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1 | In the process of training primary school teachers for innovative activity it was revealed that the success was not great enough in view of the fact that they experienced a great number of difficulties. We cleared up these difficulties and the ways of overcoming them and worked out the con¬ception of training teachers for innovative activity. Analyzing the character of teachers successful education¬al work in the process of training by innovative technologies (IT) the author pays attention to studying teachers', didactic difficulties (DD), which reduce teachers', progress during their further training at innovative technologies refresher courses. Studying the character of didactic difficulties (DD) and the ways of overcoming them by means of special training becomes the basis of the author's conception of raising the effectiveness of educational process. Considering these actions to be the preliminary stage of any courses, raising the level of professional skills opens wide opportunities for raising the effectiveness in teaching new educational tech¬nologies. The author suggests a system of organizing de¬veloping studies based on methodical devices and recom¬mendations how to use them while overcoming didactic dif¬ficulties (DD), which were worked out by the author. Keywords: - | 1203 | ||||
2 | Analyzing the nature of successfulness of instructional activities of teachers in preparing them for work with innovation techniques, the author came to the conclusion about essential significance in this process of didactic difficulties, which are the factor of declining effectiveness of school activity. Studying the nature of didactic difficulties and the ways of their overcoming by means of special training becomes the condition for increasing of effectiveness of instructional process and learning activity of the students. In the article the author discusses the new approach to organization of professional training of a teacher focusing on necessity of previous the most recently encountered didactic difficulties in a group of learners connected with mastering of innovation technologies prior to organization and conduction of the courses aiming at the formation of the skills to overcome these difficulties. Inclusion of these actions as a prior stage of any courses of in-service training and advanced specialized courses opens extensive possibilities for increasing effectiveness in teaching issues connected with new educational techniques and strategies. | 1268 | ||||
3 | In research the analysis of psychology-pedagogical features of development by the teacher innovation technologies will be carried spent. The author’s system of the account of difficulties is offered during improvement of professional skill of the teachers and courses of specialization. In the process of training on courses (course period) diagnostics of difficulties of the teachers is recommended to be carried out immediately during by. Thus the difficulties act by indicators for conducting of courses and teachers showing critical points of passage of a technique innovation of training. The author offers a system of organizing developing studies based on methodical devices and recommendations how to use them while overcoming didactic difficulties (DD) which was worked out by the author. This technology is based on the methodical receptions, developed by the author, and references of their application at overcoming (DD). | 1172 | ||||
4 | In this article components of preparedness of students and teachers of Primary School for the professional-creative activity are considered. The main components are: a high level of development of creative potential and psychological readiness for realization of the given activity, including formation of motives of activity, skill to put forward the original purposes and problems of training and education; representations about the program of activity, an information basis of activity, the block of acceptance of decisions, a subsystem of professionally important qualities necessary for realization of activity: skill to develop technology – didactic-technological creativity, the qualities necessary for creativity of the teacher in the field of designing, modeling and realization of didactic process, skill to analyze the psychological-didactic difficulties which arise during development of the given activity. | 1326 | ||||
5 | The article considers the conception of actualization of students’ and teachers’ creative potential and explains the way of its implementation in education at the teacher training university and in the system of professional teachers’ development. The author presents diagnostic, educational and recourse system components of actualization of creative potential and analyzes the psychoeducational teachers’ difficulties in the development of creativity and innovation. Keywords: actualization, creativity, psychoeducational difficulties, conditions of actualization of creative potential. | 1140 | ||||
6 | The article deals with psychological and pedagogical concept and the system of updating creativity and ways of its realization, as in the educational process of pedagogical higher school, and in the professional development of teachers. It shows the system of actualization of creative potential, whose components are diagnostic, educational and resource. Psychological pedagogical support of the educational process is carried out during the implementation of the technologies, forms and training methods that ensure mainstreaming of creativity and necessary for the implementation of creative activity. Keywords: update, creativity, psychological and didactic diffi culties, conditions of actualization of creative potential | 1088 | ||||
7 | The article reveals the psychological basis of the creative potential of students’ training at a pedagogical university and preparation them for creative activity and methods for their organization in different approaches to teaching rising generations that has a determining influence on the quality of educational processes and development of the personality of a new type demanded new social and economic conditions in Russia. Keywords: psychological bases of the development of the creative potential, self-actualization, prospective learning technologies, system, pedagogue | 1137 |