | The paper represents critical notes concerning the paper of K.Y. Reshetnikov and G.S. Starostin «The Structure of Ket Verbal Word-form» in the book «Ket Collection. Linguistics». M., 1995, in which the authors try to build the structure of the Ket verb according to the types of conjugation. Analysing the materials of A. P. Dulson in his book «The Ket Language», Tomsk, 1968, T.A. Kabanova proves the impossibility to interprete the morphemes of the Ket verb unambiguous'v because all of them are polysemantic. The author confirms that by numerous examples. T.A. Kabanova adduces the models proposed by the authors above and analyses them, on the bases of the data represented in the book of A.Р. Dulson. She makes critical notes to some word - forms, to actant system, to the category of time, to the voice and aspect forms in the paper of K.Y. Reshetnikov and G.S. Starostin. | 1095 | |||||
4330 | The article reflects the general stages of the development of education in psychology at Tomsk State Pedagogical University. A brief characteristic of the basic scientific trends pursued by psychology departments organized during 90s and the specializations they offer to graduate and postgraduate students is given. The publication is devoted to the 100* anniversary of Tomsk State Pedagogical University, the first pedagogical university in the Asian part of Russia. | 1095 | |||||
4331 | The incorporative effects of luminescent red radiation of low intensity, generated by correcting light polyethylene films and redundant ultraviolet-A radiation on morphogenesis of Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Henh. of wild-type Ler and two light mutants hy3 and hy4 deficient in synthesis phytochrome B and cryptochrome 1 accordingly were investigated. Wild-type plants, cultivated under these correcting light films have no any changes in its development, while hy4 mutant exhibits increased development process and growth. Lethal effect of UV-A radiation was noted in the process of growing hy3 mutant, especially in the initial stage of true leaves development. Results from studies indicate regulatory interaction of low intensity red luminescent radiation and redundant ultraviolet-A radiation on stimulation and inhibition of plants growth and productivity | 1095 | |||||
4332 | Different approaches to definition of the concept are considered in the article. Various classifications of the scientific information are also given. The requirements to scientific information are characterized. The basic stages of transformation of the scientific information in educational are considered. Keywords: information, educational information, requirements to the scientific information, and preparation of the scientific information for educational process. | 1095 | |||||
4333 | The article is intended to make an attempt to allocate the German verbs supposing occurrence of morphological variants at formation of three basic forms basing on a material of the reference books and dictionaries. Keywords: variability, morphological variants, full variants, incomplete variants, basic forms of the verb | 1095 | |||||
4334 | The article contains a description of motivational stage as a pedagogically motivated process in development of students’ abilities to generate own texts on associative basis. Keywords: text generating activity, motivation, text generating abilities of language person, method of pedagogical diagnostics, verbal associations | 1095 | |||||
4335 | This article is devoted to research of historical and biographical play “Lyceum’s student” by A. Platonov. In this play, the author showed conditions of great poet’s “birth” in Russia, gathered personages with apparent violation of chronology of events, organized actions with the help of definite motives. Keywords: historical-biographical play, drama action, motive, association, intertextuality, receptive base | 1095 | |||||
4336 | The basic forms of presentation of chemical information were considered in this paper: the specification of educational elements, the count, frame, reference notes, structural and logic scheme. The characteristics of each form, examples and tips on using these forms in the learning process were given. Keywords: specification of educational elements, the count, frame, reference notes, structural and logic scheme | 1095 | |||||
4337 | New results referred to the fundamental theory of synchrotron radiation (SR) are to be presented. We thoroughly analyze the relation between the amount of radiation emitted by a scalar particle at the transitions to the rst excited state and to the ground state. Generalizing basic expressions we can follow the evolution of spectral maximum. It turns out there is a condition for radiation maximum to stay at highest harmonic. Keywords: synchrotron radiation; spectral maximum; quantum transitions | 1095 | |||||
4338 | The article deals with the peculiar properties of the hierarchical system of comparison, including the specific functions of its components. The structure and semantics of comparative syntagmatic correlations as a means of fulfilling the above-mentioned functions have been analysed. Keywords: hierarchical system, general comparison, particular comparison, degrees of comparison, syntagmatic correlations | 1095 | |||||
4339 | 1. Цапенко И. П. Роль иммиграции в экономике развитых стран. URL: http://www.demoscope.ru/weekly/2005/0207/analit01.php 2. Малахов В. С. Зачем России мультикультурализм? URL: http://www.demoscope.ru/weekly/2004/0151/analit04.php 3. Мигранты: социальная адаптация и конфликты: мат-лы междунар. круглого стола (Ин-т Европы РАН, 27 апр. 2007 г.) / [отв. ред. М. В. Каргалова]. М.: Ин-т Европы РАН: Рус. Сувенир, 2007. 118 с. 4. Малахов В. С. Национальные государства перед лицом культурного плюрализма // Логос: философско-литературный журнал. 2006. № 2 (53). С. 84–93. 5. Иноземцев В. Л. Иммиграция: новая проблема нового столетия. URL: http://www.archipelag.ru/agenda/povestka/povestka-immigration/polemika-antropotok/inozemsev-novata-problema/?Version=forprint 6. Ким В. В. Социальные противоречия в «зеркале» миграции как фактор возникновения фанатизма // Вестн. Томского гос. пед. ун-та (Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin). 2013. Вып. 5 (133). С. 122–128. 7. Уткин А. И. Глобализация: процесс и осмысление. М.: Логос, 2002. 254 с. 8. Нарочницкая Е. А. Национальный фактор в эпоху глобализации. URL: http://www.perspectivy.info/srez/etnos/nacionalnyj_faktor_v_epohu_globalizacii_chast_1_diskussii_o_budushhem_nacij_i_globalizacii_nekotoryje_metodologicheskije_voprosy_2010-01-05.htm 9. Гринин Л. Е. Глобализация и национальный суверенитет // История и современность. 2005. № 13. С. 6–31. 10. Лопухина Т. В. Европейский дом: добро пожаловать – вход закрыт. URL: http://www.archipelag.ru/agenda/povestka/povestka-immigration/europa-dis/europa_dom/ 11. Молодикова И. Н. Без иммиграции Европе не обойтись. URL: http://www.polit.ru/article/2006/04/28/demoscope243/ 12. Молодикова И. Н. Основные этапы и методы управления трудовой миграцией в западноевропейских странах. URL: http://www.demoscope.ru/center/fmcenter/tr_mol.html 13. Захаров С. В., Сурков С. В. Миграция и рождаемость. URL: http://www.perspectivy.info/print.php?ID=43570 14. Понамарева А. М. Мусульмане Европы: прогрессирующий фактор страха // Индекс безопасности. 2007. № 3. С. 61–79. 15. Лебедева Н. М. Теоретические подходы к исследованию взаимных установок и стратегий межкультурного взаимодействия мигрантов и населения России. URL: http://www.hse.ru/data/2010/03/27/1217654121/Lebedeva_PerspAnalyzeAttit&InteractStrat.pdf 16. Щербакова Е. М. Международная миграция: тенденции и перспективы. URL: http://www.perspektivy.info/srez/val/mezhdunarodnaja_migracija_tendencii_i_perspektivy_2009-12-04.htm 17. Цапенко И. П. Движущие силы международной миграции населения. URL: http://demoscope.ru/weekly/2008/0315/analit02.php 18. Варюхина Н. Н. Управление иммиграционными процессами в Европейском союзе: опыт Германии. URL: http://www.mgimo.ru/fi leserver/books/rami4konvent/t9-varyukhina.pdf 19. Глухова А. В. Социокультурный конфликт как фактор современного политического процесса // Логос. 2005. № 4 (49). С. 201–215. 20. Наумкин В. В. Мусульманская диаспора на Западе: дифференциация, конвергенция, гибридизация? URL: http://www.perspectivy.info/print.php?ID=86098 21. Кондратьева Т. С. Диаспоры в современном мире: эволюция явления и понятия. URL: http://www.perspectivy.info/print.php?ID=48886 Keywords: the historiography of our country, Western Europe, modern immigration processes, globalization | 1095 | |||||
4340 | The paper presents the analysis of the dynamics of the constancy of the major pharmacopoeia drug of Trans-Ural steppe communities in the Republic of Bashkortostan grazing pressure gradient. Keywords: Мedicinal plants, steppe vegetation, Trans-Urals, syntaxonomy, constancy | 1095 | |||||
4341 | The paper shows that the humanization of modern education is addressed to the creation of such a system is the organization of the educational process, which allows to make training an integral part of identity formation. The implementation of the principle of humane education involves the formation of the broad humanistic culture. The main mechanism of the formation of such culture can be the realization of the essential properties of the formation: the formation of a harmonious, highly moral and spiritual personality. Keywords: education, identity , spirituality , competence, humanistic culture , humanistic expertise | 1095 | |||||
4342 | The author examines main directions of economic analyses of conditions for forming and development of regional clusters. He also investigates preliminary appraisal of concrete region reflecting industrial and innovational potential of the territory and creating opportunities for forming and developing regional clusters. Keywords: cluster, competitiveness, gross regional product, investments, innovational activity | 1095 | |||||
4343 | The article deals with the problem of socialization and creative self-development of students in the conditions of children’s associations and movements. Attention is drawn to the fact that children’s associations and movements are an important factor of personality, on the one hand, creating the conditions to meet the needs, interests, goals, children of different ages and formation of new aspirations; On the other hand, determining the selection of the internal capacity of the individual and collective self-restraint by the choice of adjusting to social norms, values, and social programs. The factors, conditions and methods of educational activities that promote self-knowledge and create conditions for free creative self-development and socialization of students in children’s associations and movements. Children’s organizations and movements in Russia are becoming a significant factor in the positive education of the younger generation, education for democratic culture, complementing a focused educational process of the school. Keywords: children’s pool, children’s movement, students self-development, socialization, humanization of education, educational space | 1095 | |||||
4344 | The article discusses the main tasks of the teacher of a foreign language in the system of higher education. It assumes the need to overcome the traditional process in the organization of foreign language teaching in non-linguistic universities that train specialists in different spheres of production. The focus is on teacher training that concentrates on the ability of students of non-linguistic educational institutions, their way of thinking. The possibility of using the system of knowledge of neuropsychology for the organization of a foreign language learning process for students of technical specialties is justified. It is noted that the transition from a traditional to a competence-based approach requires a complex change of their own personal position and the role of the teacher in the systematic management of linguo-educational process. The process requires the willingness and ability of the teacher to model linguo-educational process in a technical university with reference to the technological stages of training future specialists. The article suggests ways of linguo-didactic preparation of the teacher of a foreign language for non-linguistic universities in the two-level system of training. Keywords: professional training, linguo-educational process, modeling, abilities, mindset | 1095 | |||||
4345 | The article represents the analysis of the nominations of the top and back of a head in the Selkup dialects. The research objective is to reveal the inner meanings of the studied lexemes and find out cultural value of the parts of the body that they denote. The object of the investigation is the dialectal variants of the lexemes denoting top and back of a head in the Selkup language.The author has collected and classified the dialectal variants of the lexemes denoting the considered parts of the head in the Selkup language. The paper gives the etymological review of the somonyms ket. sumba ‘top of a head’, ‘back of a head’ and ket. nukku ‘back of a head’, whereas the somonym taz. par ‘back of a head’ was considered from semantic point of view. Linguistic analysis of ket. sumba and ket. nukku which both denote ‘back of a head’ revealed that they refer to different parts of the back of a head. Also the mythological materials describing the studied parts of the head were analyzed. The results show that the somonyms ket. sumba, ket. nukku and taz. par have different cultural meanings and value. The nomination taz. par integrates the idea of interconnection of physical and spiritual worlds, the terms ket. sumba and ket. nukku comprise information about the Selkups’ apprehension of the Universe. Keywords: the Selkup language, dialect, somatic vocabulary, nominations of the top of the head, nominations of the back of the head, linguocultural analysis | 1095 | |||||
4346 | The article examines the feasibility of applying the project method in institutions of the municipal social services, based on the characteristics of the various population groups in need of social services, analyzes the problems of organizational, personnel, methodological and material support of project activities, presents the positive aspects of using the project method in the work of institutions of social service of the population with individuals and families in difficult life situations. Describes the work of the specialists of municipal institutions of social service with children and families to solve their socialization problems, which is carried out through socio-pedagogical support of concerned citizens and providing them with socio-educational services. Presents the definition of municipal social services, which is understood as the network of state and municipal institutions located in the territory of the municipality and are engaged in social service of citizens in accordance with applicable law. Presents characteristics of socialpedagogical activity of the specialists of municipal institutions of social service as one of the main tools of interaction with minors and families in difficult life situations. Specifies the main contradiction of using this tool in practice: elimination of the institute of social pedagogues in institutions of social protection in accordance with applicable legislation on social services for citizens of the Russian Federation, as well as the lack of normative embodied technologies of socio-pedagogical work in the area. Shows the expediency of the use of the method of sociopedagogical design in solving problems of socially vulnerable layers of the population. The main object of this work is the development and implementation of preventive work in the sphere of ill-treatment of children and violations of their rights, all forms of violence against the person, bad habits and socially dangerous diseases and the development of the overall outlook, the organization of leisure and health activities that will lead to a significant increase in the number of professional ideas and public initiatives to improve the activities of municipal institutions of social service to provide social services to the interested persons. Keywords: city social network; municipal social services; project; design; project activities; prevention; sociopedagogical technology; socio-pedagogical design; institutions of social protection of the population | 1095 | |||||
4347 | The following article studies phonetic and prosodic changes in mother’s speech. We consider that the situation of awaking a child preconditions these changes. We propose the role of a mother as socially relevant. Mother’s speech is an informational key to the system of a native language. Basing on Russian and the French language, we analyze qualitative and quantitative changes in consonants and vowels in lexical units of different parts of speech, as well as changes in tone and rate of mother’s utterances. We take into account such phonetic phenomena as longitude of a sound, palatalization of consonants, changes of values in tone. The changes of values in tone are illustrated by graphs. The material for analysis includes audio and video of recorded talk between mothers and their children (age from 0 to 10 months). The participants were divided into two groups: 1) Russian-speaking dyad “mother-child” (5 participants); 2) French-speaking dyad “mother-child” (4 participants). To undertake the analysis we applied computer software package for the scientific analysis of speech in phonetics called PRAAT. Resulting in setting minimal and maximal values in tone of analyzed utterances, correlation of longitude of a sound with tone and pragmatic meaning we conclude that these features of mother’s speech are universal for the situation of awaking a child. Keywords: frequency of the basic tone, mother’s communication, socially relevant role of a mother, speech portrait, phonetic portrait | 1095 | |||||
4348 | Vorobyev N. V. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1997. Issue 1 (1). P. 15-19 . | 1094 | |||||
4349 | Bozhenko L. I. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1997. Issue 1 (1). P. 31-35 . | 1094 | |||||
4350 | . | 1094 |