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1 | Management is the most important function of orga¬nized systems. But in spite of lasting and global inter¬est for scientists and practical specialists in manage¬ment it stil! remains little researched phenomenon. Problems of understanding management come from extraordinary complexity of organized systems, ab¬sence common theory of management and well const¬ructed methodology of research. In this article some problems of understanding phenomenon of manage¬ment and methodological approaches to its research are considered. | 1138 | ||||
2 | Management is a complex multilevel system the structure of which is not evident. The cyclic character of management complicates the problem of revealing its structure. In the brief analysis provided in this article the constitution of managerial actions according to the management system levels is given, the conclusion about fractal structure of management as an integral system is made, the attributes of integrity of management as a succession of states of information reforming are considered. | 1194 | ||||
3 | A child during a process of growing up and development passes a number of stages. Each of the stages is characterized by the age features. Taking into account age features are in fact an indispensable condition of modeling of educational process and management of it. A number of age features of children of different age groups from preschool up to the grown-up are considered in the article. | 1234 | ||||
4 | In article the logic structure of an administrative cycle is submitted, the sequence of administrative actions is deduced, the first action (function) of an administrative cycle is proved, emphasized fractals (self-similar) character of management. | 1265 | ||||
5 | . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 2009. Issue 2 (80). P. 35-37 In article, it is underlined problems in management of educational systems because of incompleteness of the theory of management. Conceptual positions on the management, managements explaining purpose as functions of systems are resulted. The need for practice in development complete, formalized, theories of management is marked. Influence of various factors on character of management of educational systems is underlined. Keywords: system, management, education, efficiency, level, the theory, technology | 1236 | ||||
6 | Any research should begin with clear comprehension of a problem and its exact formulation. Research of a complex problem if it is not organized in appropriate way, occurs “trial and error method”. In order to “tests and mistakes” was less, beforehand it is necessary to develop some technique of research for a concrete theme or a problem. An example of search of the solution of a problem is developed the author and the technique of research submitted here. Keywords: system, stability of development, management, processes, inputs, outputs, pedagogical system | 1402 | ||||
7 | In the article there are considered questions of typization, which allows taking into account the particularities of the regional educational systems in modeling, development and introduction of federal and regional programs of the development. Keywords: educational system, typization of educational systems, approaches to typization, modeling of the educational systems | 1190 |