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1 | . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 1 (10). P. 35-37 . | 1119 | ||||
2 | . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 2 (11). P. 58-61 . | 1092 | ||||
3 | . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 3 (12). P. 41-43 . | 1120 | ||||
4 | . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 5 (14). P. 53-58 . | 1016 | ||||
5 | . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 5 (14). P. 63-66 . | 1035 | ||||
6 | In the article the issues of constructing a professional career of students as well as the questions of students' motivation development in the process of learning and production activities are examined. | 1098 | ||||
7 | The article is devoted to the analysis of the work of Re¬search Institute of Education in Siberia, Far East and North, Russian Academy of Education at the end of the XXth - the beginning of the XIXth century. There was marked a consid¬erable contribution of Russian Academy of Education (Acad¬emy of Pedagogical Sciences) in the organization of psy¬chological and pedagogical research in Western Siberia. There were distinguished the main stages of the formation and the development of the Institute, from its foundation in 1988 as a branch of the Research Institute of Labor Train¬ing and Vocational Guidance (USSR Academy of Pedagogi¬cal Sciences) up to 2003. There was characterized a conception of the work and the development of Research Institute of Education in Sibe¬ria, Far East and North in the new social and economic con¬ditions, worked out by the scientific body of this Institute, assisted by the leading scientists and participants of the region and approved by the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Education. There were revealed aims and goals of the activity of the Institute at the modern stage, described its structure, brought out the main results of the research and experi¬mental work of the scientific body for the last three years. Keywords: - | 1203 | ||||
8 | The article is devoted to the aspects of professio¬nal education among students of spGrts higher educa¬tional institutes. It grounds the contradiction of metho¬dic-theoretical approaches in application the means of reconstruction in training process of young sportsmen and teaching process of students. It also proves that theoretic-practical theses of the conception of recon¬struction of special capacity for work immediately in the process of sports and teaching practice elabora¬ted experimentally by the author are the modem edu¬cational component of professional training for spe¬cialists of physical culture and sports. | 1194 | ||||
9 | The article considers the role of philosophy with re¬spect to psychological-pedagogical knowledge, its methodological function in solving pedagogical prob¬lems. It gives characteristics of philosophical educa¬tion as a special research direction, analyses different approaches to the definition of its scientific status. The article discusses heuristic possibilities of philosophy in scientific research. | 1190 | ||||
10 | The research material, connected with the evaluation of the formation of the attitude of the students of the Faculty of Physical Culture concerning the measures of rehabilitation and preventive measures in the structure of the duties of the experts of different profiles and specialties is represented in the present article. | 1164 | ||||
11 | The article under consideration presents an experimental material demonstrating effectiveness of the model of professional trend. The model corresponds to the demands of humanization of physical training education. The authors give a full description of the valuable sphere providing a conceptual attitude of future teachers to professional pedagogical activity based on humanistic ground. | 1227 | ||||
12 | The paper addresses the problem of occupational mobility of future professionals, as well as the issue of forming a professional interest as the first stage of formation of occupational mobility. Keywords: occupational mobility, a mobile specialist, professional interests | 1174 | ||||
13 | The article deals with aspects of education as a social technology, some issues of integration of general and professional education in historical perspective, review, system-continua are marked to facilitate the implementation of education as a social construction of a technology person. Keywords: education, education as social technology a backbone continuum, integration of the general and vocational training | 1221 | ||||
14 | In the paper the complex processes of interethnic relations harmonization due to equal educational rights of nationalities are revealed on the basis of literature sources and archives. Valuable historical experience of Soviets state authorities activity in Tomsk gubernia in 1920s in the field of the enlightenment of national minorities, school establishment for nationalities, teachers training is described. Keywords: national minorities, tolerance enlightenment, ethnic schools, interethnic relations, historical experience | 1074 | ||||
15 | This article discusses the process of training future teachers, aimed at the formation of professional knowledge and skills and is the system of relationship of the academic disciplines within the different cycles (general humanitarian, socio-economic, scientific, general professional and special disciplines and specializations) that address issues of communication and form the communication skills of the students. Substantiates the assumption that these disciplines are not able to form communication skills among future teachers, that is why it is advisable to introduce a special discipline “Practical course of business communication for teacher”. Keywords: communicative competence, psychological disciplines, students – future teachers, teaching activities | 1093 | ||||
16 | Formation of primary schoolchildren’s citizenship allows to build common spiritual and moral values, primary value orientations and civil ideology. Civil education is considered as the direction of the educational activities associated with the formation of the social role of personality, its public face. Creation of the student’s experience of the social group and individual behavior of the civil nature goes through a joint analysis, solution of the group social problems, joint social action in the framework of non-recurrent separate social actions as well as long-term projects. Concept and methods of implementing social actions and projects arise and are discussed in the student community and implemented with the support and supervision of parents, class teacher, and public organizations. Preparatory work for inclusion in social planning is done with students by means of educational and extracurricular activities, educational work with parents – through thematic parent-teacher meetings, collective creative works. The results are stability of citizenship, including cognitive, emotional and behavioral components of the evaluation, the constancy of socially approved behavior patterns with a strong civil position of primary school children, the positive experience of their civil action. Keywords: primary school, civil education, cognitive, emotional evaluation, behavioral components of citizenship, experience of civil action, children-invalids, children with disabilities, parents, family, joint social action | 968 | ||||
17 | In the context of contemporary vision training focuses on professional orientation of students. It is fixed that without adoption of the needs and interests of society by the individual the choice of profession, taking into account the interest of the society and the individual himself is not possible, as well as the development of personality. Describes the classification of the typology of professions from the point of view of their variability, provides a historical review of the formation of the domestic occupational practice and defines its vector in the system “man – profession”; comments on the classification of the stages of the professional life of E. Ginzberg and D. Superte. Keywords: professional orientation, vocational education, classification of the stages of professional life, typology of professions | 932 | ||||
18 | Introduction. Modern requirements for professional pedagogical activity are updated, the leading functions of the educational system are described, and normative regulations for the use of the concepts of competence and competence are analyzed. Material and methods. The research material was theoretical and empirical observations on the problem of formation of future teachers. The analysis of current scientific sources allowed us to identify the leading ideas and analyze them taking into account the modern practice of professional pedagogical education. Results and discussion. Professional pedagogical education, focused on the formation of professional competencies, is in a state of development while maintaining the traditions of domestic education as a social practice and social institution. The set of analyzed approaches to defining the concept of professional pedagogical competence of a number of scientists (T. G. Brazhe, A.V. Khutorskaya, S. N. Chistyakova, etc.) allowed updating modern requirements for a teacher. In this context, several analytical and foresight studies were analyzed in order to identify the leading trends in the development of the system of professional training of future teachers. The principles of interdisciplinarity and phenomenological vision of the concept of pedagogical multidimensionality are described from the position of prolonged requirements for professional pedagogical activity, which can contribute to the quality training of the future teacher. Conclusion. A set of requirements to a modern teacher will claim wide knowledge of the subject area of professional activity, sufficient knowledge in related fields of knowledge and possession of competencies that will allow them to remain prolonged in demand in professional terms, possible with a rational combination of both crosscutting principles of the organization of the educational process and principles of formation of personality as a multidimensional professional. Keywords: professional pedagogical education, professional competences, competences, interdisciplinarity, multidimensionality | 1191 |