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1 | The paper describes the organization of the health-saving activity of the Social Work students. It is noted that the health-saving activity is important not only as being personality developing but also as a quasiprofessional one, preceding the similar professional activity. The article proves that the health-promoting environment of the educational institution favours the students involvement into the health-saving activity and serves as the base for the valeological competence of the social work specialist. Keywords: social specialists training, valeological competence, health-saving activity, personal experience, health-promoting environment | 1300 | ||||
2 | The article highlights the experience of the program development and technological map designing for Bachelors of Social Work educational practice within the requirements of the FSES for Higher Professional Training and for major “social work in the system of social services” in particular. There defined goals and objectives of the practice, its content and projected results of modules mastering are revealed, the main students activities are characterized and the criteria for assessing their personal and professional achievements are provided in this paper. Keywords: educational practice, module-rating technology, content, projected training results | 1102 | ||||
3 | In the context of the competence modernization of higher professional education, domestic and foreign practices of social education are analyzed. The importance of harmonizing existing and new approaches to practice-oriented training for forming bachelors’ social competence sphere as a practice-oriented construct is emphasized. Researchers’ positions on practice organization, students’ inclusion in systematic volunteer activities, students’ ensuring regular contacts with the professional community are compared. Author’s definition of practice-oriented training as a systemic innovation that integrates all the links in the educational process is given, that is: goals, content, methods and technologies, organizational forms and taking into account environmental factors - the priorities of regional social development and technology of social interaction at the local level. The advantages of a practice-oriented approach for the social education results are noted. Empirical data describing the limitations of the existing training system in achieving the practical preparedness of future social workers are given. Proposals for improving the system of practice-oriented training, taking into account its organizational, managerial, didactic and psychological-pedagogical aspects are formulated. In particular, we are talking about the establishment of a professional development environment in the university; the orientation of all types of inclass and extracurricular students’ activities to produce a specific socially significant product; the implementation of the polyphonic didactic system based on the technologies of contextual, project, product-oriented learning, communicativedialogical and gaming; the inclusion in the curriculum of practice-oriented modules and the representation of content in the form of competence tasks; ensuring proactive social workers’ professional adaptation and expanding teacher’s functional repertoire. The presented material contributes to the improvement of the theory and methodology of vocational education in social work. Keywords: social education, practice-oriented vocational training, bachelors, social sphere, university, employer, professional competence, practical preparedness | 1270 | ||||
4 | By order of the Academy of the Ministry of Education of Russia, which coordinates the work of a unified federal system of scientific and methodological support for teachers and management personnel, we developed information and analytical materials on the problem of psychological and pedagogical interaction between teachers and families of pupils as the basis for the content of educational programs. The aim was to generalize the experience of developing information and analytical materials and substantiate the information and analytical approach to the design of educational content in the system of scientific and methodological support for class teachers. When implementing the information-analytical approach, we used the following methods: information diagnostics of the array; implementation of bibliographic procedures; highlighting the list of keywords and types of scientific and methodological developments; compilation of information maps, taking into account the list of keywords and types of scientific and methodological developments; cataloging scientific and methodological developments. As a result of information and analytical work, the bibliographic list on the topic “Effective technologies of psychological and pedagogical interaction with the student’s family” includes 302 sources that meet the criteria of relevance, importance of information, completeness of information, complexity and, in aggregate, highlight the stated problem both in terms of theoretical analysis, description technological approaches, and in a practice-oriented way, reflecting the best pedagogical experience. According to the results of an expert assessment, the annotated catalog includes 127 sources. The catalog is intended for placement in an electronic environment. The catalog contains the name of the development, keywords, type of development, annotation, information about the source, access to the development. The abstract reflects the most significant information contained in the source, gives a recommendation regarding the use of the development in the design of programs of additional professional education. The abstract can be considered as an independent piece of educational content. As a result of the study, we found that the information-analytical approach allows presenting the most valuable and relevant information in the form of ready-made developments, indicating their appropriate use in the system of scientific and pedagogical support for class teachers, which makes the design of educational content more technologically advanced and meaningfully balanced. The theoretical significance of the study is the integration into the theory and technology of additional professional pedagogical education of a new way of developing educational content based on the use of an annotated thematic catalog. The practical significance of the work lies in the creation of an independent information resource – an annotated catalog on the topic “Modern technologies for the interaction of the class teacher with the family of students” and the possibility of its use for designing programs for teachers’ additional professional education, in university practice in the preparation of pedagogical and psychological-pedagogical specialists, as well as for self-education of class teachers and their quick search for professionally significant information. Keywords: interaction between teachers and families, advanced training, educational content, annotated catalogue, information resources | 421 |