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1 | . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1998. Issue 1 (4). P. 12-15 . | 1082 | ||||
2 | . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 1 (10). P. 72-73 . | 1103 | ||||
3 | The article devotes to analysis of the reasons of deep differences between two cultures: West and East. The author points out that the main reason of this fact is in accepting rather different board evidences by people as a root of their life. Western man accepts a possibility of his ratio, intellect as a such base, but Eastern man trust only to super consciousness essens as a base of hole Uni¬verse and his life, which can be achieved (precipitated) by meant of conjunction (in meditation) of individual «I» and Cosmic consciousness. Thus there is a difference in the attitude to life and death, manner of philosophy work, sys¬tems of proving, an in all culture in whole. | 1222 | ||||
4 | Education and culture // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 2001. Issue 2 (27). P. 30-33 In the article we consider idea that culture can renders a great positive influence to the education in the present time, if we prefer the traditional fundamental values of society. This situation is compared with reform of education in the rast. West traditional values and Russian traditional values and its influence to the education are analysed in the article. | 1138 | ||||
5 | The paper defends the thesis that a transient solution of existential human’s crisis (in the face of death) leads to the realization and new understanding by this person his moral qualities. The final solution of a crisis is connected with the idea of immorality. | 1334 | ||||
6 | This article presents two problems. The first is to show the importance of recognition of spiritual factor determining in the policy of cooperation between states; to formulate proposals for documents of the United Nations, UNESCO and other public organizations, realizing initiative of peaceful nonviolent existence of people. The second is to show real opportunities of educational system in preparing for nonviolent style of life. | 1190 | ||||
7 | An important issue of improving modern education is analyzed on the example of historic and cultural analogues in the past. The requirements for professional skills of the teacher of higher school are justified. The model of the educational environment with the use of instant feedback and the technology of improving the professionalism of the teacher are presented in it. Keywords: cultural innovation, education, professional teacher quality, feedback, interaction | 1088 | ||||
8 | The article verifies the idea higher education has to be transformed. The requirements for professional skills of the teacher of higher school are justified. The relation of professional and personal qualities of higher school teacher is analyzed. Keywords: higher education, professional teacher’s qualities, feedback, personal qualities, interaction | 1050 | ||||
9 | Values of an epoch are reflected in an education system through education and show professional qualities of the teacher. Democratic values of the present are analyzed through historical analogs of models of free education of Russo and Tolstoy. Keywords: democratic values, freedom, compulsion, professional pedagogical | 1133 | ||||
10 | The role of mathematics in professional competence of psychologists is determined, the definition of professional mathematical competence of psychologists is given and the structure of this competence is offered. Also the pedagogical conditions facilitating its qualitative formation in the educational process in university are investigated. Keywords: professional mathematical competence, competence structure, stages of competence formation, pedagogical conditions | 1156 | ||||
11 | . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 2013. Issue 4 (132). P. 196-198 . | 1099 | ||||
12 | The authors made the interdisciplinary research of the notions of ethnos, ethnicity, ethnocultural component form the position of cultural studies, psychology, sociology. We investigate the influence of the ethnocultural component on the regional educational practices and give the operational definition of ethnocultural component, analyze the practical experience of the development of ethnocultural component in the practice of general education of the Tomsk Region. Keywords: ethnos, ethnicity, ethnology, interdisciplinary analysis, ethnocultural component, practices of general education, cultural studies, psychology, sociology | 1085 | ||||
13 | In the article the author describes the mechanism of using professional probations as a specially organized action, which is an effective method of training of social teachers in higher school at the undergraduate and graduate levels to meet the challenges of self-determination in the choice of specialization in the context of acme-directed professionalization. The results of directed, systematic, phased-organized inclusion of future social teachers in professional probations are forming students’ professional competencies, the development of motivation to achieve high results in educational and professional activities, self-determination in specialization, planning professional selfdevelopment. The author shows how to use professional probations during continuous professionalization of social teachers at the undergraduate and graduate levels. Keywords: professional probation, professional training of social teachers, professionalization | 895 |