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1 | An analysis of some Russian tales is carried out on the basis of psychological theory by Ung. The author of the article bases his point on the study of the Founder of analytical psychology about symbolic types. Two well-known Russian tales serve as examples: “Frog-Princess” and a tales about Ivan the Tzar’s son and a grey wolf. Keywords: archetype, introversion, extroversion, symbol, cosmic study | 1078 | ||||
2 | Hesychasm emerged in the East and later moved to Kievan and then to Moscow Russia and spread there on the basis of Russian Cosmism. Hesychasm influenced not only Russian Church but culture as well and found its expression in the topics of fairy-tales with their heroes. Keywords: hesychasm, catharsis, synergism, cosmism, monarchism, reclusion, feeble-mindedness | 1105 | ||||
3 | On the basis of psychoanalytic concept by K. Jung the authors of the article reveal religious content of Russian Orthodoxy. The article especially emphasizes the sacred meaning of the word not only in the Orthodox Church but in Russian culture as well. Besides the article reveals the elements of mental therapy of the Orthodox service, which has oriental origin. Keywords: word, logos, icon, symbol, introversion, sacral, cosmism | 1032 | ||||
4 | The authors of the article try to explain the aspects of binary and trinitary understanding using as the basis the Jung’s theory of archetype and symbolics which was formed in extreme antiquity. The authors are talking about the Russian vision of the world which has found expression in Russian version of binarity and trinitarity which became the content of Russian material and intellectual culture. Keywords: archetype, symbol, cosmism, binarity, trinitarity, tree of life | 1049 | ||||
5 | On the basis of Carl Jung’s psychoanalytic theory about the collective unconscious and archetypes, the authors try to explain the Russian idea of “garden-paradise” and the importance of this concept for the national culture. Based on the work of D. S. Likhachev about the semantics landscaping styles, the authors come to the conclusion about the origin of the eastern art of creating gardens as imitation of paradise on earth. The paper also develops the idea of an undeniable influence on the formation of the East of the Russian culture. Compared features of Catholic and Orthodox monastery gardens. Briefly traces the history of gardening in Russia. Keywords: garden, paradise, nostalgia, introversion, spirituality, cosmism | 950 | ||||
6 | Culture and mentality of any nation are determined by its history. The authors of the article are interested in the history of the relationship and the formation of the mentality of the Russian people since ancient times. Neighbours of our ancestors of the Eastern Slavs, were known to be people of Iranian origin: Scythians, Sarmatians, Alans. This neighborhood is manifested in the formation of the so-called “Iranisms” in the Russian culture. The analysis of some of these “Iranisms” is the content of the work. Relying on the theory of Carl Gustav Jung’s archetypes, the authors found in the general behavior of the Russian people the “introvertiveness” of the worldview common among the peoples of the East. Keywords: iranism, horse, tree of life, the firebird, Ivan the Fool, introversion, space art, Eurasia | 976 |