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1 | The factorial analysis of school sports educational activity is considered. Recently in domestic pedagogics there is an increased interest in the quality of education in the formation of professionalism of pedagogical activity is observed. It is caused by the new conceptual approach to modernization of Russian education, including the system of school physical training. Scientists of the educational sphere are looking for the most effective factors to change the content of traditional education, and in the organization of the school subject “Physical culture” as well. In the content of teaching physical culture it is important to provide the pupil with the opportunity to receive information helping to realize the vital need of the sports knowledge acquired by it, to seize ways of their creative application for achievement of high level of physical and intellectual working capacity, and also to promote formation of ideas of opportunities of their own organisms and abilities to carry out independent activities for development and implementation of the program of physical self-improvement. In this regard, selection of the optimum factors providing improvement of quality of sports education of school students is considered according to the main objectives of the subject “Physical culture”. Keywords: sports education, external and internal factors of quality of training | 920 | ||||
2 | The article considers with the questions of organization of estimation of school students in educational process in the subject “Physical culture”, pedagogical quality control of sports education of school students, fundamental principles of pedagogical control as the most essential situation reflecting the main regularities of the studied phenomenon. Pedagogical control, being the most important component of pedagogical system, has to be used as for an assessment of knowledge, and abilities of the trainee, and for estimation of the organization of educational process, the internal and external factors providing improvement of quality of sports education of school students in the subject “Physical culture”. The process of pedagogical control includes: object of control; means and control methods; performers of control and the corresponding documentation regulating assessment of control results, its regulatory support. In scientific and methodical literature there is a large number of researches devoted to discussion of the importance of pedagogical control of education quality, but, nevertheless, in modern student teaching there is the lack of harmonous methodological system regulating activity of control in the field of quality of sports education of school students. Keywords: pedagogical control, principles of pedagogical control, quality of sports education | 891 | ||||
3 | The modern specificity of the sports game “volleyball” is considered, which is based on the technical and tactical abilities of players used by them in the high-speed game, where it is necessary to solve quickly technical and tactical tasks. All this is directly connected with a game environment in which fight on the volleyball court is conducted. In the game of volleyball, each player has to monitor a game situation, not allow the opponent to impose his game plan, otherwise there will be a game defeat. In higher educational organizations, volleyball is included in the work program “Elective disciplines in physical culture and sports”, so the trainees study the features of this game with interest, not only in training classes, but also in training extra-curricular activities. Therefore, playing volleyball, students practice skills to quickly respond to changing situations, make the right decisions in various circumstances, choose the most appropriate actions. In this regard, as practice shows, interest in training classes in volleyball has increased, it also has defined the relevance of our pedagogical research, in selection of the most effective complexes of special exercises developing speed of reaction to a moving object among students engaged in the volleyball sports section. Keywords: speed of reaction, visual orientation, speed of motive reaction, reaction to a moving object | 1041 |