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1 | The article considers the problem of interrelation of parent-child relationship and personal maturity of the adoptive parents. Shows the dependence of successful development of the child in a foster family on the level of personal maturity of the adoptive parents and the type of parent-child relationship. Presents the results of diagnostics of childparent relationship and personal maturity of the adoptive parents. It is revealed that empathy, reflexivity and creativity of personal maturity of the parents determines the line and the type of their relationship with children. It is established that the disadvantages of the reflexivity of parents impede the development needs of self-actualization, and emotional responsiveness to the experiences of children, manifestations of creativity. At the same time, the ability of personally mature adoptive parents to analyze the strengths and weaknesses of personal development ensures their need for selfactualization, the choice of effective ways of interacting with children, humane treatment. It is believed that the level of development of personal maturity of parents ensures harmonious interpersonal relationship in foster family, creation of a favorable psychological climate. The authors come to the conclusion that the development of personal maturity of the adoptive parents is one of the factors for improving parent-child relationship in foster care, to avoid secondary orphanhood. Keywords: parent-child relationship, types of parent-child relationship, personal maturity, secondary orphanhood, foster parents | 1171 | ||||
2 | There is a speculation on the relationship of communicative competence of foster parents and socialization of children in substitute (foster) families. Comparative analysis of indicators of communicative competence of foster parents and socialization of children of preschool age allowed to determine their direct relationship. Identified in foster family high level of communication in different spheres (life, cognition, social world, inner world of a child) corresponds to the high level of socialization of preschool children enrolled in a family. The results of diagnosis of foster parents, demonstrating the restriction of communication on the topics of social orientation or the lack of it on any of the scales correspond to the results of characterizing the low level of formation of the structural components of socialization of children. Foster parents who have restricted the content of communication on the topics of social orientation, will not be able to give children complete, specific knowledge and skills of social orientation. The conducted diagnostic study confirms the crucial importance for the socialization of children in foster family communicative competence of parents. It is also an important condition for the correction of existing shortcomings of the communicative activities of children in a foster family. The obtained results of the diagnostic study suggest the need for correction of the behaviour of many parents in relation to their foster children. Keywords: communicative competence, socialization of children-orphans, foster parents, foster children, foster family | 1017 | ||||
3 | The relevance of this study is due to the fact that the high level of speech activity ensures the establishment of positive interpersonal relationships of preschoolers with peers and the child’s occupation of a certain status position in the children’s collective. The author raises the question of comparative characteristics of speech activity of preschool children with different sociometric statuses. The article describes the criteria, indicators and levels of speech activity of preschool children, which are used in the organization of observations of children of different sociometric statuses in free play and organized joint activities. In particular, such criteria of speech activity as initiative, type of speech communication, speech motivation, content and emotional expressiveness are highlighted. The results of the experiment, for example, revealed a high level of speech activity in children with the status of “stars”, the middle and low level of speech. The detailed description of levels and characteristics of speech activity of preschool children with different sociometric statuses is given. Statistics of comparison of criteria, levels of speech activity of children with different sociometric statuses and explanation of such differences are presented. Thus, the study revealed differences between children with the status of “stars” and “isolated” according to the criteria of speech initiative, motivation and types of speech communication. Keywords: speech, activity, speech activity, socialization, interpersonal relations, sociometric status, preschool children, influence, group of peers | 1021 | ||||
4 | Introduction. The multiethnic environment of the school can act, on the one hand, as the basis for the manifestation of tolerance, interethnic interaction, and on the other hand, a high degree of ethnic identity of students can cause interethnic conflicts and hostility to representatives of a different nationality. The formation of the personality of a younger student takes place in the context of socialization, which is characterized by a desire for success and social recognition, social activity, which are indicators of social success. Various kinds of contradictions arise between ethnicity and the achievement of the social success of elementary schoolchildren in multinational classes. The aim of the study was to study the features of social success of younger students of polyethnic classes. The objectives of the study were to determine the formation of components of social success of primary school students, to establish differences between the components of social success of the ethnic majority and minority, to identify the ratio of socially successful and socially unsuccessful students of polyethnic classes. The sample was made by primary school children of 2 and 3 classes with a multi-ethnic composition (n=182), which is represented by the main ethnic group – Russians and an ethnic minority consisting of students of different nationalities. Diagnosis of social success was carried out using the methodology of sociometry (J. Moreno), questionnaire of interpersonal relations “My class” (Yu. Z. Gil’bukh) testing motivators socio-psychological activity of a person (N. P. Fetiskin, V. V. Kozlov, G. M. Manuylov). The parametric student t-test was used to compare the social success of students of different ethnic groups. Results and discussion. Experimental research has established the levels of formation of the components of social success of elementary schoolchildren of multinational classes: the prevalence of favorable sociometric status (stars, the preferred), achievement of success, tendency for affiliation, the school life satisfaction, low conflict and lack of solidarity, mainly among representatives of the ethnic majority. The features of the social success of primary school students of multiethnic classes are the differences in conflict, solidarity, and the tendency to the affiliation of the ethnic majority and minorities. In the total sample of elementary schoolchildren of multinational classes, by the positive indicators of socially successful students, twice as many were identified as socially unsuccessful. Conclusion. It is emphasized that the social success of primary school students of multi-national classes is not due to national affiliation, but other social and personal characteristics. The study enriches and complements the pedagogy of primary school, the theory and methodology of education of younger students with new data on the socialization of the child’s personality in the system of interethnic interaction, the features of social success of students at the stage of primary education. The study of these aspects is necessary for primary school teachers working with a multi-ethnic composition of students to develop intercultural interaction and communication among younger students, the formation of a tolerant attitude to representatives of other ethnic groups, understanding ways and means of achieving social success. Keywords: primary school children; multi-national classes; success; social success; ethnic majority, ethnic minority | 1061 |