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1 | Introduction. The issue of formation of humanitarian students’ cultural and leisure activities in the situation of integration and globalization of culture, transformation of public institutions, development of leisure industry, emergence of new forms of cultural and leisure self-organization is actualized. Material and methods. The results of interdisciplinary studies of the problem of open education are presented. The structural-functional model of open humanitarian education is characterized. The methods of modeling, pedagogical design, focus groups, interviewing, questionnaires, conversations and various diagnostic methods (Career Anchors, Value Orientations, Meaningful Life Orientations) were used. Results and discussion. The concept of cultural and leisure competence is interpreted as an integrative quality of an individual, manifested in its positive motivational value attitude to cultural and leisure activities, in the communicative and design skills of organizing cultural and leisure practices. The structure of the working concept is presented in the form of three components: value motivational, communicative and design. The content of the three stages of cultural and leisure competence formation is described: analytical (stage of immersion and meeting with cultural and leisure reality), technological-mastering various technologies of cultural and leisure activities with a predominance of communication samples in the framework of current actions and events; transformative stage is focused on gaining experience in transforming urban cultural and leisure reality. Conclusion. The final test to identify the dynamics in the levels of formation of cultural and leisure competence of humanitarian students showed that the greatest positive changes occurred in the communicative and design components. Keywords: open education, cultural and leisure competence, structural and functional model of open humanitarian education, organizational and pedagogical conditions of realization | 1047 |